David Letterman even got into the act on the upcoming presidential election when Donald Trump announced his candidacy. Apparently, he crashed a comedy act to give his top ten list on the Donald this past week.
The point is that Donald has enough money of his own to run for the office without needing financial backers so he is free to say what he really thinks about issues that dominate people's minds.
He has angered Mexicans because he zeroes in all the illegals who are criminally intent upon practicing their lawlessness in America, and every Mexican who is in or out of America, along with a whole bunch of other likewise insecure Latinos are jumping on him about his remarks. As if he had intended it for each and every person who considers himself to be Latino! I mean really! Do they make themselves look dumb or what?
But he is getting all kinds of support from the people who are tired of the federal government's lack of attention to the problems of the border, so he is climbing in the polls.
But now it turns out that he is exaggerating the actual number of people who attend his events, boasting that he is even beating Bernie Sanders who is drawing great crowds, by saying that he Phoenix Fire Department broke the rules letting in nearly 15,000 for a 4,000 person event. The fire department is responding by saying that no such thing happened, that only those with tickets got in.
Well, so much for all the hyperbole, because come time to have a convention, count the delegates, and watch the two party system again railroad Americans into making wrong choices regarding candidates for the presidency, we will see who finally is at the top of the ticket in each party. An Independent group right now is starting to catch fire, proving that the two party system is what is wrong with America in this day and age.
Until Trump made his famous remarks off the top of his head, which just only proves that he is not under the control of some master manipulator, the Republicans had pretty much been stuck with a rerun of the Bush family.
Most think that the Democrats have conceded their nomination to the party machinery of the Clinton family which makes one recall how George Bush had such a fit if his brother could not deliver Floriad with its hanging chads to him. Never have we seen such a mockery of Democracy as in recent times. It turns out that George is not the only one who has conniption fits if he doesn't get his way because it has been told that Hillary had a small fit at the mayor of New York for his not immediately backing her candidacy as she thinks that he should...Wow! Small petty people who make news with their heavy handed tactics!
So for the voter who does not really like any of the candidates in their weak willed, spineless way, the bombastic outbursts of Donald Trump hit a chord within the public who want something done. But could Donald really do it? He is insulting the congress so badly that it would take quite a turn of cheek to forgive him and forget to say oh, o.k. we will roll over for you now that you have proved your point.
So instead of saying that, Republicans like Lindsay Graham are saying that he is killing the party.
Ha Ha Ha...Killing the party? What a bunch of nonsense! The problem with the Republicans is that they violate the constitution so often with their right wing religious stance that it is not funny! They want to impose some narrow minded messianic religious beliefs upon a nation which wants to keep religion out of the government. The old time hands off and less government seems to have disappeared when it comes to two faced Republicans who want to tell people who can marry who, who can have babies, and who can put religious monuments upon government property...that is not the American way! Sorry to tell these nincompoops this news, but separation of church and state means separation of church and state. It is o.k. within your own homes to practice your faith but in the process of government, no religion holds sway such as does in Saudia Arabia, Iran, and other Muslim Nations, and a few so called Jewish nations, like Israel, or Christian nations, like Norway.
Democrats win elections for that reason alone. They do recognize that freedom of religion means in the church, synagogue, or mosque of your choice. Republicans too often want to impose their beliefs upon the entire nation which is not in the interest of good and fair government.
So the point of this is that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump both represent men who are gaining attention through the people, not the party!
Party politics had better get smart soon, and realize that we the people are tired of their being only tools of corporations and interest groups!
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