Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
May 29 throuugh May 31, 1670 Le Roi Louis XIV
This is fascinating to me to realize this now. Think about this after I post this. Ayant passe devant le port Francois et le fort Philippe et dine (dejeune)au fort Louis, la famille royale arrive vers quatre heures de l'apres-midi a Dunkerque et y entre par le porte de Berghe. Le Roi va visiter la citadelle, puis se promene avec le Dauphin autour des remparts et va voir l'infanterie de la garrison a qui il fait faire l'exercise. This occurred on May 29. On May 30, this is what happens. La famille royale entend la messe en l'eglise principale, puis le Roi fait encore une fois le tour des remparts de la ville et en visite les fortifications. Il va ensuite au camp de ses troupes, a une demi-heure ( a l'ouest) en direction de Mardick. L'apres-midi, il fait la revue de la cavalerie de sa Maison, puis retourne a la citadelle et la famille royal va voir les vaisseaux sur le quai, ou elle est ac clamee.On May 31, Le Roi fait faire l'exercise a l'infanterie de la garnison de Furnes, puis va entendre la mess en l'eglise des Jesuites. L'apres-midi, il retourne au camp de ses troupes et va ensuite au bord de la mer. Le soir, un feu d'artifice est tire en l'honneur de la famille royale.
This really gets to me because of Memorial Day, and what happened in France in my lifetime...even though a child then...This is making me think!nn In brief translation, the King and his family are on tour visiting forts, garrisons, and troops, and the ships. He attends several masses at the principal churches and the church of Jesuits. He takes his son, the Dauphin, and walks with him to see the troops. He has gone from one fort to another, to arrive at Dunkirk. He travels on, visits with the cavalry, inspects troops, and the ships on the seashore. A fireworks display is presented in honor of the King and his family in the evening. I find it absolutely amazing and fascinating to think about this.
Professional blogs
rThere are so many variety of blogs on the internet as to be unbelievable. Most are very well decorated, use lots of photos, have fantastic backgrounds, but a rare few just use words and little else to state whatever the purpose of that particular blogsite may be. One I like in the latter case is a creative writer's thoughts as she pens some ideas onto her page, having her followers think about the topic that she is discussing in that particular blog. Since google has created a new look, I have learned that this particular word processing page does not lend itself to paragraphs. I have been using asterisks to indicate where I would paragraph. I am wondering what google is trying to seems to me that it is saying to keep copy short and use photos...I will publish this entry to see what happens with it. I may even stick a photo onto it just to see what will happen.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Post Memorial Day
I am rewritng the entire book which I had begun several years ago. I actually took historians timeline and paraphrased it, trying to turn it into a readable piece of work. I just rewrote ta story I like which has Alexander standing watching his father's army assemble to go to battle. I was trying to identify the different groups of Philip's army using Dodge's narrative. The problem is that when one writes it out the first time for later use it is still in the soundbite of the original author until I can rewrite it in my own words. So I just scotched the entire chapter realizing how like didactic it sounded. I had been sticking to Dodge too much. Notes to myself.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day
Remembering the soldiers who gave their lives in past wars makes one hope that there will be fewer and fewer wars to remember one hundred years from now.
Perdiccass confesses a problem
Alexander, Hephaestion, Perdiccas, Philotas, Harpalos, Leonnatus, and Craterus had spent the afternoon in the forest gathering samples of various fauna and vegetation that grew in the woodland. Each had carried a large bag to fill with berries, nuts, fruits, and plants. They had carried a small knife, a large knife, rolls and coils of rope and cords, and small towels or cloths in which to keep each item separate from one another. They then were required to identify and explain the usefulness of each sample that they found. * They were busily arranging the fruits of their treasure hunt in front of them when Perdiccas asked, "Has any one of you ever been accosted or approached by an adult male for sexual favors?" * "Who would dare?" lauged Philotas. "No! Decidedly not. Why? Have you?" * Perdiccas grimaced. He was a tall, strapping boy who resembled his father in appearance. He had long arms and legs, was lanky and lean, and appeared to be older than the other boys because of his size. "Yes, I have been. I did not know what to do to be honest."* "Well, what happened?"asked Craterus. "Did you submit or resist his advances? What did he do exactly?" * Perdiccas grimaced again and sighed. "I don't know if I should tell you now. We were wrestling together when he all of a sudden put his hands where he is not supposed to do, and said to me, 'I want you to want me now.'". I threw him off and shouted out, 'What do you think you are doing?' He then pulled my leg out from under me and threw me back on the ground. He then said,"You heard me. I want you to want me now. I mean it. He then put my arm behind my back and said loudly, "NOW! Then he put his mouth on my penis and he sucked me as hard as he could. Have any of you ever had that happen to you? "
*"Oh, my word," Philotas gasped. "I can't believe it." * *"I can," answered Leonnatus."There are some men who do it to one another regularly and that is how they add to their numbers. One simply has to learn who they are. Who did this to you? When was it? Recently?" * Alexander asked, " How did you feel after that? What did you do?" *"No, Perdiccas answered, " I did not enjoy it. It was forced upon me. He was mean and ugly to me about it. But he had me pinned down. I could not escape it. I never spoke of it until now. It happened recently so that is why I brought it up." * "Well, I have my bags contents separated into groups now," piped up Harpalos. " We must see if any us has found all that we were supposed to collect...But I am listening...Go ahead with your story. I do know of boys who have been used that way but I myself have never been accosted or approached." * "He laughed at me and jeered when he was finished. He said loudly, 'There boy, you liked it, didn't you? Now you know how to be a man in this army. I was outraged at that thought. Is it true, Alexander? Is that what it takes to be a man in your fahter's army?" Perdiccas asked. * "NO, absolutely not!" Alexander retorted. "How outrageous. Tell me who did this to you and I will see what I can do to prevent it from ever happening again." "Oh, Alexander, you know very well that some of the soldiers are that way, even your father is said to have male lovers!"
Philotas reponded. "My father will have nothing to do with them so that is why I have not ever had that problem. But you? Has anyone ever tried to do that to you?" . "Me?! Never! Noody would dare to think of it.answered Alexander. They are not only afraid of my father but more afraid of my mother. And I would daresay nobody could ever get close to me to attempt it!, he stated firmly. "Besides it is my sister I protect from men's advances. Since she is growing into such a beauty many want her for a bride," he added. * Craterus spoke up. "I had a bad experience one time when I was riding alone. A group of men tried to follow me and I could tell that they were a threat to me so I luckily gave them a chase and escaped them. They were not any of Philip's soldiers. Philip's army is rough and bawdy enough. I suppose that is what some think makes men men." * Alexander said, "What do you think your father would do if you were to tell him, Perdiccas?" * "I won't ever tell him.I don't know what he would say. I don't think that I want to know yet." he answered "I was caught, unprotected. There was nobody around t see or hear me, but I protested loudly and finally had no choice but to give in to his demands." *"Well," Hephaestion said" Some men do worse and make boys suck them as well. I know of a young boy who had been forced to have his buttocks bruised by a huge male cock and it nearly killed him.His mother cried and screamed when she learned what had happened. You know that there are laws posted that it is a crime to perform this kind of sex against children but army soldiers don't often care about laws, do they?" * Alexander retorted,"I care, and so should we all care. We are going to be soldiers of honor, not a group of rapists." Hephaestion smiled, "I agree with you, Alexander. Let's always stay honorable."*Leonnatus who had remained silent during the discussion finally spoke up. "Well, Alexander, you can set ideals and have ideals, but realism is that men do these things all the time and you very well know it. I hope that we as leaders can follow your example and do honorable deeds. Hail to you for thinking wisely and well. I have organized my samples together and am finished. Aristotle will be pleased with my collection I hope. Anybody need any help with yours or are we ready to return home now?" * Perdiccas said, "I hope that you won't think poorly of me for sharing this experience with you." "Not at all,"responded Alexander. We should all be able to share our experiences with each other in confidence and trust. He looked around at each member of the group to see them all nod their heads in agreement.* Philotas answered, "Let us help each other to avoid such problems through these kind of dicussions. I had no idea that this would happen to any of us. I thought that we are a special elite group. Isn't that so, Alexander?: "Yes, indeed!" Alexander affirmed. We are the future. We are men of honor."
