Today is Sunday when most practicing Christians attend church services. Believe it or not, the real reason that most people who say that they are Christian do not go to church to verify it in person is due to the fact that Christian leaders do not know how to make the gospel of Jesus Christ interesting or appealing.
Church is like some kind of state prison whereupon one can get fed only bread and wine on rare occasions, and one must sit still while listening to the rantings and ravings of a church minister who needs an audience for his weekly dramatic show.
That is of course in the churches that allow and permit ministers to rant and rave while trying to pretend that they are giving a sermon on living. I grew up on that kind of church going experience, where the audience shouted, the pastor screamed, and ranted and raved as he pranced across the stage, threatening hell fire to any who did not repent and be saved! Oh Heavens! I could hardly believe that this is salvation...not knowing what salvation is anyway.
Then we would sing songs, tears would roll down some people's faces, arms waving in the air, and cries of thank you Jesus...over and over repeatedly.
What a way to learn of God! What a letdown to later here an evangelical minister brag about how much money he had collected from the till.
And so that is how my venture into religious beliefs began...I did not go to church this morning...
The holy name of Jesus should be revered. Jesus should be loved, honored, and respected. The sorrow of course is that during his life he was not shown the proper due and respect by the legal authorities but he was followed and loved by those who took the time to listen to his teachings, to observe his actions and deeds, and as he walked and talked his following grew and grew, frightening the authorities who did not fully understand him and his calling.
His message should be taught. His way should be followed. To gather together in his name should be a blessing and a reward, a joyful celebration, not a threat of dire punishment...he was a gentle man. It would behoove the ministry to teach and preach his word in a gentle manner.
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