Tragedy occurs all the time in America and elsewhere in the world. Once in a while, a movie will be made on the basis of a tragedy such as in this case, Dark Matter, is in fact, based upon a situation at the University of Iowa where a Chinese foreign exchange student turned against his colleagues and faculty.
In this film, a young brilliant scientist arrives in America to live with other Chinese men while he attends the local university to receive an extensive education. As he becomes assimilated into American culture, he meets with a dynamic winning personality who is a major philanthropist and contributor to the university. Meryl Streep portrays the kindly very rich wife of an industrial businessman whose main interest is in helping the young students and acquiring a knowledge of the Chinese culture and language. She is the bait to watch the film to be frank.
The young man naively hopes to win his doctorate on his belief in his own theories instead of sucking up to his adviser, so that he alienates the adviser whose own insecurities cause him to become hostile and jealous of his young student. As a result, the person who succeeds in the story is the person who is willing to suck up and kiss ass.
Lawrence, who has changed his name so that Americans will be able to handle his name better, has become the successful student who wins the prize and the money while our other brilliant student who we have come to like and know so well ends up on the wrong end of the stick, alienating the professor advisor. We hate the professor now. But we think of Big Bertha!
Lawrence has listened to his wife who advised him to "know the professor". It worked for him, reminding me of a guy in Reno who should have listened to his wife to win a keno jackpot!
So from the beginning of the film with the porn film on t.v. reminding me of a Chinese Motel in Temple City, California, where I watched a porn movie, I followed this story as it gave me a glimpse of how films can remind me of minor places and events in my life.
An important point is made in this film about female orgasm as it does seem that the Chinese men know a lot about women and orgasms. Was she faking? A bit of Deep Throat comes out in this film as we learn that orgasms come from the throat...fascinating, isn't it?
I suspect that this movie did lead to the opener of the movie The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora. There are many ways that one can see that Dark Matter (Reading Matter) has some impact on "The Dark Knight Rises". I see it loud and clear!
Well, I won't spoil it but Aurora is a clue! You must see the movie to figure it out and to wonder about it...Another one of those real Hollywood mysteries! See you at the movies!
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