Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Time is everything

Probably the one subject that has produced more comment than anything else in life besides Love itself is Time. We just simply do not understand time at all. We mark our calendars, time speeds from month to month, this one no exception to that, but yet each day can either crawl, slow down, speed up, or just plainly zip past and none of us can ever understand why one second can become a minute or an hour it seems, only when timing it on a microwave for your coffee to heat, but by day's end, it seems as though it either flew past or it turtlelike crawled slowly.

I could go to a book of quotations and probably find more quotations about time than any other topic except that of Love.

I think people are more obsessed with love in its varieties than time, but time is what life is essentially about.

Where does our life go? What do we do with it? When we finally are held accountable for all the days we spent on the earth, how will we explain what we did with the time that we have had?

I don't believe in inflicting guilt upon anyone for their particular circumstances, whether rich or poor. Each one is give the same allotment of days, and to each person he will be held accountable for how he spent his time.

I am into the one on one thinking, that if one person has done one thing for one other being that has real value and worth, then each of them impact in turn many others in the ongoing process of life. In other words, one good teacher will impact one good student and that will proceed to reverberate over the course of time many many times.

So one need not be a glutton to impact many but rather should at least impact one well.

I am thinking of time because we use time to make goals, and time appears to control every aspect of our lives. Our calendars are filled with a certain number of days in which we must work in order to produce, and for certain kinds of occupations, length of days and hours is crucial to achievement, especially in agriculture and husbandry.

We mark the school calendar with so many days in which a number of lessons, and values are set to be learned and mastered before the end of the season. Our lives become structured by the number of years it takes to accomplish set agendas, whether that of earning a degree, mastering a skill, or performing a function or job.

While man may be productive to fulfill a position in the economy of a nation, many nations are nonproductive and many people do not have anything to do but to languish around, to get by, and to simply exist. These people have become what we call illegal immingrants who move about from one country to another, hoping to find a place where they may find something to do, some life to lead, and some way to fill time that will be better than the way they had lived in the previous environment.

Isn't it amazing to realize that nations can be so different from one another in terms of providing for the national care of its most important resource: people.

But each one of those people is equal to every other person on the planet in this one respect: each has time, and each must find a way to use that time to his or her best advantage!

To be cogitated upon again maybe...just using my time to make a point!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today is another Day!

I have gone on a cooking spree. I have made cornbread muffins, brownies, macaroni salad, potato salad, and now am about to make homemade baked beans, Pillsbury recipe style. So I had to go get some salt pork today. And some molasses. Need some brown sugar too, but will wait til tomorrow for that and may make my own if I learn how to do it.

When in doubt, improvise!

I was writing about my religious experiences. I have nearly forgotten what I had written, but I tend to let these things just write themselves out. Did I mention Light of Egypt or not? That book or volume of two books created an awareness in me of mystical life that no other book has ever done, including the Bible. I often wonder at spiritual truisms as this book is about a spiritual group called the Hermetic Brotherhood.

I will not discuss this at this writing because I have to weigh the pros and cons of introducing it here and now. It has merit and it is very deep, and probably a bit too real for most people's tastes. Religion is a very funny thing as it is mostly social and wishful thinking. When it actually becomes true, and miracles do happen, and events do occur which can only be explained through religious instruments, then people can become frightened very easily.

It is o.k.for people to say oh they are the reincarnation of so and so because nobody actually ever believes anyone who says this, but tends to think, oh, so that is who you would want to be if you could be someone? We all do that, including myself.

I very seldom take any but a very few seriously who discuss things of this nature.

I think it turns out to be an ego trip more than anything else, and I am well aware that that is probably what people have thought of me. I could understand why if they do.

However, that is really funny when you finally examine it. I would not have liked any of these people had I known any of them without my spiritual knowledge. I could literally land into them so fierce and hard as not to be funny. I could decimate each and every one of them as many people have done and will do. That is one of the problems of becoming a person who is famous and a part of history. There is no end of exposure over time to every thought, word, and deed known to mankind. Famous people end up dirtied and sullied more than any other people on the planet. Nobody can appreciate anonymity now more than I do. Everyone thinks being famous would be such a great thing to achieve...for those who are held up as so called models to imitate, that can be true. But there is nothing so aggravating to anyone anywhere as to be someone who is envied and mocked.

But they do weather the test of time, and each generation will contribute to the bulk of knowledge about each one, as it can never be stopped so that I am at least blessed with the inner knowledge which is mine alone, so that I can say that the truth of my soul is better than any historian can or will ever know.

So on that note, I finally appreciate all this effort so much better and that is why I am writing this. To fathom and accept it for what it is: a blessing.

Religious beliefs continued 3

Because of Left Behind series which deals with a real person being an Antichrist, I have been discussing the various concepts which are antiChristian in nature. An actual real AntiChrist is something that I will leave to the individual interpretation of each Biblical scripture. Were I to write a book similar to the one that these two men have written the antichrist would not be a suave blonde Robert Redford lookalike whose false piety was too easy to see through in the beginning for as soon as he had risen so quickly from obscurity into fame I knew that he would be the one that would be the antiChrist. Many today think that bin Laden fits the picture, and in many ways, he had fit the picture of a portrait that Jean Dixon, a seer from years ago, had depicted coming into power.

To my impression, a real antiChrist is someone who would have abnormally superhuman powers that few would be able to resist. Few today can resist celebrity, fame, fortune, excessive wealth, and simple ordinary things like alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, meth, etc. All are symbols of an antiChristian lifestyle if you really think about it. So the anti Christ is ever present, not merely an endtime character.

Everyone seems to want to push something that is not quite ready to happen onto today's society, and it is like trying to get a seed to sprout before its germination period...just let it be and take its own time, and it will all come about.

I do not have all the answers to all the questions, and do not pretend to do so, but I have had strange unusual godlike capabilities that make me understand what a true god would have to be like to satisfy the needs of man's desire to know...I have clairaudience, the ability to hear spiritual beings speak, clairvoyance, the ability to see into the future, olfactory senses that are spiritual in nature that can smell fragrances that are not that ordinary man can smell, and all the other senses spiritually activated so that I can actually hear someone's voice within my solar plexus whenever I activate a post from them on the internet, and an ability at times to run a finger down a page of written word and get the actual mental thought process of the author at the time of writing, a myriad of such things that are out of the normal range of most people...amplify this a thousand times in all the languages of the world and it would give some idea of what a so called God who is omniscient, omnipotent, etc. would be and it is beyond most of man's comprehension to understand any single entity that could stand all this at once. Theoretically, if God is at this moment in full knowledge of all time, all life, all events, then all is a known quantity, and what can be done about it.

All multiple lives are known to God at once and it would appear that life must be like the living organism, with each lifetime resembling the internal structure of the human body, each lifetime being perhaps similar to the synapse in the nervous system, occuring throughout the entire body, or for those who wish to use the skeletal structure, each lifetime like the joints of the interlocking bones to make up the entire human structure. Get it...see what I mean.

At any rate, some minds are far more capable of understanding the mathematics of life, while others can understand the figurative language quality of comprehension. To comprehend an all knowing entity requires one to be capable of relating to that thought. Most admit that they cannot.

At any rate, I am in the state of believing that God exists, that man projects God in man's own image rather than vice versa, as God is a part of all, and while man may approximate God's entity more closely than other species, it seems that religious beliefs originate from man's witness to strange events around him more than from God's making a simple declaration for all to know exactly who or what he is.

So Jesus springs from the belief system of those who accepted all the stories of the old Testament and kept it intact so that when Jesus finally arrived, he fulfilled all the prophecies that had been given about him. Since his arrival and his departure, his story has been told, and believed and disbelieved by all who hear it.

My reason for believing is a personal one of which I do believe in the inexplicable as being plausible and that Jesus in reality is all that he says he is, a male born of a young girl (why so young as is marriage always only tied to the menstrual cycle) who had not yet had sexual intercourse in her young life, and a girl so predetermined to be able to carry the child and to wed a man who would care for her and her spiritually conceived child, proving that all the prophesies were accurate and correct in order to identify him properly.

He had to fit into a preconceived mold, and for all practical purposes did so, but his message deviated from the ancient conquer your enemy and defeat him to establish your own domicile to love your enemy and convert and change him to become one of your belief.

And when that day does come that the enemy is totally changed and converted to this one belief of salvation of the soul, then the world be of one accord and faith and will live according to that without bloodshed and division. It will be one world of one faith and one harmony, a symphony of beauty and peace and joy.

