Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Explanation of Sketches Part 2

I added four more plus a childhood picture which I just recently found. I have to explain that I have very strong psychic abilities, that I also have unusual occurrences take place around me, which prove to me that spiritual entities are real and have powers unknown to us.

I included the childhood picture because I found it in a plastic case on my mom's birthday and it was a part of her things that I found so that I believed it proved that my mother is still ever present in some way and still looking after me in her own way.

Also, the video of the Versailles has a childhood painting of Louis XIV in it and the painting and the photograph remind me of one another in a way.

The other sketch is supposed to be a carriage. It is the carriage of Louise de la Valliere, and I had had a most interesting time lapse back into a time when I could see Louise in her carriage, and in the upper right hand is the Queen's carriage. I will discuss that more fully but for now, that occasion occurred when my brother and his wife came to visit us. That has had meaning for me ever since.

The carrige was a plain brown carriage but had elaborate decorations on the side panels which I clumsily try to depict. One notices these details when seeing them as it made an impression on me but when waking and trying to recall each and every detail, they do begin to blur and fade away...

My spiritual friend asked me after the crash of Flight 800 if I wanted to see what happened. The last two sketches are of my impression of Flight 800 the night that it occurred when I was shown exactly what happened. I drew the sketches the next day and told my mother about the accident. Later, Paris Match was able to verify everything that I had seen. Details of this later also.

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