Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Monday, August 30, 2010

Reincarnation vs. Mediums

I have to explain a few things as I am thinking of them. First of all, for me to have discovered all these former lifetimes has been quite an experience in learning history of the past as well as contemplating the means by which I have come to know vivid details of former times.

Because some of my experiences are quite unique, I do not share everything. I have to weigh and consider them before entrusting them to other intelligent minds to consider. I will explain.

Sometimes I believe that after death the soul merges into an encapsulated state of being, just as the insides of an egg. I use the egg metaphor a lot as it is easy to understand and it is universal, being the metaphor for the beginnings of life.

I have seen in my visions interesting facts that cause me to believe that any of these personalities which become revealed may be in a state of dormancy, which at first appears encapsulated by as the outer layer wears away the inner vision of the person as an adult appears in vivid color (spiritually) as he appeared in his earth life in the flesh.

I will describe a scene and explain what I have often thought could be an answer to this situation of life between lives. Just as peas and beans are pods that include many different seeds, so people themselves can become at death returned to the state of seed or ova and encapsulated in a pod shell. I had visited a place where there were a row of entities sitting on a long narrow shelf like structure, encapsulated in what looks like white capsules, but when touched by my appearance emerge to look as they do in human life. I am hoping that I am writing this so that the reader gets the picture.

A long row of white pod shaped beings who one at a time have the mist lifted away to reveal the humanity within, and one of these persons looked up at me expectantly as if to say, "oh, is it my turn now?" and his face brightened with hope that perhaps his personality might be learned through me. I did recognize this person and I know who it is that is in that moment, but I will not reveal that name at this time since I did not really ever relive his life yet.

Thus, because of that scene and another which had been one of the first visions that I had had of the King Louis XIV, I came to realize that these memories seem to be opened only when I came to them to be exposed. I think that some will call this astral soul visitations.

So for that reason I realize that these are soul visits at which I am somewhat privileged to learn and to share if I care to do so with those who may be wanting to know what it is that I have gleaned.

I have been reluctant at times to call it reincarnation. I am thinking of soul as some kind of expansion but it is life in the flesh revisited. I am confident of that.

Because so many are so famous in terms of achievements in history, it appears as though I am full of imagination and a sense of grandiose, and that in itself, is the most preposterous thing to consider when someone really knows me. I am not the kind of woman who is ever prey to grandiose self concepts so for me, it is easy to laugh that off.

In fact, I would be the least likely to ever embrace any of these persons were it not for the fact that I have actually experienced these things and that is the wonder of it. It is like a great love affair when one is caught up in a romance. I have been amazed to learn of such beauty and such excitement in a life experience.

I have a certain kind of disdain for the so called famous, rich, and wealthy of the world so for me to consider these men has been an awesome thing as well as realizing the truth of what the spiritual beauty of the experience means to me and probably to others if others were to accept it. It is a lot like listening to so called tales told by Jesus of what Heaven is, but nobody can quite understand what this man is saying anyway. Why is earth so different, and Heaven so arranged as he says it is, where angels do not marry.

The one thing that I realized is that some of Jesus's sayings are true as these are the true treasures of Heaven, knowing that all this is within one's own self.

That is a great message, to know that while the flesh does return to dust, the truth of ourselves is caught in a spiritual state of being exactly as it had been, that nothing of value is lost, and that we sooner or later learn to distinguish between that which is truth, beauty, and that which is chaffe, or waste and neglect which does not appear in these heavenly revelations.

Nothing minute by minute is noted, or day by day, only snatches of time as a snapshot, but those moments of time that are significant and important are there always caught in one's own memory tank and one can somehow or other in a given time draw upon them for sustenance.

Even the lowest moments when relived can be helpful for as I was reliving Alexander's lowest moment in his utter humiliation I was realizing how I could turn that into a victory for me now by learning from that lesson of the past.

It did bring about his demise, and one can understand why as he had shouldered enough responsibility for one so young. An early death for him was in reality like life in dog year's, as he had been too old too young in his duties and his choice to answer the call of his personal destiny.

Had it not been for my learning of Louis XIV I would never have learned of Alexander.

Alexander has been an important lesson for me to know. His capacity for optimism, enthusiasm, and determination to win is inspirational for all who have seriously difficult times.

The ongoing thread of life from cromagnon man, that first man who hunted the boar and the tiger, through Alexander, Caesar, Khan, Louis XIV, and Washington is an amazing study of men who conquered the world in a time when each could only draw upon those inner resources which soul contains to achieve his goals and accomplishments.

I do maintain that this is a case of a godlike being, meaning a fully integrated, intelligent, and decisive personality has affected the lifes of many for long periods of time on the face of the earth.

Each is a part of me in a way that I understand. Caesar is the man who looked up to me with hope and it is because of that that I understand that each is a dormant cell within to come to know and understand. I may be the mouthpiece for each so that I can eventually perhaps expand upon my seedling revelations of each and turn it into a novel...time will tell...

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