Because we all are a product of our environments, our educational system, our parent's form of childrearing, we become the kind of individuals that we are. A youn girl last night was featured on NBC's America's Got Talent who has a voice of a mature thirty year old but she is only ten. Someone commented that in terms of reincarnation she seems like a mature woman.
Milton is quoted as saying that children are not innocent.
Apparently,as a child Alexander was also quite mature and adult in terms of his thinking according to reports made by a group of Persians who had visited his father's palace in Macedonia and there talked to the young prince who was interested in the kind of details about the country that an adult would want to know.
Many children who are considered prodigies are often said to probably be a soul reborn. They appear to be so mature and so adult at a young age which cannot be due to education, training, or parental care, but rather they seem to have an innate maturity meaning that those who believe in reincarnation can make the case that this is a soul reborn.
In fact, reincarnation as such cannot be proved in scientific methods. One major reason is that in order to prove something one must have a belief in it or a hypothesis or theory about it. And children are generally grown before anyone can ever really take notice of them. Only the people who are Buddhists or Hindu seem to pay attention to the words of young children to notice if they indicate any evidence of information that would lead to one proving a case of reincarnation. As a matter of fact, t.v. shows in India do have the subject of reincarnation for their audiences, and some of these shows are on youtube also.
Through studying the life of Alexander the Great in the way of reliving his life, I learned to let today go while embracing the time of Alexander. As a result, I realize that all behaviour is due to the impact of place in which we are born, the parents we have, the educational system, and the economic state of the country or city in which we live.
Today, we frown upon the annihilation of groups of people yet it does continue today as much as it did yesterday, but with different weapons.
In order for man to survive today, we still raise poultry, cattle, and we continue to slaughter these animals to eat so that we survive.
We think only in terms of the circle in which we live.
So when I am back in the time of Alexander, I am in a totally different thinking pattern which has been instilled in me due to the same above influences: family, location, wealth, and goals of the immediate times.
While Alexander today is remembered primarily for his military works, his real legacy is his city building and his civic efforts. He founded many cities, which of course at the time, had great value and importance to his securing his kingdom and making it operable for him to succeed in his goals. He was trying to united several nations under one culture and that was the Hellenic culture.
I see Alexander's work as that of the farmer: the military tilled the fields and the seeds of the civilization were then planted. Alexander worked in two ways: military if opposed, and cityplanning to plant the seeds and raise the crops...
Egypt submitted to Alexander when he entered, and he was recognized as a phaoroh, and was given the keys to the city. He is emblazoned there in some halls found in Egypt, and he enjoyed building a city which became one of the most influential and important cities in the Mediterranean: Alexandria. There were no battles, no wars, but only a peaceful entry and reception.
However, challenge and adversity are tools to measure greatness so when put to the test, Alexander with his Egptian approval and recognition, succeeded to make his claim to King of All Asia by conquering the overconfident and over satiated King Darius.
I am convinced that Alexander is a man of destiny. He was born to achieve a spiritual goal in creating a new way of life for the region of the world which had become decadent and corrupted. He was the fresh breath of air that was needed to restore human dignity and freedom to the enslaved.
While he personally is immersed into the formation of the new day, he could envision a kingdom to which he could claim that he had achieved his dream...king of the world.
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