Two mothers Olympias and Lanice
I actually had two mothers, my natural mother, and my foster mother who breastfed me as an infant and who is my governness. Lanice spent her time caring for me when my mother was performing official duties as Queen and ruler of the court. My mother, Olympias, is a very regal woman whose sense of duty is strong. Therefore, she responds to the dutiful tasks that must be done to maintain the decorum and business of the court when Father is away in battle somewhere. Because of that I spent many hours with Lanice who looked after my personal needs, feeding me, bathing me, clothing me, and nurturing me with love and patience. Mother would visit me in my bedroom to be certain that I was well and healthy but my closest and most personal contact was with Lanice and her family. * Lanice actually spent more hours with me, holding me, teasing me, cheering me, loving me openly and steadfastly than did my natural mother. I learned how to crawl, how to walk, how to stand, and all with Lanice watching over me and guiding me. Whenver I fell down, stumbled, or struck some object, it was Lanice who would pick me up, mend my wounds, wipe my tears, and rock me to sleep. I grew up depending upon Lanice and her family to help me through my childhood. * One time in particular, I hd had a bad time with one of my tutors, so I ran to Lanice crying that I did not want him to teach me anything any longer. Lanice sighed, "Oh, Alexander. What am I to do with you now? Com on will get over this very soon." * I naturally put up a fuss and stamped my foot angrily and said, "No, I have had enough of him. I don't want to work with him anylonger. he has gone too far this time." * She shook her head wisely and said,"Now, Alexander, I know better. You can and will be able to work with him but you must find a way to convince him to trust you. I will see what i can do about it myself, but don't let this get the best of you."* Later, I went to Mother and told her about the incident that had so upset me. The difference between her and Lanice is absolutely amazing to me. She simply said, "Let me know if it happens again. If it does, he will be terminated. We will find another tutor for you." *She did not try to make me feel anything but justified in wanting to get a new tutor. I loved her that much more for simply trusting my word and wanting to help me.
Olympias confronts Leonidas
Leonidas is a relative of Olympias so that the she understood that while he may be an excellent disciplinarian for Alexander to learn self-discipline from she did not like his trying to starve her favorite son. * She bore down on him one afternoon when she learned that he had suspected that she was feeding Alexander sweets and delicacies. * Dressed in a dark green gown plaited at the waist, she looked the role of a Grecian goddess. Long strands of auburn hair danced in ringlets on her shouldes as she quickly raced to Alexander's room to see if Leonidas was there. "Leonidas," she called in a sultry low voice. " I understand that you have been searching Alexander's chests to see if I am sneaking pastries into his room." * Leonidas shrugged his shoulders indifferently as he peered at the beeautiful young woman and said,"So what if I am? I am trying to teach your son self control and self discipline. You are not helping me one bit when you think that you can override my decisions." *"But Leonidas, my dear cousin," she said softly, "Alexander is a very special son to me. He must not be denied the right to his own meals which you so often attempt to do."*"Olympias, my darling cousin,"he responded quickly and tartly. " You hired me to tutor your your son to be prepared for the life of a militant. You are trying to spoil him while I am trying to correct him. *Leonidas, you are not a Spartan despite being named for the famous King," she continued," and I do not want Alexander to be deprived of nutritious meals. He is a growing boy. He needs to develop into a healthy young man, not a frail, abused, fearful brat. His father will demand that he be fit to serve in the military sooon and I must insist that you feed him properly." "All right, Olympias, you are his mother, but remember that I have the responsibility to ensure that he learns self discipline as well as obedience and authority." Leonidas remarked saltily. "Philip is at war now, and he does still need the guidance of a male in the household besides those who work the stables and the gymnasium." * "Well, how is he doing in his lessons?" Olympias then inquired.
" Do you have any problem with him ragarding his studies?""No, not at all. He is an avid reader. He learned much from Lysimachos that has aroused his interest in reading poems, plays, and even in dramatizing them. Someday you should join us at the theatre to watch how well he performs in some of these plays, even at his young age. I admit he is very precocious and very bright, but he does have a natural curiosity that is quite unusual for someone his age.""Tell me exactly what you mean. How is he so different from others?" Olympias asked.*Do you realize that he knows all the cooks in the kitchen, all the stable hands by name, even the gardner who he seems to adore?"asked Leonidas. "Well, yes, I knew that he was acquainted wth them, but I had no idea that he spent time with them." she responded. * "You, my dear, are too involved in all your religious rites to sometime notice what your children do," Leonidas chided sharply. * "Now Leonidas, that is not fair. You know very well that I am a devotee and am trying to instill the same devotion into Alexander that I have. He occasionally discusses some of his chats with me, but I have never talked with the cook or the gardener about it. How do you happen to know of it?" she retorted. "I had to discuss with them the matter of his diet and meals since I wanted him on a regimen of my own making. That is how I learned of it. They spoke very kindly about him to me. I wondered whether you knew of it or not. They told me that you had a special diet of your own for him. I wanted to be sure that he is not being spoiled by your luxurious designs." Leonidas answered. "Well, Leonidas, for Alexander's sake as well as my own, I want to feed him properly. Don't try to judge me or my husband by your standards." she continued. "That will be all today. Let me know how he is doing in his schooling, but let me decide what he can eat or not eat. I am ordering you to obey my commands." "Yes, my dear Olympias," he answered. " I hear you. I will do as you wish."
first draft - Cleopatra surprises Alexander
Cleopatra loved to watch the boy and men train. She suddenly livened up when she said, "Oh, Alexander, show me how you work the bench." I looked at her quizzically and wondered why, but I said, "Come along then. Are you going to work out with me?" *"Sure!" she answered spryly, "Why not?"* So I took her to the benches which are quite large and overwhelming to see when you do not know how to use them. They are narrow pieces of wood covered with leather that are laid in v cut stands so that one can set them at any level to use to practice leg development. One can actually walk on them, jump on them, and sit on them. They are high enough that one can hang from them. I said to her, "Well, what do you want to do? Do you want to use them now?" * She had already beaten me before I got my words out of my mouth. She had suddenly jumped up onto a beam, and was skillfully walking across it, so that I realized as my mouth hung open, that she had been practicing the routine for months. She was so good at it.*"When did you learn that trick?" I asked her, awed by her performance. She was so happy she could burst. "I wanted to surprise you. I wanted you to see that I could do something as well as you so I learned it all by myself." she replied. She was delighted that I was so impressed with her talent at walking the beam. From that day on, I never underestimated my sister again. I jumped up on a beam beside her and said, "All right. Let's do it." That was so much fun that day that we forgot everyone everywhere. I learned to respect my young sister Cleopatra more than ever as I have always admired her, but her effort to match me made me more proud than ever before. What more would she do I wondered to myself.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Acting as Regent at age 16
I am actually writing these on blogger for a, most will probably be altered and changed a lot for a first draft is just pooping out the thoughts on paper to take up and I am not really afraid to share now that enough time has passed as it is helping me to see where my mistakes and errors are and also what needs to be deleted and added to pep it up a I will write it here and share some excerpts when I feel like sharing. Otherwise, the only people to read it will be those who are really interested in here goes when Alexander is regent in first person instead of third is his journal speaking. I also wrote a different version of this same event in third person...Usually I wrote two versions of an event trying to determine which will be best...