The true enemy is always the devil, which is also a thought process as Jesus said, get thee behind me, Satan, to Peter when Peter questioned him about something which realy meant that the Satan was the doubt or fear that Peter had expressed. Oh yes, of little Faith.

The day will come, but it will be a while before all the enemy is converted to this message of Love, Peace, and cooperation amongst many but it will be done. God's will be done! Jesus simply is the way to be, to be loving, kind, gentle, and true to the required state of obedience to do the will of the Lord. Love One Another! That is the great commandment.

So be it!

Religious beliefs continued

I had to take a break there...but Twitter got me back to wanting to finish this as quickly as possible. Because of a love affair in 1959, to a man who was a Catholic, a bad one, but one nonetheless, I finally looked into the Catholic faith to see if it was where I wanted to be in this church going stuff. I had already written my paper for my philosophy class in demonstrating how much religious beliefs influence in who we are, so I was asking for a sign to become a convert to Catholicism, showing the importance of men in my life. I became a Catholic then which did impact my social life years later, and always my love life. I was sincere at one time, writing to nuns, etc., seeing how far one can go when in love with Jesus.

Children are always the most susceptible and most zealous, so that when I was a child, I was often thought of as a potential child evangelist even. I never did become one, but my mother and dad often begrudgingly and sarcastically would call me preacher woman for many years. Even at Hollywood Park, one time, I got the feeling they thought I was the church lady on NBC's Saturday Night Live.

I was trying to impact horse racing with my knowledge of talking to the animals.

Won't go into that now...but anyway, religion does permeate everything we do in life, like it or not.

Which of us will finally be lifted up into Heaven at Heaven's Last Call is more than any of us know but I suspect that if I am right about God, more will be than not.

To me, the antichrist is more concept and idea than an actual individual entity. My idea for the economy makes banks the antichrist, and currency the antichrist. All are against Christ as Christ clearly told his apostles to prove their faith by not using money or sandals when preaching and spreading the word of God to those they were trying to reach in that age.

The very idea that food has a price tag on it is to me anti Christ. I believe all food should be free and available to everyone everywhere, and that all agriculture and all food producing industries should be borne out of love, not out of profit. All mankind should eat and be housed fairly and squarely. The idea that one should have excess while others have nothing or little is anathema to my idea of what God realy wants for mankind to be like when sharing their bounty.

Give freely, receive freely.

I learned when I was in Virginia years ago that an energy bank could be kept to assure that everyone be recognized for his input no matter his talent or his trade. Most people love to work, and some will do it without pay even. Putting a price on one's labor, one's talent, one's produce is an arbitrary thing that is ridiculous in the first place but it keeps labor unions going, banks going, and other businesses that depend upon profit and loss.

An executive who simply signs a statement is probably not nearly as important to real life than the legman who either digs the ditch, builds the hosue, carries out the garbage, but because he is the head of an organization he seems to think that he should be paid more than others in his organization simply because his name signs a document at a bank.

He is the CEO, and look how well over paid they really are. Totally the real form of an Antichrist if ever there was one. Do they like to hear this? No, of course not. They sold themselves their own bill of goods years ago or even yesterday, and cannot begin to understand why it is such that anyone should ever criticize them for over estimating themselves so much.

So when people discuss devil and angel, God and Satan, antichrist, and all, look around, they are all amongst you everywhere. Right now...not in some future time zone.

The one place I do give Muslims credit is in their attitude towards usury as they do continue to obey the laws that were written ages ago about that, as the Jews have long since violated those laws, and Christians likewise violate them also. America would not be the richest nation in the world had it not made interest rates so ridiculously rich for banking interests. I have an ongoing feud right now with a financial institution for wrongdoing, and the interest rate and lie that they are working clearly tells me the truth about this industry of making money at the expense of innocent people...

Yeah, Americans have to wake up some day.

to be continued later...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My religious conviction as of today

Inspired by a story that a neighbor and friend, Sandra Kuolt, placed on Facebook about the conversion of an aetheist man to become a priest in the Orthodox Church of which Sandra is a bona fide member, I am going to discuss a topic that I used as a basis for a paper in a philosophy class years ago at Kent State University. I may have mentioned that class already here, and if so, forgive me for I do forget sometimes what I have posted and have not posted.

First, of all, I believe in Jesus Christ, as most anyone can tell if they read well enough most of my articles. I do not need to recite the apostle's creed or the nicean creed as I learned to do years ago in the Lutheran church, the church in which I was first baptized in third grade in Ohio.

My first introduction to religion was at the Baptist Church in Van Wert, and I attended many various church groups to hear the same stories told repeatedly about Jesus so it is easy to say that I was indoctrinated in the faith early. My grandmother was a member of the fundamentalist Pentecostal group and I attended servidces there, where I learned about evil practices in other Christian churches and to listen to rantings and ravings, as preachers pranced back and forth, screaming at the top of their lungs, trying to impress upon us how we must all behave in order to get to Heaven to avoid the threats of long term punishment in Hell. Shouts of Amen and Hallelujah go up all the time in church groups of this particular denomination. I was frankly not very comfortable in that atmosphere of give em hell and damnation if they don't come forward and accept Jesus into their lives, and my mother who had a running feud with my grandmother then had us baptized in the Lutheran church to irritate my grandmother who could not stand the Catholics at that time. Catholics had done evil things in the past and the preachers would never let their congregations forget it. So the Lutheran church is as close to Catholic as you can get without being down right Catholic. I guess the Anglican and Greek Orthodox are also in the same line of liturgy and rite and ritual practices.

So I learned the Lutheran Cathecism, knew it all by heart, knew the difference between transubstantiation and consubstantiation, and all the other petty differences that distinguish each faith from one another. In the end, it is pretty silly that the simple law of a sacrament can become divisive and argumentative, but these religious beliefs have been separating each other from one another for years because of such things as does Jesus become real before or after he is in your mouth since the term this is your body is used so literally. Did the disciples at the time of the institution truly believe as Jesus sat there with them and tell them that this is my body and this is my blood that it was really his physical body and blood or did they realize that this is a metaphor symbolizing that physical body?

Believe me, these are important issues to discuss in each of these church bodies which for me makes all this life of Jesus become pretty down right strange. I do not for one minute taste blood or flesh whenever I do an act of communion, and I know very well what Jesus meant when he instituted that particular sacrament.

So yes, I grew up believing in Jesus as told by many different preacher men, and eventually even by priests. I have no doubt in Jesus at all as I have also gone back in time to see him in ways that are not even mentioned in the Bible. So for me, there is no dispute. I just don't listen to everything that each preacherman or priest says any longer.

Catholics know a book called The Imitation of Christ. It is a special book, and as I took some of the imitation of Christ very seriously years ago in California when I was teaching, I likened myself and other teachers to Jesus and our students as disciples.

Each student carries on the work of his instructor believe it or not, and so it is that just as each follower of Christ carries on his work, so then do our students carry on our work, whether by example or imitation.

So I am a believer in Jesus's teachings today, even more so since I have had the supreme luxury of learning of times past when my soul inhabited the flesh of other identities. I can deal with the fact that before Christ life was different for many men, and I do see the way in which the teachings of Jesus, his life, his example, has managed to change life on the planet. However, do not think for one minute that because I believe in Jesus Christ as I do that I do not also understand the meaning of the life of the soldier, the military man, as that appears to be the cause of my soul for all these enduring lifeitmes spent on this planet.

Yes, I really believe in myself as my memories and visions have led me to know myself in times past as someone other than who I am today. Can I explain why I am who I am today? Only that I have to accept life as it is, not as I wish it would be, or that it could have been. Many things affect us as we become who we are, and as I said, in California, Iwas teaching by example the life of Jesus to my students in a manner that is unusual. I was for the time being a kind of Jesus then,which is why when Richard Nixon imitated me, he said that he was taking the way of the cross as I had done also. Jesus did not fight back. Jesus surrendered to the will of the Father to do his will.

People will sooner or later learn that this is what I and Nixon both did, as we both surrendered to the inevitable without fighting back. Some said that I should have fought back, some still probably think so. There is a time when not fighting is a better way.

to be continued...long, long story

Off the top of my head

Time is racing past. I admit that I write expository style in this journal most of the time, explaining things away. Once in awhile, I will take a chance on a bit of so called creative writing, which means seeing if I have it in me to to attempt to share an idea here. Nobody understands writer's blocks, but one does freeze up to finally melt, letting it all come out. One reason I often block things is that if I once get started, I may never stop.

But yesterday I by chance made a new friend at facebook through a mutual friend there, and found the story about the members of the military air force willing to discuss their years of meeting up with ufo's and their effects on their time in the military. I have long been a follower of the ufo community, having witnessed sightings of unexplained vehicles speeding across the sky three times in my life.

