It is still so hot here that the air conditioning bills take up too much expense. I can hardly wait til It is O ctober so we can see a real reduction in the electric bills. It becomes very annoying to realize that being cool is so seriously vital to one's good health.
Apparently, worldwide this year has seen many strange weather peculiarities, many of which happened here in the Arizona desert with all the dust storms that descended upon the valley. The meterologists have been explaining away why all this is happening but frankly no matter the explanation it is a most unusual event. The National Geographic Magazine has a photo display of various weather events that were out of the ordinary.
One of the things that I read the other day that truly fascinates me is the lineup of stars with the three pyramids in Egypt. That will occur on December 3, 2012. I am wondering what that will mean when the lineup occurs over Egypt. It is easy to make up all kinds of omens and forecasts but the truth of it is much more significant than any of the socalled dire forecasts.
One of the more important events of the summer was the occasion of placing an instrument on Mars to do scientific lab experiments. The pictures that are being sent back to earth are absolutely incredible to me. The arm reached out to a rock and that amused me but also saddened me. To think that one has to travel through space to find a rock! I mean really, since we pick up debris that falls onto the earth from space, it seems a wee bit absurd to know that all we can find when we spend all this money and energy is a rock, and a hard place. But they will have the robot for two full years to try to find some evidence of life on the planet. They say they want to find evidence of water, but the truth is that they are looking for evidence of life in any form.
Without water, it is unlikely that man will be able to travel to the planet to stay for any length of time. It is really no place for your burial ground in my opinion. One cannot possibly carry enough water to even recycle for the number of years that it would take to live there and make it habitable. I am wondering how these planners are thinking.
Well, at any rate, I have enjoyed seeing the pictures, and wondering at the real value of scientific lab projects such as these. For the expense, it is interesting to see the success of landing and discovering that one can send pictures and move the robot around the terrain, but I wonder where it will lead.
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