The campaign at Perinthos was very grueling. The clanging noise of battle is far greater than imaginative poets write in books, poems, and hymns.I felt it ringing in my ears. War games creates in me a wave of excitement that drives me into a fury so that when I am fighting I rush headlong into a charge against the enemy that even I don't always realize how deadly this fight will be. Yes, I had had training and skill in animal hunts and kills, even in hunting down men, but never is one truly prepared for the first taste of battle. I was told to stay behind and to be an observer until I felt I could really participate to win. Nobody can ever do that when once the battle begins, as I did let older soldiers advance so that I could follow behind to back them up. But as I gained a little experience, my natural tendency to go up front got the better of me, and before I knew it, I found myself alongside many a far better trained and experienced soldier than I am. But when defeating an enemy means striking and killing as quickly as one can or the soldier behind you may die, I go for the victory with a zest so that I slew many soldiers who were coming to slay me. I was possibly over zealous but essentially, I had more to prove than just that I was ready to fight. * Because I proved myself so well, my father decided that I should return to Pella to act as regent in his behalf. * I went back to Pella to take up office administration. Whether he knew it or not, father did me a favor then despite my longing to be in battle. I learned very quickly all the state business and before I knew it, a problem arose in Southern Thrace so that I was able to use the armed forces that were left in Pella to quell an uprising that had begun. *Since I was left in command, I ordered the army to go to Thrace to put down a rebellion that was underway there. I sent scouts ahead to report back to me exactly how many troops were stationed there so that I would know the number of men to take to control the region. Scouting is one of the more important aspects of winning a battle. One must have a true account of what to expect so the persons who are sent as scouts must be totally trustworthy and capable of gaining information without being discovered by the enemy. * While they were on their mission, I began ordering the military to prepare for battle. That meant preparing supplies, armor, weapons, horses, and wagons to carry us to battle. I had followed the long train that had gone to Perinthos so I knew well all that was necessary for a shorter journey. Soon everything was arranged while we waited for the scouts to return with their report. I did not want to take an excess number of soldiers or horses but I certainly did not want to go short either. * I prepared my prayers and sacrifices for the gods, for surely I realized that this was an opportune moment for me to demonstrate my strengths and prowess after I had just faced the Persians in Perinthos. I truly believed that the gods were preparing me for great battles so that this was a test of my ability to prove that I am well prepared to fight at home as well as in some distant land. * I did intend that we would outnumber their troops no matter how many that they might have, so I ordered several regiments to be ready at a moment's notice. It would be no ordinary skirmish. We were going to dominate, and with a might and power so that it would end rapidly. * I was highly charged not only because it was my chance to prove that I am as capable as Father, but also because I would gain the trust and respect of my soldiers. Therefore, I met with each soldier individually. I learned each man's name. I sat down with him, discussed his importance to me, and made certain that each and every soldier knew that I expected him to return to Pella alive. * By the time I had finished my rounds, discussing what must be done in this skirmish, the scouts returned with their report so that we marched immediately. * I explained to my select leaders what I expected them to do, and I relied upon them to accept my orders so that they could order their own troops as I had directed. For that reason, I included my fellow classmates to accompany me on this occasion so that they would get their first taste of battle. However, it was the older, more seasoned men of war who bore the responsibility to listen to my orders and to achieve my goals for me. * I then instructed my friends, Hephaestion, Perdiccas, Philotas, Leonnatus, Ptolemy, and Selephonus to join me, each in a different group so that they would finally fight their first battle with me. *Together, we stealthily approached the small town that was under siege. It was nightfall so we rested our horses, and again scouted the region to prepare for a battle. Again, I made my sacrifices and devotions to the Gods Zeus, Athena, Dionysus, and Apollo. I prayed as I have never prayed before. This was my first battle on my own, and I wanted the gods to provide me with a victory. * Learning that the town was quiet, that their troops were lulled to a rest and were unaware of our presence, we took our positions, prepared our weapons, quieted our horses, and gained some rest for ourselves as well. *As the sun rose,we were readying for battle. Everyone was in full battle armor, weapons secured, and infantry and cavalry together approached the city. Cries broke the silence of the morning as the armies there began to waken and raise one another up. They had no idea that we had circled the entire city and were about to bear down upon them. We had them caught. They had one choice: surrender or die. It would have been a rout. But the sight of my men fully prepared with weapons bearing down on them caused them to run and try to flee as quickly as possible. Many simply surrendered. A few fought back, trying to show some sense of defense, but most gave up. They were outnumbered. They had no way out. I proved that a strategic offense is more powerful than a mighty defense. They had no defense whatsoever. * I renamed the city Alexandropolis for myself.
The Persian Ambassadors are Coming
The Palace was being prepared for the reception of the Persian ambassadors. Philip was gone but Olympias was in charge, ordering everyone who is on duty to take command of their respective responsibilties in preparing the Palace for the visitors. * The chambermaids had to clean all the rooms by hand, rearrange all the furnshings so that every divan, stool, and bench was properly in place. All the statues of the gods were carefully repositioned so that upon entry each would appear in order of majesty and rank. The main reception room was filled with incense, perfumes, and fragrance to awaken the senses of the ambassadors to the purpose of this visit. * Zeus welcomed the incoming ambassador who had to feel humble and small when approaching the vestry. The power of Zeus is evident through his oversized statue, his awesome and bright stare, his lofty attitude. The Persians are not subject to the gods of Greece but they would feel their power when ushered through the halls that boasted all the stauary that represented each god and goddess. * "Alexander," Olympias called out." I will entertain the Persian ambassadors and then call you in to meet them." Olympias was wearng a very offical gown that designated her reign as Queen. She was dressed in ea sheer layered white chiton which was embroidered along the shoulders and the sides in golden threads. She wore her hair in a braid that was coiled at the base of her neck, and she covered her face with a thin white veil. She word golden cords at the waist which fell to her side. She walked with the grace of a dancer as she welcomed the Persian ambassadors. *Alexander had selected a comfortable luxurious chiton of his own to wear. He laced his sandals, slipped into his light tan garment, and prepared to meet the ambassadors. He wore the few medals that he had won at sporting events upon his breast to show his prowess at games. * The Persians were fashionably attired in glorious rich fabrics of gold, marroon, and purple. Each one was dressed in extremely shiny fabrics that gleamed in the the light of the sun. They dressed in pantaloons which covered their legs. In comparison to the Macedonians, they appeared rich and opulent. Alexander dressed quite simply in contrast. Macedonians were always bare armed and barelegged. * Alexander remembered when he had met the ambassadors earlier on their mission to free three of their hostages. He had changed so much since that visit that he wondered if he should remind them that he had met with them earlier. Now that he was Regent and his mother was Queen, he wanted to impress the ambassadors with his position and experience. He decided that he would mention the earlier visit to prove that he had remembered them. If remembering them was flattery, then he intended to flatter them. * Alexander looked every inch the young Prince. His hair gleamed in the sunlight, and lay in golden curls down the back of his neck. Standing erect as a soldier at attention, displaying hard muscles in arms and legs, Alexander waited for his mother to bid him entry to the grand reception room. He surveyed the accommodations and approved his mother's handiwork at setting up a banquet tale laden with fruits, nuts, wine, breads, olives, sweet meats, and custards, yogurt, crepes, baklava, and pastries. She had placed large, voluminous pillows all around the floor of the room where the Ambassadors could sit and relax while being entertained after the feast. * He heard the sound of trumpets in the dsitance, signaling that Olympias and her guests were about to enter the Palace. Alexander returned to his own room briefly to freshen his appearance, to check to see if he had forgotten anything, and then quickly returned to the reception area to be summoned by his mother to greet the ambassadors.
*"Ah, Alexander," Olympias called to him. "Please do come to meet our honored guests." She turned to the Persians and said, " I see that Alexander has come to greet you. Let me introduce you now." * As Alexander strode into the room, the sun penetrated the room to send beads of light through Alexander's golden hair, giving him a sense of divinity. An air of expectancy was met with a gasp of delight from one of the Persian men who nodded to Alexander when he formally courtsied and greeted them with a low bow. Each went down on bended knee to show honor and respect, and then rose, and took his hand, kissing it lightly. "Oh, Prince Alexander how you have changed since we last met you and conversed with you." exclaimed the eldest of the four. "You have grown so much. It is a great honor to meet with you again." *"Gentlemen, I assure you that it is my pleasure to have the honor of your visit here," returned Alexander. "Come. Let us enjoy dining and then we shall have talented entertainers to treat you." He turned to Olympias, and said, "Mother, lead us to the banquet tables, please." Olympias complied immediately, "Yes, my son. Follow me, Gentlemen."
Cleopatra learns of impending marriage
Alexander had a very close relationship with his sister Cleopatra who was also Olympias's natural daughter. I had a previous scene in which we learn of the closeness between the two but this is one that I like a lot as it helps to show Olympias as I will share this on facebook too.
