Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Building a Book

I consider a book to be like a house. One one must have a blueprint before one can begin the business of writing the book. In order to have a blueprint, one has to have a general idea of what the finished product will look like, and how it will look when completed.

So probably we could take just the concept of the appearance of the book with the title page and binding combined to fully visualize it.

Are we building a small home, a resort home, a cabin in the mountains, a mansion, a deluxe or a compact, and how do we want to furnish it when finally constructed?

Will it be traditional, contemporary, modern, old fashioned, period, log cabin, and all the various styles that are possible? As a book will it be a mystery, a romance, a historical fiction, a historical nonfiction, a short compact novel, a lengthy, protracted, and voluminous work or what?

After we finally decide what we want, we have to envision it, imagine its completion, which means always knowing the conclusion of the book even before it begins. We cannot ramble aimlessly, but we must construct a careful plot to develop whatever it is that we wish to entertain ourself and our reader or readers.

So once the genre of the book is determined, we must then construct a simple plot, and determine how many characters will be involved in this tale that we are about to weave.

Besides characters and plot, we must have some reason for spinning this tale besides just filling the time of our lives with something to do, but we must make this tale have a purpose, a reason to be, which means that we must have some theme ongoing throughout the work that becomes fairly certain and definite by the time we finish our storyline.

We could have a major theme, and chapter by chapter we could have incidents and plotlines that somehow or other contribute to the development of this idea til we are finished. For example, if writing about Henry VIII, our major theme could be that gluttony and greed is the downfall of a mighty person, and chapter by chapter we could show how this man's obsessiveness or gluttony becomes a habit, a regularity in his life. Each new mistress, each new misery, from page to page gradually causes the reader to see that this man's habits are so self-centered and self-important that he destroys himself steadily.

My favorite type stories are usually mysteries as I love to solve puzzles and combat evil with good and have a resolution of some kind that satisfies both the mind and the soul/heart.

But the most enjoyable type stories to read are usually heartrendering, tearjerking type stories of the kind that reaches to the heart, and squeezes one's emotions to the point of bursting.

So as we have many rooms in our house for a variety of purposes, so we must have many chapters in our books to provide for the same kind of end goal, and that is to serve a useful service and function in pointing out some interesting reasons for this book to become a well read and sought after novel.

When we examine really successful books, we can see that the character development is the means by which the book begins to live, so that our house cannot remain empty but must be filled with characters interacting with one another throughout the story, leading us from one room to another.

For some people, the interior decoration of the home is the most important part, and so that means that the location, the descriptive paragraphs are often the most significant to lending a style and a comfortable format to the book. If one is interested in frightening people to death, one must make the location and the inhabitants fit into the type of place that will put one on edge...damp, dank basements, gloomy, dusty attics, and areas that are often neglected and seldom seen. Caves, caverns, and river beds are often areas that frighten as do dark, dank woods and forests...

But for an air of elegance and grandeur, one must choose a location and a home with luxury items, a sense of opulence, chandeliers, baby grand pianos, high ceilings, and beautifully ornate columns and fountains to create atmosphere.

So then just as house has to have a target for a homeowner, so does the book have to have a target for a whom are you writing this book to be read? What age group? Male, female? Old, crusty, hardbitten military? Soft, gentle, loving teenage girls?

A book has to be as well thought out before beginning as the home...the blueprint has to be printed before the foundation can be laid. In terms of the novel, the outline, and the characters must all be cut out as in paper dolls and brought together so that we can know how these people will interact to create our plot to finally reach our ending, our conclusion, our final chapter.

HIstorical fiction is the easiest to write since it is all based upon an already known plot, and everyone knows how it will end. However, it is also the most difficult since it is probably true that the fictional piece will never be that which was the real event itself.

Let us take for example, the problem of a book about 9/11. Everyone knows the events, but those who lived it probably have forgotten everything that they did on that day, as the impact of the moment causes everything else to be forgotten. One can only remember being trained on the t.v. that day to see what was happening.

A story about the men who raced up and down the stairs trying to rescue people would be touching, heart rendering, and heart breaking. It is a story that would probably be a great book!

Clancy, My Yorkshire Terrier Part 2

I had to find a video about yorkies naturally, and heaven, there are lots of them so I chose Animal Planet's professional look even though some of the others are cute and fun. I loved my dog but he taught me a lesson. I tried from the beginning to trian him but instead he trained me. I had had a bed for him right next to my bed but he did not want that. He wanted to sleep with me, and at first, I admit I was ridiculous, thinking I had to be train him to sleep in his bed. He won. I relented, and he slept with me ever after, always knowing how to sleep right against the part of my back that needed help and attention the most, and then he would move to another spot in the bed to sleep. He just had his way, and later I realized what a jerk I had been to try to do anything but let him have his way. He would always pull me when we were walking as well. He was a strong little guy for his size. I always wonder where dogs get their strength. He traveled with me everywhere, and I even one time let him fly with me from Michigan to California and back...we went to the Rose Parade together, when the University of Michigan played some team..can't remember now, but I would never do that again...I felt so bad that I had let him go into the carrier department. Shame on me, but he survived and was so happy to be reunited with me. I am so sorry about it even yet today, as I think what kind of nincompoop was I to do that? Now on some airlines he could travel in the plane with me now so long as he was under the seat.

When I went to Hawaii I would not move there due to their tough quarantine law. I liked Hawaii a lot but I loved my dog more. It is amazing what animals will do to you and for you. But since he is gone, I have not yet gotten another, and maybe have been wrong not to do so, but they do take a lot of care, require much attention, and I don't want to treat them cruelly. I do not think that apartments are a place for small animals and I also do not think it smart and wise to travel with them.

Worse than that, I hate leaving them behind to be boarded, so until I can work it out to suit myself right, I will wait to have another pet.

Yorkshire Terrier

Clancy, My Yorkshire Terrier

I had a yorkshire terrier when I was in Clearwater, Florida, who was and is the lovingest pet that I have owned. I have owned goldfish but no lovers they. But I would always sing this song to Clancy, "I feel Pretty, I feel Pretty" whenever I shampooed him and then combed his coat out for him. It is his song, and my song at Shower time.

Clancy had been born on Dec 28 and I picked him up on April 8, which was Good Friday. He had a way of throwing what I called his crunchies around the room, pitching them out and throwing them at a distance. I think that was when David Letterman finally decided to start his stupid dumb pet tricks. I have always noted how Hollywood follows real life in many ways. Clancy was an adorable dog with a great personality, and so finally on September 9, some many years ago, when he was about 16 years I had to put him to sleep. I felt bad about it. He is buried in the ground in the back of the house lying astop a satin pillow that I had. That was one of the saddest days of my life, to have to put my pet to sleep as an act of mercy.

But because he had a habit of always coming into the toilet whenever I was in there, one day I was sitting on the john and I felt an energy and looked down and I could see his cloudlike vibration standing down below me looking up at me. I never forgot that...he is with me always.

West Side Story 1961 - "I feel pretty"

Monday, August 30, 2010

Self Portrait

I am trying to load a picture of my self portrait done on the day that Natalie Wood drowned. I was in Davison, Michigan, when I decided to paint a portrait of myself, which when looking at a mirror is akin to drowning in one's self, and a bit narcissistic but I had wanted to see how I would paint myself and this is the result, but all I can get here is a picture of the oil painting that I did of myself...I actually liked it...I can know who is friend or foe whenever I show them this photo to see what they think of it...

Naked Redneck Throws Himself in a Hay Baler!

Reincarnation vs. Mediums

I have to explain a few things as I am thinking of them. First of all, for me to have discovered all these former lifetimes has been quite an experience in learning history of the past as well as contemplating the means by which I have come to know vivid details of former times.

Because some of my experiences are quite unique, I do not share everything. I have to weigh and consider them before entrusting them to other intelligent minds to consider. I will explain.

Sometimes I believe that after death the soul merges into an encapsulated state of being, just as the insides of an egg. I use the egg metaphor a lot as it is easy to understand and it is universal, being the metaphor for the beginnings of life.

I have seen in my visions interesting facts that cause me to believe that any of these personalities which become revealed may be in a state of dormancy, which at first appears encapsulated by as the outer layer wears away the inner vision of the person as an adult appears in vivid color (spiritually) as he appeared in his earth life in the flesh.

I will describe a scene and explain what I have often thought could be an answer to this situation of life between lives. Just as peas and beans are pods that include many different seeds, so people themselves can become at death returned to the state of seed or ova and encapsulated in a pod shell. I had visited a place where there were a row of entities sitting on a long narrow shelf like structure, encapsulated in what looks like white capsules, but when touched by my appearance emerge to look as they do in human life. I am hoping that I am writing this so that the reader gets the picture.

A long row of white pod shaped beings who one at a time have the mist lifted away to reveal the humanity within, and one of these persons looked up at me expectantly as if to say, "oh, is it my turn now?" and his face brightened with hope that perhaps his personality might be learned through me. I did recognize this person and I know who it is that is in that moment, but I will not reveal that name at this time since I did not really ever relive his life yet.

