Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Day

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.  I will maybe take a ride to a shopping center,  I might go to the cheap movie theatre in Tempe to see a cheap flick. I should check on that.  I went to Fry's today to get a loaf of bread for a dollar.  I have enough cheese slices to eat plenty of grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch til next payday.  I anticipated a long November so I did stock up on food for the remainder of the month, but purchasing my cellphone has put a real dent in my pocketbook.  Living on too tight of a budget right now, and roughing it and toughing it out til December  comes in. 

My new cellphone has had an affect on me so that I was able to see myself looking my worse and realized that I have only a few years left on the earth.  So I must get my act together now to do all the things I want to do yet.  I am waking up to the fact that when one reaches 70 one is soon to cross over the bridge! 

I will admit that I do not worry about the other side since I have gleaned of so many awesome past lifetimes and have really learned a bit about each one of them.  I am confident that the afterlife is an improvement each time over the past life so that I am partially prepared for whatever lies ahead.

I know positively about the past so I am in anticipation of a greater day ahead in the future...I sometimes take myself very seriously despite knowing that all this is transistory, I know that it is the material existence that we come to love and enjoy.  The spiritual remains are what convinced me that spirit is eternal and constant.  Life can be beautiful if we make it that way. We at least must try. 

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