I heard crying, weeping, and wailing. It came from my sister Cleopatra's room. I hastened to see what was wrong, why she was crying. *"Oh, Alexander," she cried as soon as she saw me enter the room. " The worst possible thing is happening to me." She broke down into tears so that I held her close to me and said,"Tell me about it." *She wept quietly before she could speak. She took in great gulps of air as she was shuddering. "I can't bear to talk about it. I am so frightened of it."*"Come on,Cleopatra. I am here now. Let me know what it is so that I can know what to do." I reproved her gently. *"Oh!, and she suddenly let out a thin, long drawn out scream that penetrated the entire wing of the palace. "I must marry our uncle. Father has arranged my marriage to him." * "What?" I exclaimed. "What?" I was as shaken as she. We had just recently visited him when we had left the palace in haste, and he had never even seemed to notice Cleopatra at all. I could not believe my ears. "What are you saying? When did this happen? Has mother told you? I cannot believe it."
*Cleopatra is a beauty and a charming young sister but I could not believe that she would be betrothed to my Mother's brother. How could father do that? *"I will talk to Mother immediately. When did you learn of this? " I inquired again, softly, holding her close to me in my arms. "How can they do this to you?" I shuddered myself at the thought of it. Cleopatra has always lived here at the Palace. For her to move so far away into my uncle's home seemed as though a piece of me was taken from me. I could not bear it either. * My uncle is a good man but he is after all an older man, much older than my sister, and while he is a charming and delightful companion to my mother at times, very supportive of her, he is still a much older man. It frightens me to think of it but when my father decides to arrange a marriage, there will be no getting out of it. Perhaps it will work out all right, but right now I am doubtful.*Cleopatra calmed down to say,"Oh, Alexander, I know there is nothing you can do but we will probably never see each other again. I will have to go with him to be his slave wife, even though a princess. I will have no will of my own but only his. It is dreadful to me to think of it.' * "Calm down, Cleopatra," I replied. 'Be happy that he is Mother's brother. He will treat you much better than most that way. Yes, once you are betrothed, even Father will have no say about you and your life. Only Alexander will."* "I will miss you so,' she sighed and buried her head against my shoulder. I let her head rest there while I contemplated how I would approach this with Mother. Perhaps Mother would think that her brother would make a good match for Cleopatra but I had grave misgivings about that. * Cleopatra had not yet told me how she had learned of this prospective marriage so I did not know whether it had been mother or father who had consulted her. She was still sobbing quietly when I left her room to go see Mother. * I knocked at the door and waited to hear if anyone was there. Almost at once the door opened as one of the attendants looked to see who was knocking."Oh, Alexander. Please come in. Your mother will be happy to see you," she implored. * Mother was resting on a divan, dressed in a sensuous azure blue robe, lightly scented with a touch of jasmine. The fragrance of the room calmed my agitation a bit,and I could see that mother was stroking one of her pet snakes in tune with some music that hummed in the background. She looked up at me, and stared at me through heavy lidded eyes. She said, "Yes, my son, what is it? Do you want something?"
* I bent down and pressed my cheek next to hers and whispered, "Mother, may I speak to you alone?
"* "Certainly." she responded. She rose, snapped her fingers, and said," Away now. I have important business to discuss with Alexander here now." * The servants left quickly through an exitway, and I sat next to mother, and asked her plainly, "Did you know that Father has offered Cleopatra to your brother as a bride?" * She jumped up at once. "What? Are you mad? When did you learn this?" she exclaimed loudly. She began clawing at her hair, pulling it in single strands. "Oh, Oh!How can this be? she cried out. * "Mother, stop that!I said. But she continued to pull her hair and then began to beat her chest. "Oh, what am I to do now?" she cried. "Why?" * I replied, "I do not know. Cleopatra just now told me and I tried to reassure her that it would be all right. She might do worse than to have Uncle marry her." *Oh, no, I cannot bear it. My own brother!" cried Mother suddenly turning to me and grabbing me by the shoulders and the arms. "Alexander! How can Philip be so cruel?" At that I nearly snorted. " He is Philip, mother, and you know exactly how he is. He is a barbarous, cruel man. He is thoughtless, cruel, and ruthless. he is doing it for some reason, you can believe that." "Yes, it is to hurt me even deeper than he has already done, "she answered. " I know him very well. He likes to plunge the dagger,and then twist it. he does not really care about Cleopatra's happiness, only his own twisted sense of pain to those who he dislikes."
*Iknew that she was correct. Philip liked to inflict pain as much as he could on anyone he chose. To hurt my mother would give him much pleasure and to hurt her through her daughter seemed to be his decision now. Fortunately, Alexander was a good, decent man who would care for Cleopatra as nobody else would likely do. But it was not the best match that my sister could have had. *Cleopatra had a great beauty and attracted many men. I had heard rumors of her affairs from some of my friends. I often would defend her against many cutting remarks. "Why not?" I answered when someone told me that she had taken a young man as a lover. "Surely, she should have some benefits for being a Princess of the Realm, shouldn't she?" I stared him down at that as he could think of nothing to say in return. But now I was certain that her marriage to my uncle woudl give her even more social status but she would be in Epirot, not in Pella. I was devastated at the thought of losing her. Mother soon calmed down, and said, "I will talk to my brother about this marriage. I will go to Epirot soon and help prepare Cleopatra for this strange alliance." I glowered, but I said nothing. There was nothing that could be done but to acquiesce to father's decision. I began to worry about my own future even more now.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Rebels n Maedea, Thrace
I have written a short piece about this battle which Alexander did win and renamed the city for himself Alexandropolis...the first rebellion and battle that he fought on his own with experienced and inexperienced men alike. He had just spent time at Perinthos where he had acquitted himself well. I wrote several entries regarding that effort which was most unsuccessful for Philip. But it was the first battle that Alexander actively participated in and is an interesting study of how he again looked after his father's wellbeing. I won't place bits and pieces of the novel here now as I have already posted more than enough to give a taste of what it is like...not really enough but at least an indication...most authors give their readers a glimpse into the first chapter which is the bait first chapter is about his birth so it is not bait at all...Just a combination of events to assure Philip of his own destiny.