Thus, because of that scene and another which had been one of the first visions that I had had of the King Louis XIV, I came to realize that these memories seem to be opened only when I came to them to be exposed. I think that some will call this astral soul visitations.

So for that reason I realize that these are soul visits at which I am somewhat privileged to learn and to share if I care to do so with those who may be wanting to know what it is that I have gleaned.

I have been reluctant at times to call it reincarnation. I am thinking of soul as some kind of expansion but it is life in the flesh revisited. I am confident of that.

Because so many are so famous in terms of achievements in history, it appears as though I am full of imagination and a sense of grandiose, and that in itself, is the most preposterous thing to consider when someone really knows me. I am not the kind of woman who is ever prey to grandiose self concepts so for me, it is easy to laugh that off.

In fact, I would be the least likely to ever embrace any of these persons were it not for the fact that I have actually experienced these things and that is the wonder of it. It is like a great love affair when one is caught up in a romance. I have been amazed to learn of such beauty and such excitement in a life experience.

I have a certain kind of disdain for the so called famous, rich, and wealthy of the world so for me to consider these men has been an awesome thing as well as realizing the truth of what the spiritual beauty of the experience means to me and probably to others if others were to accept it. It is a lot like listening to so called tales told by Jesus of what Heaven is, but nobody can quite understand what this man is saying anyway. Why is earth so different, and Heaven so arranged as he says it is, where angels do not marry.

The one thing that I realized is that some of Jesus's sayings are true as these are the true treasures of Heaven, knowing that all this is within one's own self.

That is a great message, to know that while the flesh does return to dust, the truth of ourselves is caught in a spiritual state of being exactly as it had been, that nothing of value is lost, and that we sooner or later learn to distinguish between that which is truth, beauty, and that which is chaffe, or waste and neglect which does not appear in these heavenly revelations.

Nothing minute by minute is noted, or day by day, only snatches of time as a snapshot, but those moments of time that are significant and important are there always caught in one's own memory tank and one can somehow or other in a given time draw upon them for sustenance.

Even the lowest moments when relived can be helpful for as I was reliving Alexander's lowest moment in his utter humiliation I was realizing how I could turn that into a victory for me now by learning from that lesson of the past.

It did bring about his demise, and one can understand why as he had shouldered enough responsibility for one so young. An early death for him was in reality like life in dog year's, as he had been too old too young in his duties and his choice to answer the call of his personal destiny.

Had it not been for my learning of Louis XIV I would never have learned of Alexander.

Alexander has been an important lesson for me to know. His capacity for optimism, enthusiasm, and determination to win is inspirational for all who have seriously difficult times.

The ongoing thread of life from cromagnon man, that first man who hunted the boar and the tiger, through Alexander, Caesar, Khan, Louis XIV, and Washington is an amazing study of men who conquered the world in a time when each could only draw upon those inner resources which soul contains to achieve his goals and accomplishments.

I do maintain that this is a case of a godlike being, meaning a fully integrated, intelligent, and decisive personality has affected the lifes of many for long periods of time on the face of the earth.

Each is a part of me in a way that I understand. Caesar is the man who looked up to me with hope and it is because of that that I understand that each is a dormant cell within to come to know and understand. I may be the mouthpiece for each so that I can eventually perhaps expand upon my seedling revelations of each and turn it into a novel...time will tell...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Brian Weiss & Jim Tucker/ Carol Hubbard

At Facebook, a member from the TudorTalk group has placed an article written in the New York Times about people's belief in reincarnation. It is an interesting link.
It discusses Brian Weiss's book Many Stories, Many Mansions, and Jim Tucker's comments about modern day regressive therapists. I attended a meeting with these therapists when they convened in Tempe, AZ at one time, meeting with a gentleman who I had come to know through the internet. He is a psychiatrist from Los Angeles and has great credentials. He and I are in total disagreement on some issues, but I did take my sketches and talked with him, telling him how I had seen Hephaestion, one of Alexander's dearest friends, appear in the mall to me. He and I had gone to a bar in the restaurant where I showed him my sketches. He then showed me some photographs of his subject about which he had written a book, Sherry Lea Laird, who believes that she is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe.

I have that book as another member of the group had sent it to me through the mail. She believes that her husband is the reincarnation of Tesla, the great inventor who worked with Thomas Edison.

I met up with another lady on a spiritnetwork who told me of her life as Rachel Jackson, wife of the President. Another has told me she is the real reincarnation of Nefertiti and that her husband is Akhenaten, and I know that Wynn Free has publicly announced that he is the reincarnation of Akhenaten, and that Daphne, his friend with whom he works, is Nefertiti.

So believe me, there are many people who have had bona fide experiences of some kind to believe in some previous past lifetime.

Naturally, famous people have people gravitate to them, and the cynical believe that they are self-deluded, and are suffering from sizures of self grandeur. The problem is that people are readily disregarded and considered delusional, untrustworthy, insane, and what kind people call "wannabes".

When one finally realizes that fame is a stigma, that a person of fame is highly prized, one does have to wonder why it is that a woman would believe that she is the reincarnation of Marie Antoinette as I believe that there are at least three people who I know personally who believe that each is the Queen reborn again today.

Do I think each of these women are probably deluded? I do not know and do not pretend to know what each of them believes in themselves to be that queen who suffered so greatly.

I just accept them at their word, and I do not tell who they are. I mentioned Wynn and Sherry Lea Laird only because they have made it public knowledge and admit to it.

I am the most dubious of all since I am a female who has had the luxury of reliving past lifetimes, and as I read the article, I understand that some think that persons like myself are fantasizing.

There is literally no way possible for anyone to fantasize when it comes to remembering things in visions that are as vivid as the present scene in which I am sitting. And regressions are not the same as dreams as Jim Tucker has suggested. There is a vast difference, and as I just saw a silly flick about dreams and pain, I can say assuredly that yes, one feels pain in dreams as well as in real life.

One literally relives the experience as one did it at that time...That is my experience. I had pain in my thighs and I felt the pain, but it was Louis XIV's thighs, and his pain that I felt, as I was only asleep in a bed, and was not riding a horse at all, but when I opened my eyes for a moment, I could see my legs were positioned as though I were riding that horse, and I immediately went back to sleep and into the trance again. I did have sore thighs but it was Louis who had the pain, and my conscious memory upon awakening is that of Janet remembering when I had been Louis and recalling that I had felt the pain.

The other night when I relived Alexander's humiliation at his mutiny, I was back into being Alexander again, and I had never realized even when I had been in him when he was fighting back, delivering his speech, at how really low and devastated I had been in that time when I knew I had to give in to this battle against my own better instincts. I really was so "killed" by that decision that I felt it inside and knew how far down I had gone. Usually, Alexander is exuberant, enthusiastic, encouraging, but this time I had sunk into a kind of despair that was humiliating and defeating for me. I was feeling it so much that it took a lot for me to get back up into myself and out of it.

But for some reason, it gave me a kick into this lifetime about a project that I may have needed, because I knew that giving in to that mob was the worst thing that had happened to me, as it nearly destroyed me...I did rebound, but only with a lot of effort.

So when people think that this is all delusional, all nonsense, they are vastly wrong. The only people who know about me as Alexander are those who have listened to me at discussion groups or who have read my diary or my blog now.

I do not seek a lot of inordinate publicity for this as I personally think that the damage to Alexander's true identity is so bad that nobody could ever understand it as I know it. I am learning lessons which as Ron Criss said is for my eyes only, and I realize that I am the only one who this lesson is really for anyway, so why share it? It is my soul I am saving here, and I am well aware of it. I have gained a lot from learning all this though, and I am probably better for it rather than worse, but it has taken a toll on me.

I have had a bleeding problem. I know what the stigmata is, and I feel sorry for those who suffer it. I have been lucky so far for it had been some time until this morning that I had had it. But this morning I had it again, and while I relate it to Louis XIV, and am wondering oh, should I have posted that question or not, or what? and I relate it to Genghis Khan who always gives me sustenance for it, as he is a real study in bleeding problems, then I wait it out for a clot to form and it is over. I also remember all the bloodletting in the medieval times and even in the 17th century, and think oh, it is probably healthy, but I do not enjoy when it happens or why and how.

But I always take it as a warning. I had had such a problem with the mutiny situation with Alexander the other night, as I was really reliving his agony and his decisions...I was in him again, and it did take a toll on me later as I had to sleep all night to get out of it. I feel it in my solar plexus as that is the source of all these revelations, and I can always tell at what kind of vibrational level I am when in that state. My inner solar area was in a state of fire, and I could feel the old greek myth coming to life...immortalizing one's self...Alexander's main quest was to be an of the gods of Greece and the world then.

Essentially, that is what modern Christians think too which was addressed in the article in the NY Times, trying to explain why it is that people believe that they are born and reborn...Christians think that all they have to do is place their faith and trust in Jesus and do as the church tells them, pray, obey the commandments, be a good person, tithe, support the church, and voila! at death, one will go immediately into the Heavens and be with Jesus forever.