One actually made the newspapers in Florida because many people saw it and called in about it. It was finally relegated to being nothing but space junk, but who knows for sure. It was a green light streaking across the sky at 11:00 at night. The newspapers reported it happening at 3:00 but then as the movie Dogs Kill their Masters, don't they? who can trust the news media any longer?

That was years ago back in 1974, but in 1975 my mother and I saw a ufo hovering above us after it had sped across the clear evening sky to come up close to us, and we actually stopped on the side of the road to watch it as it then began to descend, heading towards Bishop Airport. I often felt like we were in a chess game, never being sure if this diagonal crossing was the Queen or Bishop in the game of chess, but it seemed to stop directly over us, giving us a long look at it, and we later came home to draw a sketch of it. Each of us with a different but similar point of view.

Since that time, as I reported it, thanks to then President Jerry Ford's advice, as Michigan had so many reported sightings, that I gave a full description to then Alan Hynek.

So that is why I posted the youtube video of the military finally giving their stories to the Press Club. One can see that they had come fully prepared for their statements to be read and heard.

That is all I will say about it. Always remember to carry a camera and keep your eyes open all the time. Never know when you may see a streaking object come to hover above your head. My mother had a sense of humor, relating it to Superman. I saw it as looking a lot like my stenograph machine's cover. Open the flap and you can sue!

It took us a while to figure it all out We finally decided that instead of a hoax upon us it was for real. We were as dubious as anyone at first, but we finally accepted it as being something more than a government trick of some kind. Who knows about this government any longer?

Exopolitik-NPC Press Conference UFOs And Nukes Sept 27 2010 Pt 1/5

UFO discussion with the Press Club and CNN

Today is a day when finally members of the military discussed their experiences in siting UFO's during the past many decades that reports have been filed about strange objects seen flying in the skies.

If this story is at Youtube right now, I will post it. So I will check that before discussing this any further.

I did place a video here that is supposed to be the one that was aired on CNN today. I am wondering about it though.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Short one today

I had a dream this morning which really made me think. I had had a thought come to me last night when writing the previous post here about the series Left Behind. So this morning I had a dream about John Mann, my former principal at Gladstone High School, and I could see him as plain as day. He was with another man who I did not readily recognize, but I reached out and touched him in this dream, and as I was going into some kind of auditorium to see a show of some kind, I was trying to find a place that I could seat my mother, who was still in her crippled stage, so while I was trying to make life easy for her, I was making it difficult for myself. This is a bit of a conglomeration of a recurring dream that I have had in the past, and so I went alone to find another place for us to sit, and while finding one, saw that everyone was breaking the rules, and going to see down in front where they could see better, and so were allowed to do so. I returned to where my mother was supposed to be, but the men then decided they would not take me home, but I said I lived next door, so they were taking me home, when it detoured all of a sudden, and we went up a different street for me to wake up and wonder what the heck does all this mean?

Talk about confusion. I thought it sounded a lot like the mess in Left Behind a bit, but not exactly so. They seemed to be mad at me for some reason while I was trying to straighten everything out. No way can I believe any aspect of this dream, but it must have some purpose. I noticed that a dream I had had the other day, Friday, to be exact, related to the movie Mama Mia when I finally saw it. I had been asked to dance in the dream as some man came up to me and asked me, so I got up, and the movie then made sense to me.

To me, the locusts in revelation could refer to some kind of military device, as often dreams are metaphorical in description.

I do not see God and the devil in a real actual physical war at any time. Mankind is at war always with himself when he decides to choose between good and evil. If given the chance to cheat, does one? Some do and others don't. Does that make one better than the other? Yes, as the truth is that virtue is its own reward does become true after a certain time. One can like one's own self for being virtuous instead of being scummy rotten to the core. So in the end, yes, it does all matter.

I admit I was raised in an environment of lying, cheating, and stealing. Many are. One learns soon enough why it is wrong to do so. But in America today, it is pretty much accepted and taught that one can cheat and get by with it, whether that of taking tests in school, cheating on an exam, writing a term paper, or whatever. In the end, it will bite you in the butt if you pretend to know something but do not really know it at all. How many want to go to a dentist who cheated his way through dental school to make your dental life miserable? There is a good cause to demand excellence in scholarship, honesty, integrity, and decency in ordinary life. We need it to survive and to survive well.

The saying cleanliness is next to Godliness is more than just a trite saying. Cleanlliness of character, mind, and soul is what makes life good for all of us...a little dirt can't do a lot of harm, but over a period of time, if the dust or dirt is not removed it soon becomes a pile of keep yourself clean, and you will be better for it, to yourself most of all.

Left Behind series

I finally finished reading the last book that I have of the first five books, and am going to read the next to last book in the series as soon as I can. But for now, I do not think I will continue with the series after I read this last book unless it would be the one which follows it.

I have to admit that the last book which is called Apollyon did not appeal to me at all. I have come to know the characters in this series and I am learning that they will be all killed off before too very long. In the final series only one of the original is still alive, and I am not really interested in learning new characters that much, especially since it is getting into the terrible times according to the strict and literal interpretation of the scriptures that these two authors are trying to use as the basis for their storyline.

These men use individual characters to argue the point that a god should not have to coerce people into accepting his offer of salvation through dire threats. As the authors do interpret the book of Revelations literally, after all it was only a dream, they seem to believe that locusts will actually devour sinners who have not accepted salvation.

This part of the story strained the imagination for me a bit too much, and while I cannot imagine what a true antiChrist would be in this time of end times, I do believe that the effort to create a man who is so utterly devoid of goodness is a bit beyond anyone's grasp. We all thought that Hitler had been the personification of evil beyond belief, but I think that a drunk going down a one way street and running headlong into a car is as evil as Hitler who deliberately practiced evil work against the Jews.

To me, evil is backward and ignorant and stupid...there are just so many varieties of evil that to try to create a single entity with all the characteristics is borderline ridiculous.

So while I stayed with the story for a while as these men know how to write cliff hanger type storylines, I finally tired of the increasingly difficult effort to keep up with the seven seals and the angels and their prophesies.

I do not really recommend these books for anyone after a certain point. It reminds me too much of when I would hear my grandmother want to have all sinners punished for their sins, and I honestly am on the side of knowing that some parts of their books are true: it is only through God's grace that anyone is saved, and not by works, but by surrendering to God's love of you, but I also know that threats and promises of punishment for those who do not do this will not ever win any soul to God. Fear is not the right motivation for loving God and His will in the world.

So for that reason, I will read the one book I have left, and probably may make a final comment about it. But I do not want to learn new characters while old favorites die out, at this stage of the game. Learning that Chloe, Rayford's daughter, and Buck's wife, gets guillotined in Illinois really bothered me to know.

I think I will just accept that she is gone and not like it, but see what happens next from this starting point...sorry if that is a spoiler but that what I learned in the prologue of the last book. I liked her too much to have that happen to her.

Agh, it is only a story. I suspect that the earth will spin many centuries to come before Christ finally returns to claim his own...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Benjamin LaCombe

Axel of the Images of Marie Antoinette group kindly introduced the group to a cartoon or caricature that an amazing artist name of Benjamin LaCombe has made of Marie Antoinette. It is positively darling, and so I then had to learn more about this great artist, a young man, who is prolific in writing children's stories and making art illustrations for them. He is unique, but so exciting and original in his concepts that I had to bring his youtube video promoting one of his popup books here. He actually has a blog which explains how he learned how to do pop up illustrations. It is fascinating to watch. The video I placed here is a promotional video to invite people to purchase the book, but it is excellent, and the kind of thing that I love. It is fun, and the very best that I have ever seen.

Be sure not to miss his blog and his website. He is absolutely incredible! Tres magnifique! I love his artwork, and I am certain that more will agree with me than not that he is among the very best in the world at this kind of artwork. I love it.

Pop-Up Book - Il était une fois...

Secretariat - Belmont Stakes 1973

Secretariat and other things

I just watched the movie trailer of Secretariat which Disney has produced. It is supposed to be about the life story of the owner, Penny Chenery Tweedy, and of the horse Secretariat. I had done something strange last May when I logged onto Sprint, and used the name Secretariat as my password. It never did work as Sprint and I did not get it together then, but when I went to a special movie here awhile back at Tempe Marketplace I saw the small ad advertising the movie along with a lot of special promotions by Sprint. It was the Leonardo Di Caprio movie that I had gone to see, about being in a deep sleep. Strange movie but oh so true at times at how one can be inside one another's heads and dreams. Weird!

