I was devastated when I first realized that I am learning that I had been Louis XIV, as I had realized the amount of ostentation, extravagance, and extreme beauty and wonder of the garments alone that gave me the realization of what life had been in that time period.
Like I said, I thought I would always forget much of this just due to the normal routine of living, but in fact, that is not so...what has happened is that while writing these posts which some I edit and others I don't, I have again opened up that time period so that more comes to me when writing about it than I had thought would happen. I realized that when in fact at the chateau in that period of time, Louis XIV is very much in love with Louise de la Valliere, and her presence seemed to dominate me last evening when I was thinking about this event again.
I was devastated to think that I could have lived a life of such extremes to find myself back in my own small bedroom in this lifetime as the person I am now made me really wonder what on earth and how on earth had this happened.
I know the biblical injunction of the exalted shall be humbled and the humbled, exalted, but to my mind when I first learned this I wondered at how high I had risen to wonder at what I am to think of my present circumstances. It is a natural thing to wonder that.
I accepted very quickly the notion that I had been Louis XIV at that time as it was so obvious to me that that is who I am then.
But I did not know anything about myself then either except a few things which make sense to me even now as I think back upon this. I knew rudimentary stuff that biographers use to sell their books, but they do not know the mind, the heart, and the soul of the person about whom they write, and that is where I recognized through some of the events that occurred the recognition of the feelings that prompted some of the statements that the King had made.
When one seeks to know one's self, one wishes to find an identity of a person, but very few would ever suspect that one would find one's self as a king or a queen. After all, how many kings and queens have there been on the face of the earth, and how often are they reborn?
Fame is one of those status symbols that marks you for life, and nobody can escape it...but who but Elvis would ever really know Elvis, and likewise, who but Queen Elizabeth II will ever know exactly who she is. I learned what kind of traits it takes to learn who one had been and I could not escape those at all.
Like I said, at first I was very disturbed to realize that I had had such a lofty role in life to no longer now possess such a visible title on the face of the earth now. Invisibly, yes, I believe that my spiritual powers and abilities are much the same, but I have had to learn to reconcile the loss of a monarchy to that of a democratic republican style gov't. It is a very difficult thing to learn that one has become a common ordinary citizen after one has been crowned a king. I am realizing that the horrors that both Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette went through after I recalled my own past life as the predecessor to that unhappy couple.
True, I had wanted to learn who I had been, and I had to learn all about the kind of person King Louis had been, and I meant that he had to live up to my expectations and standards for me to really like him...I have since backed off that kind of illogical thinking but I had wanted to think well of him if he is to become me in this lifetime. What did he do that he has to become a female in a democratic/republican form of government?
But all I had to go on was memories which are stored up inside of me, and then I had to research each and everyone, and believe me, I have stacks and stacks of files to show how much I gave to this study.
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