I have been studying travel tours for seniors to find the right trip for me to take as soon as is feasible. I am wanting to go this fall if I can to Europe once more. My passport will expire soon and I must make at least one more trip before it does, and hopefully, two if I can arrange it.
So I have found several for this fall. There are some fall specials which appeal to me. I am weighing the idea of a return to France this fall seriously, but the problem is that while I am there I would like to visit a few other places as well. So it is taking me some time to find the right trip at the right price.
Just thinking aloud for now...Will save this to return as I just got in from a highly productive purchase this morning. I finally made it to the Lutheran Thrift Store. I have been looking for a nice lamp and was very fortunate to find one there that I did buy. This is a lovely Thrift store, probably the best I have seen so far, and so I will donate some of my items there now. I am sure that many will find a good home since it is such a great store.
I even found a hutch that I would like to have. Now to find a way to get it home. A delivery truck will cost a lot I am afraid.
I am starting to feel a whole lot better than I have been feeling about this move. I am like a tree that has been uprooted to another spot and it is a bit tough to start feeling comfortable again. We do not realize how environment really affects us until we move from one place to another. It makes a lot of difference.
My part of snooty Scottsdale was never really snooty, but Scottsdale does overprice itself, and oversell itself as well. It is a magnet for a certain kind of financially well set. Those of us who were in a different income bracket lived a totally different lifestyle than those multimillionaire rich guys.
In women, it always shows in hairstyles and fashions! Cars do impact a bit too.
Well, digressing back to my plans to travel. It is the only real optimism I have at the moment to think that there is something to look forward to. Life is full of routine, but one always needs an escape plan to brighten up the monotony of regular routine. Time goes so fast, and all it is seems to be the same old song day after day. We allow ourselves to get hooked onto habits that are often not really good for us.
I have had a good chance at self examination here in this last two months, seeing how I cannot let go of simple little things when I really must do it.
I am actually worried about myself at my apathy in sorting and tossing out things that I do not need. Going to the Lutheran Thrift store did help a bit because I have a lot of things that I can and will donate there now. I have kept my old wallets and bags, plus hats and scarves. Some are going to be tossed into the trash but the good ones can be donated. I have shoes galore.
It is just difficult for me to say good bye at times...dang it.
Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Friday, July 24, 2015
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Iran Nuclear Agreement
I am obviously for this agreement to be signed, sealed, and delivered to see if indeed it will bring about change in that region of the world.
I have a special interest in Iran as I have already stated on this blog. I just hope that the Iran Nuclear Agreement will be passed by Congress. Give it the 15 years it needs to bring change to that region of the world.
The Shiite religion believes in bloodlines; whereas, the Sunnis believe in elections. That is the real difference between the two groups so it is easy to see why the Shiites are the minority group.
That is a problem for the Muslim world. I do not care about either group one way or the other since I view all that Mohammed says as false ideology.
But in the meantime, most of the life on earth as we know it had its origins in that region of the world. It behooves us to save the antiquities there for our own well being. Anything to stop ISIS from destroying more ancient cities and artifacts.
So Congress, wake up and see that Iran wants to play ball. Try to play along!
Saturday, July 18, 2015
The Donald Did It Again
Donald Trump is the business tycoon who has suddenly decided that he is running for President. He is famous through his real estate deals, his Casinos, his magnificent home in Florida, and of course, his tv show called The Apprentice where he took great joy in firing any of his inept contestants for not bringing in the dough and pulling their own weight in the world of get rich schemes.
He entered the race by deliberately labeling the criminal element of Mexicans who cross the border as murderers and rapists, which has proved to be true, and thus, angered all the so called pillar of the community Mexicans and Latinos, who are naturally enough, movie stars, pop singers, and beauty contestants. Donald also backed and owned the Miss Universe contest.
Now we learn that he has ten billion dollars in assets which naturally probably hurt John McCain who is said to have married his wife for her million dollar assets, so that a feud seems to have brewed between McCain and Trump over the "crazies" who are coming out of the woodwork to see and meet Mr.Trump while he meets and greets the voting public.
John McCain is a former p.o.w. who used his five years in captivity to convince voters in Arizona to elect him to the Senate where he has served Arizona rather dubiously over the past years. You would have thought that a man who is a veteran would have an interest in the Veterans Hospitals, but in fact, Arizona is one of the worst in the care given to these men. Did McCain do anything about it? Maybe a cursory look now and then. After all, now he is no longer serving in the military, but has a cozy Senate seat, and a gorgeous wife, with all her assets, and an all too willing Arizona constituency who re elects him to do very little in the Senate on behalf of the state.
Donald Trump's only interest in the state had been one time when he considered buying some real estate to which the neighborhood vigorously protested. Nothing came of that, so Arizona did not see this bad boy until he decided to come to see if he could gather support for his anti illegal immigration stance,
All this is amusing to me. I like to see fireworks in these two parties, but only one party seems to have any life in it, even if it is only protesting everything that the Donald says. The Democrats are like dogs who have decided to lay down and just let the Clinton Machinery control them one more time. In other words, they are truly dead.
But at least with Donald ruffling everyone's feathers, with small petty losers shouting and crying because they cannot get any backing from the voters, they attack the Donald as if he were the only hen in the hen house who is laying any eggs.
Jealousy knows no boundaries when it comes to the Grand Old Party! Wow! What a circus we are having! And it is so dang much fun! I just love it!
He entered the race by deliberately labeling the criminal element of Mexicans who cross the border as murderers and rapists, which has proved to be true, and thus, angered all the so called pillar of the community Mexicans and Latinos, who are naturally enough, movie stars, pop singers, and beauty contestants. Donald also backed and owned the Miss Universe contest.
Now we learn that he has ten billion dollars in assets which naturally probably hurt John McCain who is said to have married his wife for her million dollar assets, so that a feud seems to have brewed between McCain and Trump over the "crazies" who are coming out of the woodwork to see and meet Mr.Trump while he meets and greets the voting public.
John McCain is a former p.o.w. who used his five years in captivity to convince voters in Arizona to elect him to the Senate where he has served Arizona rather dubiously over the past years. You would have thought that a man who is a veteran would have an interest in the Veterans Hospitals, but in fact, Arizona is one of the worst in the care given to these men. Did McCain do anything about it? Maybe a cursory look now and then. After all, now he is no longer serving in the military, but has a cozy Senate seat, and a gorgeous wife, with all her assets, and an all too willing Arizona constituency who re elects him to do very little in the Senate on behalf of the state.
Donald Trump's only interest in the state had been one time when he considered buying some real estate to which the neighborhood vigorously protested. Nothing came of that, so Arizona did not see this bad boy until he decided to come to see if he could gather support for his anti illegal immigration stance,
All this is amusing to me. I like to see fireworks in these two parties, but only one party seems to have any life in it, even if it is only protesting everything that the Donald says. The Democrats are like dogs who have decided to lay down and just let the Clinton Machinery control them one more time. In other words, they are truly dead.
But at least with Donald ruffling everyone's feathers, with small petty losers shouting and crying because they cannot get any backing from the voters, they attack the Donald as if he were the only hen in the hen house who is laying any eggs.
Jealousy knows no boundaries when it comes to the Grand Old Party! Wow! What a circus we are having! And it is so dang much fun! I just love it!
Acts of Creation
In studying and understanding creation, which is a luxury that only a few can entertain, it is important to understand that there are still beings in the oceans that mankind has not yet even discovered. Some live so deep within the sea that mankind has not yet discovered them. Mostly, mankind observes nature before making any conclusions about how it is that there are so many different varieties of birds, animals, and fish in the sea.
Until one discovers the octopus, nobody can really know that it exists. I saw a tv story that told of a recent discovery of a fish that lay so far beneath the ocean that it had been an unknown until it was finally caught on a camera which discovered it. The ocean is the least explored part of our planet so that it should be no surprise that there may be many forms of marine life that live only on the ocean floor.
On that premise, one can only wonder at how it is that that can help understand creation. What creator could both design some of the most beautiful birds in the world as well as all the gnats, mosquitoes, and other creepy, crawling insect?
How is that one can search the internet to find every so called formula for the constant recurring symbols in nature? Any child can find answers to all these questions easily in this hi tech world.
But are these formulas which appear to satisfy the minds of the scientists a real clue to the origins of the universe? If there remain fish under the sea or forms of marine life yet undiscovered, can that not be said to be true of the airs around us? Have we yet identified each and every form that flies through the air?
I am stating all my questions and thoughts about this because the recent New Horizon camera passed by Pluto to learn that Pluto is only an infant in the Universe. I am wondering why and how it is that we are being told that the universe is 450 billion years old.
Oh Come On! 450 billion years old!
How on earth did anyone determine that? I ask you.
How can scientists at NASA proclaim that the icy mountains of Pluto are a mere ten million years old? Or whatever? I mean this is only a photograph! From a photo we can measure age? I do not buy that at all. Sorry, NASA, but I consider you to be as equally irresponsible in that statement as the government is in its many lies it tells us.
I would hate for anyone to tell me how old I am by any one second photograph.
Granted, it is taking time to get all the pictures back from this fly by but we will wait to see more and to hear how the scientists explain these findings. It is fascinating.
I just do not believe that one single snowfall in the Rocky Mountains could ever tell how old that mountain range could be. I just do not believe this.
Until one discovers the octopus, nobody can really know that it exists. I saw a tv story that told of a recent discovery of a fish that lay so far beneath the ocean that it had been an unknown until it was finally caught on a camera which discovered it. The ocean is the least explored part of our planet so that it should be no surprise that there may be many forms of marine life that live only on the ocean floor.
On that premise, one can only wonder at how it is that that can help understand creation. What creator could both design some of the most beautiful birds in the world as well as all the gnats, mosquitoes, and other creepy, crawling insect?
How is that one can search the internet to find every so called formula for the constant recurring symbols in nature? Any child can find answers to all these questions easily in this hi tech world.
But are these formulas which appear to satisfy the minds of the scientists a real clue to the origins of the universe? If there remain fish under the sea or forms of marine life yet undiscovered, can that not be said to be true of the airs around us? Have we yet identified each and every form that flies through the air?
I am stating all my questions and thoughts about this because the recent New Horizon camera passed by Pluto to learn that Pluto is only an infant in the Universe. I am wondering why and how it is that we are being told that the universe is 450 billion years old.
Oh Come On! 450 billion years old!
How on earth did anyone determine that? I ask you.
How can scientists at NASA proclaim that the icy mountains of Pluto are a mere ten million years old? Or whatever? I mean this is only a photograph! From a photo we can measure age? I do not buy that at all. Sorry, NASA, but I consider you to be as equally irresponsible in that statement as the government is in its many lies it tells us.
I would hate for anyone to tell me how old I am by any one second photograph.
Granted, it is taking time to get all the pictures back from this fly by but we will wait to see more and to hear how the scientists explain these findings. It is fascinating.
I just do not believe that one single snowfall in the Rocky Mountains could ever tell how old that mountain range could be. I just do not believe this.
Has the Muslim World Gone Mad?
Recently, a young man was convicted of murder and given the death penalty for his part in setting off a bomb at the famous Boston Marathon. He was a young boy supposedly dominated by his zealot brother. Both are Muslims.
In Chattanooga, TN, five military men were murdered in cold blood by another renegade young Muslim who had been living in America. HIs parents had come to America from Kuwait where he had been born. He attended the local Mosque and was apparently quite a religious young man. He went mad on the 16th, killing four Marines and one Navy man at a Naval center in Chattanooga, TN. Previous to his shooting spree at the Naval facility, he had shot rounds of bullets into a recruiting center at a strip mall.
His face and history is now being shown on all major talk and news networks. This happened at the same time that another previous mass shooter's verdict in Colorado was being determined. Oddly, this act of mayhem has not had any religious roots attached to it.
However, the Chattanooga shooter shot his victims on the last day of Ramadan, which means that according to his faith that he would be given a greater reward in Heaven for annihilating the infidel. So far, nobody knows what was in his mind to do this horrible act, but it is easy to connect it to his religious faith.
This young man named for Mohammed has a beautiful and handsome image. He was a wrestler in high school which might raise a few eyebrows, but his coach speaks warmly of him. He was supposedly so well indoctrinated by his environment that he was considered an ? All American kid. How does a Muslim become an All American kid I wonder. I cannot quite believe that.
The Muslim faith deems anyone who does not embrace their faith as infidels, which essentially means the enemy. It is a part of their dogmatic faith that they can kill any infidel without reprisal.
Is that a religion? I do not think so but I consider it a an invitation to murder wholesale. And both of these horrific acts were done by youngsters too young to understand what is right and wrong with that kind of thought process, so they followed through as if they had the right and even duty to kill anyone who is an enemy to their faith.
Even worse, in far away Iraq, ISIS is teaching and training young children at ages 10 to kill brutally by decapitating their perceived enemy. Videos and photographs are taken of children shooting captured soldiers, and the worst was a picture showing a young 10 year old decapitating an Iraqi soldier. No wonder the Iraqi's are scared to do battle. They run rather than get caught because they know what will happen if they don't.
In my opinion, the world is not acting quickly enough to contain and stop ISIS. It is the most demonic, diabolic band of murderers on the face of the earth today, except that someone has recently admitted that the Mexican drug lords are even worse than these horrible ISIS soldiers.
I read today that the leader of the ISIS group has asked his media center to no longer distribute the videos of the children killing adults so as not to frighten children. HA! What? Just stop filming...but apparently, there is a division in thought here where some want to continue the intimidation of the Iraq army who are really threatened by these acts of violence.
It is total insanity! The Muslim world appears to have gone mad! Where is the outrage?
Where is the hero who will end this carnage?
In Chattanooga, TN, five military men were murdered in cold blood by another renegade young Muslim who had been living in America. HIs parents had come to America from Kuwait where he had been born. He attended the local Mosque and was apparently quite a religious young man. He went mad on the 16th, killing four Marines and one Navy man at a Naval center in Chattanooga, TN. Previous to his shooting spree at the Naval facility, he had shot rounds of bullets into a recruiting center at a strip mall.
His face and history is now being shown on all major talk and news networks. This happened at the same time that another previous mass shooter's verdict in Colorado was being determined. Oddly, this act of mayhem has not had any religious roots attached to it.
However, the Chattanooga shooter shot his victims on the last day of Ramadan, which means that according to his faith that he would be given a greater reward in Heaven for annihilating the infidel. So far, nobody knows what was in his mind to do this horrible act, but it is easy to connect it to his religious faith.
This young man named for Mohammed has a beautiful and handsome image. He was a wrestler in high school which might raise a few eyebrows, but his coach speaks warmly of him. He was supposedly so well indoctrinated by his environment that he was considered an ? All American kid. How does a Muslim become an All American kid I wonder. I cannot quite believe that.
The Muslim faith deems anyone who does not embrace their faith as infidels, which essentially means the enemy. It is a part of their dogmatic faith that they can kill any infidel without reprisal.
Is that a religion? I do not think so but I consider it a an invitation to murder wholesale. And both of these horrific acts were done by youngsters too young to understand what is right and wrong with that kind of thought process, so they followed through as if they had the right and even duty to kill anyone who is an enemy to their faith.
Even worse, in far away Iraq, ISIS is teaching and training young children at ages 10 to kill brutally by decapitating their perceived enemy. Videos and photographs are taken of children shooting captured soldiers, and the worst was a picture showing a young 10 year old decapitating an Iraqi soldier. No wonder the Iraqi's are scared to do battle. They run rather than get caught because they know what will happen if they don't.
In my opinion, the world is not acting quickly enough to contain and stop ISIS. It is the most demonic, diabolic band of murderers on the face of the earth today, except that someone has recently admitted that the Mexican drug lords are even worse than these horrible ISIS soldiers.
I read today that the leader of the ISIS group has asked his media center to no longer distribute the videos of the children killing adults so as not to frighten children. HA! What? Just stop filming...but apparently, there is a division in thought here where some want to continue the intimidation of the Iraq army who are really threatened by these acts of violence.
