Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Monday, April 30, 2012
When women write about men
I do not know how to use the word processor at this blog spot because all my paragraphs end up one single paragraph causing me to believe that blogger simply wants my blogs to be brief.
Women can write about men if they have undergone an experience such as I have done, and that is to recall lifetimes in the person of a male then. One who relives an experience as a man has the ability to think as a man. I have had many battlefield experiences, and I was no Joan of Arc, but instead I was in the person of Alexander the Great. I stepped over many dead horses and men, I dodged many horses astride my own warhorse, and I saw life in 4 BC as Alexander experienced it. So I believe I can write only those details as I saw them, including that of the city of Persepolis should I ever get this novel that far. I have found that writing about his childhood has unearthed information that I did not know existed but has been revealed to me as I write it. I won't change those writings at all. The historical narratives that I used to paraphrase I will alter a lot to make the story interesting instead of dull and dreary. So yes, I can write about men when I am drawing upon these strange kind of interior experiences. So there!
How to Survive a Hotel Fire
When one enters a hotel anywhere, the first thing one should do is check the fire exits, find the fire extinguisher, and proceed to learn how to exit your room to find the stairwells that will lead you to safety. I warn you. Do this as soon as you check into your room, and settle into your stay there, even if for only one night.
If a fire should occur, be aware of how to get to safety. If however, you are trapped, and the hallway is on fire, then you must know how to proceed to protect yourself. Use hotel towels, soak them in water, and seal the bottom of the doors so that the gases cannot get into your room. People are killed from gases more than from flames.
The bathroom is the safest place in which to stay should a fire break out. Stay low to the ground, do not stand up. Crawl if need be to the door or to the window if you are able to use the door or window as an exit. Cover your mouth and nose with a dampened towel.
Proceed with caution. In this time period, it is probable that you have a cell phone and can get help quickly. No matter what, stay as close to the floor as possible, wait, stay calm, and hopefully, you will be rescued.
May is Short Story Month
I just happened to read that May is short story month. I was thinking about the concept of rejection which Mme. Guillotine had raised earlier today in one of her blog posts. I told her about a short story that I had written years ago which was actually a dramatization of an article that I had read on how to survive a hotel fire. I thought that it would be important to children to know what to do in case of fire inside a hotel room, so I sent my story to Cricket, one of the leading children's magazines to see how they would receive it. I sent it there instead of to Highlights for Children, which I probably should have done, because at that time the going rate for a children's story at Cricket was 25 cents a word.*
I have gone through life knowing that the words are taken out of my mouth, and my friends mouths, and placed in the mouths of actors on t.v. sit coms, in movies, in books, in magazines,so that I became a walking mouthpiece warning people of it, saying that I had a microphone of some kind on me. In the movie Victor Victoria it is called a bug in her throat.
So that when I began the thoughts of writing professionally I became very jealous and possessive of my own words, knowing that they are worth a lot of money. I think it is time that people wake up to the fact that writers do make money from the stories that they write when properly published.
So publishing houses annoy the hell out of me. I take umbrage at the fact that they would dare to reject something that is for the well being of the community simply because I did not use my own name, or did not send it to the right publishing company.
So when the MGM caught fire in Vegas that same year, I felt a bit like the what they call the "bad" Jan when I thought, well, Cricket deserves that...they could have helped to save some children and adults lives.
In other words, after my story was returned to me, and yes, I felt the warmth in it, but that was so much patooey, I decided that it is not worth my time to sit down and pen stories or anything else when immediately afterward I begin to hear my own words coming back to me out of the t.v. or in a movie. Yes, I heard my last sentence resounded over and over for years and years and I know of only one place for that leak, and that personal knowledge, and that is at the place called Cricket.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Winning at the Derby
Ways to win at the Derby
Make two lists: one is favorites, second is non favorites or longshots.
Use your noodle. Don't listen to every handicapper, friend, or foe who tries to tell you who will win this race. That includes me as well. Think for yourself.
Do not bet Jockey or Trainer. Each one of them is the same in one respect...Each really wants to win this as much as the next one.
You can rely on statistics. The history is simple. With twenty horses racing, the horses that are in gates 5 through 12 have the best chance to win.
Best not to use all favorites or all longshots...if you are betting exotics which are exactas, trifectas, and superfectas. Pick 3's and 4's are best with combinations of favorites and longshots also.
I am really writing this for the benefit of those who are not long time horseracing fans but who are just going to have fun or for the first or second time...friends in VW and family.
Do not overlook horses that have odds of 20 to 1 or 30 to 1 as they may show up in second or third position in a trifecta or superfecta...that is their entire pay big paydays to the lucky fan who knows which of those to combine with the favorite who just might make it into the winner's circle.
If you think that sharing something in common with my nephew Bryce or my cousin Rita is a good omen, then bet El Padrino. If you think that sharing something in common with me is a good omen, then bet Bodemeister.
That is all the tips I can give you for now. A longshot which may work is Went the Day Well, and another I like is Mark Valeski if his heel is really healed up to be in this race. Maybe he should sit it out to go for the Belmont.
I saw El Padrino and Mark Valeski as looking like Affirmed and Alydar in the Risen Star...but things change. Neither are like that at all.
Personally, I like Gemologist too...he is undefeated so far, and has a great attitude when he is on camera. Truly, the best horses to win the roses are BED...Bodemeister, ElPadrino, and Dullahan, with Creative Cause and I'll Have Another. Mark Valeski is good if his heel is well. If not, forget it.
