Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mother's Day
I was up late or early this morning depending on how you look at it, going through my old albums trying to find pictures to put in my album for my relatives. Since we are all so far apart from one another, it is physically impossible to get together to share these with one another in person so I am placing some old family history on my facebook pages to share with them now.
****I am also wanting to discuss the concept of reincarnation a little. It is the only reason that I came to know of historical characters Louis XIV and Alexander the Great. I would not give a whit about either one if it were not for the fact that I came to believe through hypnosis I might be able to learn something about myself in times past if I had lived in times past. My search gave these two persons of the past to me while I am living here in Scottsdale, Arizona. When I had been in California years ago, a teacher friend and I had gone to a group who were teaching others about reincarnation and how to learn of one's own past, and later, she and I went to see Gina Cerminara who had written a book about Edgar Cayce, a famous seer who is supposed to have been able to tap into the akashic records.
I am a person who is both too easily trusting and believing but at the same time so skeptical and doubtful to be like the doubting Thomas himself. I need proof more than just faith to justify my belief in certain kinds of schemes and scams. I am very concerned about religious groups as a whole as most are all subject to much misinterpretation and also much abuse of doctrine and interpretation of the printed word that I often wonder if religious bodies aren't merely for the slow and gullible also.
******When I see acts of creation that cannot be manmade I am impressed with the cause of natural phenomena enough to realize that whatever has brought it into being has had regulation, order, beauty, justice, and constancy of some kind enough to merit being called an intelligent production. Intelligence of some kind lies behind the universal means of expression.
*****I get very clinical at times, knowing that to recite a passage that a group of men wrote years ago does not really justify my faith in the doctrines of Christianity. I realize that not only has the life of Alexander the Great been perverted over time but also has the faith of Jesus Christ likewise been subject to the same kind of self projected problems that mankind is capable of imposing upon figures from the past.
***** I got interested in Louis XIV due to a spiritual voice speaking to me when in a state of sleep, and I came to find myself back in his time period in his person, performing his acts, and frankly enjoying every bit of it. Louis to me personally is totally different from the historical records written by others about him. After Louis XIV, I found myself again counseled and aided by the same spiritual entity who then took me to the person of Alexander the Great and I found myself likewise in his person, seeing and doing things through his eyes, and finding what life is like during his time...I had many sessions in both, many coming to me spontaneously and naturally. I ended up believing in the lives of each one according to the spiritual journey I had taken.
*****There will be an exhibit of Alexander in Australia this fall. I may and I may not go visit it. I would like to but it will depend upon my health and financial wellbeing...I did go to Paris to see an exhibition on Louis XIV. I would like to go to Vergina, to Greece, and to Persepolis to see the evidence that remains there. I would like to go to Australia to see Australia besides just the exhibition. But we will see. I have seen so much from within and have recorded much of it that I do not really need to see actual remains, but it does sometimes bring about recollections that I have of the period when I am in touch with them...That happened at the Versailles when I was there.
I am placing family photos on facebook and some of these members I never met personally but I have kept the photos to share with succeeding generations...I will write the details in some fashion when I can.
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