It is total insanity! The Muslim world appears to have gone mad! Where is the outrage?
Where is the hero who will end this carnage?
Friday, July 17, 2015
Act of Creation
The other evening, a Facebook friend and I began a discussion about Light. Actually, Michael started the discussion but I chimed in.
I will try to succinctly explain my thoughts on this in a way that can best express it without drawings and graphs.
I am a visionary. I see things. I can see images and pictures of places and things that suddenly fill my mind. I sometimes discuss these but rarely. Most people cannot understand.
One such vision was the act of creation. I could see a thin narrow outline. So thin as to be inperceptible. But as the thin outline is set, immediately with a magnetic force it becomes filled to create a fully developed image. What I saw were a variety of animals. I realized that this was the act of creation. These fully grown developed animals had appeared out of nowhere except for that nearly invisible thin line through which all were brought into a fully developed state within seconds.
This all happened within a twinkling of an eye as the saying goes. There was nothing, and then there were all the animals that came to be all at once.
So because of a statement by Michael about light I had another vision. The vision is of light separating itself so that all these beings come from it. That which appeared to be nothing is actually the light that separates itself into beings, whether animal or vegetable.
Light can appear as nothing because of its brightness level. At times, light is low, so low as to appear as nothing until it creates the universe which is of itself as it spills its energy into shapes, forms, and substance. All of the creation is the light itself but in a transformed state of perception to the senses that can sense it.
The only way that light can manifest itself is through this creation of materialized matter so that it can only perceive itself when it creates and transform the matter into beings that can realize it and report it back to itself.
We are the light. We perceive ourselves. What we could not do was to see our own origin until light revealed itself to us.
Clearly, we are not alone. Our aloneness is only our perception and awareness of the unique state that we are in in the entire Cosmos. So be it.
But I must go further. Because I am a person who has also seen the invisible do things in front of my very eyes, I know absolutely and positively that something can come from nothing, and that something can disappear into nothing right in front of my eyes. This has been actually happening to me during the time that I have become aware of some old fundamental laws and beliefs uncommon to my educational process. I have seen an egg disappear in front of my eyes. I have seen water appear on the floor of my apartment kitchen, and watched it move to make shapes in front of my eyes. I found a bathtub partially filled with water with no explanation of how it got there. I have seen lights at night appear in the sky above with no explanation of their source. Others saw those too. I have seen and even photographed lights on my sofa that came from where I do not know...no explicable answer for them...this mysterious universe is happening right in front of me. I testify to it, but I have no answer for it. It simply happens. Something can be made from nothing all the time, and something can disappear without a trace. For the egg that disappeared I learned of the Indian folklore of the Coyote who can slip into your home and steal your food. Indian folklore may be onto something.
At any rate, that is where I am as of this day, July 17, 2015 at 2:10 in the afternoon, wanting to see another stage of the Tour de France sometime this weekend. Oh, and boy, did I learn a lesson there about cable tv. and NBC television. Uh HUH! Matches made in ....well, I won't go there yet. But let us just say that I got it finally!
I will try to succinctly explain my thoughts on this in a way that can best express it without drawings and graphs.
I am a visionary. I see things. I can see images and pictures of places and things that suddenly fill my mind. I sometimes discuss these but rarely. Most people cannot understand.
One such vision was the act of creation. I could see a thin narrow outline. So thin as to be inperceptible. But as the thin outline is set, immediately with a magnetic force it becomes filled to create a fully developed image. What I saw were a variety of animals. I realized that this was the act of creation. These fully grown developed animals had appeared out of nowhere except for that nearly invisible thin line through which all were brought into a fully developed state within seconds.
This all happened within a twinkling of an eye as the saying goes. There was nothing, and then there were all the animals that came to be all at once.
So because of a statement by Michael about light I had another vision. The vision is of light separating itself so that all these beings come from it. That which appeared to be nothing is actually the light that separates itself into beings, whether animal or vegetable.
Light can appear as nothing because of its brightness level. At times, light is low, so low as to appear as nothing until it creates the universe which is of itself as it spills its energy into shapes, forms, and substance. All of the creation is the light itself but in a transformed state of perception to the senses that can sense it.
The only way that light can manifest itself is through this creation of materialized matter so that it can only perceive itself when it creates and transform the matter into beings that can realize it and report it back to itself.
We are the light. We perceive ourselves. What we could not do was to see our own origin until light revealed itself to us.
Clearly, we are not alone. Our aloneness is only our perception and awareness of the unique state that we are in in the entire Cosmos. So be it.
But I must go further. Because I am a person who has also seen the invisible do things in front of my very eyes, I know absolutely and positively that something can come from nothing, and that something can disappear into nothing right in front of my eyes. This has been actually happening to me during the time that I have become aware of some old fundamental laws and beliefs uncommon to my educational process. I have seen an egg disappear in front of my eyes. I have seen water appear on the floor of my apartment kitchen, and watched it move to make shapes in front of my eyes. I found a bathtub partially filled with water with no explanation of how it got there. I have seen lights at night appear in the sky above with no explanation of their source. Others saw those too. I have seen and even photographed lights on my sofa that came from where I do not know...no explicable answer for them...this mysterious universe is happening right in front of me. I testify to it, but I have no answer for it. It simply happens. Something can be made from nothing all the time, and something can disappear without a trace. For the egg that disappeared I learned of the Indian folklore of the Coyote who can slip into your home and steal your food. Indian folklore may be onto something.
At any rate, that is where I am as of this day, July 17, 2015 at 2:10 in the afternoon, wanting to see another stage of the Tour de France sometime this weekend. Oh, and boy, did I learn a lesson there about cable tv. and NBC television. Uh HUH! Matches made in ....well, I won't go there yet. But let us just say that I got it finally!
Adjusting to New Surroundings
I admit that I am not happy with myself. As of yet, I have not really realized what I have been doing with my life these past many years.
Finding myself alone here in Arizona, I am re-evaluating my life very seriously now.
In the end, communication is key to living a good life. The degree to which people actually share time with each other, take each other into their lives, and talk with one another as well as play, pray, and cry together is what makes life happy or sad.
I was interrupted by the maintenance man who came to fix my lights. Three bulbs had burned out and I had to write a work order.
The only people I will permit in my apartment right now are the maintenance men. I am still in the process of unloading and unpacking. I did empty a few more boxes earlier this morning, and even got rid of some cardboard boxes. Heavens know it took a lot of boxes, since I packed them small and light enough for me to manage. I am going to find plastic storage boxes for all the stuff that I decide to keep.
Now I must go out to get groceries for a week or so, but I am also thinking of going to Del Mar this week if I can get the courage to do it.
I admit to being slightly afraid to drive to California alone. I have not taken this route before so it is a bit daunting for me after my ill fated trip to Payson. But I need to make some real money in this game and the only way may be to be at the track. I have to get my act together very soon.
I like my apartment's location. All the shopping is immediately near me so I do not have to travel any long distance to get anything that I want. That is a super plus. The tenants who I have met to date are very nice, friendly, and kind. I have not really made any attempts towards developing ties or close friendships here. I do attend social functions and like the people I have met.
I appreciate that maintenance answered my work order so promptly. The manager is asking me to write a review for the apartments. I can at least say very positive things about it so far. I will write it this coming week.
In the meantime, I am worrying about my hair loss. I do not know if it is because of hair product or because of stress or just genetic. But it is extreme right now and I am concerned. I will use the coconut oil treatment to see if it works or not.
We are to have rain this weekend. It is cloudy and a bit muggy outdoors. Indoors is wonderful, and so that is one reason I stay indoors. I get my work done and I stay cool.
Slowly, at a turtle's pace, I am getting things done! Now I have to go eat!
Finding myself alone here in Arizona, I am re-evaluating my life very seriously now.
In the end, communication is key to living a good life. The degree to which people actually share time with each other, take each other into their lives, and talk with one another as well as play, pray, and cry together is what makes life happy or sad.
I was interrupted by the maintenance man who came to fix my lights. Three bulbs had burned out and I had to write a work order.
The only people I will permit in my apartment right now are the maintenance men. I am still in the process of unloading and unpacking. I did empty a few more boxes earlier this morning, and even got rid of some cardboard boxes. Heavens know it took a lot of boxes, since I packed them small and light enough for me to manage. I am going to find plastic storage boxes for all the stuff that I decide to keep.
Now I must go out to get groceries for a week or so, but I am also thinking of going to Del Mar this week if I can get the courage to do it.
I admit to being slightly afraid to drive to California alone. I have not taken this route before so it is a bit daunting for me after my ill fated trip to Payson. But I need to make some real money in this game and the only way may be to be at the track. I have to get my act together very soon.
I like my apartment's location. All the shopping is immediately near me so I do not have to travel any long distance to get anything that I want. That is a super plus. The tenants who I have met to date are very nice, friendly, and kind. I have not really made any attempts towards developing ties or close friendships here. I do attend social functions and like the people I have met.
I appreciate that maintenance answered my work order so promptly. The manager is asking me to write a review for the apartments. I can at least say very positive things about it so far. I will write it this coming week.
In the meantime, I am worrying about my hair loss. I do not know if it is because of hair product or because of stress or just genetic. But it is extreme right now and I am concerned. I will use the coconut oil treatment to see if it works or not.
We are to have rain this weekend. It is cloudy and a bit muggy outdoors. Indoors is wonderful, and so that is one reason I stay indoors. I get my work done and I stay cool.
Slowly, at a turtle's pace, I am getting things done! Now I have to go eat!
Love and Romance
Love is the magic that gives life its deepest meaning! To love unconditionally no matter how much hurt one has suffered is a reward that only the lover knows.
Love is to often equated with sex and lust. Love of a puppy, love of a newborn, love of a sunset bathing the sky in hues of orange and pink, loving the tail of a grand peacock, love of a scent is not a sexual kind of love. They touch and reach a different kind of love than the love for a romantic partner.
Love cannot be considered to be only a crush, an attachment, a desire, a lust, but it must also be considered as a love of country, of family, of an individual whose relationship is purely sisterly or brotherly, cousin, grandparent, or nephew and niece. Love is a part of one's life that knows many different expressions.
The love that causes one to want to share time and life with is the love that begins with a crush, a shyness, a hope that culminates in a state of confidence, assurance, and faith that leads to a permanent bond that unites the pair to enjoy a lifetime together to finally end in a love of fulfillment and satisfaction in each other that makes each truly the one that they had promised to become in their wedding vows. When two become one takes time and togetherness in suffering losses, pains, hardships, and enjoying pleasures, hopes, dreams, and ambitions so that at the end of their journey together, they truly know that their bond is built on trust, faith, and an enduring love that only they can find in one another.
Others may find that the love they feel for another may not begin or end with a commitment to one another but understands that the love they shared was a time spent knowing a brief happiness, a joy of romantic fulfillment that need not develop into any other stage than the one that sprung from a brief affair, fling, or chance occasion. Their kind of love is like that of champagne bubbles, evervescent but delightful! Like an airy dandelion which a slight breeze can blow away in a puff, the love is light, airy, and brief. But it is love!
Love enjoys so many different expressions that it cannot ever be captured or defined to any one static state for it is ever changing, ever moving, and ever satisfying. For love of itself is all that is necessary to be satisfied and fulfilled.
Love is Majesty. Love is Ruler! Love is Triumph! Love is All!
Passion contains love! But Passion is not love! Passion is Anger! Passion is Power! Passion is Thrust! Passion is Lust!
Sexual love is a form of passion which contains anger, power, thrust, and lust. It is a form of domination and possession. It is not to be equated with Love. It is an entirely different state of being.
One may come to love the partner that one lusted, dominated, and controlled eventually, but initially the drive is one of possession. One must have the object that is desired. One must possess it totally. Love does not possess. Love adores, love worships, love conquers.
Passion achieves. Passion devours. Passion burns.
Love endures. Love enjoys. Love pleases. Love whispers. Love kisses.
Lust is a drive that is an instinct for the need to reproduce creates the drive to procreate. Passion survives. Passion plants the seed. Passion begets the child.
Love nourishes the child. Love guides the child. Love protects the child.
Life is a combination of passion, romance, and love. The romance is the story. The passion is the drive. The love is the sustenance. All work together as together all become Life!
Love is to often equated with sex and lust. Love of a puppy, love of a newborn, love of a sunset bathing the sky in hues of orange and pink, loving the tail of a grand peacock, love of a scent is not a sexual kind of love. They touch and reach a different kind of love than the love for a romantic partner.
Love cannot be considered to be only a crush, an attachment, a desire, a lust, but it must also be considered as a love of country, of family, of an individual whose relationship is purely sisterly or brotherly, cousin, grandparent, or nephew and niece. Love is a part of one's life that knows many different expressions.
The love that causes one to want to share time and life with is the love that begins with a crush, a shyness, a hope that culminates in a state of confidence, assurance, and faith that leads to a permanent bond that unites the pair to enjoy a lifetime together to finally end in a love of fulfillment and satisfaction in each other that makes each truly the one that they had promised to become in their wedding vows. When two become one takes time and togetherness in suffering losses, pains, hardships, and enjoying pleasures, hopes, dreams, and ambitions so that at the end of their journey together, they truly know that their bond is built on trust, faith, and an enduring love that only they can find in one another.
Others may find that the love they feel for another may not begin or end with a commitment to one another but understands that the love they shared was a time spent knowing a brief happiness, a joy of romantic fulfillment that need not develop into any other stage than the one that sprung from a brief affair, fling, or chance occasion. Their kind of love is like that of champagne bubbles, evervescent but delightful! Like an airy dandelion which a slight breeze can blow away in a puff, the love is light, airy, and brief. But it is love!
Love enjoys so many different expressions that it cannot ever be captured or defined to any one static state for it is ever changing, ever moving, and ever satisfying. For love of itself is all that is necessary to be satisfied and fulfilled.
Love is Majesty. Love is Ruler! Love is Triumph! Love is All!
Passion contains love! But Passion is not love! Passion is Anger! Passion is Power! Passion is Thrust! Passion is Lust!
Sexual love is a form of passion which contains anger, power, thrust, and lust. It is a form of domination and possession. It is not to be equated with Love. It is an entirely different state of being.
One may come to love the partner that one lusted, dominated, and controlled eventually, but initially the drive is one of possession. One must have the object that is desired. One must possess it totally. Love does not possess. Love adores, love worships, love conquers.
Passion achieves. Passion devours. Passion burns.
Love endures. Love enjoys. Love pleases. Love whispers. Love kisses.
Lust is a drive that is an instinct for the need to reproduce creates the drive to procreate. Passion survives. Passion plants the seed. Passion begets the child.
Love nourishes the child. Love guides the child. Love protects the child.
Life is a combination of passion, romance, and love. The romance is the story. The passion is the drive. The love is the sustenance. All work together as together all become Life!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Coin issue solved
In a previous post, I mentioned a longstanding image that I could not shake. It haunted me. Finally, while writing about this on this blog site, I remembered an incident in my childhood that woke me up to connect the two incidents. In truth, they would not appear to be connected by anything but a coin. At a local fair, I had found a fifty cent piece and kept it. For some reason, recalling that time at the fair has connected to the memory of coins in a time past. Just making that connection has caused the imagery which haunted me for so long to diminish and fade away. It is no longer so prominent.
So now I shall either forget it all together or wonder at how such a connection could be so instrumental in causing the other to fade out.
But my perspective in the other memory is always significant. I often wonder about that also.
Enough for now. I have to check on ice int he refrigerator now.
So now I shall either forget it all together or wonder at how such a connection could be so instrumental in causing the other to fade out.
But my perspective in the other memory is always significant. I often wonder about that also.
Enough for now. I have to check on ice int he refrigerator now.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Aging Rapidly
I can no longer peel potatoes. Whenever i hold a knife, my fingers curl around it and won't come back up. They are stuck to the knife so that I have to pull them off the knife. I have decided I will not try to peel potatoes any more. It had happened before but this last time that it happened I realized I must stop.