So now that racing is starting again, and Zenyatta has a special race this Saturday I just learned that the movie preview of Secretariat will also be on Saturday. Then a week or so later, it will be in theatres every where.

I remember Secretariat well and have my own special fond memories of that racehorse.

I see today that Cyclone Larry is who plays the role of Secretariat along with some other horses which were not named. But Cyclone Larry has his own page at Facebook and I connected to it.

As for other things, I am suffering memory blocks again. It makes me wonder at myself, because whenever I do something stupid like decide to put something somewhere where I can find it, naturally, I always forget where I put it.

So here again, I am looking for an object that I put away and had forgotten until this morning when all of sudden I realized that it is not where it had always been, and I am angry at myself for it. It is no big deal but it is disturbing to me to realize how often I do this to myself.

Renewing interest in Secretariat again seems strange to me. I cannot imagine what kind of story there is to tell about horses any more, as there are so many who have done so many phenomenal things. But I will say that after realizing that drugs are used to pep horses up, it makes me wonder why it is that a horse cannot be left to run on its own accord without having to have lasix or bute or some other drug to act as a medicine of some kind. If it is truly not healthy, it should not race. But some think these drugs are like aspirin, and just serve to dull the pain. Anyone really believing that is nuts!

Lasix is supposed to have something to do with the blood, but for the most part, I had been told that it acts as a cover to hide other forms of medicine that cannot be detected when lasix is used. There was a time when first time lasix almost always guaranteed a win for a horse, but not any longer so. Horses can only win if they are truly capable, no matter what drug may be induced into them. So don't expect to win just because a horse's program indicates first time lasix. It does help a horse that has the potential to win though, but most have to be trained to learn how to take the lead and how to keep it, or how to close if far behind.

Zenyatta is a closer, and is so fast that few can keep up with her, so I am sure that this story of Secretariat is to let the world know about the horse that some considered a "freak of nature".

I always remember that year because it took place after I had gone through Kentucky Blue Grass country that year. I had been tied to a horse named Cougar II then.

Willie Shoemaker had been the jockey for that horse as Charlie Whittingham had trained him.

Ron Turcotte rode Secretariat and later suffered a severe accident and he sustained a back injury. I just read where a jockey fell off a horse at Zia Race track and died from his injuries. The track closed racing that day after the fall.

Racing is serious business, and is dangerous. It is exciting as all get out though, and I love horses. So I will be going to see Zenyatta this Saturday and will see the movie though I am not sure I will like Diane Lane as Penny.

Secretariat's trainer is Lucien Lauren. I did see him when I visited Churchill Downs for the Kentucky Oaks. I went to the museum, toured the grounds, watched the film there, learned who the star of jockeys had been then, and bet on the Kentucky Oaks.

I placed an advance bet on the Derby and left promptly. The place becomes a carnival, a circus, a hoot! It promised to be too crowded for my meagre budget at the time, and while I did meet up with some interesting people there, I remember one in particular who impressed upon me that the horse is only a commodity.

Well, some horses are overlooked who are not freaks of nature but who have paid both owners, bettors, and trainers and jockeys very well. While Secretariat is a very special horse and gave rewards to millions who just wanted to see something spectacular in action, the movie will never be quite the same as when the events themselves took place. All of horse racing is a gamble! The movie is a sure bet!

A paragraph as if for a story

Galloping in a concentrated pack, Alexander led his troops towards his destination. Alexander, wearing a brown leather top, drove his horse on mercilessly. Everyone rode in synchronization with one another, all going at the same reckless, determined pace. Alexander's ruddy cheeks took the dirt and grit when it flew in his face, his massive arms tugging at the reins, his over-developed muscular thighs and calves gripping the sides of his great horse. He pushed onward, appearing to enjoy every moment of this breakneck race to reach his prey. He rode relentlessly, but appeared to be settled and relaxed at his steady pace in the rhythm of the march towards Thebes.

At his side was a companion who wore black top, black face mask, and his own black hair accentuated his effort to maintain and keep pace with Alexander. The entire cavalry was bunched together, racing at the same speed, each man keeping up with the leader, as the horses galloped en masse to reach their goal.

Alexander was easy to see, as he wore no helmet so that his long, curly blonde hair distinguished him from the other men. Otherwise, he blended in as one of them, picking up all the dirt and dust from the trail that they followed to the city.

The rhythm of the horses's hooves pounded in the ears of the soldiers, as they clung to the backs of the horses. The horses kicked up dirt and dust, literally pounding the hard surface of the narrow trails. Few could even dare to raise their hands to their face to wipe sweat, grime, or dust from their foreheads. The pace was frenetic but all in motion raced towards a deadline.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Alexander and Jesus

I am well aware that Alexander is considered a demon in many parts of the world. There is little doubt that his adversaries were afraid of him, and probably hated him, and reviled him. He has obviously two sides which are exposed to the world through historical records, one that is positive, and the other that is negative.

In fact, as I said earlier, when I first read of him, and had already been told by my spiritual guide that I had been him, I had said I had hoped that it were not so.

But that was before I came to learn of him, find myself going back in time, finding him seemingly coming up in time to me through spontaneous memories. There is quite a difference between going to sleep, being in a trance, and slipping back into a time period of yesterday than in a memory just suddenly coming to you, or a vision coming to you at a time when you are in a state of repose and quiet. I have actually been walking down the mall when a vision of Hephaestion, Alexander's so called best friend, appeared above me in the very place I was walking. I recognized him immediately, and noticed every detail about him at the time, and I received the thought that I was loved. I have never fotgotten that. It is like having a big screen in the sky above you with the image of the person on was incredible and still makes me know at how great the friendship between Alexander and Hephaestion had been.

But I was planning to discuss Alexander in comparison to Jesus since I am reading this story about Christians who are helping Jews to convert to Christian belief and faith.

I have had many visions of Jesus as well as I have had of Alexander. I have seen Jesus as an infant, twice, since him on the cross crucified, seen him in the tomb being revived by angels who are administering to his needs, bringing him back to life, and in many other ways which have been quite beautiful for me to see and understand.

Jesus gives reassurance. Jesus gives peace of mind, hope, and promise. Jesus is calm, relaxed, and persuasive. Jesus lives always in our hearts and souls, and is ever present around us all the time.

There is a complete total difference between the two men. Alexander is a holy man, a man of god, trying to be considered one of the gods. Jesus said that all of us are sons of God, and that each and every one of us who trusts and believes in his word, can find peace in Him and through Him.

Alexander is a man who looks like all other men, who fits in with his soldiers as the leader without causing jealousy and envy of his person. He has had to remind his troops of all the scars that he has taken on their behalf, and whether they know it or not, all the sacrifices that he had made to be certain to protect and secure their efforts.

These two men of the past are similar and yet totally different. I will attempt to explain the differences and reasons as I continue with this.

I was so just so happy to be able to see how Alexander had ridden his horses, as he used his legs and knees to secure his place on the back of the horse and with practice and habit, and familiarity with the individual horses, it became a "piece of cake". The simple act of riding a horse in that time period is totally different from that of today.

There were no saddles and stirrups as we know them know. You can well imagine that the very act of riding helped to develop those muscles as well.

More later...

Writing for a Reader

Platitudes are often statements that nobody can fathom. Don't look back, look before you leap, wore your welcome out, etc...Why shouldn't we look back, why should we look, how can you wear out a welcome...don't think too much about it, but we just simply repeat phrases and thoughts without giving it a thought.

So I am in this mood today because I have had a long night at which I could not get to sleep until five in the morning, being so caught up in one of the books of the Left Over series, objecting to a few statements once in a while. I understand what the authors are trying to do, and for a certain brand of Christians, these books will be well received, and possibly even heeded; but I do believe that a long series is likely to turn into an impossible task. I just checked them out at wikipedia, as when one is writing stories, one has to look at those that are successful to understand why.

I was just reading another blogwriter's comments about her having taken a writer's workshop years ago. Writers try to inspire one another all the time with words of encouragement. The real success of any writer's work is to find the right audience for his story.

So these stories that are written by men who are with the Moody Bible Institute intrigue me as they reveal a few of their own particular biases and prejudices. It is easy to see that they are sincere in their belief that people should bear witness and lead people to Jesus. Salvation of the soul is the main goal of most Christians, and some few are still actively pursuing that.

I read a poignant story today about a missionary in Africa whose needs are so simple that it was sad to realize how much we take for granted in our prosperity, not to understand that there are still regions of the world where they need real care and help.