I had once asked my mother to let me know where she went, but my grandmother is who appeared to me a month after she left for me to know that she went to Heaven. I believe that she did. Heaven is Love and I have been in that state so I recognized her message when I went outdoors to see that she had unleashed my pet dog.

I watched my mother die in my arms, and I heard her death rattle, and saw her face change from pain to peace and sweetness so I know that she too was received into a state of lovingness.

We all find our way in our own way, and not everyone can or should impose their will onto others as how to get there.

I believe that while one may go to Heaven, one may return to earth flesh life to do works for others that lead them to Heaven also. Learning of past lifetimes has its purpose and its rewards. For me, it has been to learn the role of the warrior/leader in life and to understand why it seems to always be me in certain time periods when in the male sex.

I am getting there...that is part of the purpose of this arrive at the correct conclusion...


Google's blogger so far is the best blog page that I have used. I like it the best so far, but I am such a klutz at learning how to use all the devices on a computer as I have not yet taken the course that microsoft offers now to learn what to do with your computer after you buy it.

However, I know now that there are many different blog possibilities all over the 'net and some are probably just as easy to work as so far this one has been. I still have not done all the perking up and snazzing up methods to make a page sparkle, dance, and sizzle, but mostly I am interested in getting the word on the page more than how it looks on the page.

I am writing this because my friend Sandra Taylor has told me about her new blog page that she is creating and I am trying to help her to know how to follow my blog if she so desires. I am sending the Man in the Iron Mask page to facebook so she can see what I mean...

Explanation of two videos

The video from France2 is very special to me. This is an interview with some of the cast members of the movie The Man in the Iron Mask which starred Leonardo di Caprio, and these men as the Musketeers. It is special since it is also has my favorite presentateur from France interviewing these men. I really enjoyed watching France2 for years, and it was due to France Vision and France2 that I finally took a chance at learning what I could find in a case of regression and hypnotic trance.

Daniel Belial is the name of the presentateur. He and a man name of Bruno shared time as the news anchors for the program which I watched religiously. I am forgetting Bruno's last name right now, but he had been on France2 for a long time and then left while Daniel remained until his time came to leave also. I never liked it as well after they were replaced. It lost some of its charm for me.

So I decided to make certain that I can occasionally see Daniel again through this video. I always liked his style...he is a very kind appearing man. Here he interviews Gerard Depardieu and Jeremy Irons and other cast members.

The other video explains the sculpture of Alexander the Great and Diogenes, the Philosopher. It is also seen in the videos that I shared from Maria Dellaporte's Alexander-Macedon blogspot. This explains the artist's choice of subject for his work.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sculpting the great

L'Homme au Masque de Fer interview - France 2

The Man in the Iron Mask by Roger MacDonald

Today I hotfooted it to a new half-price book store which is on Camelback near the Town & Country Shopping Center to see what it is like and what I could find. I found a book by Roger MacDonald called The Man in the Iron Mask. He has written a novel look at all the data that he could find regarding this story which was frankly fictional and manufactured by Alexander Dumas. But Voltaire had inadvertently or very well intentionally begun the entire process through his remarks when writing about the Grand Siecle during the reign of Louis XV.

I just checked to see what is available about this book at the discussion group and learned that Gary had written a few posts about it.

The author intends the reader to believe that because d'Artagnan, one of the famous musketeers, who Dumas claims he made up, is in fact the man in the iron mask, and the reason is that he knew that the king was not the son of Louis XIII but of another, and as of yet, I have not yet learned who it is that Roger MacDonald thinks is the father...most likely Cardinal Mazarin, as that is the most oft mentioned likely person to have been the king's paternal father according to some, but not all. I wondered if he had maybe thought that the musketeer would have been, but frankly Anne was so well supervised and watched that she could not have had a chance to have had an affair. She was deathly afraid of being sent out of the country so she minded her p's and q's. And there is no way that she would have had anything to do with a musketeer. Of that I am certain.

The point is that as I have only perused the book I cannot yet discuss it well. But I did read some parts of it to learn that the author did a lot of research and tried to find papers that others had overlooked to support his theory that the real man in the mask is that of d'artagnan.

Odd thing is that I had read a book once upon a time that claimed that the fictional name of d'artagnan is a cover for a real name which I have forgotten this long time since reading it.

So on that note alone, I found Roger MacDonald's premise to be a bit shoddy.

For that reason I did not buy it yet. I wanted to search the net now to find what it is that is available to know about it.

He makes some assertions that I do not believe at all. But then my entire point in my knowing of King Louis XIV is through spiritual means, the soul, and so bloodlines really do not matter anyway. The idea is that he is a bastard child and thus not a true line of the Bourbon family, which would make one wonder why if the king truly believed that the child is his, why he then impregnated his wife with another chance to bear a child which she did do, and his name is Philip.

I think that Roger MacDonald is a bit shakey in his theory anyway, but so what, bloodlines or not, as the king is the most knowledgeable about that of anyone according to what I have learned, that he most likely would have had other reasons than that to put d'artagnan in prison if that is in fact what had happened.

I have read that only the King knows the identity of the prisoner.

But my premise about my knowing all that there is to know about the king goes to my internal ability to return to a time period past and relive the life of a moment in his life which allows me to know his feelings, his emotions, and his state of mind.

The one thing that I enjoyed reading which sounds absurd to me but makes me know something that could be true, since I know that this kind of absurdity could be true, and that is that the little king at age 5 and one half decided that d'artagnan was too young to be a musketeer which turned the man against the little king. Now, is that preposterous or what? A kid calling the shots about d'artagnan is just a wee bit too much for me to believe, but the fact that his mother would do this to d'artagnan and pin it on the child is something that I can and do believe...that is so like the truth as I can honestly believe that part of this strange story.

I mean really!

But the other story I liked is that Louis is portrayed as a little drummer boy being seen with a group of drummers and d'artagnan did not recognize him in the pack as they were all dressed alike and poorly, but later when he sees him again, he is all cleaned up and dressed in a very proper and correct garment for a young prince.

Just an incredible story...

I would imagine that a dna test would prove something but I don't think that will ever happen. It is easier for me to prove that Louis XIV is the reincarnation of Alexander, Genghis, and others than to prove that he is the son of Louis XIII but he was accepted as the son of the King since had the King had any doubts, his wife's future was in his hands. He had made a devotion to the Virgin Mary and his prayers were answered, so there is little doubt that he believed the child to be his own son.

But Roger MacDonald has written an interesting book that contains a lot of information that is fascinating to me along with illustrations of maps and things. I am sure that there is a moral in the story about the people who the king had had imprisoned as well as had thrown to the gallows but at this time I won't get into that. In the cause of government, the people who are at the prison or the gallows are who determine the work or wellbeing of the laborers or prisoners, and the king is at the faraway distant place of signing an order regarding the disposition of the case. It is one of those chain of commands that makes the king aware but unaware at the same time of the persons involved.

In this case, the Man in the Iron Mask is the one case where I believe that the King is personally involved to the point that he would go to the Bastille to see the prisoner if he chose to do so. I know this as one of my memory sessions which I never fully discuss.

I have just always found it an irony that the key to the bastille is now at Mt. Vernon where it belongs.

Arizona Casino

Tonight my neighbor,Sandra, and I visited the new Arizona Casino which is near the Pavilions at Indian Bend and Pima Road region. It is quite a beautifully designed and furnished addition to the neighborhood, and looks great. The new swimming pool is ready for labor day with cabanas and deck chairs. The place was buzzing with people dining in the various restaurants, gambling at the slot machines, in the poker rooms, and even in the cigar room which choking on all that smoke I had to leave as quickly as possible. It is a room called Shadows.

Poor Sandra. She is on a strict diet to lose weight so she could not enjoy herself at all and denied herself a glass of wine which she adores, and had to suffer through watching me eat french fries. But she is losing lots of pounds and I am encouraging her to stay with her diet.

We sauntered through the casino watching people spin the slots, and then we asked if we could see the buffet. What a lot of delicious food for such a reasonable cost. The only problem with buffets is that one never knows when to stop, but as it was near closing and had a few samples of food available, I took a small fig to see what it tasted like, yum, I wish I knew where I could find some. I love figs.

They would have made us a fresh pizza they told us when I asked if there is a price reduction in the last hours, but no, they can't let us have even a break at closing time...that is a shame as a lot of food goes to waste or back in the fridge..the oysters looks superb, and they were huge! I could not get over the fact that people were dining at that late hour in the 24 hour cafe called Blue Coyote, in the Black Fig Bistro where I ordered the fries, and in a special cajun sea food bar. The soup there is absolutely scrumptious looking, to die for...

We had already eaten at the 14th floor restaurant a while back and had enjoyed the appetizer choices: baked potato, onion rings, green salad, peppery french fries, and cheeses. This casino is very first rate and attractive. We are specially proud since one of our neighbors, Margarita, is an architect for the project.

