Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Digital Fortress/Power of Internet

Digital Fortress is a novel spun by Dan Brown who uses the National Security Agency as his backdrop for a suspenseful story about the use of the internet and the kind of people who work to protect the USA against evil deeds from enemy sources.

I have always maintained that I have been the victim of eavesdropping devices, since my students long ago alerted me to the fact that our school system was the model for movie and television plots. Believe it or not, I did listen to these young kids who knew so much more than I had already known. I had early on been advised by a faculty member who was in the know about professional cartoonists who would use real people to make plots for their cartoons, but I soon learned that all of Hollywood does the same things.

So many t.v. shows took their dialogue directly from real life situations. Why anybody would ever zero in on us is more than I can know, but Hollywood minds are not to be really understood. They seem to like to prey on the helpless and the weak.

I had entered this world in my grandfather's house. I was not born in a hospital. I had a bit of a mystique about my birth as my mother had told me that during the process she had seen five men appear to her to give her advice on how to deliver me, and these men were all bearded and stood around her while she did as prompted. That is her story. The truth is that five days before her death, five angels appeared in the sky above the house in the form of clouds. I had seen an angel earlier in Las Vegas above the Bellagio Casino, and there is a famous angel cloud seen in the city of Montoursville, PA. It was photographed. It was seen as a reminder of the death of the French Club who had been aboard the famed TWA 800 flight to Paris.

I kept a copy of the angel over the football field, but did not photograph either the angel over the Bellagio (did draw sketch though) and remember the five angels which came over the house five days before my mother died on a Friday. That Sunday I had plugged in the vacuum to sweep the floor which caused one of the electrical units to shut down so I had to go outside to the box and reset it...looking up I saw five cloud angels overhead and studied them for awhile. I had no idea what they represented. The angel that appeared over Bellagio preceded the death of JFK, jr., believe it or not by 4 days.

I am trying to figure how I jumped from Digital Fortress to this time in my life which is so long ago now...well, I guess I was explaining my birth and entry into the world. I had copper colored hair according to my mother. I would not know. Babies know nothing of themselves at that time in their life to recall later.

At any rate for some unknown reason to me, I eventually learned that I had been the subject of some Hollywood interest even before I eventually landed in California. I do not know why anyone would be interested in me as I have no talent, nor the looks or appearance to go Hollywood. Granted, Hollywood is not the beauty capital of the world, nor is NYC, but you have to be somewhat photogenic to make it in the world of cinematography, photographs, and film.

I had a toothy smile, and became famous amongst my students and friends for my teeth. It became an object of discussion even on the Marlo Thomas show one time as I remember a student asking me why I didn't file them down. I saw that later on a show with Marlo Thomas of all people.

I still did not take it that personally even then.

But before too long, I began to see that HOllywood was actively copying me and my students, and other faculty members as well. HOw this can be is more than I know, but at an auto show in Flint, Michigan, an actress did show me exactly how it is done as she mimicked and repeated back to me everything that I did while there.

Hollywood is the real shadow of the real thing is what I am saying.

So Digital Fortress takes this to the internet, to emails, and to the world of computers. The story tells how the NSA has saved many an American city from threats from terrorists and other foreign enemies through reading emails and translating them.

It is the code breaker. Try to beat them at their game and you cannot. Of course, this is all fiction and finally a publicity stunt to help alleviate fears about terrorists threats. But also a warning to others that the NSA has intelligence bigger than any other out there.

So why not just speak plainly...naturally, all this is belied by 9/11 which did happen. Something got past those codebreakers that time, didn't it?

So with Hollywood parroting back anything said between me and my associates, why would anyone of us ever say anything that would be worth repeating anyway? My dad just cursed a mother and I would often just write on pads that can be lifted and erased immediately. But Oliver Stone proved to me that there was either a camera in the house or that remote viewing is a given fact as one of his movies depicted my mother and me just exactly as we had done it. I had told her I would prove it to her and with his help I finally did.

He used a parody on I love Lucy in his movie Natural Born mother and I patted each other on the butt exactly as did the pair in the movie in that little movie inside movie...How did Oliver do it? Only Oliver knows...but I recognized myself well...I found the scene from the movie, and I have to make some remarks about that. First of all, the dialogue is nothing that either my mother or I said to one another, but the movie version that I saw was a bit more the way my mother and I had done to one another, not quite the same as Rodney's clutching the butt of his daughter...but my mother and I are both simultaneously patting each other's butt which is what caught my attention when I finally saw this scene.

This is also a satire of All in the Family, so we can see that it is a CBS ripoff.

But then CBS has made much money ripping my family off as I was seen as Gloria for years until I went to Florida and a guy told me that I was the Edith character. I thought him to be preposterous. He is the forerunner of Barack Obama today.

He was set up too, and was seen on the t.v. show The Gambler. He showed me his basketball number which matched the number in the t.v. movie also. He was the maintenance man who had been in my apartment...a forerunner to OJ as well. It is a very long story. He was an African from Alabama, and taught me survival lessons known only to the black people. I got a telephone as a result. He drove a yellow convertible, and admitted I am right when he did see the movie The Gambler. Every word came back verbatim...Hollywood is a lot like a court reporter that way.

My friend's mother had always been the Edith character, and Gloria was born during my years at GHS. Norman Lear, who I have already mentioned here, is reponsible for that bit of watching real life and parroting it back in t.v. life, making people believe it was Queen's New York when in reality, it is a combination of Azusa and Flint, Michigan.

That is Hollywood...change the names and the places, fool the people, for aren't we all a bit so ugly that nobody can see the truth as truth is beauty, and lies are lies and lies are ugly.

Once upon a time I had dated a man who was very into Hollywood. He told me to always be on stage. I have never forgotten that lesson. One must always act! Hollywood has no real imagination! So just play the game! Act for all it is worth!

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