Kallixene the Prostitute (first draft)
Second version...My mother and father have worried about me. They think that because I am 17 now that I should have a woman so they decided to hire a beautiful prostitute from Thessaly to teach me the ways of sex. Strange that I have learned much about sex at the rites of Cabiri so that it is amusing to me for them to procure a prostitute now. I have been resistant for some time but if I were to betray my interest I would be too easy to handle. I have been a voyeur since childhood. My father has always celebrated his victories with festivals, banquets, and tributes. The men would become drunk, carry on loudly and profanely, laughing boisterously, knocking each other about, swilling down as much wine as they could hold, often unable to hold their wine, passing out, having drunken orgies, grabbing women's legs, breasts, and bottoms, pulling them to them, hiking up thier chitons to roll about on the floor, riding up and down on both women and each other, so that I knew soon enough that with battle comes sexual depravities and satisfactions of all kinds. I watched men plunge their bodies upon women, rearing their butts into the air, driving themselves hard into women who clutched at their backs yelled obscenitiesand screamed lustily when fully aroused to give them satisfaction. I enjoyed watching grown men suddenly turned into docile weak creatures after a night of too much wine, too much fornication, and then nothing but sleep. I had often wondered if I would myself be so crass and crude as most of these otherwise tough, mean men now turned into weak, soft drunken sots. *****paragraph...I dom 't know what turns men who have faced battle into drunken sots who are so easily aroused that they are then controlled totally by their deep hidden sexual needs. I have had dreams, night emissions, but I have yet to taste of a woman's soft belly, tender breasts, and to understand why men are so driven. ***paragraph. I avoided all my life men who wanted to fondle and hold me to them, as I stayed aloof, and reproved them whenever I sensed that I could be prey for them. I know that some men like young boys but I had been warned early to keep away from such men,and to remind them that I am a prince and cannot become one of their darlings. ***paragraph I have liked girls as playmates, friends with whom I could discuss my horses, my dreams, but I have yet to fall in love. I dream of falling in love, but my goddess Aprhodite has assured me that the love for me is still in some distant land and that I shall find her. I must be patient. ***paragraph. I have seen women who attract me, and I have a forbidden love in my heart, but she is married, and I will have to wait to see what the gods may have decreed for us. In the meantime, I know that there is a love for me to come...****paragraph.But for now, Kallixene is supposed to teach me the art of lovemaking, and I have been resisting her. I am a bit afraid to let her know that I have not yet had a woman, so that is why I put her off. But tonight I intend to let her have her way with me. *****Paragraph...It is last, I finally learned what makes the men so eager to penetrate the warmth and hidden mystery of a woman. Kallixene was very patient, slow, and understanding with me. She was dressed in a sheer gauze like apricot colored gown, through which I could see the outline of her slender waist and smooth hips. She smelled of perfumes, jasmine, tubor rose, and ambrosia. Her hair was loose and hung down to her waist, scented with rose and jasmine.***She had placed candles around the room. She lit them one at a time as I reclined on the couch watching her. She moved slowly, languidly so that I could see her long slender legs glow through the sheer gown. She waved to and fro as she walked lighting up each candle one by one, and then took out a wine cup, filling it with red wine for me to drink. She quietly walked to me, handed me the wine, smiled mysteriously, sending sensations of euphoria through me as I sipped the wine. I relaxed...she all of a sudden stood in front of me, legs spread apart, and then taking the wine cup from my hands, lay atop me, kissing me softly on my lips, my cheeks, and then down to my chest where she took her tongue and teased and licked my nipples. I enjoyed her gentle touch, the scent of her, and so I lay back as she ran her tongue down my abdomen, and onto my aroused state. Suddenly, she took me into her mouth and drew upon my swollen member and wrapped her tongue around my full length. I fell back, letting her kiss me from top to bottom, and loving her for it. I then turned her over, and plunged myself into her moist, tight body and drove into her again and again, letting her pull her legs around my hips. She rose and fell with me, and I released her finally, so that she sank back into the pillows where she held me against her breasts and abdomen. I rolled over finally and lay still beside her. I drank the scent of her body into my nostrils, and sighed. She kissed me softly on the mouth and raised herself up on her elbows to gaze down at me. "Are you happy now?" she asked,studying me. I smiled, and pulled her to my mouth to kiss her fully. I replied, "Only if you will do it again.' She laughed out loud. "You Apollo, you." and lay back beside me. ******paragraph, That was the beginning...I at lastknew what lovemaking was like with a woman of renown. I needed to learn more, so with time, I came to learn from her how to make the firt advance, how to seduce a woman,and the many and various positions to use to achieve desire and satisfaction both her and to me. She was the first, but I have to wait for love to come.
first draft Ajax
"Tonight we are going to test how well you understand the heroic stature of Ajax in Sophocles version of the drama," announced Harpalos, the selected leader for the evening. Harpalos threw out his chest as he stood amidst the group of boys who were reclining on their pillows waiting for the discussion to open.****He was a small built child, who had suffered an injury when young that made it impossible for him to participate in the military games. His great intellect, natural curiosity, and often strong initiative allowed him to become a member of the school where he would be used for administrative office work. His limp in his leg made it impossible to serve as a soldier in the infantry or cavalry but his great mind, especially in mathematics, bookkeeping and figures made him a desirable recruit. He naturally felt inferior to the others because of his handicap, so he overcompensated by trying to lord it over others when it came time to demonstrate his prowess at mathematics. He loved to lead whenever he had the opportunity and tonight was his chance to shine before the group, make them appreciate his skills at oratory as well as at mathematics*****He glanced at Alexander who sat patiently waiting for the discussion to commence, then raised his voice, asking," Do you see any direct resemblance between Achilles and Ajax in this drama? If so, explain the similarities."*****Ippolatos ansswered immediately,"Why, of course, they are both heroes who suffer the same exact injuries in being robbed by the same pepetrators, and they both suffer similar fates at the end."****Explain that, please. Anyone else? Harpalos continued.
****Hephaestion quietly responded, "Just as Achilles suffered Agamemnon's stealing his prize from him, so Ajax too suffered losing his prize to Odysseus because of Agamemnon and Menelaus's decision to give it to Odysseus instead of to him."
****Craterus added,"He was also the handsomest, bravest, and boldest of the men who came from Salamis to fight."****"Why does Sophocles open this drama with his having been tricked into losing his mind by the goddess Athena?" continued Harpalos****"It sets the stage for understanding the flaw in Ajax's character that has made Athena teach him a lesson in respecting her pwoer and authority,' replied Alexander. "Also remember that in the Iliad it was Apollo who did that to King Agamemnon."****"All right,' Harpalos continued, "Tell us about it if you would...explain what has happened so that the audience will listen to this story." Perdiccas joined at this point. "Believing that he was killing Agamemnon, Menelaus, and Odysseus, he slaughtered cattle and sheep senselessly, Yes, Alexander, a lot like Apollo had done in the Iliad to King Agamemnon's army, but in this case it meant that he had lost his mind, that he had killed animals instead of the soldiers. But everyone realized that it had been because one of the gods had tricked him into believing that he was really attacking the soldiers instead of the sheep." "Why did Athena do this to Ajax?" asked Harpalos. * Philotas spoke up,, " She believed that he was arrogant. he was too oveconfident and sure of himself."
Alexander and Lysimachos at school
Lysimachos was a grizzly old friend of Olympias. He had lived in the country next door near her home in Epirot. He was quite an interesting old characcter who loved to fantasize about characters from literature, and thus, influenced his young protege wit his stories about Achilles. Achilles is an ancestor of Olympias and her family. Alexander was quite thrilled whenever Lysimachos would discuss the tales of Achille's valor and bravery. Achilles's blood ran through his own veins so he believed, and he reveled in the knowledge that he could be another like Achilles in future battles and wars.
******"You, my dear child, are destined to be an even greater personality than our old warrior hero Achilles of yore," he would say gently and loudly to the impressionable young boy. *****Alexander beamed. "Tell me more about Achilles. I never tire of hearing stories about him. Read me some of the lines from Homer's Iliad, please,Lysimachos. I want to memorize them as best that I can." *****"All right, my child. Listen carefully now, and I will ask you to repeat them back to me." Then Lysimachos would take up the worn papyrus upon which were written the very bold and dashing words that Homer had spun, luring his audiences into the story of the famous Trojan war.
******Lysimachos explained to Alexander that the Iliad began with a quarrel between King Agamemnon and Achilles, the greatest of the Greek warriors, all because of women. Apollo had taken offense that King Agamemnon had taken as his prize Apollo's own favorite, Chryse, who Agamemnon acknowledged that he preferred to his own wife, Clytaimnestra, though both were equally pretty in all aspects of beauty, face, fingers, brains. But Apollo was so angry at the King that he attacked the ships, dogs, mules, and men until the dead bodies piled up so high that on the tenth day Achilles could stand it no more and therefore he stood up to the king and demanded to be told the cause for the god's anger.******Lysimachos told the story so fiercely that Alexander shuddered. King Agamemnon cursed the soothsayer who explained the cause of Apollo's anger. Achilles had promised that he would protect the soothsayer from harm if he explained why Apollo was fighting the troops of King Agamemnon.
******************Lysimachos shouted out the words that King Agamemnnon used loudly and savagely. Lysimachos became even more animated when he shouted," Oh Alexander, King Agamamenon was so angry at the soothsayer then. He ranted and railed at him. He shouted at him, " All you can do is blame me for everything." He screamed at him, " All right, We will send the prize home to Apollo. But I must have a prize of my own. I will take one from one of you," and he pointed to Achilles who stood up to him, and responded, " Where are we to get a prize for you? We have taken everything and divided it amongst us. Give the girl up to the god and we will repay you over and over again if Zeus ever has us attack Troy." But old mean King Agamemnon did not like that. He replied to Achilles, "Don't try to cheat me, Achilles. You may be a great man, but no matter how great you may be, if I want to take your prize or another's prize I will. You want to keep your own prize but tell me to give up mine. One of you will have to pacify Shootafar by making a sacrifice."******But Achilles did not like that. He frowned and said right back to King Agamemnon, " Ha! Greedyheart. How could anyone obey you shamelessnewss in royal dress? I didn't care about the Trojans at all. They had never done anything to me to deserve my coming here to fight them. I cam here because of YOU! I came here to defend your brother Menelaos, and you too, dogface! The Trojans had never stolen any of mhy animals, burned any of my fields, but no, I did it all for you, and now you want to rob me of my prize. I do all the work,and you try to get all the credit. Now you threaten to take my prize from me."
