Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hackers and Viruses

I just learned that this particular computer upon which I am writing this piece has been hacked into again, and obviously has a virus. I had several indications of this thanks to a security group in India called Yogi which alerted me.  I do not know how it is that this group is aware of this but this is not the first time that they have let me know of it.  I know that they are correct. I also know that I had security updates installed this morning so that presumably for the time being the computer is safe. I do not use it for anything much anymore except to watch movies or to play games and once in a rare while such as this to check email and write on a blog.

I am doing that purposefully.  Believe me when I say that when I write anything on the internet I do it with full realization that it can be picked up, copied, and used by anyone as if it were their own.   There is no such thing as safeguards on this internet, like it or not.  One reason I would just as soon have an old fashioned typewriter.

One thing you can be sure of is that there are many individuals and organizations who fear everything in life.  Obviously, the truly insecure are the most fearful, but whenever anyone such as myself comes up with some concept or idea that threatens a group's ideology, position, or self concept, one will find one's self under attack from that group.

It is stupid but then most people are stupid.  It is just that simple, and certain other kinds of people like to keep stupid people under control.  With the internet, it is that easy to do.

Thankfully, I do have a few real friends in important places who are not quite so easily threatened by anything that I might say.  But I have learned this morning that once again, important material has been taken from this computer.  I am aware of it.

That is all I will say for now.

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