Like I said, choose your own horses. Those are my best bets. Bodemeister is THE BEST no doubt about it...but it is a crapshoot as his trainer says, and anything goes...double arrows up! Hope they are good luck!
Good Luck.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Philip Gets Another Statue
Corinith was bustling with excitement. People crowded the streets, cheering, reveling, waiting to see Philip appear with his many delegates who followed him around. I watched the crowd as they elbowed one another, each pushing one another, trying to find a place to watch the dedication of the statue, and the presentation of the City's recognition of Philip's great work which he had just fulfilled. A clean, crisp cool breeze accompanied the brilliant sun as it glared down at the huge crowd gathering in the gardens. The ocean breezes filled the air, carrying the smell of the sea into the hillside. An azure blue sea circled the city when I looked down from the hilltop to gaze out into the distance. I heard a cheer, that soon became a roar, so that I realized that Father was entering the gardens with his delegation. I hurried to meet him, pushed my way through the raucous masses, and saluted him when he saw me. I had to stand as one of his bodyguards along with the other pages who traveled with him. He was about to have a statue dedicated in his honor, and to receive the approval and acceptance by all the populace of Corinth. At last, my father had achieved one of his goals. He had finally united Greece into a single body.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Kentucky Derby Bets Part 3
Usually I say you need a racing form to bet wisely and sensibly. But with the internet providing enough information in videos and handicapping opinions, you do not need to waste the money ($6.00) when the internet provides the answers for you.*
Remember one thing...Nobody knows until it is over who is going to win. I maintain that the horses know, that some omniscient force and power knows, but nobody else does...I believe in the powers that give to me the names of the horses just before they win. They are Nearly always right. I could cite them but will let that pass for this entry.*
So no handicapper anywhere really knows any more about it than you, I, or the man next door. It is a game, a risk, and an educated and practical guess. Nobody knows when a horse could lose a shoe, could break down, could throw his rider, etc. So count on little but chance to satisfy your penchant for game playing if you play this game.*
A win, place, bet across the board will give you the payoff for a single horse. A double will give you the pay off for two winners in two consecutive races. A pick three will give you a payoff in three consecutive correctly bet winner only. These are dangerous bets. After studying horses winning and losing ways for years, I seldom bet anything but a single race and often a single horse.*
However, an exacta is the horses that come in 1,2, or win and place. One can make an exacta box. If my horse does win, and he is a long shot, he will pay well no matter if the favorite or a medium horse will come in second. Why? Because the number of people who bet him is so small that the pool will be divided up amongst those of us who use that longshot horse with the favorite, and the payoff is better if he wins rather than comes in second.*
It is important that you understand that for winning is the name of the game, and big payoffs is what the professional gamblers look to survive and to win this game.*
We do not care that Bob Baffert had a heart attack, that his horse is named for his son, that kind of sentimentality has nothing to do with the end result of the race. The end result is the fact that we put our money up on a horse, and want that horse to win to pay us in a manner that will feed us, house us, and maybe even give us a year's break from the recession.*
I once heard a voice from the crowd yell to a jockey, " I have rent to pay". I had a man come up and hit me because he lost a race. I had no idea why he picked on me. When I saw Talk Radio I recognized him as the actor who portrayed the man who shot the radio jockey in the movie...A Hollywood actor hit me!
Kentucky Derby Bet part 2
A track that I soon visited after driving from California to Michigan in 1973 was Churchill Downs. In 1972, I left California during an election to go back to Michigan. In 1973, Secretariat won the Triple Crown. I had passed through Lexington, KY. on my way, and a motel there impressed me with its motto on a card that said, Our patrons are worth it. This was bluegrass country and this was a reminder from the maid to leave a tip. It is one of the few motels that I have ever tipped the maid for her hospitality and work. I was worth it.*
Secretariat was the most magical horse that had ever happened to America in that time period. People were tired of politics and needed a hero, and found it in a horse. I can never forget that beautiful horse who thrilled us all in the Kentucky Derby, who went on to the Preakness, and won there. I was at a friends home for both races. But for the third race, I stayed in my own home with my dad sitting behind while together we watched Secretariat make the most fantastic run in history. I was astounded at his performance.*
Soon after that I decided to go to Louisville in the first week in May to see the Derby for myself. I had no idea what that entailed but I took a greyhound bus, and bussed myself to Louisville. White tents packed together on the streets of Louisville impressed me no end. I met a man who told me about Edna's restaurant, a key word to me, and I immediately understood when I went into the grandstand and saw Churchill Downs for the first time myself. I recognized enough of it as Edna's place that I realized its significance to me. That is one reason I say the horse that wins loves the track.*
I saw Lucien Lauren in person. I had no idea then at the peculiar fact that the colors of Secretariat were the same as on a dress that I had worn (a gift to me as a kind of second hand rose) to the Salk Institute in So. California. That was published in the local newspaper. I have that photo to this day.*
I met a man whose name I will omit but who told me that a horse is just a commodity. He has the name of a famous trainer which is why I will omit it but I always think of it.*
I attended the Kentucky Oaks race, studied the chances of my going to the Derby, learned what it costs to enter the facility, and decided to place my bet (I lost) and return home. * I said the name of the horse that I thought would win, immediately knew it would not, as I have a spiritual gift that tells me the truth of winners and losers, and right away knew that Snow Chief was not going to win the Derby that year...When my voice is sound and strong, the horse will win...if it weakens, drifts, and fades out, the horse does the same.*
I was back in Michigan the next day, and watched the derby from t.v. as everyone else did. I would not fight my way into the infield to blend in with the crowds there. The Derby is one big party and fun! Let us keep it that way always.