There are small showcases exhibiting Indian works. After all, this gambling resort is operated by the Salt River Indians and so most of its interior decorating is a reminder of that influence.

The Orange Sky restaurant is on the 14th floor and has open views to see miles around. Below the Talking Stick Casino is the Talking Stick golf course so one can see the golf course and clubhouse from the top.

We had fun and intend to return where I will play a slot machine for fun if not for a good win.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Mulling over the past

To be honest, I had forgotten about this time when I had gone back to relive this speech which I did actually give in its entirety in my session in that time spot...I was dumbfounded when I awoke to remember it all and to realize how mistaken I had been about the gist of this entire episode. I have learned most of all in these experiences that the written word does not ever convey the true gravity of a situation such as that no matter how many people tell it. People somehow or other psychologically survive many traumas simply by forgetting them, refusing to face them, and by burying them under. I am thinking specifically now of the tragedy of 9/11 whereby I am certain many people cannot every faithfully recall everything that happened that day, especially the closer that they were to it.

So it is with Alexander on this day of his having to announce to his troops that he is going to have to take them back from whence they came rather than forge further into the great unknown to face whatever may lie ahead.

Historians can write of it, but few seem to realize the real seriousness and deadliness of this final act of resignation to the will of others.

Nobody can be certain if Alexander just spoke off the top of his head in his address or whether he lay in his tent, thinking and arguing his case to himself, trying to find a way to express himself to his followers.

It would appear since he does use the history of his father, and of his own leadership, that he probably gave it some thought and consideration. Surely, he did not think in terms of his father on a daily basis while making decisions. So it is very likely that he sat in his tent, writing his own presentation, thinking it through, and making it as forceful and unforgettable as he could. He wanted to make his soldiers aware of all that they had accomplished, how, and why, and how far that they had come.

Yet he also wanted them to bear the responsibility for the end of his dream, his cause, his very reason for living. In essence, he wanted them to know that they are who is responsible for the finality of this long journey as he is an unwilling participant.

I have just read what is called the Pledge of Alexander which is dated 324 BC, one year before his death. It is found in a city called Kos, Greece, which is the home of Hippocrates.

I am trying to figure a way to place it here at this blog and when I do, I will post it here.

It is the end of the war. The pledge is a plaque written in English so I am somewhat wondering at the translation. But he addresses it to the mortals who will live by it. In a short summation, he unites Greeks and Barbarians alike, and calls all foreigners Greek, that all are equal with one another in this commonwealth. The plaque uses the phrase "my side" which seems to separate him from the others in this state of equality for all participants. He unites those of dark skin with light skin making each equal in one family, and refers to God as a father and that all are as brothers with one another, regardless of race is what it sounds like.

Then he separates himself from his audience by saying and from my side...which I found a bit intriguing to say the least since I had just posted that on this blog myself a few chapters back.

So what I am saying is that like with the days of our lives, each blog chapter becomes forgotten as another follows it, and as with all memories that can be reawakened, I had forgotten about the time I had relived the speech that Alexander had given to his troops when he finally emerged from his long hiatus in his tent.

They cheered him, but the truth is that his speech was not one of encouragement, but one of discipline and disgust, reminding them of where they had come from, how far they had come, and why. He was not pleased, he was angry, and at one point, he even berated them. As I recall, he throttled a man who had spoken out.

While I am recalling all this, I am remembering the way that Oliver Stone portrayed this scene in his movie, which frankly is so off the mark as to be unreal. It did not happen in the manner that he wishes his audience to think. Oliver truly never did fathom the depth of this moment, the hopes and wishes of the troops, and the emotional death knell that it had been for Alexander.

Alexander has been devastated and only his soothsayer was able to work his mind and his emotions to really realize that perhaps he had come to the end of his dream, his purpose in living, and that he must turn back, victorious only in having achieved a march that would be concluded with a greater challenge.

Alexander's end came due to natural causes: nature itself. Had he lived in the region long enough to understand the monsoons he would have planned accordingly and saved himself and his troops the arduous tasks that they faced. But because of ignorance he was truly defeated by mother nature. No matter what anyone says, experience is the only teacher for natural forces. Without that experience, one cannot know what to expect.

The important thing to remember is that he did finally accept defeat, not graciously, but he did accept it, and turned to go back to resettle the places that he had already conquered. He did it by taking on the greatest barrier of all, and that was to cross the harsh cruel Geodrosian desert. Some historians believe he took the worst path to punish his men. I do not believe that that is the reason he did it. He did it to prove that he alone of all men could and would conquer that desert too, as only a few had ever persevered to survive it.

I admit that a flood in the time of this debacle always reminds me of Washington in his early career when he too faced a flood that wiped him and his troops away as well.

It is quite odd at how great men seem to face natural forces, become ruined by them, but manage somehow to pick themselves up, carry on, and achieve great success later.

At any rate, despite all his preparations and planning, Alexander once again had the forces of nature destroy much of his provisions, probably all of his records, and was reduced to a sorry state of affairs that led the men to feed on the pack animals, and devour them to survive. He lost most of his entourage to the harshness of the desert, but he did finally survive it with a few stragglers who stayed with him. It is said that they cursed him as he trudged on through the harsh desert.

I have had psychic memories of that many times since I opened this chapter to Alexander as I hear voices saying "you let us die".

So you see, as I think about this now, so many years after I first learned of it, some of those voices have died away as well. Only tonight did I recall the sorrow and the desperation of resignation as Alexander had endured it then. Each day covers the previous day, and we forget, so we go on as though nothing had happened.

Until a memory is reawakened...then we recall it as it happened then.

And off the subject, but tonight I saw a cloud in the sky that did actually make me think of Jesus. I wondered later because I put the picture on facebook as to why there are never clouds that make me think of Alexander.

But Jesus promised that he would come in a cloud. I saw a lookalike floating overhead...It was beautiful...Jesus gave us inner peace...Alexander gave us courage and adventure. Both are sons of God. Both are worthwhile.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Problems with remembering the past

Believe it or not, that previous post was very important for me to recall, and it all came back to me because of that extract from a pledge made by Alexander. It is strange sounding pledge. I suppose that the dark skinned people were from Sogdiana, as I believe some are probably immigrants from China as well, and the Egptians are considered somewhat dark in some regions. He does make distinctions according to this plaque about the difference between Barbarians and Greeks, and good barbarians, and bad Greeks. So it is a very interesting comment which to me is directed at Aristotle to some extent.

However, I cannot say as I just read it, and need to know more about it to make any worthwhile kind of statement.

For me, it did take me back to the time that Alexander is forced to give in to a mutiny by his troops. One, whose name is Coenus,(spelling must be checked on that name) is a man who spoke up for the men who were tired of traveling so long and so hard with Alexander and not being given their due. These were the Macedonians who had stayed with him through all his long journeys. Nothing has amazed me more than that these soldiers stayed so valiantly true to their leader as they had, but snakes squeezing the life out of some of their members, monsoon type rains that were endless, and uniforms becoming ruined and discarded, caused these men to want to end this ongoing march to nowhere. Every time they turned around, they were forced to fight another battle.

For Alexander, it was a cruel end to his own desire to go as far as he could, to rule far and wide, to conquer all that was left to conquer. In truth, he had no idea of the vast amount of territory left to be conquered nor any real sense most likely of where he had already been and achieved success after warring it all the way through.

Even on top of the mountain he could not have properly realized or invisualized his struggle from Macedonia to Egypt, back up into the mountains of what is now Afghanistan and Pakistan, to what is Iran and Iraq, and finally India. It is incredible to realize that this is all on foot or tanks, no trucks,no cars, just the physical human body and all that either on horseback or on foot, and a few granted did ride in chariots at special times in special places...

I will say this about this extraodinary feat of so many men, so many warriors, and that is that they were healthy, fit, and extremely well kept. They were men of muscle, fortitude, character, and worth. They labored hard...cutting down trees, mining quarries, building altars, catapaults, towers, shoeing horses, preparing feasts and feeds, nourishing themselves, caring for themselves, and keeping spirits up all the while so that when a battle ensued, each was well prepared, disciplined, and capable of battling for all it was worth. Incredible, isn't it?

Plus, they were well paid, they received furloughs, they were able to return to their wives and family, and re-enlist, and they moved on, realizing that their real call was to serve Alexander and his mission, his dream, his goal. All hinged on Alexander the man, the god.

A god was a recognized entity then, and some reproached Alexander for his belief in his divine status, and others gave into it.

And therein is the crux of the entire thing: to believe that Alexander is one of the gods called to do his turn in taking the Macedonians and Greece into the annals of history, his "gloire".

And then of course, that leads back to me, who is having to relive this life for what reason that I believe that it is revealed and exposed to me...which is what I was just doing when I realized what I had been realizing while treading over this ground again of resignation, defeat, and submission, and giving it up.

I am thinking on it, and I am waking up a bit...the light may be dawning, and on that I will leave it til another day.

