Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Light of Egypt continued

I did digress a bit I admit on my reminiscing about old times in far,far away midwest Ohio. Autumn was always full of autumn leaves in the streets and yards so that at Halloween time, we could rake the leaves into a pile and then pile them altogether and play tricks on one another, trying to scare everyone who went trick or treating. I have always been a giggler, and one Halloween I got caught with a group of others for soaping all the windows in the downtown business stores...We had to go back and clean them up as the police came out and found us and asked us about it...I stood there and giggled half aloud, and the next morning everyone in town had learned of it...We didn't need our names in the newspaper because that story spread so fast that we were all the "talk of the town".

I feigned dumb and pretended not to know anything.

Probably did not fool anyone though.

So what has this all to do with Light of Egypt, a book on spirituality, astrology, and soul? Absolutely probably nothing except that it gave me a bit of a foundation to lean upon when finally reading and embarking on spiritual programs that seem to be unuusal and different from the regular run of the mill go to Church on Sunday morning, and try to remember the lessons for the week.

In other words, I had a quite normal upbringing as a child, learned about Jesus in Sunday school at evangelical churches, apostolic churches, and finally, the Lutheran Church. Lordy knows there are more churches for Jesus than there are gas stations for fuel.

All are sincerely good people except for a few rare bad apples. Few bad apples actually ever penetrate the likes of small towns as small towns are pretty much the same, normal, ordinary, and very unexciting. Boring would be an understatement as the reason people live in small places is to escape the world of fame, fortune, and excitement, attractions, and the like. Small means simply one, friends, and togetherness as a whole and cohesive community.

To achieve success in the world of fame and fortune, one must go to major cities like New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Illinois, Los Angeles, California,and San Francisco, California. Even Detroit, Michigan became the home of music for black musicians, MoTown...BIG is where it's at!

So light of egypt is about soul and a group called the Hermetic Brotherhood. Hermes is one of the famous Greek mythological creatures...a bit like Mercury as he is ruler of thought and speed. Both can be transposed so to speak.

I finally read the book which described seven soul senses...and as I read the book, I began to feel its influence on me...I consider myself an adept as described in this I began to look for my twin soul which is also described in this book.

It is a powerful book, but one that must be read with caution and advice. As I have discussed the concept of reincarnation here a lot ( a term that I do not really like as such...but it is rebirth of the soul into different flesh at different times in history) I must explain that according to this cult group, reincarnation does not exist at all except in rare cases...either for people who have been the victims of abortion or who are messianic in nature.

I did actually activate my soul senses and for that reason I am a believer in many parts of this is also one reason that I believe that Thomas Burgoyne may have erred some in this book since I had had memories of times past as I have already enumerated, but also the development of the soul senses.

I have an ability which I do not like to discuss always, but I can see people's souls as described in this book, Light of Egypt. I can tell whether a person is a black soul or a white soul, and believe it or not, black and white is how the soul reveals itself.

Without knowing it, many people are black souls which is an undesirable condition. Black is a void, lack of light. White souls are the spiritually evolved, the advanced, the enlightened, the good, the spiritually evolving into angelic status.

I will not go into all of this at this writing now. I only recommend that one read the book to understand its lessons. It is another of those that does say what is loosed is loosed, what is bound is bound. It is the keys to Heaven.

I have experienced untold spiritual beauty as a result of learning of this cult group and its teachings...the entire premise is that all of life begins as a basic unit and advances in stages to angelic status into Heaven and at oneness with the great master of all...It discusses odylic spheres, twin souls, vegetarianism, angelic realms, thought transmissions,etc. In fact, thought transmissions are developed very thoroughly in this text.

I can only suggest reading it to learn of its contents if you can make the time...if it activates something within yourself, then you will know it and realize it as I had done many years ago...It affected my thinking...I chose to think that the spiritual life is the better life to develop for happiness...

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