Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Monday, May 28, 2012
Perdiccass confesses a problem
Alexander, Hephaestion, Perdiccas, Philotas, Harpalos, Leonnatus, and Craterus had spent the afternoon in the forest gathering samples of various fauna and vegetation that grew in the woodland. Each had carried a large bag to fill with berries, nuts, fruits, and plants. They had carried a small knife, a large knife, rolls and coils of rope and cords, and small towels or cloths in which to keep each item separate from one another. They then were required to identify and explain the usefulness of each sample that they found. * They were busily arranging the fruits of their treasure hunt in front of them when Perdiccas asked, "Has any one of you ever been accosted or approached by an adult male for sexual favors?" * "Who would dare?" lauged Philotas. "No! Decidedly not. Why? Have you?" * Perdiccas grimaced. He was a tall, strapping boy who resembled his father in appearance. He had long arms and legs, was lanky and lean, and appeared to be older than the other boys because of his size. "Yes, I have been. I did not know what to do to be honest."* "Well, what happened?"asked Craterus. "Did you submit or resist his advances? What did he do exactly?" * Perdiccas grimaced again and sighed. "I don't know if I should tell you now. We were wrestling together when he all of a sudden put his hands where he is not supposed to do, and said to me, 'I want you to want me now.'". I threw him off and shouted out, 'What do you think you are doing?' He then pulled my leg out from under me and threw me back on the ground. He then said,"You heard me. I want you to want me now. I mean it. He then put my arm behind my back and said loudly, "NOW! Then he put his mouth on my penis and he sucked me as hard as he could. Have any of you ever had that happen to you? "
*"Oh, my word," Philotas gasped. "I can't believe it." * *"I can," answered Leonnatus."There are some men who do it to one another regularly and that is how they add to their numbers. One simply has to learn who they are. Who did this to you? When was it? Recently?" * Alexander asked, " How did you feel after that? What did you do?" *"No, Perdiccas answered, " I did not enjoy it. It was forced upon me. He was mean and ugly to me about it. But he had me pinned down. I could not escape it. I never spoke of it until now. It happened recently so that is why I brought it up." * "Well, I have my bags contents separated into groups now," piped up Harpalos. " We must see if any us has found all that we were supposed to collect...But I am listening...Go ahead with your story. I do know of boys who have been used that way but I myself have never been accosted or approached." * "He laughed at me and jeered when he was finished. He said loudly, 'There boy, you liked it, didn't you? Now you know how to be a man in this army. I was outraged at that thought. Is it true, Alexander? Is that what it takes to be a man in your fahter's army?" Perdiccas asked. * "NO, absolutely not!" Alexander retorted. "How outrageous. Tell me who did this to you and I will see what I can do to prevent it from ever happening again." "Oh, Alexander, you know very well that some of the soldiers are that way, even your father is said to have male lovers!"
Philotas reponded. "My father will have nothing to do with them so that is why I have not ever had that problem. But you? Has anyone ever tried to do that to you?" . "Me?! Never! Noody would dare to think of it.answered Alexander. They are not only afraid of my father but more afraid of my mother. And I would daresay nobody could ever get close to me to attempt it!, he stated firmly. "Besides it is my sister I protect from men's advances. Since she is growing into such a beauty many want her for a bride," he added. * Craterus spoke up. "I had a bad experience one time when I was riding alone. A group of men tried to follow me and I could tell that they were a threat to me so I luckily gave them a chase and escaped them. They were not any of Philip's soldiers. Philip's army is rough and bawdy enough. I suppose that is what some think makes men men." * Alexander said, "What do you think your father would do if you were to tell him, Perdiccas?" * "I won't ever tell him.I don't know what he would say. I don't think that I want to know yet." he answered "I was caught, unprotected. There was nobody around t see or hear me, but I protested loudly and finally had no choice but to give in to his demands." *"Well," Hephaestion said" Some men do worse and make boys suck them as well. I know of a young boy who had been forced to have his buttocks bruised by a huge male cock and it nearly killed him.His mother cried and screamed when she learned what had happened. You know that there are laws posted that it is a crime to perform this kind of sex against children but army soldiers don't often care about laws, do they?" * Alexander retorted,"I care, and so should we all care. We are going to be soldiers of honor, not a group of rapists." Hephaestion smiled, "I agree with you, Alexander. Let's always stay honorable."*Leonnatus who had remained silent during the discussion finally spoke up. "Well, Alexander, you can set ideals and have ideals, but realism is that men do these things all the time and you very well know it. I hope that we as leaders can follow your example and do honorable deeds. Hail to you for thinking wisely and well. I have organized my samples together and am finished. Aristotle will be pleased with my collection I hope. Anybody need any help with yours or are we ready to return home now?" * Perdiccas said, "I hope that you won't think poorly of me for sharing this experience with you." "Not at all,"responded Alexander. We should all be able to share our experiences with each other in confidence and trust. He looked around at each member of the group to see them all nod their heads in agreement.* Philotas answered, "Let us help each other to avoid such problems through these kind of dicussions. I had no idea that this would happen to any of us. I thought that we are a special elite group. Isn't that so, Alexander?: "Yes, indeed!" Alexander affirmed. We are the future. We are men of honor."
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ReplyDeleteIt was considered alright for men to have close relationships with their cadets or other men but if the boy was under 12 that was pedopholia and frowned upon. Relationships between men or soldiers and their cadets was not considered homosexual as it is in this day and age. Are you writing this for a young audience? I would consider this.