Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Marie Antoinette and Pope John Paul II

Ironically, Pope John Paul II is announced on the anniversary of Queen MarieAntoinette's day of execution. He died on my grandmother on my mother's sides birthday. That happens also to be the day of Thomas Jefferson's original date of birth before the calendar change. One of the things that I learned at Monticello is that on the gravestone of Thomas Jefferson is his date of birth, and he records it as April 2. George Washington celebrated his birthday both on Feb.11 and Feb. 22, being a bit more flexible about the calendar change. It must have been a bit confusing for these men to have to adapt to that kind of change in that time period.

My grandmother was killed in an auto accident on that date. Get this about her...her sons were born on the exact same days as Prince William and Prince Harry.

My uncles were born prior to the English princes, but it is interesting that my mother's birthday is the same day as the day that Mary Todd Lincoln died. Just for things that happen on this day...

I have always thought that it quite peculiar that Princess Diana died in the same manner as my grandmother, in an automobile accident. I was exactly 50 days old when my grandmother was killed. I was the only child of her grandchildren that she ever came to know. She is the relative to Robert E. Lee, as her maiden name was Lee.

Now are these things all coincidences? Just believe it or not peculiarities...most likely...but they are strange to consider.

When I learned the connection between my dad's birthday and that of William the Conqueror I almost became concerned...My dad's middle name is William.

Does any of this matter? Probably not...except for the connection to the Pope as I think that that does matter. I am convinced that the tomb about which Nostradamus speaks is the tomb of GW. When Peter's tomb is opened...You will have to read my mind to understand that...the timing is such that I found the original tomb of Washington at a time when the second John Paul is being elected...

In all of this I have called myself Peter Janet many times...Tony Hillerman in one of his novels calls a character Janet Pete. I became aware of that character and saw a relationship in it...I called myself Peter Janet because of the key phrase, what I loose will be loosed, what I bind will be bound..I have been given the keys to Heaven...

I will say no more for now...I have been studying this for lo many it echoing? eavesdropping? uncontrollable and unknown thought transmission, for thought flies as rapidly as wildfire? is it the key speaks, others repeat?

Or is it Peter Janet? What I loose is loosed, what I bind is bound...I know the truth of it.

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