If Christianity were not a whole lot more than just simply leading people to Jesus through whom all may ascend into the Heavenly place where he dwells with his Father, we would not have good works being performed in Africa and other places where there is still read need in the world.

I do realize that many of us are worse than negligent and derelict in our duties towards helping others, but each of us has our own road to hoe. another one of those platitudes.

But I think yes, we do need reminders, that to be a good Christian is to do more than just believe in Jesus and expect that when the day comes, we will get a free ride into Heaven just because we have faith.

The sorrow would be to admit that we had many chances to do good that we simply let pass. I am being self critical again, thinking about it now...It is never too late, but it is a shame that we need to be reminded so often.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hit Parade USA 1954 - Top 10 - DanntaS

Eddie Fisher - Any Time

Eddie Fisher - Lady Of Spain

Eddie Fisher

Hmmm. Second time this has happened at this spot. I am writing about Eddie Fisher and all my copy is gone now. I will condense this now as I do not like to rewrite that much.

I am placing Lady of Spain from youtube on the next post if it will work, and perhaps another song too...remembering Eddie who passed away at age 82.

Maybe I said too much...I swear there are censors everywhere. I always played Lady of Spain on the piano at my home in VW years ago as it is one of my favorites. Ironic that years later, I learn that Louis XIV's mother is from Spain as his wife. Makes me think whenever I hear this song how much I had loved it. I had a thing for Spain in those days.

Life goes on...Eddie did make a visit to my home town. Though he worked for Coca Cola in those days, he was written up in the local newspaper for visiting a local A & W root beer stand. I never forgot it!

May he be remembered for his great entertainment qualities.

Abba - Dancing Queen

Free Movie at Apartment

I put two videos here from the movie Mama Mia which I finally saw this afternoon for the first time. I had heard Sandra singing Mama Mia enough times, so that when I saw the movie finally I realized why. The girl who plays the daughter, Amanda Seyfried, is also the star of Letters to Juliet. That says everything to me. I had not known that two songs by Abba are in the broadway play which is probably totally written by Abba for all I know. I have not checked it out yet so will do that after I make my statements. I love Dancing Queen and The Winner Takes It All, and voia! they are a part of this movie.

So I had to place youtube's versions here which frankly are longer and better than in the movie version that I just saw. The Winner Takes It All is the same, but Dancing Queen was clearly edited a bit. I love both songs, so had to include them at this spot now.

Donna and Sam...very intriguing names here!

Mamma Mia! The Winner Takes It All - full song and video

More visions of ATG and GK

I had to debate whether to tell this, but as I know that there are many who are really interested in Alexander, I decided to confide it here anyway. I tend to use this blog a lot like a journal or diary anyway. I could not believe it, but I had another vision of Alexander and troops night before last, and it then blended into one about Genghis Khan. I had never had any spontaneous moments of Khan after my first initial glimpse into him, as I shut it out, but apparently, I opened it up after saying that sometime I probably would like to know more about him.

Since I am reading the Left Behind series of books, many biblical quotations come up there. I learn a lot through reading this book about Jews and Jewish conversions, as originally, after all, Jesus Christ is the messiah for the members of the Jewish faith until he opened it up for Gentiles also. So I do get some gleanings into the way that Jewish rabbi's think through reading this book. I had not known that a statement out of Revelations is also in the book of Isaiah. That did surprise me as I had just quoted it recently, and learned that from a Rabbi who is a character in this book that it is also told in the old Testament as well as in the book of Revelations.

It the passage about young men having visions, and old men having dreams, and sons and daughters being able to prophesy.

Peter quoted that passage as well I recall.

Anyway, I thought of that as I have both dreams and visions. My vision was of a group of men on horseback speeding through at a rapid pace some section of land, and I could not say where, but it reminded me of when I had been back in time watching Alexander and his men speed towards Thebes at a huge pace. This time, however, I was able to do what my spirit guide then had wanted me to do, look at "my" as the guide said "your" face. I could not do it then, but this time, I was looking at a man's profile as he rode fast astride his horse. I was able to see in detail two men for a fact, but the one that I concentrated on, whose face was up front and closest to me I could see well his entire body as he rode his horse. I noted all the details of his wearing apparel, as I now realize who he had been. I had then seen another man near to him, and in this respect, I am not really certain of his identity but have a fair idea.

I was stunned when later it dawned on me that I had been watching Alexander, and this time I was able to see his face and realize something now that I think about that suprised me a lot. First of all, again, these men wear minimal clothing in comparison to the way some ancients had worn, as their bare arms and legs show huge muscular strength, very muscular. In fact, I finally realized why people are so frightened of these men. They would scare the "heck" out of anyone today even as I thought about how Alexander loved to have people fear him. He is fearsome.

I realized also how many times now I have been able to see him from the outside as originally I had always found myself inside him so to speak and I had never really thought about how he looked. When inside someone, one only sees the objects or people that he is observing, but now for some reason I am getting glimpses of him as he would have appeared to anyone who would have seen him in this position. As they were racing towards some place, and on horseback, in what would be traveling clothes, or attire, the garments themselves surprised me. They are not clothing for battle, but they are similar to many images of Alexander's so called warrior clothing, but without all the hard armour. They were leather like chest coverings, reminding me of the one that is supposed to have been Philip's found in the tomb at Vergina. Similar to that...

At any rate, I realized then that the one bust of Alexander that truly looks most like him is that that has his name on it, a Roman copy of him in his advanced years, they call it. But I do not believe that Alexander was at that age in this vision, but he looks like that bust more than any other I have seen, only in the flesh not marble or plaster of paris or whatever medium they used to make busts.

I was amazed at how muscular he appears when on horse back, as he is usually depicted with muscles but not quite so massive except by the wall statuary in the Louvre by Peugot. His muscles were well depicted in that bit of imagination as that is probably more correct than one would believe. He was huge in his biceps and it really impressed me. He is a fearsome man, and would scare the h out of anyone. I wonder now why anyone would ever have opposed him if they had set their eyes on him.

The other man who I saw was riding near to him, and he was quite dark, even appeared to wear a mask like apparatus on his face, and I would imagine that the sun and heat may have required that some soldiers protect their faces. I had not thought of it until I saw this. He was equally as muscular as the blonde who I saw first.

He was more frightening in a way since he was darker in color and reminded me a bit of modern day motorcyle types.

They rode in a pack as they were galloping full speed, and after I had seen them fully, I then for some reason slid into a vision of a wooden housing unit, where I could see two Asian women, slim and youthful in appearance, and it dawned on me that I had gone back to see through GK's eyes two of his women. That lasted briefly but long enough for me to know that I was in one of GK's outposts somewhere where women were keeping him preoccupied and probably happy.

It took me a long while to realize that I had been watching the Macedonians and that again it was Alexander with one of his companions riding alongside him. He had a profile that was surprisingly easy to recognize, and so that finally I could make a drawing of him that would likely reveal his true countenance better than I had done before, although one sketch is pretty close to it. His nose is longer than I had thought and straighter, since coins often make one think it is bumpy. Not so. He looks most like that bust with Alexandros written across the chest. He is extremely masculine and it really impressed me.

I can imagine now why anyone would be aghast to look like that, to be like that, and then to find himself in a woman centuries later. I am in a state of wonder about it myself...I find it so hard to believe it as well but I have been inundated with memories of it and can only admit to it. Is being me now reward or punishment? I ask myself.

It would be hard for any man to ever think about this as I do.

Naturally, I realize I may have many years left before I die, but knowing that Alexander died so young to have to live several lives over again and again reassures me that while I may die soon and leave this tired body behind, I may live again in another time span in the future, and that in spirit, I will rest somewhere. That is one of the benefits of learning that one has truly lived in the past but is here again.

I also admit that I realize how important women are to Genghis Khan. I was also told that Alexander had had a strong sexual appetite with women as well, so that it would only be natural for Genghis Khan to have many women. The simple truth is that the mores of the mongols are totally different from modern man, and few ever discuss this. It is well known that the Mongols are the father of many Asians today.

I could possibly turn this blog into bits and tidbits about each historical person eventually. For now, I am arguing the case for reincarnation and its importance to me now.

At any rate, I have shared this for a variety of reasons. It just occurred, and I am pondering it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Back In Paris

I took the train from the Versailles to Paris and hiked it from the train to find a train station in which to store my luggage. I had to go to a train station that would connect with Air France bus service to take me back to the airport so while I was in that region I could tour Notre Dame, and see some other sites of nearby places. I met a nice man who helped me carry my luggage which was totally so wonderful that I fell in love again that day. He was from Ecuador and was going to the same place that I was going and so helped me to get there and directed me to the luggage location.