Alexander's Pledge at Kos, Greece

I set up a test the other day in my fact or fiction tale about Alexander. Alexander is heralded by some as a great hero and by others as a madman. This woman has written a blog, travel blog, and one of her discoveries is this plaque in Kos, Greece. It can be found at Images, Google, and until I learn again how to transfer a picture from one spot to another, all I can do is to share it at facebook which I just did do.

I will admit that I do not understand Facebook at all. I do not know how one keeps everything that one puts onto one's profile page. Where does it all go?

I just know that I am making a reference to it here now so that I can find my way back to it, and I am sharing it at Facebook to be in my profile.

The writer made a strange statement about Alexander when she said that she knows little about history but that this is a strange statement of peace coming from a man who is known for his military lifestyle.

I found that rather interesting to consider.

I did find some interesting images being displayed at just now but I did not comment on any as I had found a book at Waldenbooks that angered me a lot when reading the copy. I would have bought the book except for the copy written in it.

It was about Greece, and had a lot of illustrations about most of the famous Greeks of yesterday, including some really great portraits of Philip and naturally of Alexander. Philip is a truly handsome man in my opinion and some of the busts are remarkable, but frankly, most youth of that time period all look alike, and there is little to distinguish one from another. A lot like modern day beauty queens who all look alike, copying each other dismally.

I did deliberately use the name Alcibiades the other day, for a reason, but I finally changed it to the correct name of the person who Alexander did finally punish in his unique way. That is Abulites.

I do believe that the method in my madness may have worked. One reason I always give is a legitimate one, and that is that if someone is using my stuff without my permission, then that person will have to correct the errors made, whether deliberately or unintentionally. I do make errors all the time, and some I do try to correct as I write.

At any rate, this pledge of Alexander intrigued me. It sounds very contemporary and updated to me, but I am sure that it has a history for that town of Kos, which turns out to be the birthplace of Hippocrates.

I am not buying into the belief that Alexander ever did make this statement as it does not sound right to me, a lot like the so called speech of Opis which many do not believe that he ever made.

My question because I had been a trained and skilled court reporter is who on earth was taking the notes while he was speaking, and who recorded it verbatim as he gave it.

Now on that sorry note, I admit that one time in my having to go back into time and relive this man's life, I actually did go through one entire speech that I relived it, saying it exactly as he said it, and frankly, nobody but nobody wants to ever do that if they can help it, but I remembered doing it, how I felt, and how I acted, as I am in Alexander at that time, and I did it so totally different from the way that it sounds that I was totally amazed at it when I realized it. It was one of defeat, resignation, and submission, and deep sorrow. I was angry but I did not shout, scream, go into hysterics, which the speech itself makes people believe that I had done at that time. In fact, it was quite the reverse of an impassioned speech, but more a protest, a defense, and an announcement of total disgust and deepseated anger at both my men and myself...I did not leave in a snarling way, but a disgusted manner, and I have always remembered it as such.

Nobody likes to give in. Especially me...I won't give in even now on a project that i have worked hard and long. That was an especially cruel moment in Alexander's life and I understand it very well...but once done, as Caesar said, the die is cast, one cannot look back, but one must carry on...but in the meantime, one must heal one's own wounds as well...which Alexander did and he finally won out eventually, but probably not ever truly at all...

Man, am I thinking on this? I just realized what I am doing and saying as I get so involved at times, I relive it all again...I am thinking of what it had been for me when I had to throw in the towel as we call it now...and I am thinking as I had when I had been in that time in that person...I hope anyone who reads this understands this problem of being in that time and then pulling back into this is any easy lapse to do.

The News Media

I recently bought a computer smart phone and one application I use and like is the newspaper function. I can read news from not only the USA cities but also Canada, the UK and France. So I can when I choose stay informed about what is going on in several cities throughout the world. I have learned some very interesting information that way.

But tonight I learned something while visiting one of the three major networks that truly surprised me about some kind of attitude that Americans have about the war in Iraq. It was a headline that said that most Americans believe that the war with Iraq is a mistake.

When I read stuff like that I question the likelihood of anyone really ever bothering to respond to such a question as do you think that the war in Iraq is a mistake with a sound answer or a good reason. I question the validity of such a questionnaire and the responses given. I find it utterly preposterous to think that some reporter is going to ask that question to get a truly honest answer.

First of all, what difference does it make? What caused the war to happen in the first place?

Did people think it all right then? Congress obviously had as they approved it very speedily and readily. Did it matter to any political bigwig voting on whether his constituents approved or disapproved? Does it matter at election time? Do the voters suddenly say oh, yeah, this congressman is guilty of voting yes thereby costing me my taxpayer dollars for mounting, maintaining, and supplying this war? Do the voters say I fire you now congressman and will attempt to put someone better in your place.

So why put the headlines on the front pages of CBSNEWS? Will it matter? Does it matter? I hardly think so...Americans keep sending these jerks back to congress despite their voting records...why? Because Americans do not truly care, and the elected officials know it...It is a case of total indifference by joe q public that he bothers to stand in line, cast a vote, but never take the time to determine what that candidate for office will do for him.

Politics and the news media go hand in hand with meaningless and empty posturing..why bother to tell us that now Americans think it a mistake to go to war with Iraq? The only reason is that it is all politics!

Las Vegas, Nevada

It has been a long while since I have been to Las Vegas, but I intend to get there sometime before the year ends. The last time I had been there is a time I remember well because I had seen a cloud formation above the dancing fountains at the famed Bellagio Casino.

The day that I traveled there had been after a rainy spell in Arizona and clouds were forming great huge images all the way from Phoenix to Las Vegas since I chose to fly Southwest Airlines to get to Vegas. Sometimes I take a bus designed for casino visitors through Greyhound, and sometimes I fly.

I had just arrived in Vegas when I went to see the then newly built Paris hotel. It has a replica of the Eiffel Tower. Having seen both now I realize that while imitation is flattering, it is a far thing from the real thing.

While walking to the Paris Hotel from the Imperial Hotel where I stayed, I noticed this huge angel looking cloud directly above the Bellagio Hotel. It was pointing towards the Mandalay Bay Hotel where I eventually went to find a sign for the show The King and I displayed.

At the Paris Hotel, a photographer was busy taking photos of the new Paris site, and I was speechless, looking at that angel cloud, and made him look at it by touching him and pointing upward. Like that ufo of long time ago, nobody else appeared to be looking up as I had been, but he did look up, and pointed then to me, and said "You!" to me.

I wish I would have had my camera then! One reason that I do carry it with me all the time now.

That was some week in Vegas. I remembered the cloud angel above the town in Pennsylvania that is posted on the internet. I copied it, and have it yet, as it appeared over the football field in Montoursville.

I wish I could have photographed this but I did the next best thing and made a sketch of it in my sketch book.

It is memorable..for the moment, I am letting the memory of what followed rest...four days later, and JFK, jr. died in a plane crash. I have not forgotten that as I had gone into the Bellagio to play a slot game and won!

Other things happened then that are unforgettable to me. We had a violent rainstorm in Vegas then, and I learned how dangerous flooding waters can be even in the streets of Vegas. One cannot fight a rushing swell of water! I did command the storm to stop finally! Anyone reading this now will wonder at me for saying it, but I remember it well. I am very well known in that city, believe it!

I was being followed all the while. It was early morning...I had to fight the flooded streets to make it back home. The rain did stop. There are times when I have to exercise my powers over nature. I have not forgotten that one! It happened in Vegas.

Frank Sinatra Luck Be A Lady at Bellagio Hotel Las Vegas USA

Lottery Games

As most people know, I have been working to win the lottery for many years. In times past, I have had some luck, especially in the states of Michigan and Colorado, and only mild luck in Arizona so far.

I have a system where I keep track of the numbers by the usual hit and miss method of trying to find numbers, and I learned a long time ago that while we think that draws are random, they are not really as random as people would think. They have a definite rhythm, history, and pattern that can make the selection of numbers reduced from a million to one odds to a thousand to one odds, believe it or not.

It is the most difficult game in town. The odds are such that only a rare few ever have the luck to win. But I am a believer in the adage you make your luck.

However, I have a lucky streak in me at times, and I know that luck is a lady who will befriend you whenever SHE feels like it, not when you feel like it. I have many stories that testify to the power of dumb luck!

As I am a gambler in both dog and horse races as well as casino games, and I do not deny that I am a small time type so far, I do not see anything wrong in the entertainment of gambling. I get more losses at bad restaurants with bad foods than in the selection of a dog or horse to win a race. Of course, the dogs and horses and I are in cahoots with one another when I attend a gaming event in person. They seem to recognize me, acknowledge me, and as I came to talk with them and know their language, they came to trust me, and let me know some things as well. I will not say that racing and gambling is without flaw and is, but the problem is that horses and dogs alike know the game better than we humans do, and thus, often decide for themselves who will really win the race if not doped up to lose it.