*********************King Agamemnon was furious at Achille's words. He said terribly dreadful tings to Achilles in response. "Go home if you want. I have others who will help me. I hate you. You are always fighting and quarreling. I care nothing for you. I don't care if you are in a rage. I will take your prize for myself, and send Chryse home in a ship today. I will come to your place myself so that others will not stand up to me and say that you are better than I am."
***************Achilles was hurt to the heart, and had two choices to make. He could either take his sword and bring King Agamemnon down with a thrust to the thigh, or keep his temper in check. Just as he reached for his sword, Queen Hera sent Athena down to him who grabbed him by his long red hair, so that he turned around to see her and listened as she told him to stop, to put his sword back into his holster, and to stay calm. He protested, "Someday he well may die becaue of his highhandedness." But Athena replied, "The time will come when you will be paid back three times greater for this insult to you now. Tell King Agamemnon that the time will come when he will need your services again."**************Achilles was very smart and wise, said Lysimachos to A?lexander for he answered to Athena, "What the gods command me to do, I will do so that the gods will listen to me."******Alexander interrupted. 'I love that line. I will remember that always."****Lysimachos said, " Yes, my child, that is one of the most important lines in the poem. Achilles shows wisdom and strength when he is about to be robbed of his own prize just because King Agamemnon has admitted of his own hatred and jealousy.***************"Oh, I hope that I will always be as wise as Achilles," the young boy muttered softly, almost to himself. "
Yes, Alexander. We will continue with more of the poem tomorrow. I am sure that you will always remember that to honor the gods is to gain the support of the gods as Achilles has so wisely said. Remember that if nothing else. It will always be your guiding light.'
Beginning a Journal first draft version
I am starting my own personal journal since I have so many things on my mind that I cannot confide to anyone but myself. Mother annoys me many times. She has arranged to have me study with a man who I do not really like or respect, Leonidas. He is a stingy, mean man in many ways. I decidded to take my feelings out here without letting anyone know what they are.****He is a man who is basically jealous of my father, mother, and me. He lets this slip in many ways.****Father is an extravagant man. He thinks big, and he thinks well of himself. Do you know what he did today? He is home for a change. Usually, he is off fighting some battle somewhere, and I seldom see him here at all. He is a very emotional man. He is always falling in love. He is scared of my mother, I can tell. ****He is always fighting a battle somewhere. He has just returned so that we are having a state banquet to entertain foreign ambassadors. I was asked to play the lyre for the amusement and entertainment of the visitors.****Father, as always, can never give me a compliment. He always finds fault with me. He actually asked me, "Don't you think it is a shame that you play so well?"****I think he is jealous that he cannot play as well as I can. Don't worry. I know what he meant. He thinks that kings are supposed to let others do all the work. However, I know better than that.
He reveals an inner defect of his own to me when he talks to me like that.*****Mother, on the other hand,can never praise me enough. She seems to think that I am wonderful at anything that I attempt. She always encourages me and even pushes me...
Monday, May 21, 2012
Potpourri of Thoughts
The solar eclipse which was a partial eclipse attracted a lot of attention and as I had talked about it several days before to a guy that was on the trolley with me I stayed home and inside to watch it unfold on the internet. I knew that if I ventured outside I would want to look at the sun, which everyone warns against doing. I did peek out my window twice to see where the sun was located and if it were possible to see a blot but when I looked nothing was there but intense brilliant light so vivid I could not look at it at all. It was that hard on my eyes. But I watched it on an internet connection which is why I am in the clubhouse now using wifi instead of broadband. I used so much time just watching the moon pass over the sun that I have to stay off it for tonight. I will go back on at midnight or thereafter. Had another sleepless night so that I slept til 11:00 this morning and then took my time getting around. I ended up going to Basha's to get eggs and some vegetables designed to help my digestive process. I am even drinking hot water as hot as I can stand it to solve problem of gas.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Bodemeister won't race in the Belmont Stakes
I read at the news that on Thursday Bob Baffert announced that he would not race Bodemeister in the Belmont Stakes win or lose. The horse is not a loser but will be pointed towards the Haskell, a major race where most likely he will emerge the winner instead of a place horse. I think that that is a wise decision considering that he has twice been beaten by only one horse as nobody else can come near him, which naturally tells how good I'll Have Another really is...I posted a blog at facebook to show why it is that some blogger believes that Doug O'Neil trained IHA to be so ready for these races. I am convinced after reading that blog that IHA will win the Belmont unless something disastrous should happen, and I can't imagine what that would be...since I think that both Bodemeister and IHA are the two best horses in this crop of great young'uns headed for their first tests in the world of horseracing...Unfortunately, in the past, for most of those triple crown winners, their careers were ended after bringing home all the honors.
It is a good thing to be winning so much while young, but it often prevents those horses from racing in later years, and I for one, think that it would be interesting to see how well they would do if allowed to do so. But either owners or trainers seem to think that the next best place for them is in the breeding stalls, and so they retire them much too early. Fans would just like to get a chance to see a winning horse of this calibre, and it might be a good idea that they find places where they can still practice their great skills of racing...Possibly, the real reason is that once proved that they are the best, there are few horses to compete against. Frankly, I doubt would be interesting to see older horses compete with younger horses who have proved their muster at the same game...Oh well, it is just a I doubt that anyone will want to test to see what would happen if a racehorse from two years past could compete with a young horse moving up...only in dog races does that happen after all...
How I played the Preakness
Because of an incident which happened yesterday at the Blackeyed Susan group of stakes horses I waited to place my bet today and at a different otb spot. I am very happy that I went to Brennan's today because I was able to utilize the information I gleaned from yesterday to exert some patience to wait to see the horse to be sure before I placed my bet. Now granted, I had analyzed all this last night and pretty much knew what was coming, but I still always hate to overbet and consequently waste money so I decided to check out the horse before placing my bet. I did bet an exacta with I'll Have It All on top but boxed it with Bodemeister just in case. But watching the horses, I saw I'll Have Another send his signal and I caught it so so I then went up and placed a single win bet on him. I am very conservative even yet and even when knowing facts but it does pay in the end...and eventually I will make my goal. I did win with him as I did not play anything but win and the few exacta bets that I made which also paid. However, I did not go any further with exotics which I could and should have but for some reason or other, I let the atmosphere of the place influence me a bit...There is money going every which way in there as dogs were racing also and were paying a whole lot better if you had been into that...for today I was only interested in Pimlico...The Belmont is next! It may be more of the same with Bodemeister and I'll Have Another but several passed on the Preakness to sit it out and wait for the Belmont...Time will tell if this will bring another triple crown to the world of horse racing or if it is another almost got it this time round...I am hoping that he will win the triple crown as he deserves it as does his trainer and all other connections...and Bodemeister keeps proving that he is one of the greatest horses ever too...I wonder if it will come to pass...time will tell...
Making Life Beautiful
Looking to see the solar eclipse Sunday. There will be a fire ring in the sky for most of the world who lives in the Asian Pacific coast and in Northern California, Nevada, Northern Arizona, and New Mexico. Do not look at the sun directly or through binoculars or telescopes. The Pasadena Star posted a story about the places in the neighborhood where the event will be seen. Check your local observatory to see if there is a location where you can see it. Special eyewear can be obtained to use if one wishes. While events such as this were often seen as omens in the past, today they are viewed as causes for neighborhood events. The omens could be as true today as yesterday because there is little doubt that disasters, misfortunes, and calamaties occur all the time...Blame it all on the eclipse if you will, but if some remarkable event happens to you like winning the super high 5 or the lottery, it could be that the eclipse made your life beautiful.
