Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, July 24, 2010



  1. Thia is the carriage of Louise de la Valliere. I had fallen asleep and had slipped back in time to where I am finding myself astride a horse and am heading towards my wife's carrige when another carriage comes into view. The curtains are closed so that I cannot see into the carriage, but I recognized it immediately and went up to it. Louise did not want to be seen at that moment, but I came up to the carriage, and could see my wife's carriage in the distance which I placed in the upper right hand corner of the page when I was drawing this. The carriage is what caught my eye, Louise's reticence upon showing herself, and my awareness of both women's carriages being in the same approximate location. I cannot specifiy at what event this occurred. I just recalled the event and was very impressed with the decals and decorations on the carriage as well as the fact that the curtains were drawn. I woke up then as my brother and his wife had arrived for a visit, and that is one reason I always associate my brother with Louise.

  2. Had I previewed this I would have caught thia and made it this.