This year I am going to bet a monster trifecta for the first time. The horse I believe will win is a longshot. I believe that he will win and that I will bet him singly on top of several for exactas, trifecta, and superfecta. I will also insure myself by betting a normal protect yourself bet just in case Union Rags or Bodemeister or some other favorite may be able to do it. I doubt it. I am convinced that the longshot will win. I have given his name up several times. I have a good reason for betting him. I have already placed a $5.00 win bet on a future bet for him. He is IN so he can WIN! but it is still a few days to go before this race is won. Hope I collect on that Monster Trifecta!
Kentucky Derby Race Bets
Betting the Kentucky Derby is a chance, a risk, a payday for many who think straight and know how to detect the likely winners from those who just want to be "in" the race.*
A little history on me. On a rainy day in Southern California an old school chum of my dad's who had earned his dough during the depression betting race horses came to visit my dad when my parents had come to California to see me. This fella was a very close pal of my dad's and so he took us to Los Alamitos where he made $50 bets on horses. This was my first outing, and as it was a rainy day, a situation occurred at that track to where the inside rail produced the most winners, something that I have never forgotten to this day. That was my initiation.*
I love quarter horses. They are swift, quick, and by golly, it is all over in a few fractions of a! What speed! What beauty! I even saw Doc Severinson one time make a personal appearance at the track in Southern California...tooting his own horn for the pleasure of the gamblers.*
Eventually, I made it to Santa Anita where I for some odd reason one day just happened to name many of the winners without knowing a dang thing about it but the oddity of it caught my attention. This was done while walking by the horsebarn area, long before I even knew the actual layout of the track or the barns. The track is situated right next to a shopping center there so it was easy for me to get lost going from the shopping center to the racecourse.*
Finally, I went back to Santa Anita to bet when a fellow teacher asked me to go with her to the races, and that is when I learned what the inside of the grandstand looked like, found the walking ring, and the paddock area, and learned what the gambling windows were all about. I was very green despite having watched my dad's pal strut his stuff when at Los Alamitos.*
I finally went back to Santa Anita, began to pay attention to the horses, noticed that they paid attention to me, and learned that I am some kind of horse whisperer. That is why I became so interested in horses. I found that I could communicate with them.*
I have bet a variety of wagers since that first initiation and introduction, but some of the men who befriended me told me that the $2.00 better is the backbone of the track. Notice how large grandstands are in comparison to the clubhouse and the turf club. I have used both grandstand and clubhouse for varied reasons, usually ability to see what is happening, and became acquainted finally with the necessary tools to finally win horse racing. A racing form, a program, and an interest in the horse, jockey, and trainer who is making his living on the success and failure of these beautiful animals.*
Santa Anita is and always will be my favorite track of racetracks because it is there that I began to seriously learn the skill of gambling race horses. I have visited many other tracks, but Santa Anita will always be top favorite with me.*
Am publishing this to take up in next post as I know from sad experience that the built in paragraphs will have to have a star in front of them so you will know that this is where I made a paragraph.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Resume and credentials are things that frankly annoy me. I began working and accepting payment for work when a child. I baby sat for years, worked at being a waitress, cashier, and clerk up until I graduated from college. I then began a teaching career in the state of Michigan, teaching high school students, starting with honors classes at Bay City Handy, to Kearsley High School for my first bona fide salaried teaching position. I had majored in English Education and have a minor in Sociology. I continued to teach in Arizona tenth graders and then in California to high school students from grades 9 through 12. I loved my teaching career, and was more interested in influencing students than in promoting myself in any way other than as a classroom teacher.
Sadly, thanks to my students, I became aware that our school system was a model for television programming of all kinds. Being located in California made it easy for the Hollywood writers to use words right out of our mouths so that we became famous through our words, and deeds without our own immediate approval or knowledge of it. Thanks to faculty members, and my students, I soon became aware of the tentacles of Hollywood. Eventually, even the law came to bring oldtimers of Hollywood to our school system so that we could get a closeup view of Hollywood and its treatment of bit actors and actresses.
Fame is a game that nobody can quite understand. It pays well to some of its players, but most get caught in a wheel of destruction that is massive and pervasive.
For years, because I knew full well that I did not need to write a word myself but that my life story would be plastered in the media, t.v., books, magazines, all covering me with pseudonyms right and left, I would not attempt to use the skills I had to write for any publisher of any kind. The most I did was for our own student newspaper which I once used as a platform to write in response to the murder of Robert Kennedy.
I knew that I did not need to do a thing. I have hundreds of Hollywood writers who will say it all for me. I even studied this to learn whether it was a natural phenomena that all my words and those of people around me came back to me immediately either on the Tonight Show or SNL or some other shtick out of Hollywood and New York. I fought it hard and long like some fish caught in a net or on a fishing line...I did not always like it but I soon came to realize it would happen like it or not and so learned to control my words carefully.
I tell people about it upfront. They too can see themselves on t.v. if they choose. Students are usually the one's who know first what is going on, and it has continued even here in Southern Arizona, as I found that it followed me to Florida, even in the movie Annie Hall, which I saw clearly showed scenes from my first year in Ft. Lauderdale area, when I met an entire group of people from NYC...Russell Ruth and Eddie Balls, to name a couple.
Don't worry. I know it continues now despite my not watching t.v. so much any longer. When I began to see if I could write novels, short stories, etc. I studied this studiously with the help of the Detroit News, and Detroit Free Press, and General Hospital, and One Life to Live.
