I read all the writer's tips that writers digest offers and tonight was an interesting one in which the co-author of James Patterson's books whose name is not right now on the tip of my tongue advised that protagonists do not necessarily need to be superheroes but to have flaws. I am working on a character in my Alexander novel who is considered the world's greatest hero by his supporters and naturally, the world's worst demon by his enemies. I am going to discuss Alexander a bit here. Alexander is a complex character. My novel is designed to prove that his education, his indoctrination by his mother and his father, his teachers, the dramatists of the day, his classmates, and his own innate sense of his own person created the successful general , city administrator, and architect that he became. He was born with innate qualities that give him personality, dedication, and perseverance. But his learning came from outside sources which had him convinced that he was a child of destiny, a young god who must fulfill his own fate which was to rule the then known world. But he had to do it with his father's carefully prepared and developed army, adding to it as he traveled to conquer the many tribes and nations around him. As a character observed from outsiders who study on he historical documents that were left behind to verify his conquests make him appear formidable, determined, ruthless, and bloodthirsty. These documents were all copied by later historians whose works are all that remain for modern day historians to use to understand why it is that he achieved success as he did, omitting often the fact that he was truly motivated by his divine status and his belief that the gods themselves assisted him and opened many doors for him. When a man truly believes that the immortals are behind his very destiny he can and will achieve success unlike any other ordinary man. Few men ever achieve such success with out that kind of faith and belief, trust in the forces that propel him forward. Jesus Christ is also another figure in history whose life was directed by that same belief that his fate was determined by his God, in case, his Heavenly Father. In Alexander's case, his Heavenly father is Zeus in whom he also believed as much as Jesus had done.
****Some may think it preposterous that I was able to enter into the spiritual body of Alexander or that it was exposed to me. Frankly, had I not I would not be interested in him in even the slightest degree. And were it not for the fact that I actually was able to see Jesus through the same method I would not have been able to see and learn of Alexander. I place both in similar lights due to that method and means of coming to learn of their spiritual aspects.
******Alexander is a very strange man when one is only aware of historical stories about him, as he is frankly misunderstood and misrepresented. That is one reason that I decided to write a novel about him beginning with his childhood. When one can travel through his life as I have had the luxury to do, one sees him in an entirely different light. He was carefully prepared for his role as King of the World in that time, and it is quite interesting to realize that the gods are there for him whenever he truly needs them. I maintain that he is the tool of the gods to do their bidding, and that he fully realizes it, and is fully receptive to their will. In the Christian faith, we call this humility..Not my will, oh Lord, but thy will be done. Alexander submitted to do the will of the gods wholly and completely, thus, he was able to fulfill his goals and aspirations.
******As stories go, his is a fascinating story which is similar to some old testament stories of the patriarchs of the faith, Moses, Abraham, King David, even...for all are after all stories of struggles between man and God....
******Alexander is a man who allows himself to become one of the gods after he follows in the example of Heracles, and other ancients who have accomplished great feats so that he can be acclaimed by the citizens of Greece to be one of the immortals, the gods. Thus, with that goal in mind, he marches with an army to conquer each and every tribe who is in his path to glory.
to be continued.
Well I guess if your mother has told you all your life you are the son of Ammon you get to believe it.