Today is my mother's birthday. She would be 90 today if she had lived to see this day come. I am hoping that where she is residing now is a place of love and happiness for her. We were very close, emotionally and physically, and while we had our share of squabbles, who doesn't in a close relationship, we still loved each other very much.
A belief in my memories did make me come to know that we do live time and time again, and so for that reason, I know that some time soon we shall be reunited in a spiritual dwelling place, where I cannot say, but I am convinced that when we share lives together on earth, that that spiritual part of us continues to stay together in distant future times as well.
There are many books on this, supposedly written by reliable and dependable people, but I am not one to fall for every single thing that is written and published. Again, how these people come to know of this information is something that must be analyzed and thought through before simply accepting and believing as fact.
It may be true, and that is why some of this kind of teaching I have had to put to my own tests, and while I do not expect that everyone is to believe in my memories as such, I do expect that they believe that I will tell them the truth about what I have learned and am not attempting to deceive anyone.
There is absolutely no sense in playing the fool or being the fool, and while I love my mother dearly, and I know the way that she led her life, I do expect that in time we will find our way to one another again. I do not intend to say that I know of her past lifetimes as those are for her to know and to find, and I do that with everyone with whom I have had an association in a former lifetime. Each one of us has the right to privacy, and that includes our relatives.
I did sometimes believe that I may have known of her former lifetimes, one of which is associated with Alexander, as I believe that she had been Philip, Alexander's father, and that that lifetime did translate into this one to be very much a repeat except in some areas in which I did not attempt to try to be like my mother in any way at all.
She was her own unique person, a woman who had a rough life as a young girl, had a difficult family relationship, was the product of a dysfunctional family, and a bad father who abused her as a child. Her attitude towards child abuse is one that I could not accept, as I believe all child abuse should be brought to an end and not continued in any way. She seemed to accept that if it happened to her, it could happen to someone else, and let it be. I opposed that thinking altogether.
She did achieve success despite a lack of education as she was a high school dropout, but she became a realtor, a beautician, a leader in her community, and an inspiration to other women around her. She became president of her American Business Women's Association, proving that friendship and recognition is more powerful than a high school education and diploma.
My mother is a great woman. I loved and adored her, and still do..May she be in a state of real true love and happiness and know that I am thinking of her today...
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