I do have those samples of writing...a novel became a true life story culminating in the OJSimnpson/Nicole Brown story as well as the Jon Benet Ramsey story. I stopped writing then, realizing that I am tapping into universal forces.
I have taken up writing again, and am concentrating on again universal forces to which I have been privileged to enjoy experiences unlike most in this world. I am a believer in my experiences so will stop this ongoing explanation of where I am now and why I am here.
My students did teach me a lot...I had been told that I had looked like some character on a soap opera. I learned that I look like many characters in many plots...whatever works, and is fair, horsepucky, as they say in Hollywood! Right, Bill?
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Changes in the internet
There are many problems in becoming a part of a discussion group, blogspot, facebook, twitter, linked in, etc. Too darn many groups as far as I am concerned, and I have only so many hours of the day so do not like being chained to a computer for much of it. I try to limit it to two hours a day. So as a result some things go neglected. Only so much time for any of them, but I hate it when one has gotten adjusted to a system to have it up and change its format, destroying much of what it had had earlier, and not giving the participant any idea of what is happening. I admit I do not like many of the changes when they affect the end result. As for instance, right now I am disliking this new change in blogspot since it simply will not do as indicated on the dummy sheet or original copy but instead decides to take upon itself the job of pushing all the words together without paragraphing. Don't like what is happening.
Post Positions of Kentucky Derby Winners
Continuing with the analysis of post positions that produced winners, these are the results: 1 has produced two winners, 2 has produced 4 winners, 3 has had 3 winners, 4 has had two winners, 5 has had four winners, 6 has had two, and 7 has had two, 8 has had four, 9 has had only one, but 10 has had seven winners, 11 has had none, 12 has had one, 13 has had one, 14 has had none, 15 has had one, and 16 has had four, 17, none, 18, one, and 19 none, and 20 one. This blasted computer erased all the names but since I listed those already I decided to just indicate total number according to post position.
Do I think it matters? yes, I definitely do. I learned this in Florida years ago at a dog race on the last day at Hollywood Greyhound park. I noticed and oddiity occuring in the race and soon learned to bet it since it happened consistently. That is one of the things that actually caused me to take up racing seriously.
I have been receiving information about how to win at dog races which can also be applied to horse racing. One of the things I notice is that many professional gamblers discount what I call signals to me from the dogs or the horses which I call dog talk or horse talk and I do pay attention to the body language of both. I have won mostly through trusting that system more than any other.
The other odd thing that always caught my attention is the voice from within which is more like being a radio receiver or television receiver upon which I get and hear a voice which tells me the name of the winner.
I heard the name of Strike the Gold that way the first year I went to Turf Paradise after moving to Arizona. I learned who Nick Zito is that year.
I watch body language on both horses and dogs. It does mean something when I am present. I proved it at Santa Anita one year by talking to the horses and won an exacta bet when two horses both signaled to me that they would be winning together in that last race. Tickled me pink to collect on that bet.
At any rate, I have won betting on dog language and horse language at the races. I tend to believe and trust in the language that the dog or horse transmits more than the handicappers who think that they know all the answers. Nobody ever knows all the answers, but mostly take good guesses and hedge their bets.
Believe it or not, I have made paragraphs on this original piece but when it is published it will all be as if it were one single paragraph. That is due to Google, not to my habit of paragraphing.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Kentucky Derby Winning Stats
I wanted to know the post position of each of the Kentucky Derby winners in the past years since it has grown so crowded. This is what I found and listed so as to make some sense of them. Does post position matter? In a way, it would appear that it does not matter that much. But this is a list of years, name of horse, and post position. Vital stats which are available on the internet.
2011, Animal Kingdom, post 16; 2010, Super Saver, post 4; 2009, Mine That Bird, post 8; 2008 Big Brown, post 20; 2007, Street Sense, post 7; 2006, Barbaro, post 8; 2005, Giacomo, post 10, 2004, Smarty Jones, post 13; 2003, Funny Cide, post 5; 2002, War Emblem, post 5; 2001, Monarchos, post 16; 2000 Fusiachi Pegasus, post 15; 1999, Charismatic, post 16. Post positions will now be listed with the name of the horse, but not the year, just a running list of the numbers to 1970. Real Quiet, 3; Silver Charm, 5; Grindstone, 6; Thunder Gulch, 16; Go for Gin, 8; Sea Hero,6; Lil E. Tee, 10; Strike the Gold, 5; Unbridled, 8; Sunday Silence, 10; Winning Colors, 1; Alysheba, 3; Ferdinand, 1; Spendabuck, 10; Swale, 15; Sunny's Halo, 10; Gato del Sol, 18; Pleasant Colony, 7; Genuine Risk, 10; Spectacular Bid, 3; Affirmed, 2; Seattle Slew, 4; Bold Forbes, 2; Foolish Pleassure,3; Cannonnade, 2; Secretariat, 10; Riva Ridge, 9; Cananero II, 12;
Thursday, April 19, 2012
How to Play the Horses
I bought a racing form for Wednesday's races and studied only Keeneland and Hawthorne to play. I went to the Upper Deck, had a coke, and studied the races before I decided to play any. It is sometimes necessary to have a racing form to understand why it is that some horses are favored to win and others are not. As it so happened, had I played my horses right that day I could have returned home a whole lot fatter and richer in the purse, but being still too wary of making a ticket, I watched as horses that I realized could win, did win, and thus missed a great bet.
