Love is the magic that gives life its deepest meaning! To love unconditionally no matter how much hurt one has suffered is a reward that only the lover knows.
Love is to often equated with sex and lust. Love of a puppy, love of a newborn, love of a sunset bathing the sky in hues of orange and pink, loving the tail of a grand peacock, love of a scent is not a sexual kind of love. They touch and reach a different kind of love than the love for a romantic partner.
Love cannot be considered to be only a crush, an attachment, a desire, a lust, but it must also be considered as a love of country, of family, of an individual whose relationship is purely sisterly or brotherly, cousin, grandparent, or nephew and niece. Love is a part of one's life that knows many different expressions.
The love that causes one to want to share time and life with is the love that begins with a crush, a shyness, a hope that culminates in a state of confidence, assurance, and faith that leads to a permanent bond that unites the pair to enjoy a lifetime together to finally end in a love of fulfillment and satisfaction in each other that makes each truly the one that they had promised to become in their wedding vows. When two become one takes time and togetherness in suffering losses, pains, hardships, and enjoying pleasures, hopes, dreams, and ambitions so that at the end of their journey together, they truly know that their bond is built on trust, faith, and an enduring love that only they can find in one another.
Others may find that the love they feel for another may not begin or end with a commitment to one another but understands that the love they shared was a time spent knowing a brief happiness, a joy of romantic fulfillment that need not develop into any other stage than the one that sprung from a brief affair, fling, or chance occasion. Their kind of love is like that of champagne bubbles, evervescent but delightful! Like an airy dandelion which a slight breeze can blow away in a puff, the love is light, airy, and brief. But it is love!
Love enjoys so many different expressions that it cannot ever be captured or defined to any one static state for it is ever changing, ever moving, and ever satisfying. For love of itself is all that is necessary to be satisfied and fulfilled.
Love is Majesty. Love is Ruler! Love is Triumph! Love is All!
Passion contains love! But Passion is not love! Passion is Anger! Passion is Power! Passion is Thrust! Passion is Lust!
Sexual love is a form of passion which contains anger, power, thrust, and lust. It is a form of domination and possession. It is not to be equated with Love. It is an entirely different state of being.
One may come to love the partner that one lusted, dominated, and controlled eventually, but initially the drive is one of possession. One must have the object that is desired. One must possess it totally. Love does not possess. Love adores, love worships, love conquers.
Passion achieves. Passion devours. Passion burns.
Love endures. Love enjoys. Love pleases. Love whispers. Love kisses.
Lust is a drive that is an instinct for the need to reproduce creates the drive to procreate. Passion survives. Passion plants the seed. Passion begets the child.
Love nourishes the child. Love guides the child. Love protects the child.
Life is a combination of passion, romance, and love. The romance is the story. The passion is the drive. The love is the sustenance. All work together as together all become Life!
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