In the laundry room, I found a book called Blood Trail. This is a strange story set in Wyoming about a hunter who is more than slightly cuckoo. He has decided to kill other hunters. He actually treated the latest victim like one of the elk who hunters treat in a special way by gutting and decapitating them. He is a serial killer but his thoughts are written up in the first chapter in such a way that is totally captivating and enthralling. For a mentally unbalanced person to think so sensibly and clearly is quite a stretch but the chapter did tell me finally why that first chapter is so important. I had read a similar first chapter a while back that gave me some idea but this one did make me realize how important it is to engage your reader immediately...However, the rest of the story must surely keep up with the pace of the first. But his descriptions of what a hunter sees while carefully studying his prey is incredible.
I have been reading through my last efforts at continuing the story of Alexander, and while I thought I had a great way to make a historical narrative interesting and enthralling, I find that some of it is really good but much must be rewritten. It is actually always a good idea to put aside your work for a while so that it can sit for awhile. Later, you have a more critical and sound attitude to it.
I am at least finally coming back to renewing interest in it again. But the last few months have been difficult for me to concentrate on anything but getting through each day one at a time.
After I had put my pet cat who was named for Alexander to sleep, I changed a lot about my interests in life now. That event of watching my dearest beloved cat die really has impacted me. My mother's death was bad enough for me, and the cat reminded me of when her little tongue suddenly popped out of her mouth too, and her head then just fell to the side. I can never forget either one. My friend Diane thinks I was very brave. I don't think of it as brave at all, but it is something that I am glad now that I was there for each one of them at the time of their death. I wonder now about both. I am sure that Alexander could be in spirit nearby. I don't know about my mother any longer.
I am not trying to be morbid but I understand death better due to both of their passing while I was staring at each one. I was trying to give my mother mouth to mouth rescutitation and realized at how inept I was in my efforts but it was what brought a smile to her face, and her face then went white and she was gone. I never forget her smile though.
Wondering why I wanted to write a book about Alexander at all. Well, at first I did not want to do that. But as time passed and I came to know him better and better, and had so many experiences in going back to that time, some of which truly impacted me very much, helping to explain some of today's events, I became terribly convinced that it would be a good thing if people could see him as I have seen him. Whether I will be right or wrong about that is yet to be realized...I will just keep on working...
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