Races are always such that you cannot ever truly win no matter if you do win, because then you think that you should have bet more on that particular race to take home more money had you bet it two or three times around.
I did learn finally how and why the huge payoffs work as they do. They only work when very few people decide to bet that horse, so that if the horse does come in to be in the money, only a few people have bothered to use it in their exotic tickets, thus, the huge big payoff.
I had just read some information about monster trifectas which is being sold on the internet, and as a result I grew up to realize that these trifectas do occur for a reason, and the reason is that very few people play the horses that do win.
With this new profound knowledge at my disposal I shall try once again. I am actually waiting for the derby to occur.
I did read some funny things about greyhound racing which I am getting at twitter if I have not unfollowed this guy already. One today did hit home with me as smart, and I may decide to actually bet a few dogs this week also. He made some sense today in a post I received. The easy bet to make which truly impressed me. His advice is to play a quinella bet, boxing four dogs. I shall try that. Even in horses it is a good idea to do that when playing with only six or seven horses.
Also, I have the gift of receiving information from sources within and I had been getting some information about the Derby which I was surprised to learn came true tonight. I had been receiving the idea that I would be surprised about a horse which will not be in the Derby. It turns out that Secret Circle, a favorite of mine, will not be in the race this May. I am rather sad to learn that but when I read it I realized that my little voice from within had told me right again. I surely hope it is right about the winner of the Derby as I shall rely upon that to win it now for sure.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Men who missed the Titanic
The Smithsonian Magazine listed a group of men who survived the Titanic by not being aboard the ship when it made its maiden voyage. It is interesting to note who they are and why they did not take the voyage when it was offered. A few had already paid for their rooms or had made deposits, and two were offered free trips but declined them. I am wondering why it is that these chosen few decided not to take the trip.
Since there were many predictions of disaster, one cannot help but wonder if they had been influenced by those fears. Did that save some of them?
One, Theodore Dreiser, American author and poet, journalist, was urged by his English publisher to take a lesser expensive ship which he in fact did. Milton Hershey had made a 10% percent deposit on a stateroom but apparently canceled his plans at the last minute. He is famous for chocolate and the town of Hershey in Pennsylvania which is named for him.
J. Piermont Morgan, banking captain, who had single handedly saved the banking industry five years earlier in 1907, had had a specially built stateroom built for his travels, which included specially made cigar holders. He opted to stay in Aix, France to take soothing sulfer baths and have massages rather than enjoy the luxury of exquisite dining, appointments, and grandeur aboard the famed Titanic. Why? Was he warned? Later, he is said that it is better to lose financially than to lose life? That dreadful death?
A friend of his, Henry Clay Frick, stayed in Italy, because his wife suffered a sprained ankle and needed medical care.
A millionaire sportsman who had taken a tour of Europe, Alfred Vanderbilt, canceled his planned journey also, but managed to take the illfated Lusitania three years later where he met his destiny with death.
John R. Mott, famed evangelical offical of the Y.M.C.A. had been offered a free room for himself and his friend and companion but declined it to take the Lapland, a more humble vessel.
Why did these men survive? Fate? Intuition? Fear? or just dumb luck? Chance?
Men who were vital to the interests of the who had accomplished great success for the well being of our society. These men are deserving of our attention. Their lives were spared so that they could continue in their own personal affairs, business, and creations.
I wonder at how they celebrated each and every anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Did they recall the reason that they were not amongst the casualty lists?
Bad Girl
I had to make a few changes and am hoping that I have not completely over exposed my naughty thoughts at times...had to edit out a few expletive words that I had to use to expell anger. I understand well why people use slang expressions, vile expletives when frustrated or angry, as they are a mild form of punching someone in the head if one could, or kicking someone in the derriere if one could...Last night I was ready to eliminate two cats from my life when they got into a bad fight and the one could not stop screaming loudly, waking everyone up far and wide within hearing distance...I was furious, had to throw water on them to stop them, and put Alexander out into the shed this time, after taking Marcello out since I could see that he was really not the culprit this time, though the one doing all the screaming and that alone merited a few minutes in detention. But when I saw what Alexander had done to him, and then even attempted to do it to me too, I let Alexander spend the night there. It meant that I had to get up at 5:00 this morning to let Alexander back in, and was up until 9:00. I had gone to bed after 1:00 so I got only four hours sleep, so I ended up going back to sleep around ten to wake up around 1:00, studiously avoiding all the neighbors, and worrying about what I am going to do about this situation. Ruined my night and today as I am still trying to decide how to solve this problem.
Computers! Bah Humbug
It is true that computers have changed our lives totally. I recall when I was a teacher in Azusa that the computer program was called Socrates. What a joke.
Oh dear. I am in a bad mood this morning that was changed only due to my having some good blogsites to check into here at this blogspot so I was able to tune in some beautiful music to soothe my aching soul this morning. Actually, it is afternoon but I got up late due to not being able to get to sleep until nearly 4:00 this morning.
I am in a bitchsnit. I get so tired of all the political crap that circulates on facebook as neither side is right in its extreme lies about the other, and I sounded off this morning.
I hate American politics right now. Neither party is any good at all in my opinion. All they can do is blame each other all day long, and sooner or later, this stupid American public may finally get it right by ejecting both of them and going for someone who is not a part of the party machine.
Dream on! That day will never come!
