Since this is my first attempt at blogging this material, considering that my other methods of storing this material has not satisfied me as much as the possibilities of this one does, I am
thinking of writing short plot devices or scene devices as I go along...this is all extemporaneous without research as such...research is an excuse for travel many times, isn't it? I love to travel too to research backgrounds,but when it is either science fiction or historical materials, today's appearances are way off the times of yesteryear which is one reason the ability to go back and to regress one's self into the past gives a much clearer image of the times.
But to get started without so much explanation as Iwill be a lot like some p.e. teacher that kids used to complain about so much:
The classes for ballet are very rigorous and exacting. ". Stretch, pull, turn, arms extended, up, higher, higher, lighter on the feet". You're too heavy, lighten up, there, that's it, extend those arms, higher, after day, my muscles ached, my throat tightened, and I jumped, pirouetted, stretched, leaped, and gradually, my muscles adjusted to the routines.
Early in the morning, I had to have classes all day long, listening to the droning lectures, learning my penmanship, writing with a quill is not easy, and ballet lessons were a way to let go of the tedium of learning geography, vocabulary lessons, spelling lessons, and dull math problems. Ballet became fun and entertaining, a way to let go of my tensions, and my anxieties.
My teachers thought me a bit slow at times as I did not really like learning to draw the quill pen down to make a loop or up to make another loop. It took me many long hours to master the art of letters with loops at the top or at the bottom. I would do it my way, and my instructor, Monsieur,,,,,,,,,would admonish me with both a look and a smack as he slammed his baton down on the, no, go down when you draw the g, and so I would practice repeatedly, down on the g. You must draw up when you make the t and you must learn to cross it too.
So the chance to stretch, to pull, and to leap into the air was a welcome respite from the tedium of writing and penmanship...or worse than ever, learning multiplacation tables...2x2=4. 2+2=4 too. Take two apples and add two more and how many do you have? Four So yes, dancing into the air, learning how to hold my partner whenever I had a partner was fun in comparison. Usually I danced alone. The king is nearly always alone.
I remember when I had to sit and listen to parliament as they argued and harangued each other about some legal proceeding. I had to sit in a corner, and listen and watch, and say nothing, but take it all was all I could do from going to sleep. But I listened, and watched, and realized that these men were impressing me with their lively and energetic arguments about which law to enact and which one to discourage. They paid me little attention but were always aware that I am there watching them and listening so that someday I will be able to offer my opinion and decision. In the meantime, my mother and the cardinal had the responsibility to decide for me.
I am learning all the while who is who and what his real intent and purpose is, and I eventually know all the names of all the members, and who will be most likely easy to deal with and who will be contentious and disruptive. I really like these parliament sessions though for it gives me an idea of how government operates.
I go with Cardinal Mazarin nearly everywhere he goes as I am being instructed all the time in the ways of behaviour, learning how to address certain personages, and how to be addressed as well. I am the king, and I must learn how to behave with all my subjects as well as how to be addressed and treated by them. It is a long and exacting process but I am a good student and I am quick to learn.
Cardinal Mazarin is my tutor so to speak. He is in charge of the government for me until I am able to decide myself how to approach the ruling of a nation. My mother is the regent, and she is my standin until I am old enough to manage for myself. My mother is very strict and proper in everything. She still rules as though she is at a Spanish court many times since that is her background, but she does admit that she is now French and must obey the rules and etiquette of the French court. I am all French. I am only Spanish by imitation, but I am fully and totally all French, not by bloodlines, but by loyalty and allegiance and by birthright. My father is French, and my mother is Spanish, and I have Italian blood in me as well. I am a mixture that way, but my cousins are the same way who live and rule in either England, or Spain, or Italy, or Austria, and we are all very much big family.
My father died when I was five years old, and I became the king then. But because I am a child, I have to wait until I reach an age where I can rule by myself, and without my mother or the Cardinal's help. I do not mind waiting until I am old enough as I see that there is a lot of work in the life of a ruler/king. The Cardinal is busy all the time, and my mother rules the etiquette and style of the court. We are at the Palais Royale, and at the Louvre Palace, which are both huge and mammoth in size. I feel very small sometimes when walking down the hallways and peering into rooms that are way too big for me. So yes, I can wait...I will grow into the kind of king who will make the rooms seem small.
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