What a day that was!

I did take my turn to visit Notre Dame Cathedral, and at St. Theresa's shrine in the great church, I naturally had a momentary nosebleed. I decided to consider it holy then.

You might just know.

I did also visit the Concierge where Queen Marie Antoinette had been imprisoned, and everything changed from that point on.

The site of the guillotine unraveled me a bit. I have a bit of a preoccupation with that. All of France had been wonderful so long as I was sightseeing on the double decker bus. I had already been to Montmartre and climbed up that hill at Sacre Coure.

I spent most of my time near the site of the Eiffel Tower. I did use my little knowledge of French at McDonald's and was able to order. At the other McDonald's they created a line for nonspeaking or English speaking visitors to France. And a girl fainted in line ahead of me...what a time that had been.

But here I am, back in Paris, and visiting the Conciergerie, and it was not very nice to say the least. The atmosphere there is very different from the chateau or the gardens and all the rest that I had been seeing.

I had had two runins with some men who were not so nice, but all along I had actually met many men who were very warm, friendly, and hospitable. But one man on duty at the Eiffel Tower made me a bit putoff as did a man at the train station that I had to take to get to the Versailles. It was a bit like what, you want to go to the Versailles. Why? Then the mean one at the Eiffel Tower was rude and nasty as he yelled, open your purse! I said, No, I am not going in...He should have said, S'il vous plait, which he later did to another woman after the other guards talked to him, and some nice young people came up to talk to me to support me.

Those were the only two jarring notes I had there. But it did make me think of Marie Antoinette, and how mistreated she had been.

When I had been at the Hameau which was Marie Antoinette's own personal favorite place to let her hair down and be her real self, I had noticed that some women were a bit rude and snobbish, while others were very nice, warm, and friendly. I was never quite sure exactly what was going on in that respect either.

I was always alone when I walked around the city of Paris and the Versailles region, but I often found that when I approached people to ask questions, they were very helpful and very kind. I did actually walk across a bridge that was built across the Seine in the time of King Louis XIV. That really excited me, to see that bridge so solid and strong which connects from one side to another.

It is so much fun to discover all those pieces of architecture which were built then and show such excellent workmanship. Here it is, 300 years later, and I am walking around Paris and enjoying myself, realizing how times have changed so much.

You cannot imagine how much it meant to me to be able to see all these things in reality, knowing that now horse and carriage no longer clop, clop along these same streets that they had done years ago. It is incredible to know that I carry so many memories of yesterday inside me, as some kind of pregnant woman, as I believe that they are in my solar plexus, and they are buried within, yet always a part of me.

So now here I am riding around Paris in a double decker bus, determined to see every spot before I debark and explore sites. I did not know where to begin but wanted to at least cover the ground, so I did stop at Sacre Coeur, and walked all the way from the bus stop to the top of the hill where the church sits to take closeup pictures of the sights there. I am so impressed with the views from there, and the size of Paris that one week will never be enough for me. I will return to spend a longer time if I can.

But on the last day, I toured the cell where Marie Antoinette is said to have spent her last days, and studied all the exhibits that are there. A special exhibit was also at another public museum about the French Revolution but I did not get inside as I went on the day it was closed. I really do not want to recall the revolution right now anyway, as I am interested in all the places that were built to honor the King, Louis XIV.

I fell in love with this time period of the 17th century, and I love to discuss what I know of it. I will probably post one or two of my sketches of the king which I believe are closer to his real appearance that many of the other busts and portraits that do not depict him quite as personable as he truly is.

Remember, that while I admit to being in his person and seeing life through his eyes, I still treat him as he was then, the king, and as himself then as the king...I am today simply recalling when I had been in his person, doing his thing, his shtick, and loving it.

I realized something while writing about my trip to Notre Dame, as I always associate my nosebleeds with the statue of the king which is shown in a book from the exhibit in Mississippi years ago. He has a bit of rust or red at one nostril. I always think that the nosebleeds mean that I am in the time of Louis then.

That is a little aside right now just to explain away my thinking. Right or wrong, I see it that way.


Comparison of photo and sketch

As I walked through the apartments, I took photos with my digital camera, and I let spirit guide me. Several things were happening to me while I was there that are very much what I call paranormal. When I had been studying the life of the king, many visions of important features inside the chateau and in the gardens themselves came to me, so that I had hoped to find some evidence to show that these were actually true and a part of the chateau. One of the memories I had sketched, as I am very circumspect, to be honest, afraid that somebody can snatch things away as soon as I say them or think them, much less, write them, and draw them. So I am guarded at times.

I kept notes of what I could and I did notice that when I returned to the states, I found a remarkable resemblance between the small design which sets atop the crown which is imprinted in the fireplace. I had learned at Mt. Vernon that one way for me to prove that I had been GW was through a fireplace, and it also as true of GW as it is of Louis XIV. I went directly to the fireplace, took the photo, and when I was home, I compared my sketches to some of the photos. This is the only one that I will expose to the public but it does resemble a lot the top part of the crown that is embedded in the fireplace. Those were things that I was looking for to show that what I had seen in visions was actual and true.

So that is why I am putting these here now.

Photos of Evidence

Continuation of trip to Paris and Versailles

Where was I? I know that I had been discussing my visit to the exhibition again on Saturday morning with Gary and Ana. We toured the entire visit together and I listened and asked a few questions as well. I knew it was General Turenne when I asked Gary if it were, and he said that I should know. I said well I know that it is. General Turenne is one of the most successful generals in the King's military in the early days of the reign.

However, in the portrait all that one can see is the back of his head, with the King, I believe, standing to his right pointing at something...if my memory is still any good at all.

One of the more interesting things in this exhibit was a piece of armor that had been specially made for Louis XIV which does give a good idea of his size when wearing that suit of armor if he ever had. It may have been simply a ceremonial piece. Another piece that always attracted me is a gold costume for his ballet performances. It is mentioned on the video and is seen in both videos as a matter of fact.

I was rather struck by Ana's comment that it seemed cruel to have the Queen's portrait alongside all the portraits of the various mistresses who were also in the same location of the exhibit. Madame de Maintenon's portrait was the most revealing, and I must admit this now that of all the portraits that I viewed, hers is the only portrait from which I viewed what I would call "hostility".

The portrait of Moliere is still fascinating to me, as I will admit that I am quite psychic and believed that I had received a "psychic" message from him. Would you believe that at the airport when I left Paris I ran into a French woman who was returning to America after her visit there. I told her that she reminded me of Moliere in physical appearance, as she actually did make me think of him. She was a very nice lady who actually listened to me explaining my interest in Paris and this exhibition, and what I had thought of all of the time spent there.

Anyway, Gary and Ana and I proceeded to finish looking at objets d'art and left to finish our individual itineraries. Gary bought a book and discussed the marble statuary that greets everyone at the entrance. He said that alone was reason enough for anyone to make the trip to visit the showing.

So we parted and went our separate ways. This was our first meeting together.

So I went back upstairs to take pictures of the portraits in the apartments that I had seen the day before but did not film. I did notice that changes had been made.

Believe it or not, while the entire chateau appears large, the rooms are actually quite small in size. One goes from one room to another very quickly after having been there for the "dry run", and so I was able finally to take some photos and video film.

As I said this is a museum now and so portraits and other movable objects can be changed and altered very rapidly. I suspect that some may have been taken into the exhibition rooms, but don't know that for a fact. I just did note a few differences it seemed.

The water show was to be given during the late afternoon and I wanted to see all the fountains at work with the waterworks flowing. I stayed around, had a bite of lunch there, and highly recommend that one not even bother to fool with the food stands there. I had read that others had not liked it, and I learned why. Pretty paltry fare for visitors to have to find that the small food stands are absolutely dreadful in taste and offerings...Ugh! I did not like my sandwich at all, but nobody can do too much to ruin a beverage.

It is best to go outside the chateau, find a place downtown, and then return if you can stand to walk that much.

All those wonderful food stalls are very busy early in the morning even at the town of Versailles, but get there early as they become very busy.

So finally, I toured the entire formal gardens of the chateau, and man alive, if that isn't the most tiring thing to do, I do not know what is...It is absolutely huge, but very well tended, very well laid out, and beautiful to see. I made my way to the canal to see the famous Apollo and chariot but found it to be defaced and full of grafitti. I did not like that a whole lot, but I also found a very charming Frenchman who actually used my camera to take a picture also, and we chatted for a short time before I ambled on.

Finally, the show began, with sounds of Lully in the background, and I visited favorite spots again, and looked for as many fountains that were spouting water as possible. I took many scenes on my flipcamcorder and I have them posted, but they cannot be seen here until I get them on youtube.

