Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dark Matter

This movie made me think of all my Chinese friends who I had met here in Phoenix years ago and who moved to Southern California shortly after I did.  There are situations in the film which are intended for me to realize this, but on the surface of it until you know enough about it, one would never realize it at all. 

Without spoiling this movie for anyone who has not seen it, I will say that I do believe that even though based upon a true story which happened at the University of Iowa, one can see the connection to the events in the Aurora, Colorado incident at the midnight showing of Dark Knight Rises.

While Meryl Streep appears in the movie as a very rich woman who assists and helps the young Chinese foreign students, her role is minimal in comparison to that of Liu Ye, the actor who portrays the brilliant young scientist with a future were he more amenable to the needs of the foolish advisor.

Cosmology is the course of study in which we are teased with the possibility of actually learning the origins of the universe as this young man's mind seems quite capable of solving this ancient problem.  The problem of Creator God is discussed in an interesting way but we have a professor whose vanity and intellect is threatened by this young man so that the student fails to please his adviser when he prefers to do his thing his way rather than the professor's way.

It is a good movie.  It reached me in many ways, but I will keep this review brief instead of lengthy. I just posted a previous post which is fairly succinct!  If you get the chance, see the movie. It made me think of my friend Ruth and her family!

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