I exercise my fingers, and I do not have a problem with them other than in having a grip. I drop too many things because I cannot maintain a grip and it annoys the devil right tout of me. I can't help but let it get to me. It never fails. Any time that anything falls I have a small fit about it. It is my one most annoying pet peeve.
My middle finger sometimes feels a sharp pain which is really mean. Otherwise, my kind of arthritis appears to be limited to peeling potatoes, holding onto things, and a sharp pain in the middle finger. But I have it.
My next problem is that my hair is getting thinner and thinner so that I am really losing hair so much that I would be bald if I were a man. The hormones in women after menopause give us many male attributes, believe it or not. I have tiny small chin hairs that i have to pluck regularly. They are small but they do grow back pretty quickly. I would have a beard if I were a man but it would probably not amount to much if this is any indication. These chin hairs are all white also.
I no longer have leg hair. I do not and have not shaved them for years.
All these signs of old age really are getting to me. I have to my cataracts removed, a wisdom tooth removed, and it just goes on and on. No relief when you are aging. It is relentless one body part after another going downhill fast.
My memory is really good for my age, but I do forget small things all the time. I know it seems like lack of concentration. I had a problem today when I could not find my scissors. I was so angry at myself I finally threw the box down until I found them. I had a blind spot. They were right where I should have seen them but I overlooked them...it woke me up to try to concentrate on where I put stuff. I always put things away and then forget where I put them...Annoys me no end.
So hopefully, writing it out will cure me! I will get over this problem now.
I exercise my fingers, and I do not have a problem with them other than in having a grip. I drop too many things because I cannot maintain a grip and it annoys the devil right tout of me. I can't help but let it get to me. It never fails. Any time that anything falls I have a small fit about it. It is my one most annoying pet peeve.
My middle finger sometimes feels a sharp pain which is really mean. Otherwise, my kind of arthritis appears to be limited to peeling potatoes, holding onto things, and a sharp pain in the middle finger. But I have it.
My next problem is that my hair is getting thinner and thinner so that I am really losing hair so much that I would be bald if I were a man. The hormones in women after menopause give us many male attributes, believe it or not. I have tiny small chin hairs that i have to pluck regularly. They are small but they do grow back pretty quickly. I would have a beard if I were a man but it would probably not amount to much if this is any indication. These chin hairs are all white also.
I no longer have leg hair. I do not and have not shaved them for years.
All these signs of old age really are getting to me. I have to my cataracts removed, a wisdom tooth removed, and it just goes on and on. No relief when you are aging. It is relentless one body part after another going downhill fast.
My memory is really good for my age, but I do forget small things all the time. I know it seems like lack of concentration. I had a problem today when I could not find my scissors. I was so angry at myself I finally threw the box down until I found them. I had a blind spot. They were right where I should have seen them but I overlooked them...it woke me up to try to concentrate on where I put stuff. I always put things away and then forget where I put them...Annoys me no end.
So hopefully, writing it out will cure me! I will get over this problem now.
Revising Comments on Persepolis, Iran
Earlier, I referred to my trance session when I traveled back in time to be in the Palaces of Persepolis. I have decided to delete that entry now.
You might ask why. It needed a lot of editing.
Whenever I recall my previous experiences in going back in time to find a place and person to convey important information to me, I actually see it again as it had taken place when I first saw it.
Because i had experienced the sensation of walking through the mountains to see a city at some distance, then walked through a gate to enter the contained city, and then up the stairs, through the halls and doors to find myself finally on a throne in the Palace of One Hundred Columns, I decided to summarize it one rambling long sentence here.
I had noticed details of the reliefs and imprinted characters that were carefully designed on the walls and the stairwells of the City. Because I was in spirit, I glided through the episode with ease, and was able to see myself along with other people entering and scurrying past me. I noticed the details of their clothing, their attitude towards me, and my concentration on the details that were etched into the walls. The doors are dominating and massive, and the entire complex is one of power, control, and great care to display the activities that take place there. They are still indelible in my mind, and while I would love to go to Persepolis in person, it requires too much for me to take the trip. I have looked into it, but a visa has to be acquired, and I have not yet wanted to go through that process.
In that journey, I found myself in the person of Alexander the Macedonian who later became known as Alexander the Great. As a result of such ventures traveling back to the then 4th century BC I became very involved and immersed into the study of the life of Alexander and the Persians. It has been a most fascinating study, both in reading all the various histories about Alexander as well as my own ability to travel in time to find information that is not contained in any history book but is a part of some aspect of Alexander's life which I uncover while in a trance state.
When one reads about Alexander, one reads only a record that has been made by men who had not known or met with any of the Macedonians so that one can only wonder at how correct any of it is.
More importantly for me to understand is why it is that I have experienced in trance many of the occasions which are historically written. Therefore, I am convinced that some stories are true, and some are often misinterpreted and misunderstood because of the lack of correct attitude and tone in voice when a speech is given.
While I am not saying that these experiences prove reincarnation to me, it is the only logical explanation that I can give. I really do not wish to believe that some personal experiences could be accessed by any other than the person who experienced them. However, because I had previously had the same experience with Louis XIV I am willing to think that I as a special entity can relive several lives of historical figures. In fact, I have experienced others who are equally significant in world history so that gives me the conclusion that either I am a soul who is destined to be a ruler/militant or that I have hitched a ride on a stream of consciousness which lets me in on the lives of these many men. And yes, they are all men, militant, and rulers. I still puzzle over the right conclusion to make about it simply because it is peculiar to always be a world leader and a militant who is going to war. Do you think I enjoy that realization? What kind of badass am I after all?
I understand the concept that all is contained in a state of existence where it could be accessed by some method. Yet, I do not know that this is true. I know that it is a theory. Why i should be the one to harness such information is more than I can say, but to my joy, i had been able to do so. Some of it came because of self admission which may be the only thing that I can truthfully hold onto as the reason for my learning of these experiences. It was not until I had admitted aloud to myself that I had been Alexander that I was able to finally have my first recollection of his life in which I was leading the army to battle. I learned enough details to go to Peter Green's book at Barnes and Noble to learn which battle it had been. I saw the similarity in description of the campsites to realize where I had been and what I had been doing. That is how one solves the mysteries of visions and images that come to one but where one has no knowledge of it yet.
It did create in me a new and different opinion about Alexander. After all, if I am to believe I had been he in that former life, I am reacting to myself. I know this is disturbing to many people who do not want to believe this. It matters not to me how others feel about it but I do understand it.
I am much more relaxed about it now but that is because I took the time to digest and assimilate all that i have learned through the history books, biographies, and articles that are written. In that respect, I could compare and contrast those stories to the experiences which I had.
Certain events in that lifetime are burned into my consciousness more than others, and for some reason it seems that I have been stuck on them for years since my childhood. One in particular I can never quite resolve and while I have written about it, and I understand it, it still burns within me more than most of the memories. I cannot explain why. It is a scene in which I suspect it is just but very cruel. It is the time when a man who had been supposed to provide food did not come through, and Alexander is so angry that he pays this man back cruelly. I see that scene repeatedly when Alexander in disgust throws coins at him at the man who kneels in front of him. Alexander walks away scornfully while the horses who are nearby deliver blows to this man killing him.
Horses cannot eat coins. They need grain.
Alexander is relentless and that is the memory that sticks with me.
Rewriting this may have helped solve the reason this sticks with me. It just dawned on me. I realize something now that I will ponder. Life is full of ironies. However, when one solves a problem that sticks in one's mind it then can disappear. If that happens, then I am correct about this now. It does go back to my childhood to a time at the Van Wert County Fair which would be in September.
What if...I will see if this scene disappears now that I have realized that there may be a connection to those coins thrown at this indifferent and uncaring man who deserved what he got according to Alexander who needed the grain for his horses.
Alexander is a terrifying man when angered.
Now the end result of this exercise is that it actually worked. My solving this memory of this event and connecting it to an incident in my childhood has caused the memory of the past to recede and fade away. You see that the cause for concern about this is how strong the memory had been, but now that I examined it as well as I did, I see that it is receding. It is no longer dominating my thoughts. It is solved, and it is now disappearing in imagery. I do not know who could understand this until they had experienced it. I am writing it so that it may offer help to someone else who may be plagued by memories that they do not fully understand.
You might ask why. It needed a lot of editing.
Whenever I recall my previous experiences in going back in time to find a place and person to convey important information to me, I actually see it again as it had taken place when I first saw it.
Because i had experienced the sensation of walking through the mountains to see a city at some distance, then walked through a gate to enter the contained city, and then up the stairs, through the halls and doors to find myself finally on a throne in the Palace of One Hundred Columns, I decided to summarize it one rambling long sentence here.
I had noticed details of the reliefs and imprinted characters that were carefully designed on the walls and the stairwells of the City. Because I was in spirit, I glided through the episode with ease, and was able to see myself along with other people entering and scurrying past me. I noticed the details of their clothing, their attitude towards me, and my concentration on the details that were etched into the walls. The doors are dominating and massive, and the entire complex is one of power, control, and great care to display the activities that take place there. They are still indelible in my mind, and while I would love to go to Persepolis in person, it requires too much for me to take the trip. I have looked into it, but a visa has to be acquired, and I have not yet wanted to go through that process.
In that journey, I found myself in the person of Alexander the Macedonian who later became known as Alexander the Great. As a result of such ventures traveling back to the then 4th century BC I became very involved and immersed into the study of the life of Alexander and the Persians. It has been a most fascinating study, both in reading all the various histories about Alexander as well as my own ability to travel in time to find information that is not contained in any history book but is a part of some aspect of Alexander's life which I uncover while in a trance state.
When one reads about Alexander, one reads only a record that has been made by men who had not known or met with any of the Macedonians so that one can only wonder at how correct any of it is.
More importantly for me to understand is why it is that I have experienced in trance many of the occasions which are historically written. Therefore, I am convinced that some stories are true, and some are often misinterpreted and misunderstood because of the lack of correct attitude and tone in voice when a speech is given.
While I am not saying that these experiences prove reincarnation to me, it is the only logical explanation that I can give. I really do not wish to believe that some personal experiences could be accessed by any other than the person who experienced them. However, because I had previously had the same experience with Louis XIV I am willing to think that I as a special entity can relive several lives of historical figures. In fact, I have experienced others who are equally significant in world history so that gives me the conclusion that either I am a soul who is destined to be a ruler/militant or that I have hitched a ride on a stream of consciousness which lets me in on the lives of these many men. And yes, they are all men, militant, and rulers. I still puzzle over the right conclusion to make about it simply because it is peculiar to always be a world leader and a militant who is going to war. Do you think I enjoy that realization? What kind of badass am I after all?
I understand the concept that all is contained in a state of existence where it could be accessed by some method. Yet, I do not know that this is true. I know that it is a theory. Why i should be the one to harness such information is more than I can say, but to my joy, i had been able to do so. Some of it came because of self admission which may be the only thing that I can truthfully hold onto as the reason for my learning of these experiences. It was not until I had admitted aloud to myself that I had been Alexander that I was able to finally have my first recollection of his life in which I was leading the army to battle. I learned enough details to go to Peter Green's book at Barnes and Noble to learn which battle it had been. I saw the similarity in description of the campsites to realize where I had been and what I had been doing. That is how one solves the mysteries of visions and images that come to one but where one has no knowledge of it yet.
It did create in me a new and different opinion about Alexander. After all, if I am to believe I had been he in that former life, I am reacting to myself. I know this is disturbing to many people who do not want to believe this. It matters not to me how others feel about it but I do understand it.
I am much more relaxed about it now but that is because I took the time to digest and assimilate all that i have learned through the history books, biographies, and articles that are written. In that respect, I could compare and contrast those stories to the experiences which I had.
Certain events in that lifetime are burned into my consciousness more than others, and for some reason it seems that I have been stuck on them for years since my childhood. One in particular I can never quite resolve and while I have written about it, and I understand it, it still burns within me more than most of the memories. I cannot explain why. It is a scene in which I suspect it is just but very cruel. It is the time when a man who had been supposed to provide food did not come through, and Alexander is so angry that he pays this man back cruelly. I see that scene repeatedly when Alexander in disgust throws coins at him at the man who kneels in front of him. Alexander walks away scornfully while the horses who are nearby deliver blows to this man killing him.
Horses cannot eat coins. They need grain.
Alexander is relentless and that is the memory that sticks with me.
Rewriting this may have helped solve the reason this sticks with me. It just dawned on me. I realize something now that I will ponder. Life is full of ironies. However, when one solves a problem that sticks in one's mind it then can disappear. If that happens, then I am correct about this now. It does go back to my childhood to a time at the Van Wert County Fair which would be in September.
What if...I will see if this scene disappears now that I have realized that there may be a connection to those coins thrown at this indifferent and uncaring man who deserved what he got according to Alexander who needed the grain for his horses.
Alexander is a terrifying man when angered.
Now the end result of this exercise is that it actually worked. My solving this memory of this event and connecting it to an incident in my childhood has caused the memory of the past to recede and fade away. You see that the cause for concern about this is how strong the memory had been, but now that I examined it as well as I did, I see that it is receding. It is no longer dominating my thoughts. It is solved, and it is now disappearing in imagery. I do not know who could understand this until they had experienced it. I am writing it so that it may offer help to someone else who may be plagued by memories that they do not fully understand.
Stone Mountain
The mass murder by Dylan Roof has had a bad impact on Dixieland.
I just read that the NAACP is talking about dismantling Stone Mountain. I remember when this effort to commemorate the heroes of the South were first etched onto that mountain which is now a great tourist attraction. At the time, I thought it an unnecessary expense but I think that the NAACP's attitude about it now even more irresponsible.
The NAACP wants to dismantle it somehow or other, but it can only be done with the approval of the Georgia legislature.
Today's generation of young black people show how seriously ill educated they are to the truth of the founding of American, the problem of the North vs. the South in decision making, and the eventual history of trade in the South.
I am not going into the entire history of America from its inception to its great civil war at this writing or any future writing, but I am writing this to say Enough already about defacing and removing all historical monuments.
History cannot be changed or erased to satisfy the needs of any group of people except to reveal and expose the particular biases and prejudices of that group. Everyone may suffer hurts and injured feelings but that is only a fleeting response by an individual or group when opening a wound that has not healed.
Eradicating the memories of men who made decisions that were important to them in a given time will not change the fact that it had occurred. I just wrote a piece about a place in history that Alexander had hated in his lifetime. In my spiritual journey I felt no hatred toward that place at all, but was intrigued and impressed with its detailed reliefs.
In time, Stone Mountain will remain as a proof of how Georgia had felt the need to express its attitudes about the past upon one of its natural wonders. Why it was carved in the first place is just as important to understand as why the NAACP wants to have it removed today.
Time goes on. Feelings change according to time and to interpretation of events that occurred.
Let Stone Mountain be. It represents a state of mind in the Georgians who put it there.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Donald Trump killing the Republican Party
David Letterman even got into the act on the upcoming presidential election when Donald Trump announced his candidacy. Apparently, he crashed a comedy act to give his top ten list on the Donald this past week.
The point is that Donald has enough money of his own to run for the office without needing financial backers so he is free to say what he really thinks about issues that dominate people's minds.
He has angered Mexicans because he zeroes in all the illegals who are criminally intent upon practicing their lawlessness in America, and every Mexican who is in or out of America, along with a whole bunch of other likewise insecure Latinos are jumping on him about his remarks. As if he had intended it for each and every person who considers himself to be Latino! I mean really! Do they make themselves look dumb or what?
But he is getting all kinds of support from the people who are tired of the federal government's lack of attention to the problems of the border, so he is climbing in the polls.
But now it turns out that he is exaggerating the actual number of people who attend his events, boasting that he is even beating Bernie Sanders who is drawing great crowds, by saying that he Phoenix Fire Department broke the rules letting in nearly 15,000 for a 4,000 person event. The fire department is responding by saying that no such thing happened, that only those with tickets got in.
