Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Anyway, I became inundated with images from the time of Alexander. I watched him cross the river Granicus to protect his horses hooves. I had never realized all that is important in maintaining a walking army and a cavalary. I have never been involved in military life at all except to acknowledge that some of my relatives had served time, and it meant something to us. Most military do not like to speak of their experiences, and I frankly was not interested in the military life until I came to Arizona in the 60's and met the men who flew at Williams and Luke Air Force Bases. Frankly, I had not liked Ike. I had liked Adlai Stevenson for his brains, not Ike for his military medals.

So for me to be so immersed in the military is a bit of a surprise to me as I have always been on the side of the Peace Corps, and the development of a means by which mankind today can solve problems without having to do battle with one another.

To me, war is a useless exercise in futility, and a waste of manpower. But that is today, and I had to learn some lessons, and come to grips with my thoughts and ideas.

I have had thoughts of cleaning up the earth, I admit, and one of the ways I have is to eliminate certain kind of persons from the earth who are a detriment to it, who make life miserable for others, and who frankly do not deserve to breathe the same clean air that I breathe, and I do mean that. There are people who are so despicable that death seems top good for them, but if I had my way and I had a lazer gun that would dissolve them, I would see to it that many of these same people would cease to exist. They do sometimes get caught but not all do. It is surprising at how many do escape the law when they should not.

Right away, it seems that I am playing god. I frankly do not believe that a god that is a true god is going to permit poisonous substances to destroy the earth that this god created. So for that reason, man has had wars, and often times, both nations fighting in the name of a god of some kind to declare victory over another...thus the Muslim and Christian wars have sometimes persisted in each believing that God favored one over the other due to a victory.

Well, through Alexander, George, Louis XIV, Genghis Khan, and Cromagnon man, and even Julius Caesar, though I omit him from this except for the one time I reviewed him when I asked if my soul knows of him, as I have not relived any of his moments other than the one when something within made me walk as though I were him in Vegas at Caesar's Palace, so that I know that these warrior men were aspects of a warrior god that did achieve success in the name of God and with God's blessings.

But for each one, it is a different and unique God.

Now I honestly cannot say that about cromagnon man. I will deal with him when the time comes, but I cannot say that he credited God for anything.

The others did.

more later...I have to edit some of the posts next time, and take this up later...tired now.

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