Had to find a place to let it all hang out so it is here today.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Horse Racing Problems
I went to Brennan's yesterday to bet on the Fantasy Stakes. Unfortunately, I screwed up again, a problem I have I cashed out and decided to wait until Saturday to go to the track to finally do this job. I then proceeded to buy some Brita filters and some cole slaw and baby spinach with my winnings from the previous games played. It is in Oaklawn Park and Keeneland this weekend that I may finally get my goal achieved, and that is to get out of the $2.00 ranks into the $20.00 ranks in time to do $200 ranks at the Kentucky Derby. I am working on it.
I will be checking all these programs coming up for Saturday this afternoon, as well as maybe buy a racing form tomorrow. I do best with a racing form than without especially when I want to play exotics.
I had a $5.00 coupon a Brita filter box so I used it and the total cost of five filters was only $14.99 instead of $19.99 at Fry's. I must return to Fry's to buy a new pitcher before they go off the sale.
I have to go to Desert School this afternoon also. Am using wifi in Clubhouse while letting cellphone recharge. Using the videocam on it today used up the battery quickly and all of sudden just like that, my phone stopped. I need to get a new phone as this one is annoying me no end.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Conference of the Gods
(This is another gathering of all the gods to Father Zeus.) Zeus gathered all the gods and goddesses together in his great court. "My son, Alexander, is growing up. I expect great things for him. He is going to do magnificent things. i expect that each one of you is going to help him in his mission while on earth and in mortal man's form."
"There will be time enough for each one of you to assist not only Alexander but also his entire family, mother, father, armies, friends, and companions so that the rule of Zeus will spread throughout the land."he added.
Zeus sat tall and proud on his throne which was perched high in the clouds as he amused himself watching the earthlings, mortal beings, below weave their way through the world, enjoying commerce, trade, philosophy, the arts, music, and culture.
"I have decreed that Alexander shall rule all of Asia Minor, and Greece, Egypt, and India until I shall end his days in Babylon. He shall journey far and wide, and his mother and his father shall be the cause of his greatness in the world. He will spread my kingdom far and wide. Together, all of us will help him to supplant the old religions of that great empire called Persia." announced Father Zeus CloudGatherer.
"Each one of you is charged to use your particular gift and talent to enable Alexander to achieve his goals," and we shall begin influencing him in his youth so that by the time he achieves manhood, he will be able to take over the business that his father has begun," Almighty Zeus continued.
"I have already breathed my life's breath into him, given him my wisdom and my depths, so that he will be vigorous and brilliant in his body and mind," the great father announced.
"Yeah. Yeah!" all the gods and goddesses murmured together as one. "We approve," they agreed.
"Alexander is our special charge at this time, he continued. He will be endowed with genius, vitality, swiftness of foot, quickness and alertness of mind, possessing mental clarity, gifted with spiritual insights, having great psychic abilities, and he will be well endowed physically, with great muscular strength and strong physical body. His senses shall be keen and true. He shall be like the immortals except that he will be with men who are mortal. He is my true son born of the union of Philip and Olympias."
Zeus announces Alexander to the Heavens
"Yaaaaaaaaahooooooo!" Zeus roared. Everyone in the kingdom heard him and came rushing to see why he was so excited. Athena was first to reach him. "What's with you, Father Zeus", she asked. " I could hear your whooping all over the Heavens."
"My son is born!" Philip and Olympias have given birth to my son!"
"How did you do it this time, Father?" Did you do it in disguise? Did Olympias recognize you?" Queen Hera asked.
"No, it was so easy....At his birth, I breathed my breath of life into him. I waited until he was coming out of the womb, and I gathered him to me and forced the breath of my life into him. He will have my vitality, my wisdom, my energy, my intelligence, my voice, my life for all the days of his life. He will be my voice on the earth!" Father Zeus said proudly. " He is my child, my offspring, though his earth father Philip brought him forth with Queen Olympias, he will always be known as my son."
"We will watch over him for you, Great Father," shouted Athena Pallas.
"We will give him great love and honor," said Aphrodite.
"I will invest courage, bravery, dash and spirit into him," shouted Apollo.
"I will feed him," said Demeter. "He will never want for sustenance."
"I will give him faith, mysticism, belief, and steadfastness," agreed Queen Hera.
"I will give him strength of character, boldness, fearlessness," cried Poseidon Earthshaker.
"I will make him happy with my grapes of wisdom at all the festivals," exclaimed Dionysus.
Altogether, the entire body chorused, "Together, we will rule the world with him."
Father Zeus said to Apollo, "Go to see him now. I will be along soon."
Apollo sped out of Heaven to stand in front of the happy Mother and Father to see the golden haired child become consecrated to Father Zeus and all the gods and goddesses in the Heavens.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Decision about Novel
I am writing a note to myself about my novel on Alexander. I mentioned this in a status report at Facebook and am wanting to remind myself to have Alexander reminisce to himself about when he had been Achilles. I thought of it today when I was mumbling to myself about the fact that in truth in time and space a person is all the persons that they had been in the past and in the future if one has a future it hit me that I should have Alexander remember some things about when he had been Achilles...just a device that I want to imprint on my mind now.
I am considering writing the first draft out in a blog for a lot of reasons...but I am debating it with myself before taking it upon myself to do it.
I have placed a lot of material on this blogspot so that I might put it here so it is all in one spot...drafts mean that changes of all kinds can take place so that the purpose would be to air it and rethink it.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Blogging is quite an art. I have been studying a variety of different blogs, have read all kinds of advice on how to write and develop great blogs. They come in all sizes and kinds I have noticed, and some can even make money for you.