Well, so much for all the hyperbole, because come time to have a convention, count the delegates, and watch the two party system again railroad Americans into making wrong choices regarding candidates for the presidency, we will see who finally is at the top of the ticket in each party. An Independent group right now is starting to catch fire, proving that the two party system is what is wrong with America in this day and age.
Until Trump made his famous remarks off the top of his head, which just only proves that he is not under the control of some master manipulator, the Republicans had pretty much been stuck with a rerun of the Bush family.
Most think that the Democrats have conceded their nomination to the party machinery of the Clinton family which makes one recall how George Bush had such a fit if his brother could not deliver Floriad with its hanging chads to him. Never have we seen such a mockery of Democracy as in recent times. It turns out that George is not the only one who has conniption fits if he doesn't get his way because it has been told that Hillary had a small fit at the mayor of New York for his not immediately backing her candidacy as she thinks that he should...Wow! Small petty people who make news with their heavy handed tactics!
So for the voter who does not really like any of the candidates in their weak willed, spineless way, the bombastic outbursts of Donald Trump hit a chord within the public who want something done. But could Donald really do it? He is insulting the congress so badly that it would take quite a turn of cheek to forgive him and forget to say oh, o.k. we will roll over for you now that you have proved your point.
So instead of saying that, Republicans like Lindsay Graham are saying that he is killing the party.
Ha Ha Ha...Killing the party? What a bunch of nonsense! The problem with the Republicans is that they violate the constitution so often with their right wing religious stance that it is not funny! They want to impose some narrow minded messianic religious beliefs upon a nation which wants to keep religion out of the government. The old time hands off and less government seems to have disappeared when it comes to two faced Republicans who want to tell people who can marry who, who can have babies, and who can put religious monuments upon government property...that is not the American way! Sorry to tell these nincompoops this news, but separation of church and state means separation of church and state. It is o.k. within your own homes to practice your faith but in the process of government, no religion holds sway such as does in Saudia Arabia, Iran, and other Muslim Nations, and a few so called Jewish nations, like Israel, or Christian nations, like Norway.
Democrats win elections for that reason alone. They do recognize that freedom of religion means in the church, synagogue, or mosque of your choice. Republicans too often want to impose their beliefs upon the entire nation which is not in the interest of good and fair government.
So the point of this is that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump both represent men who are gaining attention through the people, not the party!
Party politics had better get smart soon, and realize that we the people are tired of their being only tools of corporations and interest groups!
The point is that Donald has enough money of his own to run for the office without needing financial backers so he is free to say what he really thinks about issues that dominate people's minds.
He has angered Mexicans because he zeroes in all the illegals who are criminally intent upon practicing their lawlessness in America, and every Mexican who is in or out of America, along with a whole bunch of other likewise insecure Latinos are jumping on him about his remarks. As if he had intended it for each and every person who considers himself to be Latino! I mean really! Do they make themselves look dumb or what?
But he is getting all kinds of support from the people who are tired of the federal government's lack of attention to the problems of the border, so he is climbing in the polls.
But now it turns out that he is exaggerating the actual number of people who attend his events, boasting that he is even beating Bernie Sanders who is drawing great crowds, by saying that he Phoenix Fire Department broke the rules letting in nearly 15,000 for a 4,000 person event. The fire department is responding by saying that no such thing happened, that only those with tickets got in.
Well, so much for all the hyperbole, because come time to have a convention, count the delegates, and watch the two party system again railroad Americans into making wrong choices regarding candidates for the presidency, we will see who finally is at the top of the ticket in each party. An Independent group right now is starting to catch fire, proving that the two party system is what is wrong with America in this day and age.
Until Trump made his famous remarks off the top of his head, which just only proves that he is not under the control of some master manipulator, the Republicans had pretty much been stuck with a rerun of the Bush family.
Most think that the Democrats have conceded their nomination to the party machinery of the Clinton family which makes one recall how George Bush had such a fit if his brother could not deliver Floriad with its hanging chads to him. Never have we seen such a mockery of Democracy as in recent times. It turns out that George is not the only one who has conniption fits if he doesn't get his way because it has been told that Hillary had a small fit at the mayor of New York for his not immediately backing her candidacy as she thinks that he should...Wow! Small petty people who make news with their heavy handed tactics!
So for the voter who does not really like any of the candidates in their weak willed, spineless way, the bombastic outbursts of Donald Trump hit a chord within the public who want something done. But could Donald really do it? He is insulting the congress so badly that it would take quite a turn of cheek to forgive him and forget to say oh, o.k. we will roll over for you now that you have proved your point.
So instead of saying that, Republicans like Lindsay Graham are saying that he is killing the party.
Ha Ha Ha...Killing the party? What a bunch of nonsense! The problem with the Republicans is that they violate the constitution so often with their right wing religious stance that it is not funny! They want to impose some narrow minded messianic religious beliefs upon a nation which wants to keep religion out of the government. The old time hands off and less government seems to have disappeared when it comes to two faced Republicans who want to tell people who can marry who, who can have babies, and who can put religious monuments upon government property...that is not the American way! Sorry to tell these nincompoops this news, but separation of church and state means separation of church and state. It is o.k. within your own homes to practice your faith but in the process of government, no religion holds sway such as does in Saudia Arabia, Iran, and other Muslim Nations, and a few so called Jewish nations, like Israel, or Christian nations, like Norway.
Democrats win elections for that reason alone. They do recognize that freedom of religion means in the church, synagogue, or mosque of your choice. Republicans too often want to impose their beliefs upon the entire nation which is not in the interest of good and fair government.
So the point of this is that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump both represent men who are gaining attention through the people, not the party!
Party politics had better get smart soon, and realize that we the people are tired of their being only tools of corporations and interest groups!
Deleting photographs
I just spent over an hour deleting photos from Facebook mobile up load album. I honestly can tell how much boredom I have been enduring by some of the photos that I took. I also think now that I have deleted them that I should not take pictures of food, but sometimes it is just to show what was so important to me at that time that I wanted some of my friends to see.
I have made quite a dent in that particular album. I am sure that I will have more room on Facebook for those. Not always sure if it iPhone or Facebook when it is says that I don't have room for videos. I made a short video just to rebut a statement I made about a picture that Clinton took of me and his wife at the Potluck on Saturday.
Our days and lives as told in pictures sometimes does expose the fact that we are bored to tears because all the photos of the renovation that I made while it was ongoing drove me to tears so I got rid of each and every one. I could not part with the pictures of the cat, Marcello, that I had taken. I still wonder where he is and how he is doing. I have no idea since he was last seen by me at Sandra's.
I have made quite a dent in that particular album. I am sure that I will have more room on Facebook for those. Not always sure if it iPhone or Facebook when it is says that I don't have room for videos. I made a short video just to rebut a statement I made about a picture that Clinton took of me and his wife at the Potluck on Saturday.
Our days and lives as told in pictures sometimes does expose the fact that we are bored to tears because all the photos of the renovation that I made while it was ongoing drove me to tears so I got rid of each and every one. I could not part with the pictures of the cat, Marcello, that I had taken. I still wonder where he is and how he is doing. I have no idea since he was last seen by me at Sandra's.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Jeb Bush
Politics is ugly these days! But I will state my case on the current events of the day!
Donald Trump decided to enter the presidential race. Naturally, men and women who go through the process of getting themselves elected the old fashioned way never welcome a businessman who thinks that he can draw votes just because he speaks his mind about the issues that the elected officials avoid adroitly.
Illegal immigration has been a problem for a very long time. Countries south of the border cannot provide jobs and employment to vast numbers of people so they risk life and limb to cross rivers, trust evil coyotes, hitch rides on trains just to come to America. Oh, Neil Diamond, what did you do when you wrote that song?
So they come here, get in trouble, rob stores, drive without licenses, kill motorists, and rape and plunder innocent citizens and get thrown into jail while families suffer who cannot get help from the government. While they cannot get help, the government instead then gives these illegals benefits and opportunities that are unavailable to the born in American citizen. So naturally, people get angry at government for their wrong doing, when someone like Donald Trump suddenly announces that he will do something about it if he is elected president.
Now, few people think that the Donald has much of a chance at ever winning the nomination or getting on the ballot, but all of a sudden his message reaches them and they love it.
All the other politicians hate it, denounce it, and treat him as a pariah! But the voters love it, and are backing him more than any of the other wimpy candidates.
That is the Donald Trump big noise of the day! Much ado about a statement in which the president of Mexico responds with the announcement that if a criminal from Mexico is in America, throw him in jail in America, but do not send him back to us. What the heck! Let Americans pay for everything!
So then some Mexican who had been deported 5 times ups and kills a girl walking down a bridge in San Francisco. He just happened to pick up a gun that was found in a shirt. Oh Yeah! I can just bet that guns are that easily found in SF. Plus, it was a gun from a federal agency! How unbelievable is this story?
Truth is funny, isn't it?
Then there is Hillary Clinton who suddenly thinks that having been co-President with her husband was not enough for her. Oh, NO. Now she is running once again for President to get her name in the paper and her face on tv once again. This woman is a glutton for punishment, power, and fame! She is a social disgrace by this time in my opinion.
HIllary has always reminded me of Carol Smith, a woman I met in Florida, who asked me if I wanted to date her husband, Adam. Yes, Adam Smith, who worked giving towels to men at a health club and who lived in my apartment building near me. I was ever so shocked at a woman asking me to date her husband. Somehow, I believe that Hillary may have done the same for her husband Bill just so she would not have to be bothered with him. I could have it wrong, but from all that I read, Hillary did find women for her husband to date.
My main reason for my objection to the Clintons is always the same. Their long time friends, Linda Bloodsworth Thompson and their ill fated CBS t.v. show, Designing Women, which clearly proved tome how unscrupulous this group of people is. I detest the fact that t.v. shows do use me and my friends for their damnable sitcoms, but this one was verbatim from a conversation between me and my godchild and his mother years ago here in Phoenix, AZ at the Warren Apartments. I have never forgotten it.
I was furious. When I learned of the relationship between the Arkansas Clintons and the producers of the show I turned violently against the Clintons and will never forgive them for their parasitical ways.
Jeb Bush is a baby in the world of politics and could not convince me that he is presidential timber if he tried. He already came out to say that he is a weakling, and frankly, that is something we do not need or want in the White House. I call him a cocker spaniel next to his terrier brother, George.
So that is why Donald Trump is doing so well in the polls. The Republicans are a voting block of incompetents who have not yet delivered anyone with guts, backbone, and stamina enough to attract attention, and the Democrats are even worse....but for some reason or other, Bernie Sanders is taking off drawing crowds. If he gets votes like that, he will probably win the nomination and possibly the election.
Be careful, voters, because this crop of candidates is so weak that Donald Trump could win it all! Just because he is willing to speak his mind which is more than weak willy candidates ever do.
Donald Trump decided to enter the presidential race. Naturally, men and women who go through the process of getting themselves elected the old fashioned way never welcome a businessman who thinks that he can draw votes just because he speaks his mind about the issues that the elected officials avoid adroitly.
Illegal immigration has been a problem for a very long time. Countries south of the border cannot provide jobs and employment to vast numbers of people so they risk life and limb to cross rivers, trust evil coyotes, hitch rides on trains just to come to America. Oh, Neil Diamond, what did you do when you wrote that song?
So they come here, get in trouble, rob stores, drive without licenses, kill motorists, and rape and plunder innocent citizens and get thrown into jail while families suffer who cannot get help from the government. While they cannot get help, the government instead then gives these illegals benefits and opportunities that are unavailable to the born in American citizen. So naturally, people get angry at government for their wrong doing, when someone like Donald Trump suddenly announces that he will do something about it if he is elected president.
Now, few people think that the Donald has much of a chance at ever winning the nomination or getting on the ballot, but all of a sudden his message reaches them and they love it.
All the other politicians hate it, denounce it, and treat him as a pariah! But the voters love it, and are backing him more than any of the other wimpy candidates.
That is the Donald Trump big noise of the day! Much ado about a statement in which the president of Mexico responds with the announcement that if a criminal from Mexico is in America, throw him in jail in America, but do not send him back to us. What the heck! Let Americans pay for everything!
So then some Mexican who had been deported 5 times ups and kills a girl walking down a bridge in San Francisco. He just happened to pick up a gun that was found in a shirt. Oh Yeah! I can just bet that guns are that easily found in SF. Plus, it was a gun from a federal agency! How unbelievable is this story?
Truth is funny, isn't it?
Then there is Hillary Clinton who suddenly thinks that having been co-President with her husband was not enough for her. Oh, NO. Now she is running once again for President to get her name in the paper and her face on tv once again. This woman is a glutton for punishment, power, and fame! She is a social disgrace by this time in my opinion.
HIllary has always reminded me of Carol Smith, a woman I met in Florida, who asked me if I wanted to date her husband, Adam. Yes, Adam Smith, who worked giving towels to men at a health club and who lived in my apartment building near me. I was ever so shocked at a woman asking me to date her husband. Somehow, I believe that Hillary may have done the same for her husband Bill just so she would not have to be bothered with him. I could have it wrong, but from all that I read, Hillary did find women for her husband to date.
My main reason for my objection to the Clintons is always the same. Their long time friends, Linda Bloodsworth Thompson and their ill fated CBS t.v. show, Designing Women, which clearly proved tome how unscrupulous this group of people is. I detest the fact that t.v. shows do use me and my friends for their damnable sitcoms, but this one was verbatim from a conversation between me and my godchild and his mother years ago here in Phoenix, AZ at the Warren Apartments. I have never forgotten it.
I was furious. When I learned of the relationship between the Arkansas Clintons and the producers of the show I turned violently against the Clintons and will never forgive them for their parasitical ways.
Jeb Bush is a baby in the world of politics and could not convince me that he is presidential timber if he tried. He already came out to say that he is a weakling, and frankly, that is something we do not need or want in the White House. I call him a cocker spaniel next to his terrier brother, George.
So that is why Donald Trump is doing so well in the polls. The Republicans are a voting block of incompetents who have not yet delivered anyone with guts, backbone, and stamina enough to attract attention, and the Democrats are even worse....but for some reason or other, Bernie Sanders is taking off drawing crowds. If he gets votes like that, he will probably win the nomination and possibly the election.
Be careful, voters, because this crop of candidates is so weak that Donald Trump could win it all! Just because he is willing to speak his mind which is more than weak willy candidates ever do.
Another hot day in Mesa
Actually, the weather is cooler than usual, and I am very comfortable in my apartment. Probably too comfortable because I do not like to get out in the heat any more than I have to do it.
I had been planning to go to the OTB to see how CosmicOne will do in his next outing. He is in NY this time trying once again to prove that he can do as well as his mother, the famous Zenyatta.
Did Nancy Sinatra or Frank Sinatra, jr. ever live up to their dad? Only Liza Minelli seems to have been a successful daughter of famous star. People believe in bloodlines so much! I wish they would just relax a bit and not make such an issue of it.
His race is to go off in about 15 minutes, and clearly, I will not make it there. I will read about it on the twitter or Facebook pages I am sure. I wish him well, and hope that he does do well.
Another horse that is getting a lot of attention now is California Chrome. He looks absolutely sick and starving to death. His coat is shiny but his rib cage is showing and his rear end is absolutely devastatingly horrid. It was a very serious mistake to send him to Dubai and to England it would appear. He did not fare well. I would not bet that he will do well at the Arlington Millions. It is pitiful to see how badly he looks.
But Victor Espinoza sent out a Facebook post that said he will be riding him at Arlington Park. I hope that California Chrome responds well to his new surroundings before this race takes place in August. That is an awfully short time for a horse to prepare for such an important race.
I cannot help but agree now with all those who criticize the owners for their greed. One of those dumb ass partners really screwed up in decision making about this horse. It shows too much!
But Victor Espinoza sent out a Facebook post that said he will be riding him at Arlington Park. I hope that California Chrome responds well to his new surroundings before this race takes place in August. That is an awfully short time for a horse to prepare for such an important race.