While some may spend their money on basketball, football, movies, and other varied forms of entertainment, I love to see dogs and horses in person, as they are great animals and have always been my friends in the industry.

I will stick with them, thank you, and while I study the lottery game, I intend to finally capitalize on it, and maybe share my methods with others.

There is no doubt that one can win if one goes to the trouble of paying attention, being careful, and knowing when to play and when not to play.

When I win, I will be sure to share my secrets of winning at this blogspot! Hoping that this much will bring me luck in September! I will explain all then.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


There is an interesting study on facebook right now thanks to abovetopsecret which shows the most visited websites by size on a favicon map. That alone illustrates a strange kind of humility to those who think about it...Google is the largest icon which means that it has the most usage of any of these websites, and each website is indicated by its viewership in the size of the icon. Abovetopsecret asked if anyone could find its icon. One viewer did and I finally found it also, realizing some interesting comparisons here.

I have discussed Louis XIV in terms of his ability to use his nation's talents to good advantage in the develpment of a cultural and humanities study. He was blessed with drawing artisans across Europe to France to practice their skills, talents, and trades as he and his ministers nourished and cultivated the practice of great workmanship in domestics, artwork, rugmaking, painting, sculpting, drama, theatre, ballet, music, tapestries, lacemaking, mirrormaking, textures in fabrics and linens, and as many varieties of individual expressions of art and crafts as any in Europe at that time.

His architects alone, Louis le Vau, Le Notre, Hardouin-Mansart, and others were unique in that they came together at a time when the King needed them and could utilize their services. As I said, the foundations, the structure of the chateau in itself is awesome to contemplate.

Louis XIV was himself a bit of an architect, and when one finally learns all that there is to know about the King, one realizes that he dabbled in everything from the actual drawings, designs, and suggestions for the buildings themselves. He also helped the gardeners in the formation of the gardens and loved to take a hoe and shovel himself to dig a patch of dirt here and there. He directed some of the unique develpments himself, and it were always his orders that were followed on the kinds of trees, flowers, shrubs, bushes, and plants to be grown in his equivalent to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

He loved music and so suggested tunes and fact, I would imagine that he even also told the kitchen staff what kind of dishes to prepare whenever he felt like it. Louis seems to have dabbled in everything that made up his personal kingdom.

So when I learned of all of this as I was able to touch and feel many of the fabrics, and I have seen the kind of candelabra that was used inside the chateaux, as well as the personal furnishings of his bedroom, and other fixtures in both outdoors and indoors settings so that I became very well aware of how similar to King Darius that Louis XIV had become...maybe all that walk in the tent with King Darius's goods remained fixated in Alexander's memory tank for there is little doubt in my mind that King Louis XIV outdid himself comparing himself to Persian, Roman, Egyptian, and other rulers of the past. He was going to put France on the map and did.

So because I had already had a unique experience in California when I had become immersed in a state of Heavenly Love at a special session of the legislature in Sacramento brought about by then Governor Jerry Brown, I had learned what true humility is.

We read that the exalted shall be humbled, and the humbled shall be exalted. What exactly does this mean?

Well, I had been at a gathering in Sacramento for a special session of the legislators for the schools. I had a mental telepathy it seemed with the governor then and as he walked across the room, Jesse Unruh, a fellow democrat at the time, made a comment about his posturing as he walked...He then looked up at me, and at that moment, I looked down at Jerry Brown and went immediately into a state of "in Love" but this "in Love" was totally different from any I had known before. I was in heaven, as Adam and Eve before the Fall. I was younger than springtime, I was ecstatic. I found what is to me the state of Perfect Love in which I finally learned the real meaning of humility.

I went into a state at-one-ment with God that was whole, complete, perfect! I have never known anything before or after like it. It lasted for a period of maybe six or seven months before I finally came out of that vibration. It is a vibrational state. One has to be elevated into it.

I came to an understanding and knowledge of God that is incredible. Like only one of the stars in the universe, each of us is only a tiny teeny weeny dot when put into perspective with all others...we all are equal in the degree to which we are all loved by God as God loves all unconditionally and wholly. We are all a part of this unique Heaven, this perfect Love, and none of us does anything to deserve it, but to be only a part of it.

It taught me everything and changed my life totally. I have never been the same since. I always give Brown the credit that he is due regarding this experience.

I believe in God totally and completely. I believe that to trust in God with thine own heart and lean not to thine understanding is the one true way to be about understanding this entity, the place within one's self, this unique Love which is God.

It is the truest form of Humility there is to know that one is truly loved by the creator who gave us Life and we have only to do one thing, accept it and run with it, live it, and be as much a part of Love that we can be...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Genghis Khan BBC Part 1/5

Genghis Khan

While I did not go back to study anything in the time of Genghis Khan, I had an introduction to him which was very powerful and influential. I did naturally buy every book there is on him as well as I had on both Alexander, Louis XIV, and George Washington. I will either donate these books to a group or give them to relatives if interested, who knows, but they are very valuable and interesting.

I was so overwhelmed with knowledge of LouisXIV and Alexander, and a small amount of information about Washington, even Julius Caesar at one time, that when Genghis Khan was introduced, I was exasperated.

I had had the same urge to go to his books at Brentano's which I did do, but I never connected it to think that it meant anything much...What a surprise when he came up as another one of my many selves that I seem to have.

I was tired, did not want to go any further than I had, and did not know that Alexander would persist in coming to me many more times.

I knew how long it took to go to sleep, to remember all this, and to draw sketches, read books, find out what was historically recorded, did it fit? match? etc. that I just did not wnat anything but something to prove that I had been Khan also, and let it rest.

I found his history to be utterly fascinating. I found proof of the stampede of elephants in a book by Jack Weatherford. It happened to a group of Mongols who were killed by stampeding elephants. That was enough for me. I decided all that is known is in spirit, that when I am good and ready that I would maybe open it up. But for the time being I did not want to pursue it.

I have read Conn Iggulden's books about the family of Khan, and I like them. He sticks pretty much to the story. I had been smitten by Timujin's appearance as he is huge and massive, and magnetic and extremely attractive in his powerful way. He impressed me most of all except for Caesar who had somehow or other managed to get inside me while in Vegas at Caesar's palace...I never foget that as Caesar is something else again, talk about confidence, and being on top of the world. That man owns the world, and knows it.

So the two that I neglect to study so far are both Caesar and Genghis Khan, as both are yet to come if and when I decide to try again to see what I learn from the past.

Both had been kidnapped, both have many things in common. I relate the collar that Khan is forced to wear when he is kidnapped to the time that Alexander had collared the murderer of King Darius and executed him in the Persian manner. I had not ever wanted to think that the soul of Alexander would then suffer the lot of the Khan but after I learned all I did about the Khan I came to believe it.

This is a lengthy study of important key historical figures in Europe and Asia, and finally I conclude that each and all became George Washington who I had discovered first years ago in California. It is due to Tyre that I believe that Washington had the tenacity, perseverance, and determination to win the American Revolution. In the end, he and Genghis Khan are similar in the fact that neither had ready made armies prepared for them, but had to develop them and lead them from ground up..Both are fascinating in that respect.

Like it or not, the similarities and challenges each one of these leaders faces is very compelling, and all are tied into me in a spiritual way...I am just using this blog to piece it together and to make it finally fall into a single gigantic puzzle, mystery maybe being finally solved.


The Palace of Versailles (Part1)

More of my side...

People may think that one becomes obsessed when undergoing this kind of silent voyages into times passed. I have found that I had a spiritual guide who was leading me through these journies. If anyone is familiar with Pilgrim's Progress or the Divine Comedy, one might find a kind of likeness to this.

Many things have always perplexed and puzzled me about many of these memory sessions, as I have the feeling that these entities appear to be caught in a type of tableau, almost as in the movie Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller. It is sometimes as of the vision is caught in a mist and is waiting for me to reappear to activate it and make it be brought back to life.

I say this because of the Louis XIV scene when I went back into time to learn of his levee, something that I had never known in this brain matter ever. I had never heard of Louis XIV or his chateau to be perfectly honest, except in the way of Louis XVI and the French Revolution. Louis's ancestor had only been a paragraph in world history and the only reference that my history teacher, Miss Armstrong, ever made was the cause of the breakdown of European Royalty, all that inbreeding within the family tree.

But because I had so much pleasure in a serene setting as that of the ballet when I saw that luxuriously made gold costume, all pure lace, exquiste in every detail, that I wanted to learn more about Louis XIV. I found that when I had fallen asleep, I see a vision of a man in front of me, as I can see his back and I am coming into it, as it is like a cloud type vision in front of me and all of a sudden I am inside this body, looking at a group of people walking in front to sit in rows watching me as one young attendant after another brings to me one garment after another to clothe me for this morning's session. I went through this entire process, watching young men bow to me, get on bended knee, rise and hand to me a garment, and they would then help me to get into it. I went through this entire routine, and when finished, I raised my hands into the air, like a priest at the end of a mass. I noticed each and every face who were in my audience.

