Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Election is Over! Obama spends another four years in White House.

Once upon a time I really cared about politics enough to actually campaign.  As years go by, and we learn more about the people who are the elected leaders of this land, the more cynical and pessimistic we become.  We learn that they are human beings consumed with grandiose ideas of grandeur associated with power.  Does power corrupt?  Most certainly, there are none who do not become somewhat tainted by the glory and the fame that accompany modern day politics.  The elected love to talk on national television, to be admired, cozied up to, and to actually begin to believe that perhaps they are a slight bit more important than the ordinary man who elected them to the office in which they are serving.  In other words, few can ever be the same person that they had been before occupying whichever seat in government they hold.  The position of elected servant does that to them...Gives them the big head, makes them seem self important, privileged, and after a time, repugnant to the simple folk who elected them.

Obama's appeal to most of the electorate was his background, his birthright debated right and left, his poor boy whose rise to success imitates other Hollywood conjured stories so that many people condescend by feeling sorry for him, pitying him, and thus, electing him.  What a travesty!

The truth about Barack Obama is little known, but believe it or not, there will soon emerge so many books about him, his father,a Kenyan Muslim, his mother, a poor white woman, and then his classy wife so carefully chosen for him by Reverend Wright, that it won't be funny. His life will be dissected to the point that it will be finer than ground flour at a flour mill.  That is the spoils of success in politics. Soon you are studied like any other bug under a microscope.

In Ed Klein's book The Amateur, a term that Bill Clinton called him when urging his wife Hillary to challenge him in the Democratic primary, Barack Obama is exposed as a totally different character than his fiery speech giving oratory makes him appear.  He seems to be hiding behind women's skirts since the women surround him keeping him in a prison of their making.  The book is fascinating to learn that Barack Obama did not curry favor with his old friends who were responsble for getting him into his position but instead he cut loose from them, letting them know that they were liabilities and not assets.

He soon made new conquests and appears to have created an entire new personna.  What the second term will expose in him as he meets the opportunities, challenges, and problems there is more than we can know but believe it  or not, people will be dogging his every step.

Is  he a mole? Is he really selling the country out? Is he morally decadent?  Everyone who studied him and knew him from his legislation in Illinois knew his positions on abortion since he spoke up so often on that cause.

If in fact, he did use Chris Stephens as a means to help al qaeda, the truth must come out. He is being charged with the murder of four men in Libya whom he could have assisted but he did not give an order to help.  He stood by and watched is the charge. 

I wonder if this will escalate or die out. It is a flame in the burner...will the far right win this or will Obama? Stay tuned.  The presidency is the national soap opera.

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