I cannot help but agree now with all those who criticize the owners for their greed. One of those dumb ass partners really screwed up in decision making about this horse. It shows too much!
World Problems
Today, I am feeling sluggish. Having a hard time getting around. Why? Well, one reason is dreams. I woke up from a dream where I was trying to get to a house ( I think maybe it is the Durango house) but in the dream I decided to go down a different road to get there so that I could see it more clearly, and then I woke up. I believe it was probably the house on Hillcrest Drive which is an oft recurring dream for some reason. I dream of it for some reason...not sure why.
Then during a regularly scheduled program, CBS interrupted to tell about the United Airlines computer glitch, a router they say, and then also a glitch affecting Wall Street and the Wall Street Journal also. I suppose it is all settled by now, but this happened right while I was writing on Facebook about Greece, China, and other dire things. Is it all coincidence?
Someone then published a tweet that Anonymous had posted on the eve of the Wall Street problem wondering if they were going to have a bad day too. For all practical purposes, the government in China has imposed rules on its stock exchange that has shut it down totally.
Greece must come up with a plan to pay off its debts, and to get its economy back on track once again. So many fingers pointing at one another on the cause of this problem but Greece is now seeking its third bailout which is creating consternation everywhere.
The problem in Greece will be solved this week. A deadline has been established for the newly elected leader to present his solution to the problem this week, and if he does not come up with something that is agreed to by the EU the group will decide on Sunday what to do about the long standing debt.
Greek only digs its hole deeper when it takes the kind of action that it has most recently done. The rest of the EU is exasperated with their delay methods. When the new leader went to the EU he came up empty. He has had two days to prepare a proposal to save his country which is essentially bankrupt. Whether the EU will have compassion one more time or not is anybody's guess as it does not sound good for them at all.
They are all prepared for the removal of Greece from the Union if necessary according to various news reports.
Other nations that are a part of this union are also having economic woes, but Greece has been suffering for years with no chance of recovery. I have read many various discussions about the cause of the Greek failure, but most of it is due to mismanagement, bad leadership, and incompetent decisions made at the polls.
In a vote held recently whether the Greeks should give in to the demands made upon them by their creditors, the population voted NO to support their newly elected leader. He is a handsome young man but came up empty when traveling to meet the EU session. He had no proposal or plan to rescue his nation from this catastrophe.
In truth, Germany has helped Greece the most in these bailouts, and France stands second to Germany in the amount of help that has been extended. There is a graph showing who the creditors are to whom Greece is beholden. So it is easy to sympathize with Germany who has done the most and therefore is losing the most when Greece cannot repay its debt.
Germany is being asked to recall the years when it was given a pass on its own debt following WWII, but the situations are not the same at all. The only thing that France and Germany can do if Greece cannot ever repay its debt to get itself solvent and back in the game is to just cut their losses. This will be difficult for each of these nations but also more so for Greece. Quite honestly, Greece does not have very much going for it without their olive trees, and their ancient antiquities.
Until they come up with a vital industry willing to locate in Greece, employ vast numbers of competent workers, Greece is going to remain another nation like all the others in that region, simply becoming totally a social welfare state.
Health seems to be the real problem for those who need hospitals, doctors, and nurses. Many physicians have left the country to find employment elsewhere; ironically, some go to Germany where they can have a good life.
It is a dire situation.
So United Airlines did get back and running after they solved their router problem, I suppose that Wall Street may be back up by now...have not checked but will see. Comments on the internet are fascinating because someone listed all the stock markets that are fully functioning in the USA. Amazing at how the news media directs our attention to only those that seem important to their editors...how I dislike our news media at times.
And jumping to that problem, another ugly picture surfaced today on Facebook. A young woman attacked her boyfriend for not having sex with her. In addition to her boyfriend, she went home and punched her 66 year old mother in the face. Channel 12 posted her mug shot on the Facebook page and all the comments were derisive, commenting on her ugly appearance. She has a dental problem with two bad front teeth. Comments were very disgusting! I chastised channel 12 for posting it in the first place.
Really, it is not nice to make fun of people because their parents were too poor or too uncaring to get this girl proper dental care.
Life is cruel. I must get myself around now. Talk about insecurities. I work at keeping my skin in good condition. No such thing as ever getting rid of wrinkles! Ever!
Then during a regularly scheduled program, CBS interrupted to tell about the United Airlines computer glitch, a router they say, and then also a glitch affecting Wall Street and the Wall Street Journal also. I suppose it is all settled by now, but this happened right while I was writing on Facebook about Greece, China, and other dire things. Is it all coincidence?
Someone then published a tweet that Anonymous had posted on the eve of the Wall Street problem wondering if they were going to have a bad day too. For all practical purposes, the government in China has imposed rules on its stock exchange that has shut it down totally.
Greece must come up with a plan to pay off its debts, and to get its economy back on track once again. So many fingers pointing at one another on the cause of this problem but Greece is now seeking its third bailout which is creating consternation everywhere.
The problem in Greece will be solved this week. A deadline has been established for the newly elected leader to present his solution to the problem this week, and if he does not come up with something that is agreed to by the EU the group will decide on Sunday what to do about the long standing debt.
Greek only digs its hole deeper when it takes the kind of action that it has most recently done. The rest of the EU is exasperated with their delay methods. When the new leader went to the EU he came up empty. He has had two days to prepare a proposal to save his country which is essentially bankrupt. Whether the EU will have compassion one more time or not is anybody's guess as it does not sound good for them at all.
They are all prepared for the removal of Greece from the Union if necessary according to various news reports.
Other nations that are a part of this union are also having economic woes, but Greece has been suffering for years with no chance of recovery. I have read many various discussions about the cause of the Greek failure, but most of it is due to mismanagement, bad leadership, and incompetent decisions made at the polls.
In a vote held recently whether the Greeks should give in to the demands made upon them by their creditors, the population voted NO to support their newly elected leader. He is a handsome young man but came up empty when traveling to meet the EU session. He had no proposal or plan to rescue his nation from this catastrophe.
In truth, Germany has helped Greece the most in these bailouts, and France stands second to Germany in the amount of help that has been extended. There is a graph showing who the creditors are to whom Greece is beholden. So it is easy to sympathize with Germany who has done the most and therefore is losing the most when Greece cannot repay its debt.
Germany is being asked to recall the years when it was given a pass on its own debt following WWII, but the situations are not the same at all. The only thing that France and Germany can do if Greece cannot ever repay its debt to get itself solvent and back in the game is to just cut their losses. This will be difficult for each of these nations but also more so for Greece. Quite honestly, Greece does not have very much going for it without their olive trees, and their ancient antiquities.
Until they come up with a vital industry willing to locate in Greece, employ vast numbers of competent workers, Greece is going to remain another nation like all the others in that region, simply becoming totally a social welfare state.
Health seems to be the real problem for those who need hospitals, doctors, and nurses. Many physicians have left the country to find employment elsewhere; ironically, some go to Germany where they can have a good life.
It is a dire situation.
So United Airlines did get back and running after they solved their router problem, I suppose that Wall Street may be back up by now...have not checked but will see. Comments on the internet are fascinating because someone listed all the stock markets that are fully functioning in the USA. Amazing at how the news media directs our attention to only those that seem important to their editors...how I dislike our news media at times.
And jumping to that problem, another ugly picture surfaced today on Facebook. A young woman attacked her boyfriend for not having sex with her. In addition to her boyfriend, she went home and punched her 66 year old mother in the face. Channel 12 posted her mug shot on the Facebook page and all the comments were derisive, commenting on her ugly appearance. She has a dental problem with two bad front teeth. Comments were very disgusting! I chastised channel 12 for posting it in the first place.
Really, it is not nice to make fun of people because their parents were too poor or too uncaring to get this girl proper dental care.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Murder in Babylon by Graham Phillips
I just took a trip to the Half Priced Book Store which is nearby. My first time in there where I spent a lot of time reading cook books. Then I finally wandered to the world history section and found a book on the death of Alexander by Graham Phillips.
I will disclose his conclusion about who murdered Alexander since it coincides with my most recent post about my vision of Roxanne who makes me think of my third grade love interest, Jimmy. Surprise that I would just write that to walk into a book store where there is a book accusing Roxanne of being the murderess who had killed Alexander.
My point in writing the article on reincarnation and the possibilty that there is a link between Roxanne and Jimmy is that it would not matter if she had killed Alexander for whatever reason she would have had, that it was the Love which came over me when I went up to him at the reunion that convinced me that probably he had been Roxanne after all and that love endures today, but because it is eternal love, it does not evaporate over time but is that which is Heaven Love, not knowing jealousy, etc.etc.etc.
I thought last night it would be funny if Barsine had been Jay, my first boyfriend in first grade, but I am only saying that just due to the age and the timeliness of the two in both Alexander's life, and then later in my life. There is no way that I will say that either are or had been either one, but I do find that the Love which really overwhelmed me when going up to Jimmy was the most astonishing reason I could believe that he had been Roxanne.
My point is that while one can love someone very intensely in a lifetime, that lifetimes later, there may be a connection that is of a different substance but still does connect one to one another.
It does not mean that you will necessarily be tied to one another again, because I did get over him pretty fast in third grade to go on to have other more important and bigger crushes.
My feeling is that historians and others who keep Alexander only in his piece of flesh at the time of his achieving history in Macedonia and the Persian world is that they forget that at his death his soul is free to go into the spiritual realm where in truth nobody can say where any soul dwells.
He probably believed that he would go to the Elyssian Fields where all good soldiers go, or even to Mt. Olympus where all good gods dwell.
I was reminded when re-reading this book about the times when I lived on Palacio where I would have the most excruciating pains in my abdominal area. I mean truly excruciating pains. Once I learned that these pains were the psychic pains of the cause of death for Alexander, they went away. But for some time, I had suffered his pain so much that i was doubled over, and could barely stand the hurt of it. Again, once I realized that this is the pain that Alexander felt at his drinking party, it left me. I am ever so grateful for that.
While researching information for the book that I intend to write about Alexander, I did learn that Craterus is the best general that Alexander had had in his army. There is no doubt that when one studies each of his friends, that Craterus is his most deserving general. I am always wondering about the emphasis placed upon Hephaestion, and while I know that Alexander detested feminine looking men, Hephaestion is a very handsome man. His face is one of those nearly perfect looking appearances that probably made many others jealous of his appearance. He probably had many women to satisfy his needs, since most women love handsome men.
While rereading this book that Graham wrote, I recalled some incidents that are true historically, as I did relive them personally but with more details than the historians will ever know. So in a short time this afternoon, I relived some of those moments once again.
Mumbling to myself as I drove home about all of this, I reminded myself how much I had hated Alexander by the time i had finished the first book I ever read about him. He does become a man who is so misunderstood that historians do create a picture of him that creates a deep antipathy towards him. Had I not gone back in time to relive his life, I would probably not have changed my mind and attitude about him. I came to like him a lot, and I am a defender now.
Do I think that Alexander was murdered? In my quest to learn the truth, I believe that he suffered an illness from the Euphrates River, that he was not poisoned at all, but because he did not have the medicine that saved him earlier when in a similar situation, this time he expired from this malady that afflicted him.
He had not listened to Parmenio's advice when it happened the first time in which he showed his trust in the doctor who administered the medicine. I am even yet still suspicious of Parmenio in that respect, as I believe Alexander had wondered too. He did survive despite Parmenio's warning.
Because of that, it was not a difficult task when he finally concluded that Philotas and Parmenio together had planned some kind of plot against him. I believe that Alexander was wary of both Parmenio and Philotas from his childhood.
However, that is in a chapter I wrote...I would have to look it up now as I decided to stop until I could pull it all together. So I am convinced that the two families had two different goals and interests regarding Alexander's journey into Persia, Egypt, and India.
Closing now.
I will disclose his conclusion about who murdered Alexander since it coincides with my most recent post about my vision of Roxanne who makes me think of my third grade love interest, Jimmy. Surprise that I would just write that to walk into a book store where there is a book accusing Roxanne of being the murderess who had killed Alexander.
My point in writing the article on reincarnation and the possibilty that there is a link between Roxanne and Jimmy is that it would not matter if she had killed Alexander for whatever reason she would have had, that it was the Love which came over me when I went up to him at the reunion that convinced me that probably he had been Roxanne after all and that love endures today, but because it is eternal love, it does not evaporate over time but is that which is Heaven Love, not knowing jealousy, etc.etc.etc.
I thought last night it would be funny if Barsine had been Jay, my first boyfriend in first grade, but I am only saying that just due to the age and the timeliness of the two in both Alexander's life, and then later in my life. There is no way that I will say that either are or had been either one, but I do find that the Love which really overwhelmed me when going up to Jimmy was the most astonishing reason I could believe that he had been Roxanne.
My point is that while one can love someone very intensely in a lifetime, that lifetimes later, there may be a connection that is of a different substance but still does connect one to one another.
It does not mean that you will necessarily be tied to one another again, because I did get over him pretty fast in third grade to go on to have other more important and bigger crushes.
My feeling is that historians and others who keep Alexander only in his piece of flesh at the time of his achieving history in Macedonia and the Persian world is that they forget that at his death his soul is free to go into the spiritual realm where in truth nobody can say where any soul dwells.
He probably believed that he would go to the Elyssian Fields where all good soldiers go, or even to Mt. Olympus where all good gods dwell.
I was reminded when re-reading this book about the times when I lived on Palacio where I would have the most excruciating pains in my abdominal area. I mean truly excruciating pains. Once I learned that these pains were the psychic pains of the cause of death for Alexander, they went away. But for some time, I had suffered his pain so much that i was doubled over, and could barely stand the hurt of it. Again, once I realized that this is the pain that Alexander felt at his drinking party, it left me. I am ever so grateful for that.
While researching information for the book that I intend to write about Alexander, I did learn that Craterus is the best general that Alexander had had in his army. There is no doubt that when one studies each of his friends, that Craterus is his most deserving general. I am always wondering about the emphasis placed upon Hephaestion, and while I know that Alexander detested feminine looking men, Hephaestion is a very handsome man. His face is one of those nearly perfect looking appearances that probably made many others jealous of his appearance. He probably had many women to satisfy his needs, since most women love handsome men.
While rereading this book that Graham wrote, I recalled some incidents that are true historically, as I did relive them personally but with more details than the historians will ever know. So in a short time this afternoon, I relived some of those moments once again.
Mumbling to myself as I drove home about all of this, I reminded myself how much I had hated Alexander by the time i had finished the first book I ever read about him. He does become a man who is so misunderstood that historians do create a picture of him that creates a deep antipathy towards him. Had I not gone back in time to relive his life, I would probably not have changed my mind and attitude about him. I came to like him a lot, and I am a defender now.
Do I think that Alexander was murdered? In my quest to learn the truth, I believe that he suffered an illness from the Euphrates River, that he was not poisoned at all, but because he did not have the medicine that saved him earlier when in a similar situation, this time he expired from this malady that afflicted him.
He had not listened to Parmenio's advice when it happened the first time in which he showed his trust in the doctor who administered the medicine. I am even yet still suspicious of Parmenio in that respect, as I believe Alexander had wondered too. He did survive despite Parmenio's warning.
Because of that, it was not a difficult task when he finally concluded that Philotas and Parmenio together had planned some kind of plot against him. I believe that Alexander was wary of both Parmenio and Philotas from his childhood.
However, that is in a chapter I wrote...I would have to look it up now as I decided to stop until I could pull it all together. So I am convinced that the two families had two different goals and interests regarding Alexander's journey into Persia, Egypt, and India.
Closing now.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Talking to Myself
I have been writing on my blogger more often than usual largely because I am in an area where I have no friends or family to chew the fat with. I am a person who likes to chat with people, even adversaries, just to have interaction. I could go to the fitness room, as I did do one night to try to use the computer there when my wifi had a problem, but I found only one man using a machine for exercise. We greeted one another, but we did not bother one another. Otherwise, I have only a few who live nearby and occasionally do chat with the warm friendly Debbie whenever she knocks at my door.