Preakness Theories
Betting the horses in the Preakness is mindboggling but I am going to give my thoughts about how to make some money from this game.
Bodemeister or I'll Have Another are the two most likely to hit the finish line first but they could be upset by either Creative Cause or Went the Day Well which would naturally be a surprise if it happened. I am sure that everyone is hoping that it will be the first two again copying many others of the past who have continued to be the exacta bet which could be atop a trifecta surprise...that monster trifecta has to have some surprise somewhere coming out of the blue from nowhere so there are several other horses that could find their way into the top three, Daddy Nose Best, Cozzetti, and Zetterhome or Tiger Walk. You never can tell when it comes to horse racing at who will come into the third, fourth, or fifth spots...and an old rule I continue to use is that favorites often come in fourth...that way the owner does get some money, which is what the game is about, and the bettor who realizes this can play a superfecta with some confidence.
This is theoretically a way this race could go: Bodemeister, I'll Have Another, box those or reverse theme if you would for the top two, followed by Creative Cause or Went the Day Well who likewise can be boxed for the bottom tier and reversed...You could box all of them but that is pretty expensive when one can key them to one another, and for the high five, it is possible to play all if you have enough ready cash to spend carelessly and recklessly. The best way to finish the high five is to throw out the three horses which you know very well are way over their heads and not even bother with them at all.
Usually the odds of 30 to 1 are the clue to which three horses to throw out...however, never forget that the shock and awe of a 30 to 1 shot has happened time and time again when least expected...that is why it pays so well when it wins...
Friday, May 18, 2012
Preakness Time
I woke up from a dream in which for some dang reason I was seeing Bodemeister and I'll Have Another who are the top favorites in this coming Preakness Race. If this dream was trying to tell me something, as I do not remember the details well enough, it seems that Bodemeister came up last or on top. So I went to Upper Deck to watch the Black-Eyed Susan Race. I ended up not playing a single race but drank my orange juice while I watched it unfold and satisfied myself with my knowledge of watching the horses close up to see who would win. I am always trying to figure out how to win a superfecta or high 5 race so as to make some REAL money instead of simple bets...exotics are darn hard but they pay so well that they attract all kinds of risk takers.****************
I have listened to every handicapper out there who agrees that the top horses are all from the Kentucky Derby and that no outside invader is nearly as good as any of these.***********
I have been suffering tiredness, weakness, and vertigo this past week so that I did not do much of anything except housecleaning, finally having my phone repaired, which means that I have a new battery...that story is something else. I called customer service, and some dingaling gave me some story that is totally unbelievable to me...but anyway I finally made my way to Tempe where I found a guy name of Jesse, good looking young kid, who advised me when I asked him that I could wait to buy the Iphone5 and keep using my current phone for it is a good one...but both Samsung and HTC are coming out with new phones this month...but HTC is stuck somewhere in the Pacific and is in the hands of the government right customer service told me last night...that is a very strange but funny I am holding fast to using a newly repaired phone for a while longer...this high tech world is crazier than I thought...will publish now...could go on and on...phones will soon be set to do anything including act as a key to your home...there is an ebike now that has wifi, phone key system, etc...made in Germany...what is next? the sky is the limit it would appear...
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Temperature's going up and away now!
Oh boy! It is getting hotter and hotter all the time. I finally got out of the apartment today. I have been feeling ill for the past two days and thanks to heat, I decided to stay indoors to take care of myself. I am feeling much better, not a lot, but enough that I did get out to go shopping today. I went to Fresh and Easy where I bought some asparagus and lettuce salad on sale...Lord, the lettuce salad was one of those already prepared things with salad dressing, cheese, and tortilla strips inside...called Southwest...the dressing was so hot I could hardly believe it...fortunately I tried a small amount first and it nearly burned my insides out! could not believe I used Caesar dressing, the cheese, and the strips...twas good.******I cleaned a bit around the apartment, vacuuming and dusting...hate dust...wish I knew the cure for that. ******have been thinking and rethinking how I am going to rewrite my first draft...I am actually planning the second part that will follow it and have not been able to formulate a plan, being so busy trying to win money this week at the Maryland based horse races....*****saw something on Nightline tonight that just tormented me no end...horses in Tennessee, walking horses they call them, and the cruelty that has been done to them...thank Heaven for Brian Ross and the humane society for stepping in to prevent this happening about evil, devils, and hell on earth...that kind of thing is absolutely angry about it...I actually did react to it...I know that people know that I am supersensitive to this kind of thing...God forbid what will happen to so called mankind for performing such cruelties...
I placed a group of photos from the past on my mobile facebook album. I took pictures of pictures but some I will soon (when able to do that) send to a few who may want to have these for themselves. Until then, I thought I would let them have an awareness of the various photos. I will continue doing this for a short time. I am trying to clean things out and sort things out. It is sad that today the young no longer really care about their heritage or their families and ancestors but this is a way for a few to become aware of the generations who preceded them, who gave birth so that each of them could be here now to enjoy or suffer whatever happens in this time period in which they are growing.
It gives me pause and has made me reflect upon how we come to know and love each other...spending time with one another is the only way...
Monday, May 14, 2012
Preakness Time
Bodemeister's connections have decided that he will run in the Preakness. This is an exciting rematch of Bodemeister with I'll Have Another. For I'll Have Another, the triple crown is on the line...For Bodemeister, a chance to prove himself after a two week layoff from a very taxing race. It will be interesting to see if this turns out to be another rerun of former Triple Crown races, or if it will turn into a totally different scenario.
Bodemeister had had the race won until the last when I'll Have Another had enough speed, stamina, and guidance to overtake him. One cannot help but wonder at any race at what makes it play out as it does, but there is little doubt that Bodemeister impressed many of his backers, and I'll Have Another therefore looks that much more impressive for his ability to take over and pass him in the final stages of the race.
Some other speedsters have opted out of the race so that a few new fresh horses will enter the fray...But none can approach the two top contenders until Preakness Day when we will see what happens when they all meet again...I can hardly wait...
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mother's Day
I was up late or early this morning depending on how you look at it, going through my old albums trying to find pictures to put in my album for my relatives. Since we are all so far apart from one another, it is physically impossible to get together to share these with one another in person so I am placing some old family history on my facebook pages to share with them now.
****I am also wanting to discuss the concept of reincarnation a little. It is the only reason that I came to know of historical characters Louis XIV and Alexander the Great. I would not give a whit about either one if it were not for the fact that I came to believe through hypnosis I might be able to learn something about myself in times past if I had lived in times past. My search gave these two persons of the past to me while I am living here in Scottsdale, Arizona. When I had been in California years ago, a teacher friend and I had gone to a group who were teaching others about reincarnation and how to learn of one's own past, and later, she and I went to see Gina Cerminara who had written a book about Edgar Cayce, a famous seer who is supposed to have been able to tap into the akashic records.
I am a person who is both too easily trusting and believing but at the same time so skeptical and doubtful to be like the doubting Thomas himself. I need proof more than just faith to justify my belief in certain kinds of schemes and scams. I am very concerned about religious groups as a whole as most are all subject to much misinterpretation and also much abuse of doctrine and interpretation of the printed word that I often wonder if religious bodies aren't merely for the slow and gullible also.
******When I see acts of creation that cannot be manmade I am impressed with the cause of natural phenomena enough to realize that whatever has brought it into being has had regulation, order, beauty, justice, and constancy of some kind enough to merit being called an intelligent production. Intelligence of some kind lies behind the universal means of expression.
*****I get very clinical at times, knowing that to recite a passage that a group of men wrote years ago does not really justify my faith in the doctrines of Christianity. I realize that not only has the life of Alexander the Great been perverted over time but also has the faith of Jesus Christ likewise been subject to the same kind of self projected problems that mankind is capable of imposing upon figures from the past.