The format does not fit this blog I learned last night.

Since I am writing this blog rather extemporaneously without too much thought of planning, and what to do to make it fascinating and interesting, I am just so to speak letting it all hang out. I figure that if I want I can go back, delete, and rearrange, or fix or whatever when the time comes. I may add lots of photos of the king, his mistresses, as well as of the others. I just don't know. There are already so many blogspots that use photos and gadgets that I will have to play it by ear until I get a feel of how this one should go.

In the meantime I use youtube videos to accompany whichever topic I am discussing if I find something appropriate to use.

By the end of Saturday afternoon I was so tired I could hardly believe it, so went back to my motel, had some of the fruit and cheeses that I had bought at the market in the shopping center, and went to sleep. I was bonetired, and it was my last night to be there.

Next day I go back to Paris to return to Arizona via Houston. So I will continue with that and backtrack a bit to when I first arrived.

Final Day at Chateau

Finally, on Saturday, I met my friend from the Louis XIV discussion group, Gary and his wife Ana, at the stairwell. We were supposed to meet at the small ticket booth out in front of the chateau but when I arrived there, I talked to the girl and proceeded to go to the entrance area. I don't know whether I was anxious or what, but I waited and watched people, even ran after one couple to ask if they were Gary and Ana, and decided that if I were to meet them for certain it would be inside at the place of the exhibit. So I was reading a brochure of some kind when they passed in front of me and Ana recognized me, and we found each other finally. What a welcome relief to have someone from the states with whom I had become well acquainted to help me walk through the exhibit again.

While I had already seen most of the exhibition items earlier, I was happy to have Gary talk about each item that the three of us looked at together. It is always interesting to learn from a history professor all about the King as Gary has a doctorate in the study of the King.

One of the most interesting items to me is in the video which is on this blog. The huge chest that is so beautifully decorated is just absolutely incredible. The colors are so vibrant, and the artwork is exquisite. I really loved that piece of furniture.

The carpets which are famous were a part of the display in that same room, along with many varied portraits of the King. When I had been at the Louvre, I had taken so many videos of the king that by the time I came to the last one which is a pair of small statues of the king astride his horse, I was frankly tired of filming all the various pieces of artwork about the King and only the king. I do know that he also became tired of seeing himself everywhere, according to some historian's comment, so that I finally realized why myself.

So this exhibition made me chuckle a bit to see so many portraits of this man. I can now understand well why I do not like having pictures made of me, if it is also a carryover from a time in which too much is made of one's image.

Now, on that I will say that again while I acknowledge it can be reincarnation, it can also be a special unique ability of mine to simply access a person of the past and get into his being through entry into his soul's remnant left behind...does that sound plausible, or is it a memory bank within my soul's self that lets me recall my own life in another period. I think about every possible explanation for this ability to relive this many men's lives of the past.

Again, I remember that I am myself today, and that I am only recalling it. I do not think that I am that person now. I am no more the king of France today as that exists only in that time period. I am a woman who is reliving the life of the King and I know that king very well.

I have always said that because I am a good person and know myself well too, as I am now, that whoever I may have been then must have done something right to become me now.

In other words, I have high regard and self respect for myself now no matter who or what I had done in previous lifetime roles to play.

So regardless what anyone may think about the king, as I believe that I had to have been him to know all this through his eyes when I am in his person, if in fact, it is something other than that, then I have had a privileged opportunity to become a part of his life as it had been then.

In other words, I am still me regardless. I am only better for learning of these many men of the past.

But I am inclined to believe that this soul of mine which had been that of other men means that GW had been Louis before he became GW, and that because Louis XIV's reign was so long that it was easy for him as GW to create a new type of government whereupon the time of service would be reduced to a fewer number of years to be held responsible for the leadership of a new nation.

It is easy for me now to believe that the soul which had served France so well had also served other nations previously to that time, and as a result of those experiences, it was easy for a man who was not too much better educated than Genghis Khan who had had no education whatsoever to rule a nation such as France.

Since I maintain that both had been Alexander before that time, it is easy to see that all the experience and native intelligence that Alexander had had did help both Khan and Louis XIV in their own times. When one understands their limitations due to their natural environment, one sees that the soul supersedes all the teaching and learning that each had had, for innately somehow they succeeded in being extremely capable at leadership and government.

I will discuss this until I get the final solution to this mystery which I am undertaking to achieve. Now I hope to return to Paris and the Versailles, but I also want to see other places of interest. So in the end, this will take a lot of time to finally resolve all these mysteries of a puzzle that for me is simply saying that I accept the fact that it may be reincarnation, and I am that person in a different time period, and I have learned not to be quite so hard on myself as I had once been.

The real joy for me is to know that our lives are kept in this mysterious place of spiritual dwelling, and that some of the things that are taught to us are really possibly very incorrect. The materialism which accompanied both Alexander and LouisXIV had been brought to me in a way that said that these creations are of God and man united in serving a single purpose and that they are beautiful and worthy to be a part of Heaven's plan.

When one looks at the earth, at the universe, one sees God's creation unfold daily, and all that man can do is to admit that like God, he too must create, recreate, and procreate. That is truly the real purpose of God and man in this time and all time, to be creative and appreciative of it all.

This has been a beautiful journey for me to undertake and to come to understand the reason for a soul to lead and to regulate men in cohesive national interests.

Fortunately, it came at a time in my life when I would appreciate it for what it is truly worth. All our treasures are in Heaven...the material will sometimes crumble into dust, but the spiritual will always remain.

I discovered the spiritual truths...God is beauty.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More on Chateau du Versailles cont'd.

So anyway, I would take the bus to and fro from LeChesnay to Versailles, which is a wonderful trip to enjoy. The winding streets and the housing development is so charming, so quaint that it added to the pleasure of visiting the King's home and seat of government.

I stood out like a thumb, I admit. But I met the locals that way and talked with some very nice children, high school students, and most who simply ignored me.

So after I left the palace on Thursday, I would return to the hotel to visit the shopping center next door where I found two grocery stores, and a lot of fresh food stalls selling all kinds of fruits, cheeses, and other delicacies. It was a wonderful way to spend the evening, and to be able to maneuver the next day. At which time, the exhibition was finally open to the public so that I did tour the exhibit very slowly and carefully. We were not permitted to take pictures of any of the exhibits as LeFigaro had exclusive rights and I did not even attempt to sneak anything at all. I have placed two videos of the exhibit here and the shorter of the two does show the actual rooms with the items that were on display.

This exhibition had taken the time and trouble to acquire as many artifacts that had been a part of the King's use during his reign from all parts of the world. It was a very exclusive and important exhibition to see if one is a Louis XIV student or fan.

Fortunately for me, Louis XIV wore wigs, and so I also wore my own Paula Young Cover Girl wig the entire time that I was in France. Only twice did I ever appear without it, and only two people ever saw me with my own hairstyle. I videotaped myself in the hotel room, and when I saw how tired and haggard I looked I immediately set out to redo myself.

But the wig got me through. It was a useful cover for me to wear, and I am ever so happy that I chose to wear it.

I wore myself out there. So I did see the exhibit on Friday early, took my time to examine everything as closely as possible, and I could see how some of the things that had been placed on the Louis XIV group that Elena Steingrad had created turned up there.

I recognized immediately a few of those items from photographs that are or were on the website.

Should I tell? I rather doubt it, for many reasons...I will keep that information strictly between me, Elena, and the producers of the exhibition. I will simply give a clue that it pertains to the king's childhood.

I never know who may or may not read this blog.

Anyway, there were so many stunning items to contemplate, but before one ascends the stairs to the top where the exhibition was held, there were two beautiful exhibits that I did film, and that are seen in the videos. Apollo in his gardens in all marble greeted each patron before climbing steep stairs to get to the rooms at the top.

Young girls were strategically placed around the room to observe everyone. Had anything ever occurred that they would have had to be responsible to note, I wonder what they would have done. As it is, they simply stood and watched as people wandered through the exhibits, awed and amazed by all the creative artwork and furnishings.

When I finally left, I purchased a book of Louis XIV's chronology of his days. Christophe Levental went to the trouble to write a two volume book citing the important details of daily life for the King. I have read up to 1665 but have been distracted to read other books along side of it, the life of La Grande Mademoiselle, the memoires of Madame Campan, and many others as I take breaks trying to read everything under the sun.

But thanks to that book, I learned to disregard a lot of the fashionable stories about Louis XIV and his love affairs. He had to make time for them somewhere, but his days are so full of activity that it makes one wonder when and how he made the time for women at all.