Right now, Ninja Warrior is playing on t.v. but I am using the time to air a few thoughts. This week was full of news stories that are more than mind boggling. One is the Donald Trump faux pas in which he slammed Mexico for sending illegals to cross the border. He promised to build a fence to keep them out.
So now everyone in the world is distancing themselves from him, calling him a racist. He is not a racist but he is feeling the brunt of what happens in the USA when important organizations gang up to part company with you. All of a sudden, Donald is a pariah not only in the presidential campaign but now in all his business enterprises.
However, voters are giving him thumbs up in the areas in which he is campaigning. So who knows how this saga will end.
The USA women's soccer team won against Japan, and scored most of the points so early in the game to totally demoralize Japan who did maintain composure enough to get two points. The game ended 5 to 2. It was sheer ecstasy for the American players and fans.
I am slowly returning to my promised novel that I am writing in my head more than on paper. I have changed the focus of my Alexander novel to explore an event in Alexander's history that is seriously important to understand.
Gwen Hernandez is offering her intro to Scrivener course this fall so I may join it soon. I have it on my email to decide when to subscribe to it.
Thanks to Scott Oden I learned some fresh ideas from a Hollywood scriptwriter who I posted a video on this blogger to find quickly if I want to refer to it again.
I have been discussing reincarnation a bit on this blog site because of the relationship between Roxanne and Alexander. I had been able to see Roxanne when I went back in time to learn all I could about Alexander. I admit I was rather rough on myself when I first began the trips back to learn of him as I had had so much of Louis XIV I did not think that I would need much to learn about Alexander. Oh, how little did I know then. But I recalled Roxanne so vividly as she is a precious thing to me in memory. She is just adorable to my eyes, and I loved her dearly just from the image of her that I saw. Her eyes stood out to me, and one day by chance, I happened to go through some old photos of kids from Van Wert to find my first crush in third grade when I had moved to Lincoln School (Third ward) after we moved away from Franklin School (Fourth ward). I had had a big crush on him and even wrote him notes at the time, but it was short lived but I recalled it. All of a sudden, as I was looking at a photo of him I saw the similarity in eyes. I thought how strange since it made me think of Roxanne. So when I went back to my class reunion, he was there, and the strangest other thing happened as I had decided already what if he had been Roxanne...the strange that happened is that love all of a sudden came over me, and I could feel it. I even mentioned it to him as I walked up to him. We had a friendly chat and that was it when he mentioned his wife at which point I smiled and walked away. Later, at the picture taking session, I tried to sit next to him, and said some dumb thing at which he was smiling ad laughing but someone sat between us. It was funny. I associate him with Roxanne now. I will not say anything that he is or had been, but I saw the resemblance and understood how it could be possible that he had been...how strange to think that now...but the love that was around when I walked up to him impressed me more than anything which is why I said what I had said in my post on reincarnation. He is just one of several who I think may have been with me in the past.
Right now, Ninja Warrior is playing on t.v. but I am using the time to air a few thoughts. This week was full of news stories that are more than mind boggling. One is the Donald Trump faux pas in which he slammed Mexico for sending illegals to cross the border. He promised to build a fence to keep them out.
So now everyone in the world is distancing themselves from him, calling him a racist. He is not a racist but he is feeling the brunt of what happens in the USA when important organizations gang up to part company with you. All of a sudden, Donald is a pariah not only in the presidential campaign but now in all his business enterprises.
However, voters are giving him thumbs up in the areas in which he is campaigning. So who knows how this saga will end.
The USA women's soccer team won against Japan, and scored most of the points so early in the game to totally demoralize Japan who did maintain composure enough to get two points. The game ended 5 to 2. It was sheer ecstasy for the American players and fans.
I am slowly returning to my promised novel that I am writing in my head more than on paper. I have changed the focus of my Alexander novel to explore an event in Alexander's history that is seriously important to understand.
Gwen Hernandez is offering her intro to Scrivener course this fall so I may join it soon. I have it on my email to decide when to subscribe to it.
Thanks to Scott Oden I learned some fresh ideas from a Hollywood scriptwriter who I posted a video on this blogger to find quickly if I want to refer to it again.
I have been discussing reincarnation a bit on this blog site because of the relationship between Roxanne and Alexander. I had been able to see Roxanne when I went back in time to learn all I could about Alexander. I admit I was rather rough on myself when I first began the trips back to learn of him as I had had so much of Louis XIV I did not think that I would need much to learn about Alexander. Oh, how little did I know then. But I recalled Roxanne so vividly as she is a precious thing to me in memory. She is just adorable to my eyes, and I loved her dearly just from the image of her that I saw. Her eyes stood out to me, and one day by chance, I happened to go through some old photos of kids from Van Wert to find my first crush in third grade when I had moved to Lincoln School (Third ward) after we moved away from Franklin School (Fourth ward). I had had a big crush on him and even wrote him notes at the time, but it was short lived but I recalled it. All of a sudden, as I was looking at a photo of him I saw the similarity in eyes. I thought how strange since it made me think of Roxanne. So when I went back to my class reunion, he was there, and the strangest other thing happened as I had decided already what if he had been Roxanne...the strange that happened is that love all of a sudden came over me, and I could feel it. I even mentioned it to him as I walked up to him. We had a friendly chat and that was it when he mentioned his wife at which point I smiled and walked away. Later, at the picture taking session, I tried to sit next to him, and said some dumb thing at which he was smiling ad laughing but someone sat between us. It was funny. I associate him with Roxanne now. I will not say anything that he is or had been, but I saw the resemblance and understood how it could be possible that he had been...how strange to think that now...but the love that was around when I walked up to him impressed me more than anything which is why I said what I had said in my post on reincarnation. He is just one of several who I think may have been with me in the past.
Twin Flames, Twin Souls
Thanks to Leslie Cottle who has produced a video about her belief in Twin Flames, I am following through with an acknowledgment of Twin Souls as described in Light of Egypt by Thomas Burgoyne.
Light of Egypt is an interesting discussion of a belief espoused by the Hermetic Brotherhood. It was left in my classroom years ago when I was a teacher in Azusa, California. I eventually sent the book back to California.
I came to believe in many of the statements made in Light of Egypt since it is a book about the Science of the Soul, in which it describes soul senses. It is a book which changed my life literally as one can only read it when able to fathom some of the concepts made within it.
I do not believe in it totally, because one of its assertions is not to buy into the belief of reincarnation. I do believe in reincarnation for some, but I will not speak for all of the population, not knowing whether it is applicable to all or not. In Light of Egypt, it qualifies its belief about reincarnation saying only Messianic souls do reincarnate. I suspect that Messianic must be qualified as well.
However, due to its teachings, I soon became aware of my soul senses, and quite often had some difficulty in distinguishing between soul senses and actual senses. The soul senses are the same s the 5 physical senses, but with an additional two senses added.
I will not enumerate or even paraphrase any of these, but suffice it to say that clairvoyance, clairaudience, and even senses of touch, smell, and taste are activated in the soul as well as in the flesh. I came to believe in some of the teachings of the Hermetic Brotherhood as a result, so far as to go to find my soul mate which is described in full as well.
In this book, a long discussion of black souls is made in which I have come to believe as well. Black souls are dangerous and harmful to the so called good souls, and their plan is to thwart the good souls of the earth. I have actually the vision which enables me to spot and know black souls when they are around me. It is not a joke. It is a fact that one's soul can be seen, and I have often seen that a person can change from black to white as white is light. Black is a void of light. Just as hell is void of love, and void of light, all souls who are spiritually inclined towards Heaven are of light and love. The light appears white when seen by a reader of souls.
So Leslie's video touched a chord within me when she talks about her twin flame, that other part of her self that she longs to return to her. It is a beautiful and touching film which I shared to appear on my wall.
I understand her quest, but in my case, I traveled to California years ago to meet up with people in Sacramento. At a special meeting called by the Governor I was so fortunate to go into that state of Heaven or Pure Perfect Love which I described in my previous post. I believe that the now Governor and I had been together in a previous lifetime which is what activated the blanket of Heaven which enshrouded me at the meeting. I fell into that state of Love and have been changed by it forever. What happened to the governor is something that I will never know. But it was when he looked up to where I was sitting that this occurred to me. I have loved Jerry Brown ever since no matter what he does or says. While I may disagree with him politically, I thank him for the opportunity to enjoy Heaven's message to me.
So be it.
Light of Egypt is an interesting discussion of a belief espoused by the Hermetic Brotherhood. It was left in my classroom years ago when I was a teacher in Azusa, California. I eventually sent the book back to California.
I came to believe in many of the statements made in Light of Egypt since it is a book about the Science of the Soul, in which it describes soul senses. It is a book which changed my life literally as one can only read it when able to fathom some of the concepts made within it.
I do not believe in it totally, because one of its assertions is not to buy into the belief of reincarnation. I do believe in reincarnation for some, but I will not speak for all of the population, not knowing whether it is applicable to all or not. In Light of Egypt, it qualifies its belief about reincarnation saying only Messianic souls do reincarnate. I suspect that Messianic must be qualified as well.
However, due to its teachings, I soon became aware of my soul senses, and quite often had some difficulty in distinguishing between soul senses and actual senses. The soul senses are the same s the 5 physical senses, but with an additional two senses added.
I will not enumerate or even paraphrase any of these, but suffice it to say that clairvoyance, clairaudience, and even senses of touch, smell, and taste are activated in the soul as well as in the flesh. I came to believe in some of the teachings of the Hermetic Brotherhood as a result, so far as to go to find my soul mate which is described in full as well.
In this book, a long discussion of black souls is made in which I have come to believe as well. Black souls are dangerous and harmful to the so called good souls, and their plan is to thwart the good souls of the earth. I have actually the vision which enables me to spot and know black souls when they are around me. It is not a joke. It is a fact that one's soul can be seen, and I have often seen that a person can change from black to white as white is light. Black is a void of light. Just as hell is void of love, and void of light, all souls who are spiritually inclined towards Heaven are of light and love. The light appears white when seen by a reader of souls.
So Leslie's video touched a chord within me when she talks about her twin flame, that other part of her self that she longs to return to her. It is a beautiful and touching film which I shared to appear on my wall.
I understand her quest, but in my case, I traveled to California years ago to meet up with people in Sacramento. At a special meeting called by the Governor I was so fortunate to go into that state of Heaven or Pure Perfect Love which I described in my previous post. I believe that the now Governor and I had been together in a previous lifetime which is what activated the blanket of Heaven which enshrouded me at the meeting. I fell into that state of Love and have been changed by it forever. What happened to the governor is something that I will never know. But it was when he looked up to where I was sitting that this occurred to me. I have loved Jerry Brown ever since no matter what he does or says. While I may disagree with him politically, I thank him for the opportunity to enjoy Heaven's message to me.
So be it.
July 2 was UFO Day.
I had a strange experience, story of my life, again on that day. Because of the Palmetto bug found in the bathtub which scared the dickens out of me, I was sealing the stopper in the tub since the manager had told me it had come up through the drain. I doubt that and the exterminator man told me it had not gotten in through the drain. But at the time I closed the stopper anyway.
To my surprise when I woke up in the morning to go into the bathroom, I looked in the tub to see it full of water to the 1/4 level of the tub. I mean this was a lot of water that could not have occurred due to a leak, and that tub does not leak water at all. So how did it get there?
It was UFO Day. Maybe a UFO.
I took it as God did it. That it is proof that God is all around me in this apartment too. Remember that lights had appeared at the Monaco, that a being appeared to scare the cat at East McDonald, and that the card of the Sacred Heart appeared out of nowhere, and that water appeared on the floor from out of nowhere.
So now it was in the bathtub. I analyzed it and pondered it for days. I have finally taken a bath in the tub. I am getting over the fear of the Palmetto bug.
At the Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, I remember the bathtub for torture. Stop torturing yourself. This is a form of torture too, but believing it is God is all that will console me.
I know for sure that while I attribute it to God, it could be something other than that, but I choose to be positive.
I did not do it myself! is all that I know.
I had a strange experience, story of my life, again on that day. Because of the Palmetto bug found in the bathtub which scared the dickens out of me, I was sealing the stopper in the tub since the manager had told me it had come up through the drain. I doubt that and the exterminator man told me it had not gotten in through the drain. But at the time I closed the stopper anyway.
To my surprise when I woke up in the morning to go into the bathroom, I looked in the tub to see it full of water to the 1/4 level of the tub. I mean this was a lot of water that could not have occurred due to a leak, and that tub does not leak water at all. So how did it get there?
It was UFO Day. Maybe a UFO.
I took it as God did it. That it is proof that God is all around me in this apartment too. Remember that lights had appeared at the Monaco, that a being appeared to scare the cat at East McDonald, and that the card of the Sacred Heart appeared out of nowhere, and that water appeared on the floor from out of nowhere.
So now it was in the bathtub. I analyzed it and pondered it for days. I have finally taken a bath in the tub. I am getting over the fear of the Palmetto bug.
At the Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, I remember the bathtub for torture. Stop torturing yourself. This is a form of torture too, but believing it is God is all that will console me.
I know for sure that while I attribute it to God, it could be something other than that, but I choose to be positive.
I did not do it myself! is all that I know.
Continuing Reincarnation and Past Lives
To understand reincarnation, one must understand the concepts of Heaven and Hell. Essentially, in real terms, Heaven and Hell are either Biblical terms, or poetic topics, or other religious faith's concepts. Each one of us adheres to the beliefs that are frankly told to us in our environmental setting. Whether they are actual or not depends upon one's acceptance of the values and beliefs that are passed down from generation to generation in one's living habitat.
Because someone has not been taught to believe does not mean that either does or does not exist for any but those who learn of it. If the condition of Heaven or Hell is true, it will be there for any and all no matter whether taught or not. Just because we today do not know anything about any other planet in the universe does not mean that the conditions on that planet are anything but real to whoever it is that is fully aware of them.
In a Happy Day's episode starring Ron Howard, the point was made by a writer that anyone who goes to a dentist experiences hell. Hell is a negative concept obviously, but anyone suffering a toothache or anything to do with the teeth that is uncomfortable comes to believe in a form of Hell.
Likewise, anyone who has fallen in love knows a piece of Heaven despite themselves whether they realize it or not.
Some people believe that God is Love. God is simply more than the love feeling that people can and often do fall into when around a person or being that creates the sensation of "in love". In love is a delightful state of buoyancy, light heartedness, and a lift that nothing else can give one. Perfect love is a fully expanded version of the "in love" that many people feel about another person with whom they have become deeply attached. Yes, one can fall out of love, and even when in the state of Perfect Love, which is greater than just a romantic feeling, one is still enveloped in that buoyancy, lightness, and eternal springlike state of In Love.
However, Perfect Love has so many great rewards stemming from this Love that is what St. Paul described it in long suffering, patient, always kind, gentle, lacking jealousy and envy, but always fulfilled in a state of completion and fulfillment. When in that state of Heavenliness, one is at one with all that is whole and complete, a state of joy that is unsurmountable, and an awareness that Love is all inclusive, never jealousy, petty, mean-spirited, or wanting in any way. One would hope to stay int hat state of existence forever, which is the end goal for most who become aware of its existence.
So on that note, when one reincarnates, again and again, one may wonder why, and what has happened to others who you have known in your life. Especially, as with so many who want to know about loved ones, what is the ongoing relationship between each previous love that one has had.
I can only speak of my own experiences which is why I am writing this. Because one of the things that I did learn after having experienced the joy of Perfect Love in which I so firmly believe through its happening to me, I later learned of former lifetimes. I explored those lifetimes to learn more about the person and other people in that person's life. I gleaned a lot of truth in these excursions to the past, and the one thing that I am confident in knowing is that whenever I encountered any of my former loves in this lifetime, Heaven was always around me as I had fallen in love again, and knew that Heaven is our lot in this lifetime. Love was all around, and the glory of Perfect Love is that it lets go, knows no jealousy, but recognizes that love is eternal. We pass through one another, meet again, and continue to love freely without even having to unite in marriage or a bond of any kind but being together again for even a moment, months, days, weeks, or years...depending upon the who and how of the relationship.
