Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Thursday, July 2, 2015

How did the water get in the tub?

Last night while writing my post for this blog, after the thought My will will be done, I had the flow of writing that some would call automatic so that I believe that Holy Spirit wrote the final paragraphs about life eternal regarding the soul, and the problem of enduring the flesh.  

So this morning because I did not get to sleep before 5:00 this morning I slept til 10:00 when I woke up to the sound of a blower outside my apartment.  I went into the bathroom to find water at a depth that was unusually high in the tub.  I do not think it is a leak as I have had the stopper in the tub ever since the Palmetto bug was found. I learned that it was a Palmetto bug from the exterminator who said that it did not come up the drain but lives in the trees outside.

So he has eased my fear but noticing that i had let the stopper open i closed it before going to bed, remembering that I did not want anything crawling up through the pipes.  So it was closed and high water, nearly one quarter full was in the tub this morning. No leaks, so how did the water get there.  I have kept my doors locked so nobody could get in, and I know for a fact that I did not touch the water faucet at all. My conclusion right away is that it is evidence that God is here.

So since ABC locals just announced that today is UFO day I naturally said aloud, "Oh, that explains it!" I blame UFO's for everything.  ABC had a poll of how many believe in UFO's, and naturally, being an eye witness to one in Michigan in 1975 I surely do. I have seen others at a distance since but this one was so unclose that nobody could ever miss it.

There is no doubt in my mind about UFO's, meaning Unidentified, and Flying, and Objects.

Odd that I chose to go to Pothos. org last night to read whatever was posted there, and found an article by Jeanne Reams, a phd in history who has written her doctorate on Hephaestion, Alexander's so called best friend.  I remembered my visions of Hephaestion who I always liken a bit to Ben Affleck in looks department as seen in my memory tank. I have many memories of Hephaestion for the record, and he is a most handsome visage to recall. I can tell tales of him myself, and have on occasion, but for now, I am just saying...

So I went into a discussion of former lifetimes, laughing at mother earth spinning around the sun for centuries with souls going in and out at periods of time living in the flesh for the dramatization and gradual total habitation of the planet.  I see things that others do not, and often have to laugh about it. I only ever find a few advanced souls wise enough to comprehend my thinking but so it goes, I am writing this so those who understand it can read it and ponder it.

I realize that those doubters who do not believe cannot be totally convinced, just taking someone's word for it, but life is based upon our taking each other's word, and having faith in one another.  I write this only because I need to express it, and I frankly am not trying to persuade or convince anyone else of the facts of this, because I know that only a few like a woman in Missouri once who led me to the right scripture for the lights that showed up in my apartment to understand.  A few souls do help one another out.

Just as a woman in the ATG group did often help me when I shared my travels in time to know that my visions were not in vain but had substance.  It is amazing at how much I learned about Alexander and his friends and companions during my trips back in time. So no coincidence that I did go to Pothos last night to realize how long it has been since I touched base there.

I suspect that it is the lesson I learned when writing my last paragraphs last night about hierarchy.  Alexander was born into a family who valued their role as leaders or rulers in the life of the country in which they dwelled.  While Alexander was the leader after his father expired, he was regarded as a superman by his cohorts, but spirit is reminding me that the  tender of the horses whose hooves had to be kept healthy for the long rides, that the dispenser of grains, that the seamstress who sewed, that the man who made the shields, armor, and weapons, that the accountants who kept the records, that all these person are just as important to the cause as is the leader Alexander who is the brains and the guts of the group, but also is in spirit equal to all the others.    I realized some of Alexander's many negative qualities as well as his positive qualities while writing this spiritually inspired paragraph at the time that I wrote it. I was seized as the saying goes by the spiritual thoughts which affect mental thoughts but which come out of my fingertips as fast as I can type them. In other words, I am not actually thinking about these things, but like a spider spins a web, just opening the way for them to come into print onto this page.

Alexander is the man who the gods, or the spirits, or the inteligences, or the creators, used to do their bidding at the time.  Alexander recognized this after having it pummeled it into his consciousness by his mother and father as well, but in truth, he possessed all the capabilites that enabled him to do the dangerous and awesome acts that he did. He was truly reckless at times, but just as I am today in the belief that God controls my life and my behavior and actions, so did Alexander then.

Now I have relived Alexander's life, and I have undergone many moments in his life, learning of the people who surrounded him, his wives, his child, and his family and friends.  One would wonder as I did at the time that all this happened at how it is that I could uncover an event which occurred so many centuries ago, but in spirit it is not that long at is just another yesterday in the annals of time, and it is important to know and to realize why one must come to grips with this sooner or later.

It is like today I am weighing in all of that is going on around me. Water in the bathtub with no explanation of why or how...I must figure that one out but my first conclusion is that God is here.

I believe that God is both within and without. That God is all around and lives both within ourselves, and around us in all those others who allow and permit and invite God to live within them.  Together, we all comprise what the Catholic Church calls the spiritual body of Christ.  That is true to some extent but it is more than just a Catholic or Universal belief, it is a reality.  Together, those of us who let God  grow, bloom, and prosper within us, we are given the power to do God's will. When I said my will will be done, I realized how Godlike that sounded, and sure enough, that is when the spirit took over, and the lesson that happened followed.

That is all for now.

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