I dream a lot. I woke up from a dream today that I have forgotten nearly but parts of it linger on. I always wonder about dreams because the imagery is always so strong, and often lingers for some time. Sometimes I am so busy in dreams that I wake up tired, because I believe that we burn a lot of energy in dreams.
But because last night I happened to find a Wild Dining invite to a pig dinner at Singh's Farm, I decided to go after researching both the farm and the pigs on the internet. It is amazing at what you can learn, and since this is a farmer's market, essentially, I decided to go. Funny that all the time I lived there I had never become aware of this farmer's market since the downtown farmer's market on Brown Street was so often advertised.
I finally went to Singh's and tasted the special pig that was the meal of the day in the form of barbecued pork. I did arrive late. As I got up to order, an announcement that there was no more pork left for any but five people. It was accompanied by a great ear of corn with some special sauce or butter. I tried the sauce but did not really like it as much as I would have liked the butter. The corn itself was good and sweet. A dozen went for the price of $6.00 had you wanted to buy any in the farmer's market garden area. The pork itself was a bit disappointing despite the fact that I got a lot of it. It needed salt but I would not get up to find the salt shaker. Supposedly, this special pig has lots of fat and marbling in it, making it the Kobe or very expensive pork. It is expensive, but this did not display any fat at all. Mine was all lean, and as Kenton, the Meet Ups organizer, said, any pork could have passed for this. I am not sure that is true, as I can distinguish pork pretty well, but this was not what I had expected at all. It was very mild in flavor but I did get a lot for my $10.00 For ten bucks, you got a roll, the barbecue pork, and a whole ear of corn.
The farm is exceptionally pretty with a kind of strange fairy tale look about it. The trees with their many angles and twists and turns give this fairy land the mystique that makes it so attractive. A tree house has been built there which is quite extraordinary. But the food that is available at the Farmer's Market is more than impressive. Huge red onions...small not so ripe tomatoes, and beautiful ears of corn along with grapefruit, baked goods, beverages, and even plants are carefully distributed all around the garden area for customers to pick and choose. I chose not to make any major purchases as I am spent already.
I have been eating grapefruit from Winco all week long. I admit I am finished with that fruit now.
So at the end, I left, and unfortunately, had a bad experience when backing out. I was too tightly packed and had a fender bender with a Mercedes Benz parked right in my way...the guy yelled, and I got out to check damage...Nothing showed up on either car, but it had scared me and one of the passengers in his car. He and the lady were nice to check it all out, and since no damage could be found, we all became friendly and nice, and I went on my way to decide to call it a day, stay home where I can watch the fireworks on t.v. Forget about going out when something like that happens. I eventually stopped to give my car a good look and could see no evidence of any of his paint, but I had been so slow ( typical of me anymore) that all that happened is that I must have touched it but the sound was deceptive, making me think I would find a fender bender. Nothing looked out of line until I checked it carefully to see the part of the car that must have touched his. No paint from his car but I could tell that there had been contact. It did not disturb my paint but I know where it touched. That always makes me angry at myself, and so I calmed my nerves down to spend the rest of the afternoon shopping at Target, Kmart, and a stop at Iowa Cafe.
I bought the ingredients for my contribution to our potluck, and so now intend to try a small sampling to see if I like it or not.
I am staying quiet for the rest of the night. Happy Fourth1
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