Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Monday, July 6, 2015

Continuing Reincarnation and Past Lives

To understand reincarnation, one must understand the concepts of Heaven and Hell.  Essentially, in real terms, Heaven and Hell are either Biblical terms, or poetic topics, or other religious faith's concepts.  Each one of us adheres to the beliefs that are frankly told to us in our environmental setting.  Whether they are actual or not depends upon one's acceptance of the values and beliefs that are passed down from generation to generation in one's living habitat.

Because someone has not been taught to believe does not mean that either does or does not exist for any but those who learn of it.  If the condition of Heaven or Hell is true, it will be there for any and all no matter whether taught or not.  Just because we today do not know anything about any other planet in the universe does not mean that the conditions on that planet are anything but real to whoever it is that is fully aware of them.

In a Happy Day's episode starring Ron Howard, the point was made by a writer that anyone who goes to a dentist experiences hell.  Hell is a negative concept obviously, but anyone suffering a toothache or anything to do with the teeth that is uncomfortable comes to believe in a  form of Hell.

Likewise, anyone who has fallen in love knows a piece of Heaven despite themselves whether they realize it or not.

Some people believe that God is Love. God is simply more than the love feeling that people can and often do fall into when around a person or being that creates the sensation of "in love".  In love is a delightful state of buoyancy, light heartedness, and a lift that nothing else can give one.  Perfect love is a fully expanded version of the "in love" that many people feel about another person with whom they have become deeply attached.  Yes, one can fall out of love, and even when in the state of Perfect Love, which is greater than just a romantic  feeling, one is still enveloped in that buoyancy, lightness, and eternal springlike state of In Love.

However, Perfect Love has so many great rewards stemming from this Love that is what St. Paul described it in long suffering, patient, always kind, gentle, lacking jealousy and envy, but always fulfilled in a state of completion and fulfillment.  When in that state of Heavenliness, one is at one with all that is whole and complete, a state of joy that is unsurmountable, and an awareness that Love is all inclusive, never jealousy, petty, mean-spirited, or wanting in any way. One would hope to stay int hat state of existence forever, which is the end goal for most who become aware of its existence.

So on that note, when one reincarnates, again and again, one may wonder why, and what has happened to others who you have known in your life.  Especially, as with so many who want to know about loved ones, what is the ongoing relationship between each previous love that one has had.

I can only speak of my own experiences which is why I am writing this.  Because one of the things that I did learn after having experienced the joy of Perfect Love in which I so firmly believe through its happening to me, I later learned of former lifetimes.  I explored those lifetimes to learn more about the person and other people in that person's life.  I gleaned a lot of truth in these excursions to the past, and the one thing that I am confident in knowing is that whenever I encountered any of my former loves in this lifetime, Heaven was always around me as I had fallen in love again, and knew that Heaven is our lot in this lifetime.  Love was all around, and the glory of Perfect Love is that it lets go, knows no jealousy, but recognizes that love is eternal.  We pass through one another, meet again, and continue to love freely without even having to unite in marriage or a bond of any kind but being together again for even a moment, months, days, weeks, or years...depending upon the who and how of the relationship.

I know this is true about at least four of the men in this lifetime with whom I had had a romance, a brief fling, or a long romance.  Our so called karma as people like to call it took place and we became known to one another to part from one another.  But the love that connects us was present, and as we do so often fall in and out of love, we passed through our present love experience as if it had been a sudden spring shower, or the tumultuous storm, or light breeze.  Yet, Love endured.

I will mention one man whose friendship interests me because it was so gentle, kind, and undemanding.  I met this man in Florida at a local bar, and we became friends.  He is one of the nicest men that I have ever met, and he did give me sound advice, escorted me to many places in the area, and was understanding and gentle with me. When he asked me to leave Florida to go back to Michigan with him, I said No I would not do that.  Gee, I had just moved there.   But I remember him with fondness because his was the most rewarding friendship I had in that state.  I eventually learned of who he had been in the past to me in a former lifetime which entirely blew my mind.

It made sense to me.  We had been married to one another in an arranged marriage, and I had been a very bad husband to this faithful wife of mine then.  He would be shocked to learn that I would imagine, and because I will not identify him now except to state that I believe that he had been my spouse during a former lifetime. I do now understand why I like him even to this day.  Just as then, he gave me no troubles at all.

And I believe that reincarnation does play a role in it. I believe that the men I became enamored with in this lifetime are the souls of people who I had either been married to or had been distressed in my past.  With a few of them, Love did enter the picture, and that is why I say that we are connected by Love Eternal despite our parting of the ways.  I live in a different age now.

As a woman, I am free to make choices.  Maybe some of the men I have met are not so faithful and true so that I have often just kicked them out when they decided to see me again.  I said No to
men who were only using me for their own pleasure but cared nothing about me to give me the honor and respect I desired.  Good bye and so long, you rascal you.  But some men were good, loved me and proved it, and I think well of them yet.  Yes, we have Love and Heaven because we are connected together through Love.

This has been a long discussion, but because someone I know through a reincarnation discussion group posted a video of her desire for her Twin Flame, I feel compelled to write this now for myself to think through again and again.  God bless.  To my way of thinking, when twin souls meet, they become as angels, and have powers given only to them.  So says Light of Egypt.

I do believe in some of the truths espoused in the Hermetic Brotherhood even though they deny reincarnation.  So we are in a state of conflict since I have traveled back in time to fully realize the who and when of my own personal journey through time and space.  So be it.

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