In that state of being, I am the king then. I am Louis XIV.

Oh, I went back to relive memories of Louis as often as I could make myself do it. I was literally transformed. I was both devastated and elated. There is nothing so beautiful as looking up at the chateau du versailles as it was then. It was a golden palace, with a green terrace, and had had a staircase leading down to the gardens below. It is the most beautiful memory of the chateau that I have, and it is burned within me. It is glorious.

I may learn that the exalted may be humbled, but the wealth and beauty of the exalted is alive and well, and well worth the effort to make a dream happen and develop. I had to go to France to see for myself the reality of this chateau today.

Whenever people finally learn what true himility is, they may then stop trying to be so pious and self righteous about it. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and King LouisXIV and his architects, designers, and decorators all had an eye for beauty, an appreciation for art, and therefore, a need to be creative (a true imitation of god) and did so. Only a king can afford to do this even in today's world, and none of us should ever try to inhibit them for so doing.

I will discuss true humility in another chapter in this book that I am writing, but for now, let me say that Louis XIV loved his chateau, loved his gardens, and rewarded his creators well for bending to his wishes.

When I finally visited that wondrous place in France, I fell in love with the natural beauty as well as the man created beauty of it. It is a wonder to see that those French architects of yesterday created a place so luxurious, marvelous, and with such greatness that it amazes one's eyes to see the works there that those engineers and construction workers developed for this king.

The foundations of that chateau are mindboggling. I can remember when my parents had a house built for them, and the difficulty it was in pouring a foundation, raising walls, doing all the work that it takes to build a simple house.

This is a chateau, a monument, a showpiece...what a dream!

Lucky it is that I am able to realize it even more today than when it was built.

I realize that Louis XIV is an exceptional king, a great mind, a great adventurer.

This is a man of vision, of destiny, of endurance, of fortitude, of strength, and of character.

He has all his human weaknesses, but his greatness is such that the streets of Paris today expose him for what he was in a bridge that spans the Seine (I walked across it), the monument the Invalides which was built for his soldiers to receive medical care and sustenance. The streets of Paris were cleaned, renovated, and hotels and houses were built that stand there today, all through the King's personal influence.

While it may be that I am intended to learn of these memories of the past to realize the true value of the king, I am impressed that this king who is only personally tutored, but never fully educated, and remarks about it as well, has the innate inborn intelligence, talent, and ability to be a great leader for a great nation that is still a role model and influence for the world today.

Yes, Louis XIV compared himself to Alexander the Great. I am the link between the two because it is only after reliving Louis XIV that I then began to learn of Alexander and his vision and purpose.

Do I believe that Louis XIV had been Alexander? I believe that I am who knows them both. I have relived both their lives in a way that is both personal and meaningful to me to believe that one has lived in one time so that he may be reborn in another time...and so it goes.

Yes, I believe that Louis XIV had been Alexander in 4 BC and was brought into the world in the 17th century to be a world leader in that age...I believe that both live within me. I do believe that Louis XIV represents the architectural side in Alexander as Alexander was a city builder. In Louis XIV, his developmental and organizational skills are very apparent to me, but in Louis XIV he is finally confined to settling down in one place which he did not ever do as Alexander.

What else can I believe? How or why am I to know of both in such a way? But I will continue to write this out so that I can finally bring it all together in a final conclusion.

Now my side

So you see, from my side, which frankly does not care whether it is Arrian, Plutarch, Curtis, or Worthington, Robin Lane Fox, or any other historian, which tells the story, analyzes the various accounts, when I relive it, I see it, I vision it, I feel it, I am in it...I know what is happening, and that is the puzzle.

I believe in me. I believe in this ability to relive this time, but again only in snatches and only when I let myself...I literally become separated from today and am back into yesterday.

I do not bother to correct myself, as I had been a bit too willing to try to treat yesterday as the specimen under the microscope and impose today's thinking upon it whem I realized what the hell am I doing. Alexander did what he had to do then. Why do I today think that I can know better than he what he should have done then.

We live in an intirely different world than the people of that age and culture did. We live in a modernized world in comparison which in truth is not necessarily better or improved, but simply different from.

We have been conditioned, trained, and taught along our own standards of living that has been passed onto us from generations past. We continue to make our way, changing according to the various needs that arise to help us to solve problems today. When looking back, we cannot impose our learned beliefs upon a culture so far away and so long distance from us.

It is when I am in that time and that thought process I realize that Alexander is deciding his goals according to his own training, his own upbringing, his own desires and goals, and his own beliefs...I just know that inner determination, persistence, and tenacity linked me to him in a way that I found to be positive proof of the truth of what we call rebirth and reincarnation.

We have that inner conviction which is what links us as one...that is about all I can was a revelation to me about the two of us...I can always admit to being probably a vessel in whom thoughts are being released and that like the oracles or other people who do automatic writing be a means by which a spirit can speak, but in this case, I realized that in truth, Alexander and I are one but in a spiritual manner as we are two different unique flesh in two different time periods...

It is a mystery to me, but remember as I am selecting to write these stories out as I go forward this, that I am often times immersed in that time period and when I begin to write I write as that person...I then listen to myself as I read back what I have said...accept it, believe it, is all that I can do.

History Channel - Alexander's Siege of Tyre (3M-Man, Moment, Machine) 4/6

Alexander at Tyre

I have to explain that spontaneous moments when one is suddenly whisked back in time is different from using hypnotic tapes which take you back into a sleep state where you are immersed into a different time period.

I realize how this sounds to people who do not ever have the occasion to experience something like this except maybe to suddenly drift back into a memory of a childhood experience, a memory of a place and time in one's present past and realizes that it is as real as when it first happened.

Right now, I can slip back to when I worked at the Derry Drug Store and remember the layout of the store, the place where I worked, and some of my co workers there. It is easy to recall vivid scenes of the past, but one always realizes that one can only recall snatches.

I have had memories where I had induced myself into a sleeplike trance to wend my way back into a time that today's mind and mentality has no knowledge of whatsoever. This is why I am always amazed at this property of memory which must be within some other aspect of one's self than in the thing called brain. My present life has never experienced any of those places, any of the people involved, so how on earth is it possible to find one's self in another time, recalling vividly experiences there? I decided that it can only be the soul that has the memory function to do this, for my current brain does not know any of it except that it has now filtered into it through the act of going back into time and living it now in the present time period as it had been lived then.

There are such things as proofs and I am the one person who does most not want to be deceived in this exercise of learning who I had been, and what part of me had been that person anyway?

There is no sense in kidding around. I do not want to pay for anyone else's deeds then or now had I not done those myself. I know that Jesus supposedly pays for all our sins, and I frankly do not believe that either. I believe that perhaps in an allegorical way he may have paid off Adam's sins, but I do not believe that he paid for any of mine, and I would not want him to do that either. I want to be held responsible only for my own actions, good, bad or indifferent. So you see, I disagree with much of theological teaching about Jesus's life and death. I do not believe that men get a free pass just because Jesus lived, died, and resurrected himself from the dead.

I do believe, however, that the almighty creator which created all of us out of love for himself and his need of an expression of himself through us, loves each and everyone enough to keep us all in the palm of his hand and that faith alone makes me believe in a loving creator, not a punitive creator.

Life is a drama enacted upon the theatre and stage of the planet...we are all actors in this game of life, and we are all a part of it in many different ways and dimensions.

I went back in time through a spontaneous moment to the time of Tyre...I was standing beneath a huge fortress of a wall that protected the inner city. As Alexander, I had demanded the city fathers to let me in to pay respect to the gods there, but the city fathers denied me the right to enter. As I had already visited an oracle at Delphi, had solved the Gordian knot, I had come to believe that I am the ruler of the world, and that I must prove it by conquering everything that is in sight so that the world will become one...Each and every nation will be under my rule once I accomplish my goals...I am determined to spread the law and culture of Macedon/Greece to the world around me.

I have decided to pay my respects to the gods in this city, which is an island fortress, and I must control it at all costs so that I am victorious in achieving my goals, and Heaven help anyone who tries to prevent me from it. I set about entering the city through many means, but one way is to build a causeway from the mainland to the island...Wedged within the city are the citizens and the city fathers and men and women who decide to oppose me and my army from entering. I can hear their cries and outbursts as they try to build a defense to prevent me from getting into the city. Some did escape from the city to find safety elsewhere but many stayed to fight my forces. I had siege towers built to throw missiles across their walls, and they did fight back valiantly, throwing burning oil and sand down into my soldiers faces, and the burning sand caused many to jump into the sea to get relief. This only angered me further, and two of my siege towers were burned, but were quickly rebuilt. We fought long and hard, and I am furiously bellowing at my men to hurry and get those towers in place as we planned to penetrate the walls to enter the city, killing as many who were inside as they were trying to kill those of us on the outside.

