Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Revising Comments on Persepolis, Iran

Earlier, I referred to my trance session when I traveled back in time to be in the Palaces of Persepolis.  I have decided to delete that entry now.

You might ask why. It needed a lot of editing.

Whenever I recall my previous experiences in going back in time to find a place and person to convey important information to me, I actually see it again as it had taken place when I first saw it.

Because i had experienced the sensation of walking through the mountains to see a city at some distance, then walked through a gate to enter the contained city, and then up the stairs, through the halls and doors to find myself finally on a throne in the Palace of One Hundred Columns, I decided to summarize it one rambling long sentence here.

I had  noticed details of the reliefs and imprinted characters that were carefully designed on the walls and the stairwells of the City.   Because I was in spirit, I glided through the episode with ease, and was able to see myself along with other people entering and scurrying past me. I noticed the details of their clothing, their attitude towards me, and my concentration on the details that were etched into the walls.  The doors are dominating and massive, and the entire complex is one of power, control, and great care to display the activities that take place there.  They are still indelible in my mind, and while I would love to go to Persepolis in person, it requires too much for me to take the trip.  I have looked into it, but a visa has to be acquired, and I have not yet wanted to go through that process.

In that journey, I found myself in the person of Alexander the Macedonian who later became known as Alexander the Great.  As a result of such ventures traveling back to the then 4th century BC I became very involved and immersed into the study of the life of Alexander and the Persians.  It has been a most fascinating study, both in reading all the various histories about Alexander as well as my own ability to travel in time to find information that is not contained in any history book but is a part of some aspect of Alexander's life which I uncover while in a trance state.

When one reads about Alexander, one reads only a record that has been made by men who had not known or met with any of the Macedonians so that one can only wonder at how correct any of it is.

More importantly for me to understand is why it is that I have experienced  in trance many of the occasions which are historically written.  Therefore, I am convinced that some stories are true, and some are often misinterpreted and misunderstood because of the lack of correct attitude and tone in voice  when a speech is given.

While I am not saying that these experiences prove reincarnation to me, it is the only logical explanation that I can give.  I really do not wish to believe that some personal experiences could be accessed by any other than the person who experienced them.  However, because I had previously had the same experience with Louis XIV I am willing to think that I as a special entity can relive several lives of historical figures.  In fact, I have experienced others who are equally significant in world history so that gives me the conclusion that either I am a soul who is destined to be a ruler/militant or that I have hitched a ride on a stream of consciousness which lets me in on the lives of these many men.  And yes, they are all men, militant, and rulers.  I still puzzle over the right conclusion to make about it simply because it is peculiar to always be a world leader and a militant who is going to war.  Do you think I enjoy that realization?  What kind of badass am I after all?

I understand the concept that all is contained in a state of existence where it could be accessed by some method. Yet, I do not know that this is true. I know that it is a theory.  Why i should be the one to harness such information is more than I can say, but to my joy, i had been able to do so.  Some of it came because of self admission which may be the only thing that I can truthfully hold onto as the reason for my learning of these experiences.  It was not until I had admitted aloud to myself that I had been Alexander that I was able to finally have my first recollection of his life in which I was leading the army to battle.  I learned enough details to go to Peter Green's book at Barnes and Noble to learn which battle it had been. I saw the similarity in description of the campsites to realize where I had been and what I had been doing.  That is how one solves the mysteries of visions and images that come to one but where one has no knowledge of it yet.

It did create in me a new and different opinion about Alexander.  After all, if I am to believe I had been he in that former life, I am reacting to myself.  I know this is disturbing to many people who do not want to believe this. It matters not to me how others feel about it but I do understand it.

I am much more relaxed about it now but that is because I took the  time to digest and assimilate all that i have learned through the history books, biographies, and articles that are written. In that respect, I could compare and contrast those stories to the experiences which I had.

Certain events in that lifetime are burned into my consciousness more than others, and for some reason it seems that I have been stuck on them for years since my childhood. One in particular I can never quite resolve and while I have written about it, and I understand it, it still burns within me more than most of the memories.  I cannot explain why.  It is a scene in which I suspect it is just but very cruel.  It is the time when a man who had been supposed to provide food did not come through, and Alexander is so angry that he pays this man back cruelly.  I see that scene repeatedly when Alexander in disgust throws coins at him at the man who kneels in front of him. Alexander walks away scornfully while the horses who are nearby deliver blows to this man killing him.

Horses cannot eat coins. They need grain.

Alexander is relentless and that is the memory that sticks with me.

Rewriting this may have helped solve the reason this sticks with me.  It just dawned on me.  I realize something now that I will ponder.  Life is full of ironies.  However, when one solves a problem that sticks in one's mind it then can disappear.  If that happens, then I am correct about this now.  It does go back to my childhood to a time at the Van Wert County Fair which would be in September.

What if...I will see if this scene disappears now that I have realized that there may be a connection to those coins thrown at this indifferent and uncaring man who deserved what he got according to Alexander who needed the grain for his horses.  

Alexander is a terrifying man when angered.

Now the end result of this exercise is that it actually worked.  My solving this memory of this event and connecting it to an incident in my childhood has caused the memory of the past to recede and fade away.  You see that the cause for concern about this is how strong the memory had been, but now that I examined it as well as I did, I see that it is receding. It is no longer dominating my thoughts.  It is solved, and it is now disappearing in imagery.  I do not know who could understand this until they had experienced it. I am writing it so that it may offer help to someone else who may be plagued by memories that they do not fully understand.

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