Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Clancy, My Yorkshire Terrier

I had a yorkshire terrier when I was in Clearwater, Florida, who was and is the lovingest pet that I have owned. I have owned goldfish but no lovers they. But I would always sing this song to Clancy, "I feel Pretty, I feel Pretty" whenever I shampooed him and then combed his coat out for him. It is his song, and my song at Shower time.

Clancy had been born on Dec 28 and I picked him up on April 8, which was Good Friday. He had a way of throwing what I called his crunchies around the room, pitching them out and throwing them at a distance. I think that was when David Letterman finally decided to start his stupid dumb pet tricks. I have always noted how Hollywood follows real life in many ways. Clancy was an adorable dog with a great personality, and so finally on September 9, some many years ago, when he was about 16 years I had to put him to sleep. I felt bad about it. He is buried in the ground in the back of the house lying astop a satin pillow that I had. That was one of the saddest days of my life, to have to put my pet to sleep as an act of mercy.

But because he had a habit of always coming into the toilet whenever I was in there, one day I was sitting on the john and I felt an energy and looked down and I could see his cloudlike vibration standing down below me looking up at me. I never forgot that...he is with me always.

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