Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

At 3;00 in the morning

Two nights in a row I have been unable to sleep, and that means I will sleep til noon.

I just had to get out of bed to do something other than lie still and think about everything so much. So I carmalized some onions and have eaten a bite. I have not been eating well lately either..I need to eat more leafy greens instead of the wonderful creampuffs that I have been nibbling.

These creampuffs are filled with real cream and are superdelicious, bite sized, and very tiny, dimunitive, and therefore, cannot be bad for me.

I mean after all they have calcium in them, don't they?

About the topics:

The problem with me is that I argue all the time that not even God should know so much about these people as I do, and frankly, when one thinks about it, nobody but nobody should ever know some personal details that only the individual himself should know and recognize.

I have been discussing God and Goddesses for a long time at LiveJournal where I keep a journal also, as I had been realizing through learning about Alexander that men who believe they are gods or sons of gods have a special kind of destiny. Gods in the time of Alexander are not the same as present day beliefs in Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, etc.

Because of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, the attitudes and knowledge of gods is a changed and different one than that which was practiced in the time of Alexander, Achilles, and Odysseus.

All religious beliefs are a matter of faith, but one thing I learned about Alexander is that he was a religious man, dutiful, loyal, and constant in practicing his faith, and that is one reason I believe that he was so successful as a leader and ruler.

I intend to place illustrations here somehow and some of these will be my own, as there are no such images of many of these memories. Mine will be simply reproductions of what I have seen my way, and a few may be taken from publications that I can use from the internet. I will see what I can do about dressing this blog up after I get the hard copy into place.

One thing I learned that is significant in these visits to the past is that the emotional feelings are the most important barometer of the joy factor in the man's life. The other thing I have to say is that these are all men, and I cannot do anything but testify to what I learned about each one through my means of discovery.

I make no apologies for that. The flesh is the temporary residence of the soul, and essentially this is a study of the soul and the flesh's importance to the success of the mission of that soul.

Regardless, it is due to the intimacy of the lovelife in not only Louis's lifetime but also Alexander's that I believe that only those two should know of that about themselves, and that gives me the credence to believe that I had either been them or am in a godlike position to now learn of it...for who else could know of it?

I must say this while I am about this that tonight when reading about the river styx and the gods who did not do something that they should have done, like drink from it, that they would lose their voice for 9 years. That reminded me of an article in the Los Angeles Times years ago when I was leaving California to go to Florida, actually it was an ad, about losing your voice. Big huge headlines...Don't lose your voice! Think Frank Sinatra on that one!

But it was about a political voice, not the physical voice, but reading the article made me think of it, and a story about Frank Sinatra came to mind. He was then just dating his girlfriend Barbara.

I had just taken a travel course at a place operated by a former airline flight attendant for TWA. Nothing hit me harder than when TWA Flight 800 went down in Long Island years ago. I had been reading a book by Lynn Hunt called The Romance of the Family, dealing with the French Revolution.

I may insert that illustration in this blog at some point after I make it legible enough to photograph.

That happened long before I came to know of life in King Louis XIV.

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