I tended to use mine as a form of my dear diary. Because I am short in the amount of time left on my allowance I am only going to just point out that I will study and learn from others and perhaps come up with a really interesting blog of my own.
I had considered even putting my first draft on a blog just so that it would or could be read by an agent editor to see if anyone might take an interest in it. Then I was advised that that was a bad idea. Conflicts because some say that is a good way to do it and others say not so.
Which is it?
I tended to use mine as a form of my dear diary. Because I am short in the amount of time left on my allowance I am only going to just point out that I will study and learn from others and perhaps come up with a really interesting blog of my own.
I had considered even putting my first draft on a blog just so that it would or could be read by an agent editor to see if anyone might take an interest in it. Then I was advised that that was a bad idea. Conflicts because some say that is a good way to do it and others say not so.
Which is it?
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Santa Anita Derby, Wood Memorial, et al
I wanted to do really well today at the races but reverted back to my usual safe and consistent pattern, and believe it or not, had another one of those things happen where something is given to me. Wonder when I will take it and bet it instead of sitting, knowing it will come, and watching it happen. I know the problem is that I would have thought why didn't I bet the whole enchilada on it instead of being such a little bit. I have to get over this reluctance to bet a sizeable amount instead of a stingy amount.
So I am sitting here, analyzing myself, and my reasons, satisfied that I did win but not enough to make it worth much. Yet, I had a chance to really multiply my take if I had only made a $20 trifecta bet. The bet had to happen for me to realize that and in realizing it I must learn from it so that next time I can actually pull it off.
I am writing this here to make note of it. At Mary's it was Triniberg who did win again it was a combination of three and I knew that they were the best bet...and they did come in...New York race with Gemologist, Alpha, and the four horse...Will work this out in time to make it come through for me soon as I can.
Racing is a game that requires a lot of thought. It is money after all.
So I am sitting here, analyzing myself, and my reasons, satisfied that I did win but not enough to make it worth much. Yet, I had a chance to really multiply my take if I had only made a $20 trifecta bet. The bet had to happen for me to realize that and in realizing it I must learn from it so that next time I can actually pull it off.
I am writing this here to make note of it. At Mary's it was Triniberg who did win again it was a combination of three and I knew that they were the best bet...and they did come in...New York race with Gemologist, Alpha, and the four horse...Will work this out in time to make it come through for me soon as I can.
Racing is a game that requires a lot of thought. It is money after all.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Good Friday and Joseph of Arimathea and Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
Today is Good Friday in all of Christendom which is the remembrance of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus had been dragged through the streets, carrying his cross, while spectators stood and watched, some jeering, some sorrowful, some merely curious. One bystander actually went up to Jesus to help him lift the cross from his back to carry it for him but he was forced to let Jesus continue his foot journey through Jerusalem to reach the cross at Golgotha whereupon he was bound to the cross by nails to die slowly, agonizingly while his staunch supporters, friends and family, looked on in misery to witness the slow death of their beloved son and teacher.
Years later, centuries in fact, Marie Antoinette likewise was hauled across Paris in a cart before jeering spectators, some again sympathetic, some hating and despising her, and some merely curious, wishing to see the ill-fated queen in her journey through town, resembling a bit that same Jesus who had been dragged through Jerusalem to his death.
Jesus, after spending hours on the cross, finally succumbed, and was taken down, and handled roughly by the soldiers who turned him over to his friends and family. They. cared for him lovingly, and tenderly took him to a cave wherein he was laid out to have angels later dress him for his emergence from the tomb. A rock had been placed upon the entry so that noone could steal him away.
Sadly, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, many years later, did not have that same loving touch from their friends and family who could give them proper burial and care. Instead after having been dragged through town,the former queen had to step up onto the platform which held the most horrendous sight in all of Paris, the grand guillotine which would end their lives in a matter of seconds. At least, the French were a bit kinder than the Romans and the Jews who had demanded the death of Jesus instead of Barabas, in that as soon as Queen Marie Antoinette stepped onto the platform, all she had to do was to place her head carefully upon the plate that supported her head so that the huge razor sharp instrument could quickly sever her pretty little head from her body. In an instant, shortly after she apologized for stepping on the foot of the executioner, she was summarily decapitated. The crowd cheered, and her body and head were carelessly and indifferently thrown into a pile where it lay for days before anyone bothered to dispose of it properly.
Jesus lay in his tomb for three days. It was a tomb carefully prepared for him, a cave in a sense, to fulfill his own prophecy that within three days he would be raised from the dead and return to the living.
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette made no such promises, and so their bodies lay neglected for some time before anyone even tended to them at all.
On the third day, after Jesus had been resuscitated from his temporary death, the tomb appeared to be open as the rock had rolled away. An angel greeted the first onlookers. Jesus appeared to his friends who came to seek him and were so amazed to see him reappear as he looked much the same as he had looked before his dreadful scourging and crucifixion. He had been restored to life by angels who tended to him and so his wounds had mended but remained in sight long enough to show them to his disciple Thomas who had doubted the news of his reappearance.
King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette remained in dire neglect.
Jesus's story became known amongst his following, and the church today will continue to celebrate the story of His Resurrection this coming Easter Sunday and Christians worldwide will rejoice that Jesus lives. Hallelujah!
King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette will not be remembered by many since their deaths created a change in the life and government of the newly created republic of France. Yet, thanks to time passing, generations of young French children studying the history of France will possibly realize that just as Jesus had suffered many years ago, being ridiculed as the King of the Jews, the King and Queen of France suffered a similar act that changed the lives of Frenchmen forever.