At any rate, after I finished the tour as I was going to go back the next day also, I decided to take the tram and go out to the Grand Trianon and the famous Marie Antoinette domain to see her Hamlet or Hameau also.

I fell in love with the Grand Trianon and the views and vistas that are seen from that awesome place. Because I had an experience once in Flint, Michigan, years ago, which I always associated with a quatrain from Nostradamus, I was convinced that it could have something to do with the Grand Trianon.

The Grand Trianon replaced a love nest that was once the King's favorite for his second Mistress, Madame de Montespan, which was called the Porcelain Trianon or the Chinon Trianon. The Chinese Trianon.

I have had trips back in time to places which no longer exist there such as that first smaller trianon, and I managed to see the exterior of it, as I was in the person of the king riding a horse up to the area where the horses were parked and placed while everyone went inside for whatever reason they had. From my vantage point I could see Madame de Montespan waiting patiently for me while her attendants surrounded her and made her comfortable. She had beautiful, long, luxuriant hair that fell around her shoulders, and she was fetchingly beautiful to my eyes as I could not take my eyes from her.

I had sensed children and babies there, and the building was made in such a way that it seems like a doll house to me.

I had no idea until I visited the Grand Trianon how beautiful the views were though. That is one of the most beautiful sites in the region to see, and it is well worth the trouble to make the trip there to see it.

From there, I then reboarded the tram to go to the site that Louis XV had built which is called the Petite Trianon. It is so totally different as to be unbelievable. One immediately senses the difference between the architects, decorators, and attitude apparently of the kings in each one of these dwellings. It hit me hard at what a sharp contrast the Petit Trianon is to the Grand Trianon and le chateau.

One of the most important things to realize in a kingdom is that the King is enhanced and assisted by his associates and ministers. There is little doubt that this becomes fully exposed when comparing and contrasting the three developments made under each king.

I was stunned to say the least. I had already been impressed by the cannons at the Invalides which is the site of the military. The difference between those of King Louis XIV and Napoleon's becomes obvious immediately. Well, so do the differences between the Trianons become obvious immediately.

If I can manage to put some of my own videos here, I will attempt it. I will give it a try.

Finally, I did get to the hameau which is a long way from the Petite Trianon. The walk from one to the other is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful and one must walk it to appreciate it fully.

The Hameau is a country setting that is probably more English than French in style, if the truth be known.

Antoinette's domaine is very lovely as there is a small stream loaded with koi fish, and there are beautiful vegetable and fruits in the gardens in the back. Strawberries were being grown there, and I filmed several patches of fruits and vegetables as workers were even laboring there.

By the time I returned to my hotel room, I was bone tired as it had become a long day, but it was well worth the time and effort to see, and I loved it madly.

Louis XIV, l'homme et le roi

Video of the day | A new Exhibition of Louis XIV

Back to Paris

I am continuing with my trip to Paris and visit to the Louis XIV exhibition last October. The anniversary of the execution of Queen Marie Antoinette is in October, and so it was that I traveled to France to see the opening week of the Louis XIV The Man and the King exhibition along with a personal display of modern sculpture that was carefully positioned on the grounds of the Versailles.

On Thursday, I toured the interior apartments of the Chateau, as I had managed to book a hotel that was near a shopping center in LeChesnay, a suburb which lies directly north of the town of Versailles and the Chateau. A train also goes to the Versailles area from Paris and so I made connections from Paris on the train.

Believe me, traveling on the train in Paris is quite an experience, one that I probably should try to remember how to board and depart as one uses tickets to get one's self in and out of the gates. It is a problem for newcomers who do not know how to use these entries and exits. I had to crawl under a gate once when I did not know how to use my ticket properly and the guards kindly looked away and did not question me or stop me.

You see, before that, at a different gate, I had had no difficulty at all as I just walked through. Had I used that gate instead of the other one, a different exit by the way, I would have been able to just walk through I suppose. I was very embarrassed but since it was so early in the morning, and I was basically alone, I did the only thing I could do and that was to crawl under to get out. Ooh, la, la.

I also just reminded myself that I have a book of tickets yet to use whenever I go back for the subway. I wonder if they will be any good by the time I return.

Well, anyway, first times are always problems, but I wanted to see both Paris and the Chateau du Versailles, but the Chateau was my priority.

All this French stuff becomes very confusing after awhile with me. When I was in California teaching, I had been often called Marie Antoinette by a few choice friends, and I never knew if that was flattery or contempt! I still do not know for sure, when I think about it, but one of those same friends did lend me a book to read called Confessions of a Queen by Victoria Holt. I read it and felt very sorry for her by the end of the book. When she was deprived of her children, it touched me very deeply.

To be honest, before I read the book, I had not really liked her at all, as my only knowledge of her was minimal, and probably due to Tale of Two Cities in which the revolutionaries are painted in a better light than the Royal Family had been, and Antoinette always takes the brunt of the criticism.

So when I was asked at the desk if my trip included Antoinette, I said yes, as I have always been interested in her life despite knowing little about her. So I was placed in a room with a portrait of Madame duBarry, who is King Louis XV's last and probably most controversial mistress. She was considered the most beautiful woman in France, and if she is anything like the portrait of her, she is a ravishingly beautiful woman.

But in the lobby there was a magazine about the exhibition. I wish I would have taken it, but I didn't, being a good girl, wonder why now, because when I went back to see it again, it was already gone.

I took with me my pentax camera and my flipcamcorder to film anything that I could and I did get some good videos at both the Chateau and the Louvre.

continued next post

More on Chateau du Versailles

I cannot right now recall every single thing I did on that Thursday afternoon but I know it was to see the apartments, and probably simply left to return the next day to see the exhibit. It takes a lot of time to walk through these apartments with even the small crowds that were there then. I had already spent one day at the Louvre, wish I could have spent more, but I made my trip for the purpose of learning all I could about the chateau and its fixtures that I had already seen earlier back in the USA in my memory journies. I had to prove to myself more than anyone else that all of this was as I had known it would be if it were all for real and true.

I had never had any visions of the Invalides but I had had an early memory of Louis XIV in his apollo costume. There was on display at the Exhibition an early youthful costume that the king must have worn when in his adolesence. But I did not see the exhibit until Friday and on Thursday, I made my first venture into the apartments in which he and his family lived. I did not take one of the listening devices which has a recorded message about all the artifacts that are to be found there.

The reason I did not do this is because I had not forgotten the time I had been in Virginia when a spiritual guide took me to all the nooks and crannies of Washington, D.C., Alexandria, Fredricksburg, and even Monticello to see everything that there was to be seen and learned about GW. I had never taken it that seriously until I did go up to DC to interview at GWU for a typing position. During that time, I had quite an experience there and so I toured the state studying whether it could really be true that I had an experience with GW as well. Frankly, I had not ever thought it to be very likely, but the spirit guide convinced me very rapidly how wrong I had been and how much I had to learn about myself as GW as well. Bizarre! You betcha! but life is full of mystery and intrigues.

So because I knew better than to listen to others and their opinions at this point, I was trusting in my guide and my spiritual instincts more than other people's ideas about Louis XIV also. I had come to know and like him very well and I did not want anyone telling me anything about him at that point in my life.

There is history's version of Louis XIV and there is my memory learned through time and recalls that make me know him better than any historian can ever imagine.

It is true that I am realizing all the while the truth of all of this venture into past lives and have had to acknowledge that much of history is accurate, correct and truthful, but much of it is also controlled propaganda intended to impress an opinion that the historians want to give.

At any rate, I was tired and exhausted from running all the way from Paris to the chateau du Versailles, and taking the time to explore as gently and thoroughly as humanly possible for me under these conditions.

The conditions are that I am in a foreign nation, which uses a language at which I am only very limited in ability to speak and hear conversations, and am also at home in France as it reminded me a lot of Ohio and Michigan in many ways, and I really fell in love with it and the people there who I found to be very kind and understanding. A few bad apples in a couple of tall men I did meet but otherwise, the rest of the men were charming, warm, and friendly, and very considerate and helpful to me. Especially a young man from Ecuador who I will never forget for being so kind as to follow the lead of a young Frenchman who had carried my bags for me. I had two men carry my bags and help me as I was using the trains a lot, and what a nice gesture that was to me. I love them yet for it. God bless them all.

The use of s'il vous plait would have made me like one man at the Eiffel Tower better as I did get into a skirmish with him....oh, poor Antoinette!

I will return to this later...must close now...I will stick with this subject now that I have started on it...I want to tell this story now...