Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Discussing marriage again

Marriage is that union that bonds male and female together to help foster the human race.  The entire purpose of marriage as signified by law is for the ongoing life of the human race on the planet.  Naturally, one can reproduce without benefit of civil laws and many unwanted and neglected children do come to live on the planet due to sexual drives more than loving relationships but essentially, marriage ceremonies were created so that man and woman could live together to beget and rear a family. If one reads Holy Scripture from the Christian faith, one soon reads about many begettings which helped to continue the lot of that individual body of people.

There are some few men and women who marry simply for companionship without intent of producing a family as the t.v. show years ago called Hart to Hart proved.  Many believe that the planet is already overpopulated enough that the addition of more children is unnecessary.  There is evidence to prove that man has already exceeded his limits in child production in some nations so that the number of children allowed per family is governed by the state.

Certain religious beliefs compound the problem with their imposing rules and regulations about child reproduction, believing falsely that the number of children should be determined haphazardly by a divine power. The real divine power is within the sensibilities of the individual family to know ;how many childeren it can lawfully support so that the choice should be upon the responsible parents, not upon some highly idealistic and foolish church entity.  For men who choose chastity as a lifestyle, it seems absurd to me that they should be able to rule on another man's lifestyle regarding home and family.

I cannot accept the idea that a Pope, a Bishop, or a Cardinal knows ofwhich he speaks when he believes that he is an authority on family and childrearing.

I consider the great body of Cardinals to be totally deluded in their negative thinking pattern about what God wills and wants for humanity.

As I believe in the power of the Holy Ghost and the power of Angels, and the power of Great Almighty God, I believe that to place one's trust and faith in that supreme being is far better than to place it into the hands of misguided and untrustworthy men who have permitted untold sexual scandals, murders, and other crimes within the folds of the Holy See, the place called the Vatican.

I was raised in a protestant Christian faith, and all the tales that I had heard about the Catholic church soon became exposed to have been true after all.  It is a sorry time when people are betrayed by men who apparently deceive not only themselves but the entire community when they harbor child molesters within their own ranks and do nothing about it but keep it secret and undercover.

I do believe that many in the Catholic faith are sincere, do attempt to live by their vows, no matter whether they should or not. I am aware of all the prophecies about the church and it is easy to see why that they could become true for any organization so rotting from within is sure to fall sooner or later.

It does not mean that Christendom is threatened, not at all. The belief in the purity and the sanctity of the Holy Church, the True Church, will always remain. Only the heavily endowed outer structure which is truly false will fail.

Trust in God.  Peace be unto you.

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