I know this is true about at least four of the men in this lifetime with whom I had had a romance, a brief fling, or a long romance. Our so called karma as people like to call it took place and we became known to one another to part from one another. But the love that connects us was present, and as we do so often fall in and out of love, we passed through our present love experience as if it had been a sudden spring shower, or the tumultuous storm, or light breeze. Yet, Love endured.
I will mention one man whose friendship interests me because it was so gentle, kind, and undemanding. I met this man in Florida at a local bar, and we became friends. He is one of the nicest men that I have ever met, and he did give me sound advice, escorted me to many places in the area, and was understanding and gentle with me. When he asked me to leave Florida to go back to Michigan with him, I said No I would not do that. Gee, I had just moved there. But I remember him with fondness because his was the most rewarding friendship I had in that state. I eventually learned of who he had been in the past to me in a former lifetime which entirely blew my mind.
It made sense to me. We had been married to one another in an arranged marriage, and I had been a very bad husband to this faithful wife of mine then. He would be shocked to learn that I would imagine, and because I will not identify him now except to state that I believe that he had been my spouse during a former lifetime. I do now understand why I like him even to this day. Just as then, he gave me no troubles at all.
And I believe that reincarnation does play a role in it. I believe that the men I became enamored with in this lifetime are the souls of people who I had either been married to or had been distressed in my past. With a few of them, Love did enter the picture, and that is why I say that we are connected by Love Eternal despite our parting of the ways. I live in a different age now.
As a woman, I am free to make choices. Maybe some of the men I have met are not so faithful and true so that I have often just kicked them out when they decided to see me again. I said No to
men who were only using me for their own pleasure but cared nothing about me to give me the honor and respect I desired. Good bye and so long, you rascal you. But some men were good, loved me and proved it, and I think well of them yet. Yes, we have Love and Heaven because we are connected together through Love.
This has been a long discussion, but because someone I know through a reincarnation discussion group posted a video of her desire for her Twin Flame, I feel compelled to write this now for myself to think through again and again. God bless. To my way of thinking, when twin souls meet, they become as angels, and have powers given only to them. So says Light of Egypt.
I do believe in some of the truths espoused in the Hermetic Brotherhood even though they deny reincarnation. So we are in a state of conflict since I have traveled back in time to fully realize the who and when of my own personal journey through time and space. So be it.
Because someone has not been taught to believe does not mean that either does or does not exist for any but those who learn of it. If the condition of Heaven or Hell is true, it will be there for any and all no matter whether taught or not. Just because we today do not know anything about any other planet in the universe does not mean that the conditions on that planet are anything but real to whoever it is that is fully aware of them.
In a Happy Day's episode starring Ron Howard, the point was made by a writer that anyone who goes to a dentist experiences hell. Hell is a negative concept obviously, but anyone suffering a toothache or anything to do with the teeth that is uncomfortable comes to believe in a form of Hell.
Likewise, anyone who has fallen in love knows a piece of Heaven despite themselves whether they realize it or not.
Some people believe that God is Love. God is simply more than the love feeling that people can and often do fall into when around a person or being that creates the sensation of "in love". In love is a delightful state of buoyancy, light heartedness, and a lift that nothing else can give one. Perfect love is a fully expanded version of the "in love" that many people feel about another person with whom they have become deeply attached. Yes, one can fall out of love, and even when in the state of Perfect Love, which is greater than just a romantic feeling, one is still enveloped in that buoyancy, lightness, and eternal springlike state of In Love.
However, Perfect Love has so many great rewards stemming from this Love that is what St. Paul described it in long suffering, patient, always kind, gentle, lacking jealousy and envy, but always fulfilled in a state of completion and fulfillment. When in that state of Heavenliness, one is at one with all that is whole and complete, a state of joy that is unsurmountable, and an awareness that Love is all inclusive, never jealousy, petty, mean-spirited, or wanting in any way. One would hope to stay int hat state of existence forever, which is the end goal for most who become aware of its existence.
So on that note, when one reincarnates, again and again, one may wonder why, and what has happened to others who you have known in your life. Especially, as with so many who want to know about loved ones, what is the ongoing relationship between each previous love that one has had.
I can only speak of my own experiences which is why I am writing this. Because one of the things that I did learn after having experienced the joy of Perfect Love in which I so firmly believe through its happening to me, I later learned of former lifetimes. I explored those lifetimes to learn more about the person and other people in that person's life. I gleaned a lot of truth in these excursions to the past, and the one thing that I am confident in knowing is that whenever I encountered any of my former loves in this lifetime, Heaven was always around me as I had fallen in love again, and knew that Heaven is our lot in this lifetime. Love was all around, and the glory of Perfect Love is that it lets go, knows no jealousy, but recognizes that love is eternal. We pass through one another, meet again, and continue to love freely without even having to unite in marriage or a bond of any kind but being together again for even a moment, months, days, weeks, or years...depending upon the who and how of the relationship.
I know this is true about at least four of the men in this lifetime with whom I had had a romance, a brief fling, or a long romance. Our so called karma as people like to call it took place and we became known to one another to part from one another. But the love that connects us was present, and as we do so often fall in and out of love, we passed through our present love experience as if it had been a sudden spring shower, or the tumultuous storm, or light breeze. Yet, Love endured.
I will mention one man whose friendship interests me because it was so gentle, kind, and undemanding. I met this man in Florida at a local bar, and we became friends. He is one of the nicest men that I have ever met, and he did give me sound advice, escorted me to many places in the area, and was understanding and gentle with me. When he asked me to leave Florida to go back to Michigan with him, I said No I would not do that. Gee, I had just moved there. But I remember him with fondness because his was the most rewarding friendship I had in that state. I eventually learned of who he had been in the past to me in a former lifetime which entirely blew my mind.
It made sense to me. We had been married to one another in an arranged marriage, and I had been a very bad husband to this faithful wife of mine then. He would be shocked to learn that I would imagine, and because I will not identify him now except to state that I believe that he had been my spouse during a former lifetime. I do now understand why I like him even to this day. Just as then, he gave me no troubles at all.
And I believe that reincarnation does play a role in it. I believe that the men I became enamored with in this lifetime are the souls of people who I had either been married to or had been distressed in my past. With a few of them, Love did enter the picture, and that is why I say that we are connected by Love Eternal despite our parting of the ways. I live in a different age now.
As a woman, I am free to make choices. Maybe some of the men I have met are not so faithful and true so that I have often just kicked them out when they decided to see me again. I said No to
men who were only using me for their own pleasure but cared nothing about me to give me the honor and respect I desired. Good bye and so long, you rascal you. But some men were good, loved me and proved it, and I think well of them yet. Yes, we have Love and Heaven because we are connected together through Love.
This has been a long discussion, but because someone I know through a reincarnation discussion group posted a video of her desire for her Twin Flame, I feel compelled to write this now for myself to think through again and again. God bless. To my way of thinking, when twin souls meet, they become as angels, and have powers given only to them. So says Light of Egypt.
I do believe in some of the truths espoused in the Hermetic Brotherhood even though they deny reincarnation. So we are in a state of conflict since I have traveled back in time to fully realize the who and when of my own personal journey through time and space. So be it.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Dessert for Potluck
I made this strawberry cream cheese pretzel salad to test to see if I would want to make it for the Potluck that we are having at the apartment this weekend. It is a pretty simple recipe and I wanted to try it before using it in a crowd of people.
I actually liked it tonight. It took me a while to think it was pretty good, but this last piece I had was so good that i could not believe it. I think that the longer it sets, the better it gets. It is so creamy that it is almost a cheese cake but only close to it. I had always loved the cream cheese mixture but because I could not wait for it to set up I had cut into it so that the jello did run a bit in the first cut. I was not very crazy about it then, but I let it set overnight and it turned out to be super good after all. You never know for sure until you try. It is really good after all, a lot better than I had thought. I can see that fresh strawberries might be better than frozen just because of the consistency of the berry but these were in fact very good.
So while I do not think that I will make it again, just simply because I would have to make it a full day ahead. Because I had fears of it falling apart while sitting on a table waiting for people to eat it, I doubt that I will make it again.
I can make something similar but not exactly this dessert. End of trial run.
I actually liked it tonight. It took me a while to think it was pretty good, but this last piece I had was so good that i could not believe it. I think that the longer it sets, the better it gets. It is so creamy that it is almost a cheese cake but only close to it. I had always loved the cream cheese mixture but because I could not wait for it to set up I had cut into it so that the jello did run a bit in the first cut. I was not very crazy about it then, but I let it set overnight and it turned out to be super good after all. You never know for sure until you try. It is really good after all, a lot better than I had thought. I can see that fresh strawberries might be better than frozen just because of the consistency of the berry but these were in fact very good.
So while I do not think that I will make it again, just simply because I would have to make it a full day ahead. Because I had fears of it falling apart while sitting on a table waiting for people to eat it, I doubt that I will make it again.
I can make something similar but not exactly this dessert. End of trial run.
Goal Setting
in a previous post, I discussed my passport. I have used it only one time. That is a story in itself, but I did end up in Paris, France, and the Chateau de Versailles where I proved to myself the truth of my soul searching.
The necessity of proving all my visions valid to myself prompted me to take the journey which ended up proving to me how much I need to take care of myself. I did fall in love with the gardens and the chateaux that are all prominent on the grounds. I especially loved the Grand Trianon which is celebrating some occasion this year. I understand that there is some recognition of the King's death as well, but I would return to that area just to enjoy the sights and sounds once again. It is very much a part of me, both the Chateau of the its origins and that of today.
There are so many things for me to see in a future trip that I did not see, but I would love to travel the same exact trail again to see it all again as I had the first time round. How I wish I could make that happen.
I also want to make a trip to Macedonia, Greece, Alexandria, and other places in Europe as well. Rome, for sure, London, and Strasbourg, and Germany too. So many places. Even Spain if I could get the chance but alas and alack, I want to go to Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Asia, Hong Kong, and Beijing and Singapore, and South America, FIJI Islands, and so many more places. If I can get to just one of them I will accomplish something but hopefully, I will be able to see several. Russia, and St. Petersburg are also on my list of sights and places to see. I always wanted to see Persepolis as well but Iran and the rest of the world are on a collision course, and I do know that my memories of that great place are of the 4th Century when Alexander was there. I still remember Persepolis as I saw it for the first time long before I even knew it was a city in ancient times. I had to look it up on the internet.
So how am I going to do all this? I will try to figure that out now.
The necessity of proving all my visions valid to myself prompted me to take the journey which ended up proving to me how much I need to take care of myself. I did fall in love with the gardens and the chateaux that are all prominent on the grounds. I especially loved the Grand Trianon which is celebrating some occasion this year. I understand that there is some recognition of the King's death as well, but I would return to that area just to enjoy the sights and sounds once again. It is very much a part of me, both the Chateau of the its origins and that of today.
There are so many things for me to see in a future trip that I did not see, but I would love to travel the same exact trail again to see it all again as I had the first time round. How I wish I could make that happen.
I also want to make a trip to Macedonia, Greece, Alexandria, and other places in Europe as well. Rome, for sure, London, and Strasbourg, and Germany too. So many places. Even Spain if I could get the chance but alas and alack, I want to go to Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Asia, Hong Kong, and Beijing and Singapore, and South America, FIJI Islands, and so many more places. If I can get to just one of them I will accomplish something but hopefully, I will be able to see several. Russia, and St. Petersburg are also on my list of sights and places to see. I always wanted to see Persepolis as well but Iran and the rest of the world are on a collision course, and I do know that my memories of that great place are of the 4th Century when Alexander was there. I still remember Persepolis as I saw it for the first time long before I even knew it was a city in ancient times. I had to look it up on the internet.
So how am I going to do all this? I will try to figure that out now.
Potluck for Holiday Celebration
We are having a potluck patriotic party this coming Saturday at the apartment and I had planned to take a dessert from a recipe I found on the internet. But I decided to do a dry run of it first by seeing if it is feasible and a good idea.
It is a jello cream cheese and pretzel combination. It has turned out good but unlikely to be anything I would want to serve at a potluck after all. After I let it set overnight, it did turn out to be good but because of having to let it set out for a long time I have decided not to take it. The whipped cream can decide to break apart if out too long, as can the jello turn warm and runny. So I think not.
But so long as it is refrigerated and kept cool, it is delicious if you like frozen strawberries thawed, and a cream cheese/whipped cream concoction. It is called strawberry/pretzel dessert or salad and can be found everywhere on the internet. I will not use cool whip which would set up properly but I hate the cool whip for dessert since it is artificial and frankly, not good for anyone to eat.
So I used real whipping cream which naturally gives a much better flavor to the cream cheese mixture. But real whipping cream has to be refrigerated and even then, often loses its aeration by turning to cream.
So I will not be taking it after all. The pretzels do add the saltiness and I used a graham crust with crushed pretzels sprinkled on top the crust. It worked.
It is a jello cream cheese and pretzel combination. It has turned out good but unlikely to be anything I would want to serve at a potluck after all. After I let it set overnight, it did turn out to be good but because of having to let it set out for a long time I have decided not to take it. The whipped cream can decide to break apart if out too long, as can the jello turn warm and runny. So I think not.
But so long as it is refrigerated and kept cool, it is delicious if you like frozen strawberries thawed, and a cream cheese/whipped cream concoction. It is called strawberry/pretzel dessert or salad and can be found everywhere on the internet. I will not use cool whip which would set up properly but I hate the cool whip for dessert since it is artificial and frankly, not good for anyone to eat.
So I used real whipping cream which naturally gives a much better flavor to the cream cheese mixture. But real whipping cream has to be refrigerated and even then, often loses its aeration by turning to cream.
So I will not be taking it after all. The pretzels do add the saltiness and I used a graham crust with crushed pretzels sprinkled on top the crust. It worked.
Hair loss
For some reason I have noticed that I am losing my hair in the front and sides. This is a serious problem and while reading some reviews at QVC on Wen's conditioning cleanser I learned that other women had complained about hair loss due to his product. It is hard to believe that any of his ingredients could be causing hair loss but I have been using his 613 conditioner for some time and had not noticed anything wrong until I moved here.
Perhaps it is the stress of moving which has really knocked me for a loop, or perhaps it is the conditioner. Today, I decided finally not to use it for awhile, and I just checked home remedies. The aloe vera one sounds best but there are many natural remedies, one which includes coconut oil, so that I will use that for sure. I found that licorice root is supposed to help too. I did buy licorice tea for my cold sores so I have the tea to use to see if it will affect the hair now as well as the cold sores. I use lysine tablet and vitamin C for my immune system. I swear stress is such a problem in so many ways.
But I just beginning to settle into this new apartment and am feeling somewhat better than I had initially. So many problems assailed me that I seriously wondered if these were good or bad omens. I am still a bit concerned about some of the situations that I find here, but the apartment itself is the best thing I did for myself. It is so well insulated that I cannot hear noises from outdoors or overhead, and the air conditioning needs to be used only a few hours instead of constantly. This all helps me a lot.
In those respects, I am very happy about the move.
But for now, I am watching the state of my hair closely. I had loved the conditioner for the feel of the hair as it is appearing os healthy and silky that I had truly been happy with it. So I will see how a month or two of not using it affects it as I try using the home methods of combatting hair loss.
All we can do is try.
Perhaps it is the stress of moving which has really knocked me for a loop, or perhaps it is the conditioner. Today, I decided finally not to use it for awhile, and I just checked home remedies. The aloe vera one sounds best but there are many natural remedies, one which includes coconut oil, so that I will use that for sure. I found that licorice root is supposed to help too. I did buy licorice tea for my cold sores so I have the tea to use to see if it will affect the hair now as well as the cold sores. I use lysine tablet and vitamin C for my immune system. I swear stress is such a problem in so many ways.