King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were good Catholics who practiced their faith in Jesus so that just as he laid his life down for all of mankind, they were forced to give up their lives for their countrymen. Young Christians, Catholic and Protestants, can take hope in the fact that since the death of the King and Queen, France has recovered sensibility since the madness that besieged them. Unlike Jerusalem today which remains divided, France is a nation now a republic that is at peace with itself and its horrendous past. No, a king and queen will not be restored to France, but Christians in France can enjoy the victory of Christ over death which likewise promises the victory of the king and queen who believed in Jesus themselves.
Thank Heaven that reenactments of the deaths of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette are not practiced in France in the manner in which reenactments of Jesus Christ are often practiced in the world today.
The important message of Jesus's death is that through obedience to the Father that dwelled within him he was brought back to life to testify to the truth of the power of the spirit over the flesh. As he had promised, he was raised from the dead three days after his expiring on the cross.
What does all this mean? It means that the spiritual life that is within the temporal body, the physical flesh, survives.
It is a matter of faith. It is a matter of history that these events occurred. The faith is dependent upon the need to know the truth. By thy faith thou art cured, Jesus had taught. By faith alone, the Church, the spiritual followers of Christ have grown and prospered.
It is Good Friday, a day to be remembered. As it happened to Jesus, it would happen again and again throughout time to others...King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette are amongst the many who later also suffered the same fate.
Life goes on. Live it in faith and in love towards one another...
Years later, centuries in fact, Marie Antoinette likewise was hauled across Paris in a cart before jeering spectators, some again sympathetic, some hating and despising her, and some merely curious, wishing to see the ill-fated queen in her journey through town, resembling a bit that same Jesus who had been dragged through Jerusalem to his death.
Jesus, after spending hours on the cross, finally succumbed, and was taken down, and handled roughly by the soldiers who turned him over to his friends and family. They. cared for him lovingly, and tenderly took him to a cave wherein he was laid out to have angels later dress him for his emergence from the tomb. A rock had been placed upon the entry so that noone could steal him away.
Sadly, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, many years later, did not have that same loving touch from their friends and family who could give them proper burial and care. Instead after having been dragged through town,the former queen had to step up onto the platform which held the most horrendous sight in all of Paris, the grand guillotine which would end their lives in a matter of seconds. At least, the French were a bit kinder than the Romans and the Jews who had demanded the death of Jesus instead of Barabas, in that as soon as Queen Marie Antoinette stepped onto the platform, all she had to do was to place her head carefully upon the plate that supported her head so that the huge razor sharp instrument could quickly sever her pretty little head from her body. In an instant, shortly after she apologized for stepping on the foot of the executioner, she was summarily decapitated. The crowd cheered, and her body and head were carelessly and indifferently thrown into a pile where it lay for days before anyone bothered to dispose of it properly.
Jesus lay in his tomb for three days. It was a tomb carefully prepared for him, a cave in a sense, to fulfill his own prophecy that within three days he would be raised from the dead and return to the living.
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette made no such promises, and so their bodies lay neglected for some time before anyone even tended to them at all.
On the third day, after Jesus had been resuscitated from his temporary death, the tomb appeared to be open as the rock had rolled away. An angel greeted the first onlookers. Jesus appeared to his friends who came to seek him and were so amazed to see him reappear as he looked much the same as he had looked before his dreadful scourging and crucifixion. He had been restored to life by angels who tended to him and so his wounds had mended but remained in sight long enough to show them to his disciple Thomas who had doubted the news of his reappearance.
King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette remained in dire neglect.
Jesus's story became known amongst his following, and the church today will continue to celebrate the story of His Resurrection this coming Easter Sunday and Christians worldwide will rejoice that Jesus lives. Hallelujah!
King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette will not be remembered by many since their deaths created a change in the life and government of the newly created republic of France. Yet, thanks to time passing, generations of young French children studying the history of France will possibly realize that just as Jesus had suffered many years ago, being ridiculed as the King of the Jews, the King and Queen of France suffered a similar act that changed the lives of Frenchmen forever.
King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were good Catholics who practiced their faith in Jesus so that just as he laid his life down for all of mankind, they were forced to give up their lives for their countrymen. Young Christians, Catholic and Protestants, can take hope in the fact that since the death of the King and Queen, France has recovered sensibility since the madness that besieged them. Unlike Jerusalem today which remains divided, France is a nation now a republic that is at peace with itself and its horrendous past. No, a king and queen will not be restored to France, but Christians in France can enjoy the victory of Christ over death which likewise promises the victory of the king and queen who believed in Jesus themselves.
Thank Heaven that reenactments of the deaths of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette are not practiced in France in the manner in which reenactments of Jesus Christ are often practiced in the world today.
The important message of Jesus's death is that through obedience to the Father that dwelled within him he was brought back to life to testify to the truth of the power of the spirit over the flesh. As he had promised, he was raised from the dead three days after his expiring on the cross.
What does all this mean? It means that the spiritual life that is within the temporal body, the physical flesh, survives.
It is a matter of faith. It is a matter of history that these events occurred. The faith is dependent upon the need to know the truth. By thy faith thou art cured, Jesus had taught. By faith alone, the Church, the spiritual followers of Christ have grown and prospered.
It is Good Friday, a day to be remembered. As it happened to Jesus, it would happen again and again throughout time to others...King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette are amongst the many who later also suffered the same fate.
Life goes on. Live it in faith and in love towards one another...
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