***** I got interested in Louis XIV due to a spiritual voice speaking to me when in a state of sleep, and I came to find myself back in his time period in his person, performing his acts, and frankly enjoying every bit of it. Louis to me personally is totally different from the historical records written by others about him. After Louis XIV, I found myself again counseled and aided by the same spiritual entity who then took me to the person of Alexander the Great and I found myself likewise in his person, seeing and doing things through his eyes, and finding what life is like during his time...I had many sessions in both, many coming to me spontaneously and naturally. I ended up believing in the lives of each one according to the spiritual journey I had taken.
*****There will be an exhibit of Alexander in Australia this fall. I may and I may not go visit it. I would like to but it will depend upon my health and financial wellbeing...I did go to Paris to see an exhibition on Louis XIV. I would like to go to Vergina, to Greece, and to Persepolis to see the evidence that remains there. I would like to go to Australia to see Australia besides just the exhibition. But we will see. I have seen so much from within and have recorded much of it that I do not really need to see actual remains, but it does sometimes bring about recollections that I have of the period when I am in touch with them...That happened at the Versailles when I was there.
I am placing family photos on facebook and some of these members I never met personally but I have kept the photos to share with succeeding generations...I will write the details in some fashion when I can.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Beginning the second book on ATG
I have been thinking about how Alexander reacted immediately after his father's death. Some people probably were suspicious that he and Olympias could have been behind the plot to murder Phillip but I am convinced that they were only aware that it was a possibility and neither had any real part in its execution. While Alexander may have felt threatened many times that his own succession could be challenged there is no reason to believe that he ever doubted for a minute that he was to be the person who would succeed his father. after all he had been regent, had led the troops in command and was very instrumental in twice saving his father's life when Phillip was under threat of death. There is no reason to believe that Alexander was so insecure at age 20, even with the threat of a new wife and child, that he would contemplate murdering his father. Nor do I think that Olympias had anything to do with it, but did show her extreme joy when it was accomplished.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Loving Life
You know when I read the news stories that I find on my mobile phone that come through Mail online I despair of the human race. I realize that I live in a narrow, secluded world where little of life's miseries can reach me. I often had thought about all the terrible things that happen to people, but knowing that there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it one way or the other, I have since tuned it out of my mind. But I am becoming aware more and more that mankind is so full of evil that one would wonder at a creator that would have brought into being all this misery and turmoil that truly does exist elsewhere but not in my own personal world. And I surely do not want to invite trouble into my world by admitting this.
I can only be grateful for the fact that I have managed thus far to enjoy life, to find beauty in living, to enjoy all the positive elements of the goodness of people and to constantly try to give out only good will instead of hostility and anger. However, I have cause for the latter also and will see to it that justice is done.
I am also back into writing my book on Alexander. I am reading up to go to the next level but I had to update some of the first as I omitted some things that I might decide to include. It is actually all right with the way I first handled it but I began to address a situation that will come up later which does have roots in the childhood so I will contemplate that more fully.
Writing about military battles does not sound as though it would be very interesting. To some few who are interested in such things it might have appeal, but I finally read something that did make it very exciting when I read it so that I have to find a way to bring this to life so that it is a really good read...that is quite a challenge right now...tata.
Barsine and Alexander
I am still adding sections to my first draft of my book on Alexander and I began writing about Barsine and Memnon and Alexander last night. Had to go to google to check out info on Barsine and I did find a lot of information there that really was quite interesting. I have read Scott Oden's book on Memnon but some of the information that I learned from the search engine was even more interesting. When one begins writing, it seems that a writer lets go into a whole new dimension of himself so that writing automatically reveals and exposes information within that otherwise one would not imagine. I was surprised when I began writing about Barsine at what came out of me...It is finally becoming a love story. And a very interesting one at that.
Just jotting this down here so as not to forget it.
Alexander was only 6 and 7 when she lived at Pella when her father was in exile. So that his observations of her then would have been that of a very young child whose interest in her may have been curiosity more than attraction. However, it is interesting to learn of her marriages to both Mentor and Memnon which Scott Oden developed in a fantasy way in his novel. She later becomes Alexander's mistress and bears him a child, who they called Heracles.
When I first asked myself for proof of Alexander in my soul's knowledge, I did see Barsine and her son Heracles. I fell in love with that child. He was the spitting image of his father. Strange how all that worked here...all my searches from way back when produced all kinds of interesting results in today's ongoing life. Happened to see a child at the mall who resembled the child as I recalled him . It seems as though there are all kinds of strange repercussions when one undergoes lifetimes of the past because it does seep into the present.
I actually had some fun writing about Memnon's sudden attraction to a young girl blossoming into womanhood as she is quite lovely. Alexander at that age would not have yet had any more than a mild attachment to her had they had any interaction with one another, but he does acquire her later when he is adult enough to appreciate her once again. So it is an interesting romance that he has had, and I allude to it in my first draft but did not develop it yet.
That's all. gotta hang up now.
Cell Phones or Smart Phones
It is time for me to upgrade my phone, and as a result, I visited Sprint today to see what is available for me at this time. A new HTC EVO is coming out and I can preorder so I wanted to learn what I could about it. I have learned all I need to know but I am still undecided.
What a pain. I think I should get something that is just a phone and not a computer. I love the computer part of it, but why not just get a tablet and a phone that is used only as a phone. It would be so much smarter in many ways. I find that I have to charge my phone all the time because I do use it when I am not using my laptop.
So Sprint has an Iphone, 4S, a Nexxus Google, and HTCEVO, which I have now. I have been very annoyed with it recently swearing not to buy it again but looking at all its features, knowing its programming, I am tempted to get it. It is probably the most promising at the moment.
So I must decide...what to do, what to do?
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Live and Learn
I am rereading the first book that I ever read about Alexander the Great, and as I have since read so many others, this one now takes on a whole new look and flavor to me. I am using it to develop my novel as I had promised that I would do since it had had such an impact on me. I can realize now why it is that many either like it or hate it. I personally have always liked it because it has many anecdotal stories that most authors omit.*
(I hate this word processor for deleting statements that I make. Damn thing!) *
Again, I have to remember that this particular google blog does not indent paragraphs as it should which pisses me off no end too.*
So I have to use the * method again.*
Fundamentally, I can be a nice person, but I can also be an old grouch, irritable, and difficlt to get along with when things like this happen. If I could, I would give google a piece of my mind to blow them away!*
I will probably end up at word press doing everything perfectly!*
I am impressed that the legend of Alexander has been blown skyhigh so that the reality of him bears little resemblance to the many faces that he seems to wear depending upon who authors the tale or biography.*
I have an advantage that way as I have had the privilege of being up close and personal in going back into this time period, and seeing him, being inside his person so to speak, even though that would be a spiritual person, not a piece of flesh, but sure as heck looks and appears to be a piece of flesh...The spiritual person resembles the actual flesh person that much in cases such as this.*
So my personal impressions have always been whatever it was that I experienced when in that memory, and I do recall even now many of the imagery and emotional impressions that I had had when undergoing the experience. Since at that time, I had no real knowledge of his life at all, not having immersed myself in his history, I have only retained the uniqueness of what happened to me when I was in that state of being.*
My novel is actually letting me get to the truth of better than I had thought or believed it would, but it seems to release things from within to me that I find fascinating now to learn. So I am ready to go into the next stage despite the need to finish up some loose ends in the first part when I rewrite it.
That's all for now. Gotta close this computer down now.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Knowing how to bet horses
This Kentucky Derby actually has taught me more about horses than I had ever known til now. I have suddenly acquired knowledge which is giving me more and more confidence about this Saturday's great contest for the right to wear the rose garland at the end of the race. The winner's circle is a special place for some lucky winner this Friday and Saturday.*********
I just wrote the list of bets possible on Kentucky Derby race day. They are as follows: $2.00 straight bets. $1. exacta, .50cent trifecta, $1.superfecta, Rolling $1. double, .50 pick 4 on select races, .50 pick 5 on races 7 through 11. $2TwinSpires Pick 6 on both Oaks and Derby, $1 daily double on Oaks and Derby races, .50 trifecta on Oaks, Woodford Reserve Turf, and Derby.**********************
Somewhere there is a winning combination to bet and win for everyone! Good luck.This information came from HorseRacingNation.
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