Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cleansing One's Soul

Because of the fact that I had already traveled around Virginia, having gone up to visit George Washington University in response to a postcard, and waiting around trying to decide if I wanted to move from Florida up into the DC area, I did search everything I could find on George Washington.

The odd part about George Washington is that his history has always left me cold. I had never liked him as a child. I could not understand for the life of me how it is that I could have been that person in a previous lifetime when in fact I did not like his presentation at all. I call it that now for history is one of those things that is fed to us through history books and legends that either make us revere and respect our forefathers or dislike them for one reason or other.

George is seen as a cold, formal man, and has an austere type formality that I had never taken to, so for me it was a bit odd to think that I could have been him in a previous lifetime. Besides the fact that he is a historical figure, an icon, and lord knows, nobody ever can really believe that that person is somehow your own self.

I had a lot of trouble with that but admit that the thought amused me and drew me to see and learn more about George than is told in history books.

Naturally, you might know I have since acquired a slew of books on George too, but this was all prior the learning of Louis XIV. I did not bother to go into the one museum in DC that does house the famous bust of Louis XIV. When I was there, there was a large promotion of GW during the Ford administration. I doubt that few ever could see me as having been George but some few who are important did enough for me to later make some important discoveries. I began to realize eventually that I have been long associated with him but had not known it until I did make search back in time to discover him in me.

For the simple truth is that George is equally as interesting and fascinating as Louis XIV, minus all the trappings of grandeur and extravagance, and is a man's man imho. It is very odd to learn that this woman has been a male in so many past lifetimes. All warriors, all rulers.

So I understand well the consternation of others who have given their lives in study to the history of these various characters, but for me the joy was when I returned to relive George's inauguration day (due to George Bush celebrating his) that I realized that George was truly a young man at age 57 and was a very personable man. That experience returned me to the time when George gave his farewell to his officers time, and believe me, then I learned the real truth about the real Washington and the fact that in fact some writers do capture the truth well. I found a book in the library to verify this experience. It was the most touching experience I ever had. I was reaching out to a fellow officer, Knox, and I broke down and began sobbing as we hugged one another...I could not believe it, as I was so concerned about my fellow officers and the soldiers in the army. This time did really tell me more about myself as Washington than I could believe. I do have a history of sobbing in all lifetimes it would appear.

But I came to love Washington and I knew immediately his devotion to his cause, that of creating this new nation. All the forefathers were that loyal and dedicated to helping one another in this effort. It really impacted me so much, as I get more and more disgusted with the American public each and every day.

So many lives were given for this cause that today's children must learn somehow to protect and keep themselves free and safe from the onslaught of decay and apathy and neglect. That is the real way that this nation would destroy itself from within.

At any rate, because I was able to visit many places, homes, mills, plantations, etc. when I was in Virginia, I accepted the fact that the only way I could know my way around so well is to have a well developed inner memory or a spirit guide who took me to all these places that only GW could or would know. Lord knows I have no knowledge of it at all and could not find my way back even now if I had to try.

So what happens is that when one is in the state of being of somehow having the past rule the present, one can find one's way to places that frankly nobody would ever believe significant or important today unless one is a historian, an author doing research, or a simple body like me just willing to learn and find out the truth about one's self, learned through the dubious means of looking to a mirror to see the image of the former lifetime.

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