Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Monday, April 23, 2012
Resume and credentials are things that frankly annoy me. I began working and accepting payment for work when a child. I baby sat for years, worked at being a waitress, cashier, and clerk up until I graduated from college. I then began a teaching career in the state of Michigan, teaching high school students, starting with honors classes at Bay City Handy, to Kearsley High School for my first bona fide salaried teaching position. I had majored in English Education and have a minor in Sociology. I continued to teach in Arizona tenth graders and then in California to high school students from grades 9 through 12. I loved my teaching career, and was more interested in influencing students than in promoting myself in any way other than as a classroom teacher.
Sadly, thanks to my students, I became aware that our school system was a model for television programming of all kinds. Being located in California made it easy for the Hollywood writers to use words right out of our mouths so that we became famous through our words, and deeds without our own immediate approval or knowledge of it. Thanks to faculty members, and my students, I soon became aware of the tentacles of Hollywood. Eventually, even the law came to bring oldtimers of Hollywood to our school system so that we could get a closeup view of Hollywood and its treatment of bit actors and actresses.
Fame is a game that nobody can quite understand. It pays well to some of its players, but most get caught in a wheel of destruction that is massive and pervasive.
For years, because I knew full well that I did not need to write a word myself but that my life story would be plastered in the media, t.v., books, magazines, all covering me with pseudonyms right and left, I would not attempt to use the skills I had to write for any publisher of any kind. The most I did was for our own student newspaper which I once used as a platform to write in response to the murder of Robert Kennedy.
I knew that I did not need to do a thing. I have hundreds of Hollywood writers who will say it all for me. I even studied this to learn whether it was a natural phenomena that all my words and those of people around me came back to me immediately either on the Tonight Show or SNL or some other shtick out of Hollywood and New York. I fought it hard and long like some fish caught in a net or on a fishing line...I did not always like it but I soon came to realize it would happen like it or not and so learned to control my words carefully.
I tell people about it upfront. They too can see themselves on t.v. if they choose. Students are usually the one's who know first what is going on, and it has continued even here in Southern Arizona, as I found that it followed me to Florida, even in the movie Annie Hall, which I saw clearly showed scenes from my first year in Ft. Lauderdale area, when I met an entire group of people from NYC...Russell Ruth and Eddie Balls, to name a couple.
Don't worry. I know it continues now despite my not watching t.v. so much any longer. When I began to see if I could write novels, short stories, etc. I studied this studiously with the help of the Detroit News, and Detroit Free Press, and General Hospital, and One Life to Live.
I do have those samples of writing...a novel became a true life story culminating in the OJSimnpson/Nicole Brown story as well as the Jon Benet Ramsey story. I stopped writing then, realizing that I am tapping into universal forces.
I have taken up writing again, and am concentrating on again universal forces to which I have been privileged to enjoy experiences unlike most in this world. I am a believer in my experiences so will stop this ongoing explanation of where I am now and why I am here.
My students did teach me a lot...I had been told that I had looked like some character on a soap opera. I learned that I look like many characters in many plots...whatever works, and is fair, horsepucky, as they say in Hollywood! Right, Bill?
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