But I just beginning to settle into this new apartment and am feeling somewhat better than I had initially. So many problems assailed me that I seriously wondered if these were good or bad omens. I am still a bit concerned about some of the situations that I find here, but the apartment itself is the best thing I did for myself. It is so well insulated that I cannot hear noises from outdoors or overhead, and the air conditioning needs to be used only a few hours instead of constantly. This all helps me a lot.
In those respects, I am very happy about the move.
But for now, I am watching the state of my hair closely. I had loved the conditioner for the feel of the hair as it is appearing os healthy and silky that I had truly been happy with it. So I will see how a month or two of not using it affects it as I try using the home methods of combatting hair loss.
All we can do is try.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
I had to check my passport to see when it is expires. I am not sure how one does renew them but I am sure there is information on the internet. I hope that it is simple.
But I did check mine to see the date so that if I want to make a trip to Europe anytime soon, I would know how much time I have left on this original. My passport picture is funny now that I look at it.
But I will try to plan and organize a trip that will not exhaust me in the air travel. I have always decided that if I go to Europe again that I would cut the trip in half by going to the East Coast and flying from there. I did not like that long 14 hour flight.
So now to raise the money to make the trip. That is next.
July 4, 2015
I dream a lot. I woke up from a dream today that I have forgotten nearly but parts of it linger on. I always wonder about dreams because the imagery is always so strong, and often lingers for some time. Sometimes I am so busy in dreams that I wake up tired, because I believe that we burn a lot of energy in dreams.
But because last night I happened to find a Wild Dining invite to a pig dinner at Singh's Farm, I decided to go after researching both the farm and the pigs on the internet. It is amazing at what you can learn, and since this is a farmer's market, essentially, I decided to go. Funny that all the time I lived there I had never become aware of this farmer's market since the downtown farmer's market on Brown Street was so often advertised.
I finally went to Singh's and tasted the special pig that was the meal of the day in the form of barbecued pork. I did arrive late. As I got up to order, an announcement that there was no more pork left for any but five people. It was accompanied by a great ear of corn with some special sauce or butter. I tried the sauce but did not really like it as much as I would have liked the butter. The corn itself was good and sweet. A dozen went for the price of $6.00 had you wanted to buy any in the farmer's market garden area. The pork itself was a bit disappointing despite the fact that I got a lot of it. It needed salt but I would not get up to find the salt shaker. Supposedly, this special pig has lots of fat and marbling in it, making it the Kobe or very expensive pork. It is expensive, but this did not display any fat at all. Mine was all lean, and as Kenton, the Meet Ups organizer, said, any pork could have passed for this. I am not sure that is true, as I can distinguish pork pretty well, but this was not what I had expected at all. It was very mild in flavor but I did get a lot for my $10.00 For ten bucks, you got a roll, the barbecue pork, and a whole ear of corn.
The farm is exceptionally pretty with a kind of strange fairy tale look about it. The trees with their many angles and twists and turns give this fairy land the mystique that makes it so attractive. A tree house has been built there which is quite extraordinary. But the food that is available at the Farmer's Market is more than impressive. Huge red onions...small not so ripe tomatoes, and beautiful ears of corn along with grapefruit, baked goods, beverages, and even plants are carefully distributed all around the garden area for customers to pick and choose. I chose not to make any major purchases as I am spent already.
I have been eating grapefruit from Winco all week long. I admit I am finished with that fruit now.
So at the end, I left, and unfortunately, had a bad experience when backing out. I was too tightly packed and had a fender bender with a Mercedes Benz parked right in my way...the guy yelled, and I got out to check damage...Nothing showed up on either car, but it had scared me and one of the passengers in his car. He and the lady were nice to check it all out, and since no damage could be found, we all became friendly and nice, and I went on my way to decide to call it a day, stay home where I can watch the fireworks on t.v. Forget about going out when something like that happens. I eventually stopped to give my car a good look and could see no evidence of any of his paint, but I had been so slow ( typical of me anymore) that all that happened is that I must have touched it but the sound was deceptive, making me think I would find a fender bender. Nothing looked out of line until I checked it carefully to see the part of the car that must have touched his. No paint from his car but I could tell that there had been contact. It did not disturb my paint but I know where it touched. That always makes me angry at myself, and so I calmed my nerves down to spend the rest of the afternoon shopping at Target, Kmart, and a stop at Iowa Cafe.
I bought the ingredients for my contribution to our potluck, and so now intend to try a small sampling to see if I like it or not.
I am staying quiet for the rest of the night. Happy Fourth1
But because last night I happened to find a Wild Dining invite to a pig dinner at Singh's Farm, I decided to go after researching both the farm and the pigs on the internet. It is amazing at what you can learn, and since this is a farmer's market, essentially, I decided to go. Funny that all the time I lived there I had never become aware of this farmer's market since the downtown farmer's market on Brown Street was so often advertised.
I finally went to Singh's and tasted the special pig that was the meal of the day in the form of barbecued pork. I did arrive late. As I got up to order, an announcement that there was no more pork left for any but five people. It was accompanied by a great ear of corn with some special sauce or butter. I tried the sauce but did not really like it as much as I would have liked the butter. The corn itself was good and sweet. A dozen went for the price of $6.00 had you wanted to buy any in the farmer's market garden area. The pork itself was a bit disappointing despite the fact that I got a lot of it. It needed salt but I would not get up to find the salt shaker. Supposedly, this special pig has lots of fat and marbling in it, making it the Kobe or very expensive pork. It is expensive, but this did not display any fat at all. Mine was all lean, and as Kenton, the Meet Ups organizer, said, any pork could have passed for this. I am not sure that is true, as I can distinguish pork pretty well, but this was not what I had expected at all. It was very mild in flavor but I did get a lot for my $10.00 For ten bucks, you got a roll, the barbecue pork, and a whole ear of corn.
The farm is exceptionally pretty with a kind of strange fairy tale look about it. The trees with their many angles and twists and turns give this fairy land the mystique that makes it so attractive. A tree house has been built there which is quite extraordinary. But the food that is available at the Farmer's Market is more than impressive. Huge red onions...small not so ripe tomatoes, and beautiful ears of corn along with grapefruit, baked goods, beverages, and even plants are carefully distributed all around the garden area for customers to pick and choose. I chose not to make any major purchases as I am spent already.
I have been eating grapefruit from Winco all week long. I admit I am finished with that fruit now.
So at the end, I left, and unfortunately, had a bad experience when backing out. I was too tightly packed and had a fender bender with a Mercedes Benz parked right in my way...the guy yelled, and I got out to check damage...Nothing showed up on either car, but it had scared me and one of the passengers in his car. He and the lady were nice to check it all out, and since no damage could be found, we all became friendly and nice, and I went on my way to decide to call it a day, stay home where I can watch the fireworks on t.v. Forget about going out when something like that happens. I eventually stopped to give my car a good look and could see no evidence of any of his paint, but I had been so slow ( typical of me anymore) that all that happened is that I must have touched it but the sound was deceptive, making me think I would find a fender bender. Nothing looked out of line until I checked it carefully to see the part of the car that must have touched his. No paint from his car but I could tell that there had been contact. It did not disturb my paint but I know where it touched. That always makes me angry at myself, and so I calmed my nerves down to spend the rest of the afternoon shopping at Target, Kmart, and a stop at Iowa Cafe.
I bought the ingredients for my contribution to our potluck, and so now intend to try a small sampling to see if I like it or not.
I am staying quiet for the rest of the night. Happy Fourth1
Thoughts about Reincarnation
Reincarnation is a belief system that espouses the view that a soul or spirit can be reborn again in the flesh to live in multiple lives as a variety of personalities. This belief system is common in some religious faiths while rejected totally by others who are hoping that a belief in the Savior will immediately take them to some Heavenly Realm where they can dwell forever free from the pangs of the flesh once so endured.
When I was very young, a friend asked me if I believed in it, and at that time, I had no idea, not knowing what it meant or why I would or would not believe it. It took me years of study as I eventually read all the books and articles that are available on the topic. Two people influenced me strongly: Taylor Caldwell and Jess Stearn. Others who impacted me were writings of Ian Stevnson and Edgar Cayce. I take everything that is said about the subject with a grain of salt to be honest. I understand well why one can or cannot believe in an idea embraced totally by another person. Each one of us wants to be told from within that we can learn of our own life and while others may lead us there through their experiences, the only thing that will convince many of us is our own personal revelation about ourselves.
That is natural and normal when you think about it. None of us should accept anything without examination.
I am writing this now to discuss the idea realizing that my experiences have made me understand the problem in meeting up with people we have loved and known in the past. Because I am alone now and have had many experiences with a variety of men in the past, mostly when I was young and marriageable, I am saying that I eventually learned who I had been in a past life and even a few of the people of this lifetime who had been with me in that time period. The reason I am writing this is because I learned that many times those we loved so dearly then are still with us today, and who have come into my life in some way, and may have gone on to live a life free from mine as well. I am aware of three men for certain that I have met up with in this lifetime, and possibly four, who had been very close to me in different lifetimes in the past. I know for a fact who each and every one is and who I believe that they had been in a previous lifetime. Oddly enough, we had had a relationship in this life that may have been full and complete, but as time passed, we went on to other people and places from when we had reunited, not knowing that we had had a past together in a previous lifetime.
In the case of three of them, the state of love that one feels when one falls in love did happen to me once again, but love is a funny thing, it is a freedom that gives you the joy of loving but also the freedom of parting with no hard feelings or sorrow. Love is there, but it is an enduring love that surrounds you to also free you to go on in other directions.
So in that respect, I realize that we all come together again and again, but each time, it is in a different way that may last a long time or a short time, but it does bring about a feeling of good will towards one another.
That is all I will say for now. I had so many former marriages and loves that in a few cases, I know that we have met again and shared time together in this lifetime as we had in the previous. It is good for me to realize this now since I know that love is the answer for each and everyone. Submitting to the freedom that love gives us brings about a peace of mind that only when realized can one truly value the importance of it.
So to all my loves of yesterday and today, we have been blessed!
When I was very young, a friend asked me if I believed in it, and at that time, I had no idea, not knowing what it meant or why I would or would not believe it. It took me years of study as I eventually read all the books and articles that are available on the topic. Two people influenced me strongly: Taylor Caldwell and Jess Stearn. Others who impacted me were writings of Ian Stevnson and Edgar Cayce. I take everything that is said about the subject with a grain of salt to be honest. I understand well why one can or cannot believe in an idea embraced totally by another person. Each one of us wants to be told from within that we can learn of our own life and while others may lead us there through their experiences, the only thing that will convince many of us is our own personal revelation about ourselves.
That is natural and normal when you think about it. None of us should accept anything without examination.
I am writing this now to discuss the idea realizing that my experiences have made me understand the problem in meeting up with people we have loved and known in the past. Because I am alone now and have had many experiences with a variety of men in the past, mostly when I was young and marriageable, I am saying that I eventually learned who I had been in a past life and even a few of the people of this lifetime who had been with me in that time period. The reason I am writing this is because I learned that many times those we loved so dearly then are still with us today, and who have come into my life in some way, and may have gone on to live a life free from mine as well. I am aware of three men for certain that I have met up with in this lifetime, and possibly four, who had been very close to me in different lifetimes in the past. I know for a fact who each and every one is and who I believe that they had been in a previous lifetime. Oddly enough, we had had a relationship in this life that may have been full and complete, but as time passed, we went on to other people and places from when we had reunited, not knowing that we had had a past together in a previous lifetime.
In the case of three of them, the state of love that one feels when one falls in love did happen to me once again, but love is a funny thing, it is a freedom that gives you the joy of loving but also the freedom of parting with no hard feelings or sorrow. Love is there, but it is an enduring love that surrounds you to also free you to go on in other directions.
So in that respect, I realize that we all come together again and again, but each time, it is in a different way that may last a long time or a short time, but it does bring about a feeling of good will towards one another.
That is all I will say for now. I had so many former marriages and loves that in a few cases, I know that we have met again and shared time together in this lifetime as we had in the previous. It is good for me to realize this now since I know that love is the answer for each and everyone. Submitting to the freedom that love gives us brings about a peace of mind that only when realized can one truly value the importance of it.
So to all my loves of yesterday and today, we have been blessed!
Friday, July 3, 2015
I have lived in America for 76 years and only once have I needed a passport to leave the country. I just remembered to check the date of my passport which is good for ten years to see when it was that I finally got one. I want to go back to Europe to see more of the continent than I had already seen so I need to know the when and how of when I can do that.
I just checked to see how much time I have left on my passport, having used it only once, so I am ready to take another trip to France and other European countries asap. I will do it asap because i am not getting any younger, and really want to visit key places that interest me.
I had nearly decided to store all my belongings and just go to Europe for a long stay to visit and explore but in the end, I did decide to hang around the place I have been living in for these past 21 years, Arizona.
I am finally beginning to feel like I am settling in despite the fact that early on, I was driving around the city and visiting eateries. I no longer do that now that I have settled but I found a few good restaurants that I would return to enjoy their fare. There are several for which I am happy to say makes living here a good decision.
But I am having to now sort again to send many things out to charity groups. I do not need to keep all my old billfolds, purses, hats, and even bras for as long as I have. They just take up space, and I no longer seem to use them as I might have years ago.
Note to myself: Do IT!
I just checked to see how much time I have left on my passport, having used it only once, so I am ready to take another trip to France and other European countries asap. I will do it asap because i am not getting any younger, and really want to visit key places that interest me.
I had nearly decided to store all my belongings and just go to Europe for a long stay to visit and explore but in the end, I did decide to hang around the place I have been living in for these past 21 years, Arizona.
I am finally beginning to feel like I am settling in despite the fact that early on, I was driving around the city and visiting eateries. I no longer do that now that I have settled but I found a few good restaurants that I would return to enjoy their fare. There are several for which I am happy to say makes living here a good decision.
But I am having to now sort again to send many things out to charity groups. I do not need to keep all my old billfolds, purses, hats, and even bras for as long as I have. They just take up space, and I no longer seem to use them as I might have years ago.
Note to myself: Do IT!
Monsoon season upon us.
It rained last night. A loud clap of thunder and lightning strike which sounded as though it were outside my window woke me up at 4:50 in the morning. It was raining. We need the rain, but fortunately, the wind was light. I can tell how light because some dirt that I have piled into a place on the patio has not moved. That is good but the plants did show the strength of the breeze.
I went back to sleep, finally going back to my normal schedule which meant I woke up around 7:30 instead of 6:00 which had been driving me crazy.
I am slowly getting back to normal in my lifestyle. I have been interrupted for a year in the problem of living with constant construction all around me, disrupting my life in a way that had truly been unnecessary had I only moved out one year earlier. I may not have found this place then but at least I would not have had to endure such a drastic and dreadful hell. I hated the entire time period in which these disrespectful construction workers interfered with my life.
It only makes me fonder of Donald Trump than I had already been to be honest. And I have never been fond of him period.
I am so tired of namely pamby politicians who court the illegal immigrants as if they have any real value to our system at all. It is an outrage that only The Donald seems to be addressing, and those of us who are tired of it can only applaud him.
So I will start again...but I will publish this as I am not afraid that anyone but a few will understand it and read it anyway.
I went back to sleep, finally going back to my normal schedule which meant I woke up around 7:30 instead of 6:00 which had been driving me crazy.
I am slowly getting back to normal in my lifestyle. I have been interrupted for a year in the problem of living with constant construction all around me, disrupting my life in a way that had truly been unnecessary had I only moved out one year earlier. I may not have found this place then but at least I would not have had to endure such a drastic and dreadful hell. I hated the entire time period in which these disrespectful construction workers interfered with my life.
It only makes me fonder of Donald Trump than I had already been to be honest. And I have never been fond of him period.
I am so tired of namely pamby politicians who court the illegal immigrants as if they have any real value to our system at all. It is an outrage that only The Donald seems to be addressing, and those of us who are tired of it can only applaud him.
So I will start again...but I will publish this as I am not afraid that anyone but a few will understand it and read it anyway.
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