When I bought my phone from the Paradise Valley Sprint kiosk I noticed that my salesman is a Leonardo diCaprio lookalike, and it is because he called me in the evening that I was able to get my phone way last spring when they finally were introduced to the marketplace.
I had really wanted that phone and so I made a special effort to get it...The Sprint kiosk which is a small area from which they can have two people on duty to sell phones and help customers. It is situated right near the food court and also near a brand new theatre which has re-opened there. I had asked the girl about inception when it first came out and she said that yes, it is good when I asked her if she had liked it, and that many people were going to see the movie.
When I saw the trailers I formed an idea of what it could be about, but I had no real idea yet...but it sounded eerie, weird, and strange enough for me to want to see what this mind game is all about.
The premise is that people can live through each other's dreams and that one cannot sometimes separate fantasy from reality...In truth, it is very much like reading this blog of mine which now has a bit of an imitation of it as I could see the similarities to my going back in time to relive past lives and the kind of characters which are used in this film...some names in the movie are a dead give away too, and the scenes with the safe and the information in the safe is just as relevant to me as is the name Fischer...which is very significant to me...
So what I am saying is that this movie attempts to tell you how people try to control each other through mental thoughts and processes, and succeeds in explaining to me a bit why and how Hollywood is so danged interested in the state of my mind.
The credits at the end are almost as revealing in many ways, but because Sandra had told me that to stay near the end because there is a special finish to it...
I was not the only person who stayed to see the credits run, and we wondered why they didn't show some buildings falling down, but none of that happened in this edition...only Piaf singing her famous song about no regrets...
What got to me is that midway through the movie something dawned on me as Sprint had a big ad in the beginning explaining to turn off the phones in the theatre and that theh phones can be used as flashlights...and up front Sprint has a way to reward Sprint customers with free popcorn...my phone did not work that way and I had a strange email from the gal who took the call...
But because when I first tried to sign into sprint and it asked for a password, I did not know then how that worked, and so I used Secretariat as my password...there is a reason for that...and by jove, it dawned on me in the movie about that as there was a small ad up front also advertising the movie Secretariat which will be out this fall.
Inception was released on my mother's birthday and I am seeing it on my cousin and nephew's birhtdays.
But the movie told me that this sounds like Jerry Brown to me...I have no regrets was something he said in LA when I saw him at his famous senate race party in the Biltmore. Leo does wear a brown leather jacket in the movie making me think of Gary McCollim and his brown leather jacket...and there are many beautiful scenes of Paris reminding me of when I stayed downtown near the Eiffel Tower and walked amongst those same streets with the same produce stands...yes, Paris is depicted very interestingly in this film...
The scenes where the men appear to be going to the ceiling and there are other similar strange kind of mind concepts reproduced here did make me think of when I had seen the sun symbol at the top of the grotto of Thetis as I had floated up there when I had had that memory, and also at the scene of the Corinthian columns in Marly as well, as I had done the same there, so the movie brought all that back to me...Watching Ken Watanabe naturally made me think of my Genghis Khan sketches so I began to think that this is all about me and my memories...in a distorted and well covered way...So that is why I say it is so personal to me at times that I cannot decide if it is a good movie or not..frankly, I did not really think so...but it is a movie about fantasy and reality...and it also made me think of Bob Wagner and Natalie Wood a lot as the woman bears a resemblance to her, and Leo somehow resembles Wagner and Jon Voight combined...
It is a weird movie..the numbers made sense to me on the safe deposit box... a combination of zip codes and addresses that told me that this emphasis on Fischer is all about Cricket and my last words in my one short story I sent to them which were and are "It is a good thing to save a life." That story is about how to survive hotel fires. It was written for children and sent to Cricket magazine at 25 cents a word.
You see, this movie proves that with so many professional Hollywood writers around, I do not need to bother to write my own stuff...I can just wait it out and it will all be done for me..
what more can I say?
And the hairstylist in the credits has a great name...Jan Alexander...love that name! Thanks Leo!~and all others connected with this film...I got a lot out of it...as you know the archetype is to wake up when you catch yourself falling...a universal truth...guess it does work every time...
I just can't wait to see Secretariat...that is a story in itself too and everyone in the world of horse racing knows it...Ron Turcotte is the jockey in that story...
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