We outlasted them, and finally found a place of weakness where we were able to finally penetrate the walls. This has taken us nearly seven months of toil, labor, and fierce fighting to accomplish. I have been actively cajoling, directing, and managing all the instruments that were used as well as encouraging and maintaining firm discipline in this long, tired effort. I will not give up, give in, or let anyone else slack in this effort. We are getting into this city, no matter what..It has been tried before, and lesser men gave up. A Macedonian led by Alexander will never give up, but will persist to the end, and so we did.

Cries and shouts of fear and mercy shrieked from inside the walls. I could hear the sounds of children, women, and men screaming, hollering, frightened for their lives. Stop Alexander...try to destroy him...but their prayers went unanswered, as finally I found the wall that gave in to our thrusts, our seige engines, and the navy that soon came to surround the city. We poured our way into the city, climbing walls, dropping into the city where inner fortresses had been built but were now afire from the missiles that had pelted them...smoke bellowed, my eyes stung, my nose was clogged, my lungs were heavy from breathing in the fire, the oil, the mist, but I plunged ahead, with my troops beside and behind me...we surrounded the city then, and made all the survivors our captives. We then paid our respect to the gods...which act alone proved that we had the gods on our side as we had known all along...Sacrifices were made, the villains were punished, and each man in the army was vindicated...we would not and could not be stopped or prevented from accomplishing what is our destiny and right to do. We are in control.

Political Life in the USA

Politics has become a life of its own. We have political elections today. I was not sent a ballot by mail this time so that if I wish to vote, I have to walk to the church next door which is the official place of balloting for this precinct. It is a hot day and while I have a sample ballot I have to decide if it that important for me to walk to the church to vote.

Since it is a church and one of the more fundamentalist type churches, I do not walk there to attend church services. I have recognized that I could do that anytime I wish, but it is a part of that group of evangelical type services that always annoys me instead of lifting me up as some prayers say.

So no matter whether it is a church service, or a government process, this church remains just another building as far as I am concerned. I have only ever used it for the purpose of voting.

Freedom of religious practices and of voting practices is a matter of choice. I probably may decide to walk there but I do not like realizing that the government is using ballot by mail as a means of testing people's so called civic responsibilities.

I have on occasion visited my neighbor's church when she has invited me to go to church services. She is a devout believer in her new found faith, and I am not. I have grown up on religious practices being forced down people's throats to the point that I believe that people who practice and teach Jesus are often no more than petty tyrants in their wrongful interpretation of scripture.

With politics, it is a seasonal game as well. I do see what is offered on the ballot since I received a sample ballot, but I do not like it that I did not receive a ballot by mail which my neighbor had received. I don't like government playing games with voting practices.

In this heat, it is not wise for anyone to be walking in the sun when it is going to be the hottest day in the year. The polls don't close til late so if I get there at all, it will be late in the day. I have other things to do.

I am sounding off! I prefer to stay free regarding both my religious life and my political life.

If I do go to vote, it will be because I have not forgotten that a single vote could be important, but basically we all know that we all get drowned in the list of numbers...and AZ is fundamentally a Republican Conservative state right now. The Democrats are taking the wrong sides on every issue as they only seem to know enough to be the opposite side...and frankly, America deserves better than the two party system of I am for it and I am against it!

So essentially, why bother?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Madame Guillotine

A young lady by the name of Melanie began a Marie Antoinette discussion group at yahoo at about the same time that Elna began the Louis XIV discussion group. I have been a member of both since the first but Melanie up and left hers to go to LiveJournal. She seemed to prefer LiveJournal to yahoo. This Madame Guillotine who has written a blog and is now discussing her literary efforts in a class given in England does not appear to be the same Melanie who was with Elena, but when I mentioned her to Axel, he seemed to think that she was the same. It is because Melanie and Elena had had their pictures on the group that I knew what they looked like, and Melanie of the first MA had told me about her boyfriend then as well. So I am a bit perplexed about this since this later Melanie has a husband name of Dave.

They both sport red hair, but they look totally different. In the world of authors as in the world of soap operas, often people can be quickly substituted with someone else. Judith Light did that once to a character on an ABC soap opera, taking over the character from a much smaller woman who suddenly vanished from the scenes.

I am beginning to wonder if this cannot also happen to authors.

That is one of the reasons that I am very careful about my input at the internet, so that my work remains my work. I have always suspected that the original author of the Cat books has been replaced as well by some ghost writer. The style change is what tipped me off, especially the details about the two Siamese cats. Lillian Jackson Brown is the author to whom I am referring.

I rewrote some of my piece about Alcibiades and Alexander as I had actually gone so far to drag out the book from which I had read that story about Alexander's supposed cruelty to the poor man. Hah! The man probably deserved worse, for if horses starve and men die due to his negligence, Alexander had every right to have him executed.

Nicholas Evans once wrote a book called The Horse Whisperer in which a man dies in the final scenes in the same manner, with the horses hooves beating him to death. He is actually committing suicide that way...I have never forgotten that book, so that when I learned of this story about Alexander I wonder if Evans had not read it as well, and maybe it was the inspiration for his own book.

Robert Redford made the film, but he did change the ending...the man dies in the book at the hands of the very animals he befriends. A bit like the short story A Passion in the Desert, one of my all time favorites.

In truth, there is nothing new under the sun...some stories written years ago top everything that is being written today...believe it.

But stories, magazines, novels, movies, t.v., etc. all need a constant flow of new energy and materials so that new authors can pop up anytime and anywhere and make a name for themselves. France recognized that songwriters could make a living easily by simply cutting a record once a year...It is an industry, and there are many customers waiting for a good read...go to it if you have talent, or as Melanie says, an agent...her remarks about an agent amused is true...though, an actor does not get hired unless he has an agent, a jockey cannot get hired without an agent. So good writers must find an agent to market their works...

Alexander-Macedon blogspot.

Today I learned through the Alexander-Macedon discussion group that Maria, one of the moderators, has begun a blogspot on Alexander here at blogspot. I have to now find that so that I become a follower of it. She did post a few videos that I had posted at Alexander-Macedon in that blogspot so I finally have become aware of her blogging now. Once I find it, I will follow it. I am also a moderator at that same discussion group along with Sikander and Oleg who is the owner.

I was musing over Alexander again today as I have an occasional nosebleed problem which is one reason for valuing Genghis Khan so much. Thanks to my spirit guide I came to know of the story of Genghis Khan. He and I share the dubious honor of having a clot clutched in our hand...mine due to a spill that I had when an infant while carrying a glass and cutting my left hand under the thumb...a clot would have had to have formed then I would imagine...can't say for sure as I was too young but the scar left is the only visible scar on my body in this lifetime. I have made a comment already about that in relation to Alexander's having acquired so many scars.

I have a unqiue birthmark at the nape of my nape which is shaped like a knifeblade, or the guillotine, or the symbol of the Chase bank, or the numeral one on Channel 12 in Phoenix, AZ. It can be interpreted many different ways, and I associate it with many different people as well...Clinton let me know it could be thought of as the red banner in the flag of the USA which is also true too...Thanks to the FBI at least I know which bank finally!

I've been robbed!

Well, anyway, today I woke up again with a tiny bit of bleeding, and then received an email from my longterm Mandy in southern California with a story about stigmata. I always call this a form of stigmata too, always associating it with Louis XIV and Genghis Khan now...fortunately, with Alexander, it did stop for a long time.

But I was musing over my problem of having had pains in the stomach which had made me double over some years ago when living at Palacio. They were so severe that I literally could not stand up and had to make my way to the bathroom to get a control of them. Then one day, I learned of Alexander's death, I connected the two, and you won't believe it, but they stopped! Totally! Psychic pains! I really believe that they had to be psychic pains...and thank Heaven, learning of Alexander's death caused them to stop.

So I was musing and then went to the internet to find that Maria had posted my videos taken in Paris on her blogspot. I am so happy about that. I have to find her blogspot now.

I must explain that the videos were taken by a flipcamcorder, and it was the first time that I had used it outside of my immediate home and family. The painting of Alexander is a story in itself. I had been walking very fast to get out of the Louvre, and while walking quickly down a hall, spirit suddenly stopped me. I looked around to see why. There is a painting of Alexander at Thebes judging the citizens of the city. I stood for a long time studying that portrait as it is very important to me, and when I turned around, I saw everyone staring at me. I took a video tape of it to remember this occasion. I then sped out of there faster than you can believe...Alexander has this thing with speed and it re-energized me at that moment after I looked around. I left the building as quickly as I could find my way out.

The other two are near one another and each can be seen together in one part of the film of the statue of Alexander on his horse with spear in his hand...the victims are more interesting than Alexander. The wall sculpture is of Diogenes, the Philospher, reaching his hand out, and Alexander looking down at him from his place on the horse Bucephalus. Alexander is famous for saying that if he were not Alexander, he would have been Diogenes. To me, that is like the saying, There go I, were it not for the grace of God, which priests often say about beggars.

Samothrace and the Mona Lisa are pretty evident. The crowds were quite large when I finally arrived to see these two famous showpieces of the Louvre. It has rekindled my desire to return to Europe as quickly as I can.