Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

King Darius's Tent

After the battle, in which all remains are carefully noted and given proper burials for the Macedonian dead, and all the foe are carefully noted, and laid to rest, having all items of value removed to carry with the rest of the gear in tow, Alexander proceeds to examine King Darius's tent.

This tent is enormous. I did relive this experience as well, and this is why I am so impressed with the folly of King Darius. I have never seen such a fortune in gold amassed in one place, distributed as casually and confidently as though it were at home in one of the palaces, for in truth, this tent is a traveling palace with all the luxuries of home.

There were vessels for bathing, vases, bowls, plates, and carvings all in was the most amazing thing to me to see as I walked all around the interior of this huge tent that was divided into many different rooms, and possessed items of value that were mindboggling to me. The beautiful silken curtains,colorful woven rugs, and a huge oversized throne and other furnishings turned this tent into a living kind of paradise. But the gold is what impressed me as it was everywhere.

While studying each and every item, taking an inventory, I realized how confident that Darius had been that he would win this battle. Had he ever dreamt that I would be now taking a bath in his golden vessel I wonder if he would have carried it with him.

To this day I can not fathom the likes of a man who would dash off, leaving his family, his gold, everything that he had for me to take so easily.

Next door there were the voices of women crying, and my friend Hephaestion who was with me when we searched the tent went with me to see what was going on...there were women all covered from head to toe in veils that covered their faces, and robes that covered their entire body. One of them, the older woman, came forward and addressed Hephaestion as though he were me, and he told her to look at me as I am Alexander.

There was a young boy child with them. Darius's wife who is also his sister was with the older woman (Sisygambis) and stayed silent and to her side. I could not see through the veil, and the older woman talked for them. I responded to them, and assured them that King Darius is alive and well, and that I would take care of them as though they are still Queens of Persia.

In my memory, I do not recall doing some of the things that are said that Alexander did. I did not pick up the boy and hold him in my arms. Storytellers say that Alexander commented on the bravery of the boy so as to outshine his own father who had fled for his life, and left the child behind in the care of his enemy.

I only saw the women and Hephaestion in my recalling this.

I saw only the women, noted only Hephaestion and his nearness to me, and then how he stood back and to the side while I talked to the woman. I recall that they are all veiled, and very respectful, and fearful, and on their knees also.

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