When I am experimenting with my camera, I get different looks. It is rather difficult to get the right look that one wants to convey. I suspect I look morose and glum most of the time rather than cheerful and smiley. But I try to find a smiley look to improve my appearance. This obviously is not the smiley look. I am trying to get an eye open appearance instead of always the closed which comes from looking down at the camera. I have not got this business of taking my own image down yet.
Also I do put toner on my hair and am half afraid to let it all grow out. I do not know if I am ready to see just how much white is in my hair now. That will really put me over the top because it took a lot of convincing to get me to color it when I had let it grow natural. Now I need to know where it is that I am in amount of white or gray. Gray is when you have a lot of dark in it still. My sides are pretty much all white.
So who cares? Well, it turns out that everyone who has to look at you does. Believe it or not, our own personal appearance affects everyone around us. It either makes them feel better or worse, all according to how well you take care of yourself.
I admit that I need to lose pounds but I am not working at it. If it happens, it will be in the natural course of time. I frankly doubt that there will be much change in me. I am not one to ever stick with a diet plan as most are really dumbth. When one's metabolism is changed, I am just letting nature take its course. The reason is that I do not eat that much anyway so why should I deny myself anything anyway,.
I have a belief about life. It is temporary for each flesh time, and permanent only in the spiritual realm. I am a believer in the spirit being the more important of the two states of being, so I would rather spend time cultivating that than worrying about a few pounds on bones that are soon to be turned into dust anyway.
I have often talked about my spiritual experiences of which I have more than most people can imagine. Another occurred the other evening in bed when my cat was sleeping at the foot of the bed. I have not mentioned it because I do not understand it, and I am concerned that anything I say and do is being overheard anyway. But I saw a sudden flash of light cross the room. I do not know its cause or how it happened. The cat saw it too so that it reacted to it. One value of having a cat in the bed at the time. I have decided that there are beings all around us as many people claim. However, again that is an unidentified light!
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